Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Jade Empire is not on ultra savings but still I am considering it...any thoughts?

The X-box version was great and if I remember correctly, the PC release offered some improvements over that. Too, it's not marked way down now, but I bet it will be before the end of the week.
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Jade Empire was a fantastic game on PC. A bit old, but it's an RPG, so not a big deal. I personally liked it even better than Baldur's Gate II (which I loved).
No idea about the 3d, but Jade Empire is a solid game - the graphics are just old. The controls also feel a little consolish.
I just saw the price of a game not on sale so far go up form $20 to 30. If it goes on sale for 33% off in the next day or two, I'll be a little disappointed.
Title? Just for my own reference?
I'm only about 90% sure Lego Batman was $20 Steam.

Its $20 at Amazon, D2D, and in two brick & mortars today it was $20 (target & meijer). And could have swore before I went out of town for Christmas, it was $20 on Steam too.
I like it a lot...I get carried away just climbing building and killing is just jaw dropping on 3d vision so I have not done much story wise lol
ive spent too much money on these games lately. im hoping for a burnout deal. i need one good racer for the pc since i dont console
I don't know about everyone else, but I've got a serious list of purchases made up for the 1/3 if they don't pop up in the daily deals. Best part is that even at the current prices, I'll still be getting dozens of titles for under $50

Same, I had 11 left on my list to buy if they go to daily deal, now down to 10 with Guerrilla purchased, and will have to make hard choices on the 3rd if they make it that far.
Good lord, torchlight is tempting for $5, but I just got Titan Quest/ TQ: Immortal Throne in the THQ pack last week and have hardly even had a chance to play that...

Cannot make up my mind on it, I am sure it worth it for $5, but I am low on cash and my backlog is getting pretty outrageous.

I finally just bought Oblivion Deluxe pack this week too, and have been dedicating my time to that (after several days of reading up on mods :p)

Should I pick up Torchlight, or will Titan Quest be enough?

On a sidenote: Damn you Steam for trying to take all my xmas $, the Eidos pack also seems like a must buy as it is basically like buying Batman and getting 20 other games for free (including Deus Ex :D). Although Flora's Fruit Farm maybe should not be included on that list
I have torchlight and titan quest and have yet to play either one. Not that they're bad, but I have a lot of games now that I have yet to play, and many that I have have not been played enough. Currently working on borderlands and Far Cry 2 primarily, but also continuing to play CSS and Company of Heroes, starting to play TF2 and Garry's Mod, along with L4d2 when I get time with friends. I have damn near 60 games that I have yet to install, let alone play.

Still, I've been getting many games lately because I want to try them, but I need to keep things under control from here out. Regardless of whether a game is a good deal, I have too many to play now, and I could easly wait another 6 months and get it then for much cheaper (MW2 for example, sure it's probably great, but I'm not paying $60 for it, unless it shows up as $30 or less I wont think about it.)

Other games that interest me: Batman A.A. (have, havnt installed), Bioshock (have, havnt installed), Dragon Age, Farcry 3 GOTY, MW2 like I mentioned, even MW1, Saints row 2 (own, havnt installed), .... Wow, I own so many games but have yet to play them. It's amazing me. It reminds me of the excitement when I was younger opening that brand new game for the first time and having to play it immediately. I miss that, I cant seem to get to that point anymore.
How's Prototype for those who have played it?

Played it for maybe a good 10 hours and didn't bother to finish it.

Here's my brief review from when it was initially released in June.

"so, the more I play Prototype the more certain I am that inFamous is way better. I'm really finding Prototype fun yet very one sided."

That game was just way too repetitive for me.
yeah prototype gets boring after a certain point. I got a little passed the part where you get the suit upgrade and kinda put it down since then.
I was also thinking about getting Prototype and got the same sense of gameplay from reviews. You feel awesome and godlike trampling the city as you develop your powers, and then at some point you feel like you're doing the same thing over and over. Repetitive games really kill it for me, so I'm not gonna bite because of that reason. Also, $20 isn't that great of a deal unless you were holding out for a price drop on this specific game (I guess this game has never gotten a drop or sale since release, at least on Steam).

Torchlight for $5 is an instant buy in my opinion. At this point, even if they put it on sale for $2.50 in 6 months you can't really feel bad about it. Actually I don't believe I've seen a Steam sale on a well-rated newly released game for over 75% off.

Just my two cents... You have a little under 10 hours to decide whether or not to pull the trigger. :p
I'm "blah" about it and I did grow up with those games. I had shareware floppy copies of most of those games, from Wolfenstein to Doom 1 to Heretic. (and others not even in that pack, like Rise of the Triad)

Problem is, I personally have a hard time going back and spending any extended period of time with old titles, let alone sprite based 2D titles. Games like that don't hold up graphically, and when you stretch out those graphics on widescreen 22"+ monitors, they look even worse.

Different strokes for different folks. Just because someone is "blah" on something that you disagree with doesn't mean they're not a fan or didn't "grow up" with those titles. I'm an old school gamer, man; I don't know how old you are but I cut my gaming baby teeth on Atari, Colecovision, and the Apple II.

Like you said, different strokes. I will probably derive some enjoyment out of playing Doom and Doom II until I'm dead or my fingers are too arthritic to work the keys. For me, Doom was a pivotal title and pretty much *the* reason why I wanted a PC. After seeing my friend play Doom on his 386, I pretty much obsessed over it...and when he told me about playing deathmatch with his uncle over a 9600 baud modem I was done for. I had seen and played Wolfenstein, but Doom was so intense and immersive -- it was awe-inspiring.

As far as going back and replaying it, I can do so without being repulsed by the graphics and primitive gameplay but I haven't attempted to sit down and complete the entire game
again since my teen's not like I limit myself to playing the id classics and if Half Life 3 came out tomorrow, you bet your ass I'd be devoting my time to it rather than playing the oldie goldies on Steam. My point was simply that for a paltry $23 you are getting some of the best FPS games ever made, and not all of them are limited to 2D sprites. Even so, the single player campaigns in some of those games are much lengthier, and much more challenging than the campaigns in many modern shooters. I've heard of people beating MW2 in 4-6 hours...the early id titles dwarf that figure, especially if you haven't played them to death already.

I know they don't look the greatest -- I run a 30" LCD and I'll be among the first to admit that trying to play games designed for 320x200 do not look pretty when stretched to full screen (and it's the size of a postage stamp if I do not scale). But I am still able to enjoy them...I wouldn't expect anyone who grew up with HDTV resolutions to say the same. ;)
I picked up Braid, Titan Quest (gold), Torchlight, and Red Faction: Guerrilla. I love these sales, man!
Decided that I might as well buy SOMETHING from this giant Steam deal even after washing out most of my cash reserves with that TF10 deal and grabbed Torchlight for 5.
Åndhrimnir;1035104908 said:
I think you're right - only that could explain how MW2 is selling almost as "well" as Torchlight for $5.

btw, in case you haven't yet, BUY TORCHLIGHT RIGHT NOW. It was a steal at $10 and it's a &%#!$ing deal of a lifetime at $5. GET IT!! GET IT NOW!! Violators will be punished with large doses of regret.
MW (and other AAA titles) sell more copies per hour than even superb titles like Torchlight sell in their entire lifetimes.

lol absolute failure on PC from what I hear... 90$$ for that?!
I think the others are all fairly standard. Not sure what percentage of games get the prices hiked, I bought Titan Quest Gold a few months back and it was $10 USD more here than my friends in the States had it listed as.


can't you pay someone from the US to just gift it to you?

You can, and it's generally the best way to go. However, for Australians without US friends, or who don't generally compare prices, it's a little nasty.
well at least you're getting the same holiday deals for the most part. Thats pretty lame about the big blockbuster titles, though. I would never pay 60 for MW2, let alone 90.
I think I'm going to successfully hold off on buying DA:O. Too much of a backlog already...and looking at my cart, I can buy something like 10 games for the price of DA:O. And I have still yet to play KOTOR or Mass it's not like there's a shortage of Bioware games for me to play.
Went to bed last night undecided on Torchlight, but woke up in time this morning to buy it :p

I have no self control haha, since late November:
Dec 27, 2009 - $4.99 - Torchlight - Self
Dec 23, 2009 - $1.99 - STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl - Gift x 2
Dec 23, 2009 - $26.24 - Oblivion Game of the Year Delux - Self
Dec 13, 2009 - $5.00 - Counter-Strike: Source - Gift x2
Nov 29, 2009 - $49.99 - THQ Complete Pack - Self

Damn you Steam!!! Taking all my monies :p
And I am still thinking about gifting a couple copies of Torchlight before the sale runs out

Random sidenote: Does Torchlight not have a little picture for the game in steam? if not that is going to bug the hell outta me!
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Bought several games. Since i am finally able to play some games after working for about 2 1/2 months straight...


STALKER: Clear Sky
Borderlands expansion
Sniper Elite
Lumines Pack

I must say, Trine + Xbox 360 controller is AMAZING. The graphics, the controls, the play style is just mind blowing. The way you progress through the levels is def. Revolutionary IMO.

EDIT: Also bought "Alpha Prime" it was only 99 cents and i figure why not, atleast im supporting the Developer and maybe help them make better games in the future.
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