Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

i spent less the $90 the last week or so and i have like 30 games in my steam account now :D
Man now I regret not picking up the id pack the other day for the same price. :(
I'm going to mull over the Doom pack all day and probably pick it up 'cause I doubt the id pack's gonna go back on sale for $13 again (at least not with these sales).

I'll definitely pick up Trials 2, I've been waiting for the 360 version to drop in price but this one looks identical...probably just a name change on the 360 one (being Trials HD).

Anyone who hasn't already played through Portal, do yourself a favor, skip an extra soda and sandwich 1x this week and pick that up for the $4.99. That's one of the best gaming purchases you will ever make in your entire life. Be sure to grab the Portal Flash map pack for free as well. (Need to go through those myself, actually.)
I don't regret picking up the id soft pack, quake, hexen and wolfenstein OG WTF! I thought it was kinda dumb to have Doom pack go on sale after they already had the id pack.

PICK UP PORTAL NOW IF YOU DIDN'T PICK UP THE ORANGE BOX! Short game, but a game of incredible quality.
I don't regret picking up the id soft pack, quake, hexen and wolfenstein OG WTF! I thought it was kinda dumb to have Doom pack go on sale after they already had the id pack.

PICK UP PORTAL NOW IF YOU DIDN'T PICK UP THE ORANGE BOX! Short game, but a game of incredible quality.

Yep, no regrets on that pack purchase.
Oh EFF yeah! Portal and MassEffect, just what I was waiting for! I needa transfer Cash into my account though to be safe. =p
Their scheme is insidious. I keep buying games that are "good deals", knowing damn well that I won't have anywhere close to enough time to play them all.
I was waiting for $10 Steam mass effect (to match the EA sale)... I was very pleasantly surprised this morning!
I think I want Borderlands but I want to get in on the 4 pack deal since that would make it only 25 bucks.
Their scheme is insidious. I keep buying games that are "good deals", knowing damn well that I won't have anywhere close to enough time to play them all.

So very true....but it's nice knowing I won't be short of games to play :)
Amen to that...
I had a backlog well sorted out already; Valve threw a monkey wrench into that pile and now there's stuff all over the floor. :D I think my backlog of games to play through has easily tripled (if not quadrupled) since their sales started.

Oh, Valve...I love you yet just a tiny bit loathe you at the same time. :)
Too bad I bought Mass Effect from D2D for $5 a while back... Still gotta play Portal though.
Really, Portal is a short game, you should easily be able to beat it in one night. It's one of the better games I've played though.
lol I payed 9.99 for Mass Effect on steam weekend deal about 2 months ago, having not played it, now its 4.99. This is why I hate/love steam.

I have so many other games to play before i get to ME, and thats already questionable
To anyone on the fence about Mass Effect; if you have a decent rig, buy it. The game is downright gorgeous at 1920x1200
lol I payed 9.99 for Mass Effect on steam weekend deal about 2 months ago, having not played it, now its 4.99. This is why I hate/love steam.

I have so many other games to play before i get to ME, and thats already questionable

Same here. Bought it at $10 and haven't even started playing it yet. :eek: Oh well, I don't question its value. When I finally get around to playing it I'm sure it'll feel like money well spent. BioWare has never let me down.
So far I've picked up:

Eidos pack
Freedom Force Pack
Sam & Max Collection
Heroes V
Heroes V Hammers of Fate
Splinter Cell
Splinter Cell Double Agent

Might pick up something else, but not sure. All these deals have pushed my Steam game list up to 122. Plus I bought a couple games from the EA sale, SWAT 4 Gold from the D2D sale, and a bunch of stuff from that D2D 5 Year sale they had a little bit ago. I've gained a lot of digital games in the last few months.
To anyone on the fence about Mass Effect; if you have a decent rig, buy it. The game is downright gorgeous at 1920x1200

I'm curious to see how it compares to the 360 version that I've already played. Already picked it up for more previously, but it's in my steam to-play queue.
The daily sales are from noon to noon EST. Will the Winter Sale end at noon on 1/3/10 EST, or at some other time?
The daily sales are from noon to noon EST. Will the Winter Sale end at noon on 1/3/10 EST, or at some other time?

That would be the logical assumprtion, but logical assumptions and Steam don't always work.
The daily sales are from noon to noon EST. Will the Winter Sale end at noon on 1/3/10 EST, or at some other time?

Everything says "through 1/3", so the last round of daily deals should show up Sunday at noon, then everything will be over Monday at noon...

That's the way Steam's always worked, if you pay attention to their wording...

If I am wrong, we'll know tomorrow at noon, as each day it says "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero." If the timer's still there with that wording on Saturday, then we'll get new deals Sunday.
Everything says "through 1/3", so the last round of daily deals should show up Sunday at noon, then everything will be over Monday at noon...

That's the way Steam's always worked, if you pay attention to their wording...

If I am wrong, we'll know tomorrow at noon, as each day it says "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero." If the timer's still there with that wording on Saturday, then we'll get new deals Sunday.

That would be assuming that they are in a time zone where 1/3/10 does end at 12:00 PM EST 1/3/10. I'm asking because there a re a number of games I'm holding out on to see if they become a daily deal. I'd be disappointed if I missed getting them at all, but I'd also be disappointed if I bought them tonight and they were half the price tomorrow afternoon.

Does anyone remember when they ended in the past years?
Damn this sucks, 15gb game at 50kb/s. Should have used rapidshare, this is what I get for buying a game online I suppose. Think I will stick to hard copies like I always have.
Wow this thread has a lot of posts. And I've read nearly all of them. Damn you, Steam, if you ever go out of business...

Surely they would do something to ensure we can still play all of these games we purchased at oh-so-sweet prices.
Damn this sucks, 15gb game at 50kb/s. Should have used rapidshare, this is what I get for buying a game online I suppose. Think I will stick to hard copies like I always have.

For me, the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience. You are also supporting a revolutionary pc gaming and chat platform and good game developer. After switching computers (or owning multiple ones), you will see the advantages immediately.

Steam is slow because there are 2.5 million people using it, and their download servers are lagged from all the massive sales they have provided. That's like complaining about buying a car for half price and having to wait for it, even though you can pick it up whenever you want.

It's true. If you really wanted it immediately, you could go to the store and pay full price (or whatever they are charging). For me, Steam has been a great system to keep my games on.
Damn this sucks, 15gb game at 50kb/s. Should have used rapidshare, this is what I get for buying a game online I suppose. Think I will stick to hard copies like I always have.

That's not the norm if you have a decent high speed connection. I was getting really sucky download rates the day that they offered GTAIV for $7.49 but things have picked back up since then. I've been getting 700-900kb down on just about every game, despite all of these sales. Not too bad.
I am new to Steam and got addicted quick.
The fact that you do not have to look for CDs and that if you reinstall your games are already installed (provided you have them on a separate HDD or partition of course) makes it a great system to me.
Does anyone remember when they ended in the past years?

I already responded correctly to that.

When Steam says through, they always mean that entire day. When they say until, it will end sometime that day.

You will know Saturday at noon ET when new deals come up, and it says "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero" once again...

Last year the deals did not end 'til Monday... (just as the wording says...)

But tomorrow if the words "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero" aren't there, then I am wrong, and there will NOT be new deals on Sunday...

(I've said this twice now...)
I already responded correctly to that.

When Steam says through, they always mean that entire day. When they say until, it will end sometime that day.

You will know Saturday at noon ET when new deals come up, and it says "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero" once again...

Last year the deals did not end 'til Monday... (just as the wording says...)

But tomorrow if the words "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero" aren't there, then I am wrong, and there will NOT be new deals on Sunday...

(I've said this twice now...)

And just like I said before, through 1/3 is dependent on what time zone they are in. Nothing you said the first time reassured me that it would be up through 1/3 in EST. When I preordered through Steam in the past, the game was not unlocked until about 3:00 PM, leading me to believe that they were likely based in a time zone somewhere very far from me. Thank for answering, but there was no need to be rude just because I wanted more clarification on the time zone.
And just like I said before, through 1/3 is dependent on what time zone they are in. Nothing you said the first time reassured me that it would be up through 1/3 in EST. When I preordered through Steam in the past, the game was not unlocked until about 3:00 PM, leading me to believe that they were likely based in a time zone somewhere very far from me. Thank for answering, but there was no need to be rude just because I wanted more clarification on the time zone.

Valve is in Washington, which is PST. So if it lasts until Monday it'll be until the timer reaches zero on Monday which is the same time it reaches zero every day. For me the timer reaches zero at 11AM every day, for you its noon. For them its 9AM.
And just like I said before, through 1/3 is dependent on what time zone they are in. Nothing you said the first time reassured me that it would be up through 1/3 in EST. When I preordered through Steam in the past, the game was not unlocked until about 3:00 PM, leading me to believe that they were likely based in a time zone somewhere very far from me. Thank for answering, but there was no need to be rude just because I wanted more clarification on the time zone.

Time zone doesn't matter, it's their wording that matters.

We're not talking about pre-orders, we're talking about deal timelines.

They're using the word through, which has always meant that entire day, ending sometime the next.

Steam's always been consistent when using through versus until when talking about any deals they have. They've been that way a long time. Reassurance enough for me.

FWIW - Steam's based in Washington (west coast), but they're using noon east coast time to base when they switch deals. Again, time zone's not relevant.

You're wondering when you should buy. You should buy the next time a set of deals come up and it does NOT say "get a new set of deals when the timer reaches zero." Simple as that. Those will be the last set of daily deals. Buy now, no more daily deals when the timer reaches zero.

Just someone's always caught out in every Steam thread about when the deals end. That's why I am trying to be clear here. There's always someone like yourself who is NOT clear how Valve's wording works.

I'm not being rude, but I've answered three times now based on years of experience watching Steam deals. When they say "through", the deals will be there that entire day...

I do NOT want anyone missing out on a Steam deal either direction due to misunderstanding Steam's wording.

(someone always misunderstands... not meant as rude, and nothing personal... But I don't want anyone missing out on 25/50/75% off... It would make me mad, too!!!)
I'm loving the holiday sale. Bought all these games so far:

Crysis: Warhead
Ghost Busters
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Mirror's Edge
Trials 2

...and I got all those for roughly $50...the price I was going to pay for ONE of them but decided not too months ago.
I'm loving the holiday sale. Bought all these games so far:

Crysis: Warhead
Ghost Busters
Left 4 Dead
Mass Effect
Mirror's Edge
Trials 2

...and I got all those for roughly $50...the price I was going to pay for ONE of them but decided not too months ago.

Exactly how I felt when I picked up the Eidos pack. Batman: AA is easily worth $50 by itself, but by buying the pack on sale I got 19 other games for the price of one.

I could only wish that gaming was this cheap when I had my Super Nintendo, shelling out $60 per game in most cases. :eek:
the wording is a little confusing. there are some games that are discounted a little but I am waiting for them to hopefully hit a one day sale. now if it ends on the 3rd here instead of having new one day deals I will be pissed since they will go to regular price.
Total damage for me so far $125.78 :eek:
(* have retail CD already, just got in Steam for the sale to not have to bother with disc anymore)

12/22 - Build-A-Lot Collection, Trine, Painkiller: Black Edition
12/23 - Mirror's Edge*, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl*, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky (ROW), Ghostbusters: The Videogame, Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast, Grand Theft Auto IV (US/AU), Defense Grid: The Awakening, Aquaria, Shadowgrounds Survivor and Shadowgrounds
12/29 - Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Bioshock (NA)*
12/30 - Max Payne Bundle
12/31 - Half-Life 1: Source, Crysis Complete (NA)*, Shattered Horizon, Multiwinia + Darwinia
1/1 - Doom Pack, Trials 2: Second Edition, Mass Effect

I now regret not buying the id pack but I couldn't pass up the Doom pack (especially now that I've found out there's a fan remake of Doom64 available for the PC). Of course if I would have bought the id pack I'd have more games but hopefully they'll come out with a cheap Quake pack that actually does include Quake 4. :)
I'm not really sold on ME, I was slightly interested before....$4.99 guess I can't refuse; might as well. ;) I am planning on buying the HL1 anthology but I'm waiting another 2 days to see if it doesn't get a temp 'Daily Deal' drop even more than it already has (thinking it's around $13 on sale ATM). Finally get around to playing Blue Shift and find out what Barney was up to that day. :D

I believe my Steam library has tripled since these sales. :eek: Going to have to get a bigger HD.
Total damage for me so far $125.78 :eek:
(* have retail CD already, just got in Steam for the sale to not have to bother with disc anymore)

12/22 - Build-A-Lot Collection, Trine, Painkiller: Black Edition
12/23 - Mirror's Edge*, STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl*, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky (ROW), Ghostbusters: The Videogame, Outrun2006 Coast 2 Coast, Grand Theft Auto IV (US/AU), Defense Grid: The Awakening, Aquaria, Shadowgrounds Survivor and Shadowgrounds
12/29 - Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Bioshock (NA)*
12/30 - Max Payne Bundle
12/31 - Half-Life 1: Source, Crysis Complete (NA)*, Shattered Horizon, Multiwinia + Darwinia
1/1 - Doom Pack, Trials 2: Second Edition, Mass Effect

I now regret not buying the id pack but I couldn't pass up the Doom pack (especially now that I've found out there's a fan remake of Doom64 available for the PC). Of course if I would have bought the id pack I'd have more games but hopefully they'll come out with a cheap Quake pack that actually does include Quake 4. :)
I'm not really sold on ME, I was slightly interested before....$4.99 guess I can't refuse; might as well. ;) I am planning on buying the HL1 anthology but I'm waiting another 2 days to see if it doesn't get a temp 'Daily Deal' drop even more than it already has (thinking it's around $13 on sale ATM). Finally get around to playing Blue Shift and find out what Barney was up to that day. :D

I believe my Steam library has tripled since these sales. :eek: Going to have to get a bigger HD.

Haha, good to see another Outrun Coast 2 Coast buyer, very underrated game.
Oh yeah, I'm a huge arcade racer fan and Outrun has always been one of the best one of those around!
The sale came at the perfect time too because Outrun on Xbox Live has been on my "to buy" list anyway; getting this one (same game basically) for a lot less than the 360 version is even better. Works great with the wired 360 controller too. :)
I hear ya on tripling the Steam library and purchasing HL: Source and Anthology (even though I already own HL on disc). Trine was unexpectedly good and I probably would have never heard of it if it weren't for Steam.

Spent a large part of today playing Source and man that game holds up fine after all this time. Blast Pit is one of my favorite levels from any game.
Wish I could pick up Portal if it wasn't for that stupid payment declined error!
(and no, I'm not even close to being broke)

At least I got Mass Effect