Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

^ Yeah, I'm feeling the same way. On the other hand, $5 for what was supposedly a really great RPG sounds tempting, and I don't really have any new releases to play until April or so...
Just tried to buy ME, the transaction is still trying to go though it says, its in my games list but won't let me install until the transaction completes I guess.

DMC4 should be a hella lot cheaper. I got a new copy months ago off ebay for 12.99 shipped! Seen the same deal with Prototype and a few others I've already picked off ebay.
Picked up Mass Effect. Finally. Been meaning too for a long time... no time like $5 time. :)

DMC4... already have on PS3 for $20 about a year ago.

Would pick up Sam & Max, but already have more games than I can see me playing in 2 years in my Steam account. Also already have Portal from a $10 Best Buy Orange Box sale and own/played all the Dooms....
Åndhrimnir;1035128669 said:
Haven't played Mass Effect... may have to pick that up. Other than that, not too much interesting.

It's one of the best deals they've had. That's a world-class game for five bucks. I'm sure Bioware is cooperating to promote the sequel coming out this month.
Picked up Mass Effect. Finally. Been meaning too for a long time... no time like $5 time. :)

DMC4... already have on PS3 for $20 about a year ago.

Would pick up Sam & Max, but already have more games than I can see me playing in 2 years in my Steam account. Also already have Portal from a $10 Best Buy Orange Box sale and own/played all the Dooms....

Yeah I bought Mass Effect and Trials 2 and the transaction is still processing according to Steam. Looks like they're getting hammered since today is the first day that I've had this happen to me on one of the daily deals.
Åndhrimnir;1035128761 said:
Alright, well at least it's posted from PB and tinypic now...

Are people really expecting to see a price drop on DMC4? I thought Crysis was the only one yesterday that dropped, because it wasn't on sale at all. Or did other things go down too?

They all went down, and by a good chunk, too. HL: Source was 7.50 initially, I believe.
Yeah I bought Mass Effect and Trials 2 and the transaction is still processing according to Steam. Looks like they're getting hammered since today is the first day that I've had this happen to me on one of the daily deals.

+1 for still processing on ME.
WTF? I've seen DMC4 (PC) for $6 at big lots before. Wasn't even interested enough to grab it.
That's weird...both Mass Effect and Trials 2 were taken off My Games list and I got an email saying the transaction couldn't go through cause my credit card was declined...yet I just came back from the gas station where I used the same credit card to buy gas fine...
That's weird...both Mass Effect and Trials 2 were taken off My Games list and I got an email saying the transaction couldn't go through cause my credit card was declined...yet I just came back from the gas station where I used the same credit card to buy gas fine...

Indeed. My purchase was declined, too. Trying to purchase the game with another CC gave me, "There has been an internal error initializing your transaction. Please contact support for assistance."

Yeah, tech support working on new year's day.
they declined my card too, I guess mine was because I bought a lot of stuff in the last few days, like 15 different transactions. I emailed steam support and they took the hold off.
LOL, same declined here for Mass Effect, Should I go back to buy Mass Effect again ?

UPDATED ! I make it through to buy ME now and downloading.

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Now all we need is for Valve to try to screw us out of the sale price by putting the transactions through tomorrow.

I actually got a call from my one my friends. Apparently he went out to the local Taco Bell and they told him they were out of food. So it's not just Valve who's having trouble running today.
Welp, mine declined as well and there is nothing wrong with my card, so they have an issue on there end they need to fix with there systems. I'm still waiting on a E-mail with my account support information. I have a feeling its another "not enough keys" kinda crap!
Welp, mine declined as well and there is nothing wrong with my card, so they have an issue on there end they need to fix with there systems. I'm still waiting on a E-mail with my account support information. I have a feeling its another "not enough keys" kinda crap!

But in the first 10 minutes? I fired off my first buy around 12:13 or so. If they didn't have enough keys to last the first hour, shame on Valve.
LOL. I just use my Visa debit card, so the money comes straight from my bank account. I've used the snot out of it and never had to worry about holds or anything being declined.

(edit: I was referring to the guy that thought a hold was put on his card due to making multiple transactions -- apparently that's not the case here and it's an issue with Steam.)

I'm in for Mass Effect today, but I hope the deals get hotter before the 3rd. Steam needs to go out with a bang on the last day of deals! I wish the Prince of Persia pack would be 50-75% off, but I can wait for that to happen during a weekend sale I guess. I'd much rather see the THQ pack or Codemasters collection drop to $50.

Also those of you that like deals on older games, definitely check out as their entire catalog is on sale right now. Up to 40% off every game. I'm thinking of finally picking up the Fallout and Freespace games. Earthworm Jim 1 & 2 for $3.89 is way hotter than the Steam price, but others like the Unreal games are better purchased on Steam.
I don't know how steam is going to top these deals with their midweek and weekend deals... Damn.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Declined here as well. Called the bank, it's definitely a Steam issue. I think they should give us an additional discount on our purchase for the troubles. ;)
LOL. I just use my Visa debit card, so the money comes straight from my bank account. I've used the snot out of it and never had to worry about holds or anything being declined.

(edit: I was referring to the guy that thought a hold was put on his card due to making multiple transactions -- apparently that's not the case here and it's an issue with Steam.)

It was a Visa debit card, and it was an issue with steam because I called the bank and they knew nothing of it, and steam support took the hold off. It's no biggie, I just explained to them what was happening and they were glad to start taking my money again.
I really hope they get this straightened out...I've been hoping/waiting for Mass Effect to be on one of the daily deals since the holiday sale began...
It was a Visa debit card, and it was an issue with steam because I called the bank and they knew nothing of it, and steam support took the hold off. It's no biggie, I just explained to them what was happening and they were glad to start taking my money again.

Huh. Weird. I didn't think vendors had the ability to put a hold on your card...of course they can decline transactions at their discretion, but with all the other people being declined I assumed that the problems were being caused by server issues, not holds being put on the cards. Either way, glad you got it straightened out!
Huh. Weird. I didn't think vendors had the ability to put a hold on your card...of course they can decline transactions at their discretion, but with all the other people being declined I assumed that the problems were being caused by server issues, not holds being put on the cards. Either way, glad you got it straightened out!

Yeah, this actually happened yesterday, I bought ME today on the first try, no problems at all only took a couple seconds to authorize.
I generally use PayPal for all my Steam transactions and haven't had a problem. Already showing the pending withdrawal from my bank account as well.
Got my 2nd credit card declined so I tried paying with PayPal and now it says I can't reach Steam servers. I want my games!
I'm hoping against hope that despite its current #9 best selling status, the Eidos pack will get a big cut, maybe 66% this weekend. If not, I'll probably still buy it.
It took longer than usual to process transaction but other than that, no problem (MC debit card).

Finally on my 3rd attempt it wasn't declined and it went right through with my credit card.
alright, last update. My third time it went through, purchased this time along with stubbs the zombie.