Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Anyone buying a 4 pack for shattered horizons? Give me a pm I'll pay $4 I know it's already cheap but the cheaper the better!

I bought the 4pack to share with a couple friends, but already gave the copies out. Doesnt matter much to me if I get compensation, though I may get a cheap game or 2 gifted back in return, which is cool.
Ah, 2010 here, and only 9 more hours until new deals. Anyone got predictions on what might still show up on sale? There have been a couple predictions earlier in the week, several turned out to be correct. Anybody still waiting for a sale on something?
Åndhrimnir;1035127967 said:
Ah, 2010 here, and only 9 more hours until new deals. Anyone got predictions on what might still show up on sale? There have been a couple predictions earlier in the week, several turned out to be correct. Anybody still waiting for a sale on something?

I hope they bring back the GTA4 sale, but they won't.

Fallout 3? ahhh who I'm I kidding.
Would be nice to see Mass Effect on sale, or maybe Doom 3 + expansion for 4.99 ;)
even though they arent great games, I kinda want Wanted, Terminator Salvation and Saw but they are still $49.99 which is absolutely ridiculous. those games should have never been more than $29.99 at release. I likely wont touch them for more than $9.99.

I am also hoping Call of Juarez BiB drops down on a one day sale but if not I will grab it for $14.99 I guess.
Would be nice to see Mass Effect on sale, or maybe Doom 3 + expansion for 4.99 ;)

I picked up the ID pack for $13. It came with doom all the expansions, all quake sans 4, wolf, heretic and hexen.

edit: Just checked it's back up to $35 :(
I would like to see Fear 2 and it's dlc go on sale and MW2 but I bit the bullet and picked up MW2 2 days ago.

I wanted to wait but I'm currently in Europe and I was invited to a MW2 lan so I had to pick it up. :D
Fallout 3 would be nice, though at this point unless it was for less than $10 I wouldn't buy it, dont have the money or the time for it.

I'm still hoping for COD:MW2, but I bet it will be Sunday, if at all, that it goes on sale.

Hmm... Maybe Earthworm Jim on sale? I know that's quite random, but uh... yeah, no actual reasoning behind why I say that.

I could see the Valve Complete Pack going to $50, which would be a great deal and a good way to start off any steam account, but completely useless for many, if not all of us, who likely have just about every game except maybe L4D2 from that pack (which, I might add, is an awesome game, 20x better than the first L4D, in my opinion).

Really though, there are way too many games out there to guess from, but these are my predictions. Come on Earthworm Jim! The others wouldn't be much of a surprise, but you, if you go on sale, That would be an awesome prediction on my part, if I do say so myself.
Shattered Horizon looks like donkey dick, especially for the perf. But goddamn is it FUN.
SH does not let you use eyefinity resolutions, what a waste of money this crap was.

5 bucks... are you serious?

Anyways... I bit on it as well and played on a server and was floating around for a bit killen people. Looks like it could have potential.

I also bit on the Max Payne pack.. to bad steam doesnt know when you have win7 and gives you the sound fix for the game... but for under 5 bucks, what a steal!!

Holiday Deals....
Shattered Horizon 4.99
Max Payne Bundle 3.74
GTA4 7.49
Unreal Deal Pack 13.59
= $29.81 **Fucking Fantastic!!

Other durring the month....
Team Fortress 2 9.99
Total spent on games this month on Steam: $39.80

At under 40 dollars for the month, I'm pretty satisfied for the time being, and I got like 10 games or something! Even tho I've played and beaten a few of these games, the money i never spent on them is now justified :D

Now for a new month.. Lets see how much i can spend on steam again... * and i know it will already be done, but at 9 'o' clock can someone post a screen of the deals? I'm at work and the steam site is blocked. :(

God I love Steam...
Now for a new month.. Lets see how much i can spend on steam again... * and i know it will already be done, but at 9 'o' clock can someone post a screen of the deals? I'm at work and the steam site is blocked. :(

God I love Steam...

I's funny, on Monday I could browse the Steam store from my desk at work, by Tuesday it was blocked.
Hmm... Maybe Earthworm Jim on sale? I know that's quite random, but uh... yeah, no actual reasoning behind why I say that.

Come on Earthworm Jim! The others wouldn't be much of a surprise, but you, if you go on sale, That would be an awesome prediction on my part, if I do say so myself.

I don't know what's up with Steam's pricing on the EJ games.

If you're serious and really want it to go on sale, go here and nab both the original and its sequel for $3.89. :)
I know I'm hoping against hope here, but I'd really love to see a decent sale on CoD 4.

While I've been playing the heck out of MW2, I really miss the first MW, especially "All Ghillied Up." I want that in my Steam library.
If you liked Far Cry better then play it on the CryEngine2 :D

There are low quality mods that look very good and manage to maintain playability. Remember also that there are many ways to play the campaign. If you play stealthily and features like motion blur you can "suffer" with framerates that would normally be unpleasant in other games.

If this is your first play-through, grab the advanced AI mod and consider the advanced phsyics and particle mods. I believe the particle and physics mods are made by Havoksage.

I'm pretty sure he was referring to the original Far Cry. The sequel is abysmal in comparison.
I call it! Mass Effect and Doom 3 :D

and Devil May Cry 22.99 0_o pick it up brand new off ebay including shipping for 13.99
Sweet, I knew ME would drop to $5 :)
I'm tempted by the Sam & Max complete pack, too.
I think i'll wait an hour. dmc4 for $22 seems wrong. yesterday they changed the prices after 30 min or so.
Yes! Mass Effect is on sale, finally! Was about to buy this one for my Xbox 360 for $20, glad I didn't. Trials HD 2 is also mine as well. $7.49 total = epic.
Again? Really? Didn't we have the Id complete pack that had all these games? Doesn't everyone already own basically everything released by valve?

In for Mass Effect, because it's hard to argue with Bioware...but it'd be nice if we the last 2 days didn't feature even more rehashes.
Damn, and I was hoping they'd have some really special sales lined up for 1/1/2010. Guess not. Oh well.

That being said, these are good games...but the games and deals aren't anything out of the ordinary. Portal is a ton of fun the first time through but I got it when I bought The Orange Box a while back. Some consider it to be the best game in the pack (I personally don't, but it's still great).

I saw a few people in this thread hoping for Mass Effect...that's probably the only one I'll purchase. I remember the original disc version having an install limit, so if that bothers anyone you might check to see if it still exists in the Steam version.

Oh and I bought Trials 2 during a sale a while back. If you don't already have it, it's worth $2.50.
Doom Pack Complete = $13.59
Mass Effect = $4.99
Trials 2: Second Edition = $2.49
Devil May Cry 4 = $22.49
Portal = $4.99
Sam and Max Complete = $14.99
damnit.. photobucket is blocked at my work!! blast!! :mad:

Åndhrimnir said:
If you name a free image hosting service that isn't, I'll repost it for you using that.

Or you could just list them for him, lol. :p

DOOM Pack Complete - $13.59
Mass Effect - $4.99
Trials 2: Second Edition - $2.49
Devil May Cry 4: $22.49
Portal - $4.99
Sam & Max Complete - $14.99

Damnit exlink, your 12:09 is obviously superior to my 12:09. :D
for me, today is weak. I already have Portal and Mass Effect. Sam and Max might be interesting...
Or you could just list them for him, lol. :p

DOOM Pack Complete - $13.59
Mass Effect - $4.99
Trials 2: Second Edition - $2.49
Devil May Cry 4: $22.49
Portal - $4.99
Sam & Max Complete - $14.99

Damnit exlink, your 12:09 is obviously superior to my 12:09. :D

lol thanks :) Your other host is blocked too.. :S

Imageshack i think is not blocked.

Looks like not a bad line up. I think ill bite on the mass effect and the trials 2 just from the recomendations here.
Mass Effect for $5, sold. Never did get around to playing this one on Xbox 360

Anyone ever play the new Sam and Max games? I loved Sam and Max: Hit the Road but that was like 15 years ago.
Alright, well at least it's posted from PB and tinypic now...

Are people really expecting to see a price drop on DMC4? I thought Crysis was the only one yesterday that dropped, because it wasn't on sale at all. Or did other things go down too?