Steam Winter Sale is LIVE!

Yeah I think 32-bit looks better as well. Although I don't see why 32-bit vs 64-bit would make any difference in the rendering of certain objects. Those pictures just don't look right to me.

I think mope54 was right and that there shouldn't be any visible least not that drastic. After some more research I believe the difference above was due to the patch that baddog mentioned, and results from the fact that the 64-bit patch introduced some different textures that weren't in the 32-bit version of the game. But since Crysis came with both versions natively, there shouldn't be any visual difference aside from the possibility of increased draw distance. I was playing Crysis 32-bit on my rig the other day and I thought the draw distance was just fine the tank level you can see across the entire valley.
For most games I agree to an extent, but crysis is one of the best games to see on new hardware.

Yep I agree with you! But let's take an unlikely scenario that you purchase an entire new rig every 6 months, or at least upgrade the mobo/CPU/gfx card and do a clean install of Windows and Steam. Assuming the 5 install thing is a hard limit, that still gives you 2.5 years at which point the game will be several years old and you can pick up a disc copy for $5 and get several more installs. :D

Seriously, if you exceed the install limit I'm sure EA would be willing to help out. Like I said, I've never heard of a publisher denying a gamer more installs when requested. I don't think the install limit is a plus to the game, but it's not something I'm going to worry about either. If/when I ever reach the limit, assuming it hasn't been patched out of the game by then, I'll deal with it then and get more biggie. I don't think there will be a scenario where I've just upgraded my PC and I'm out of Crysis installs and I HAVE to play the game NOW and can't wait to get ahold of someone that will reset the install limit or grant a few more, lol.
This is a good gamepad for console - like pc games.,en

I've used it in the past for tombraider/prince persia type gaming , and virtua tennis, etc on pc, as well as a few side scrollers. Would prob work good with SFIV , but I already own it on ps3. The controller is fully customizeable via a configuration app too, so you can map any mouse functions and keystrokes.
^ No doubt; I have that pad without the rumble/vibration feature that I bought several years ago to play emulators with. Great pad and probably cheaper than that on eBay/Amazon. I'd probably pick it up if I didn't have a 360 wireless controller to use already. I can't imagine trying to play SFIV with the keyboard, but apparently some people are really good at it. :)
If you install Crysis through Steam, back it up and reinstall from the backup is this considered one install or two. If it's only considered one install I cant see it being a problem either.
That would be one install. You can even uninstall SecuRom games and reinstall them and it be a single install.

Either way it's a non-issue in this case.
The retail version of Crysis only has SecuRom that requires the disk to play. There is debate whether there is even SecuRom on the Steam version or if that's a mistake on the info page. The fact that it's a debate and no one knows for sure is a clear indicator that it's not a hindrance to anyone who has bothered to post (and we can assume that if someone was pissed about a real problem they would post about it).

There isn't any reason to pass on a $6 dollar version of Crysis, lol.
Warhead does have install limits, but Crytek made a revoke tool They never made a revoke tool for Crysis, which is one of the supporting facts of it probably not having install limits. Wars (the MP) doesn't have anything other than a cd-key.

Crysis and Warhead are the SP versions of the game series so I don't know how often anyone would be deinstalling and reinstalling in different places anyway.

Not only that, but Wars is capable and the devs support free LAN play with a single legit copy. Crytek has been one of the most lax companies in regards to DRM. Current opinion is likely that EA forced it on the Steam versions before release and AFAIK most fans were supportive of the move so we could have Steam versions of Warhead.
You fellas are welcome to do your own research. In my eyes, games with install limits aren't game purchases, but simply game rentals. I got burned earlier this year by Securom when a mobo died, and I replaced it with a different make and model. Guess what, i didn't have the luxury of uninstalling my securom games before the crash. fun fun fun.

I'm not buying it. However I did just pick up: Shattered Horizon, Medieval II & Rome total war.
I can't imagine trying to play SFIV with the keyboard

I can't imagine playing SF4 with anything but a joystick but that's just me. :)

If I didn't already have it for the 360 (with a homemade joystick using a MadCatz 360 PCB+Seimitsu buttons and joystick) I'd pick up the PC version. It's a decent game although anyone with a 360 would probably be better off with HD Remix (SSF2THDR) anyway because it's a better SF game (arguably the best since Zero 3/Alpha 3). I'm still holding out hope Zero 3 ends up on Xbox Live but I'm still waiting...
anyone that bought shattered horizon wanna send me a guest invite? i'm tempted to buy it, but i've spent so much on this weekend that i don't wanna buy a game that i'm not gonna enjoy.

edit- got an invite, thanks!
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I already own Medieval, Both Crysis, SFIV, and Shattered Horizon. So, I just bought the Darwinia+Multiwinia pack and HL:S. But damn, today's deals for all these games are fantastic. I'm trying to dispute my Shattered Horizon 4 pack purchase that I bought yesterday, shouldn't have jumped the gun damn it. $44.99 vs $14.99 for the four pack, leaves a little itch on my back.
Anyone buying a 4 pack for shattered horizons? Give me a pm I'll pay $4 I know it's already cheap but the cheaper the better!
So is there a nice active shattered horizon community?

Yes and no......:rolleyes:

The people that are there are very active and very friendly (also very good at the game)

But.....there just arent that many of them. Last week I got on for the first time in a few weeks and there were 4 servers that were full and then everything else was dead. Still a fun game though
Yep I agree with you! But let's take an unlikely scenario that you purchase an entire new rig every 6 months, or at least upgrade the mobo/CPU/gfx card and do a clean install of Windows and Steam. Assuming the 5 install thing is a hard limit, that still gives you 2.5 years at which point the game will be several years old and you can pick up a disc copy for $5 and get several more installs. :D

Yes, you could later buy the game for $5 and get more installs... but you shouldn't have to. If I'm buying the game, I shouldn't be limited as to how many times I can install it. Worst case, they should have a way to get the installs back and/or wipe the slate clean such as how iTunes works.
Yes, you could later buy the game for $5 and get more installs... but you shouldn't have to. If I'm buying the game, I shouldn't be limited as to how many times I can install it. Worst case, they should have a way to get the installs back and/or wipe the slate clean such as how iTunes works.
are you talking about Crysis? if so all you do is call and get the install limit reset. its stupid but it takes 5 minutes and there is certainly no fee.
Yes, you could later buy the game for $5 and get more installs... but you shouldn't have to. If I'm buying the game, I shouldn't be limited as to how many times I can install it. Worst case, they should have a way to get the installs back and/or wipe the slate clean such as how iTunes works.

I agree with you, and was joking about buying the game again (hence why the next part of my post began with "Seriously,"). I don't think you should have to buy the game again, and I don't think people should be limited to the number of installs they can do on a game they purchased, but I also think it's a non-issue for the vast majority.

Aside from that, it's not even confirmed that Crysis has the 5 install limit (see mope54's post above). Crysis Warhead apparently does, and that's why they've provided a revoke you can get your installs back, as you are justifiably concerned with. And as cannondale06 noted, you can "wipe the slate clean" with a simple call if it's ever an issue with either game. People have been complaining about install limits since their inception, but I'd rather have them than more draconian forms of DRM and the fact is it rarely presents a problem for anyone. When it does, just remember to uninstall first or make the call. It's a minor inconvenience, but hardly a showstopper. I'd rather deal with it than pass up on an enjoyable game.
I hope everyone with a DX10 capable system is buying Shattered Horizons. It's not the most feature rich game on the planet, but it's core gameplay is a lot of fun and it's well worth $5 and it's good to support a PC only title that's actually pushing the envelope a bit and making use of new technology.
I hope everyone with a DX10 capable system is buying Shattered Horizons. It's not the most feature rich game on the planet, but it's core gameplay is a lot of fun and it's well worth $5 and it's good to support a PC only title that's actually pushing the envelope a bit and making use of new technology.

Damn you. Here goes another $5.
I'm glad I didn't bit on CIV IV. I know it's a good deal, but I've been wanting SF IV for a while, and with shattered horizon it's just a tiny bit more but for two games. SWEET.
If you purchase Crysis/Crysis Warhead and then download the games so that you can back them up but don't actually run the games, does that count as an install?

Revoke Tool
To access the revoke tool all you need to do is follow the link at the bottom of the page. It will take you through to the revoke tool page, where you will be asked to accept the Terms and Conditions of using this tool. Please be sure to turn off UAC (User Account Control) if you're running Windows Vista. This will prevent you experiencing any problems with this software.

You can use this tool at any time, even without uninstalling Crysis Warhead, and free up a machine authorisation. If you re-launch Crysis Warhead on the same machine, the game will attempt to re-authorise. If you have not reached the machine limitation, the game will authorise and the machine will be re-authorised using up one of the five available authorisations.
So it seems as long as you don't launch the game, it wont use up an activation. If this is wrong please let us know, thanks.


Crysis Warhead De-Authorization Tool:
EA De-Authorization Management Tool:

Added DRM sucks and should not be necessary on Steam... Pirates don't have to go through this PAIN so why should paying customers :(
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i got gifted Crysis maximum edition from a friend

i'm gonna back em up to my steamapps folder on my external

i don't care if it uses up any installs or not

i'll deal with it when i cross that bridge

i don't think it'll use any installs when you copy over your steamapps folder

how would the program even know about it?
This is a good gamepad for console - like pc games.,en

I've used it in the past for tombraider/prince persia type gaming , and virtua tennis, etc on pc, as well as a few side scrollers. Would prob work good with SFIV , but I already own it on ps3. The controller is fully customizeable via a configuration app too, so you can map any mouse functions and keystrokes.

I have that one too. I think I paid 23 bucks (give or take) at Circuit city a few years ago. I'm not sure why itwas that cheap, but i couldn't complain.
i got gifted Crysis maximum edition from a friend

i'm gonna back em up to my steamapps folder on my external

i don't care if it uses up any installs or not

i'll deal with it when i cross that bridge

i don't think it'll use any installs when you copy over your steamapps folder

how would the program even know about it?
The activation is not stored in the game files, so every time the game is transferred to a different Windows installation (including one on the same PC), it will use up an activation.
If you purchase Crysis/Crysis Warhead and then download the games so that you can back them up but don't actually run the games, does that count as an install?

So it seems as long as you don't launch the game, it wont use up an activation. If this is wrong please let us know, thanks.

That should be the case. It doesn't activate until you launch the game.
Oh wow, I was really underselling Shattered Horizons, it's soooo much fun! Probably my new favorite PC shooter. It's very barebones but the the combat and tactics are so unique and fun.
The activation is not stored in the game files, so every time the game is transferred to a different Windows installation (including one on the same PC), it will use up an activation.

No, a full reformat on the same hardware didn't use up any installations for me. I had to change the hardware somehow to trigger a new activation.

edit: Or.. huh. People on that Steam thread are saying it does, but I went through about a half-dozen rapid-fire reformats without running out of activations. Either something just went funny on my end or those people are making stuff up, I dunno which.
More blah deals. The Crysis deal is great but I already own warhead. If I could gift Warhead I'd be in... but you can't. Maybe I'll try shattered horizon. Guest pass anyone? :D
No, a full reformat on the same hardware didn't use up any installations for me. I had to change the hardware somehow to trigger a new activation.

edit: Or.. huh. People on that Steam thread are saying it does, but I went through about a half-dozen rapid-fire reformats without running out of activations. Either something just went funny on my end or those people are making stuff up, I dunno which.
My personal experience has been that I need to reactivate with every new OS install regardless of whether or not the same hardware is used.