Steam Summer Sale 2011

someone wanna convince me on the bioshock games?

I remember hearing number 1 was pretty awesome...
The first Bioshock is full of win. Took a bit to get in the grove as ammo was a bit scarce to start. Reasonable story, decent map design (somewhat linear). Game will suck you in. With a reasonable video card, the eye candy is nice. Solid single player game.

Did not enjoy the second like I did the first.
Both Bioshock's are superb. The first one is awesome with great graphics and one if the best atmospheres in any game I've ever played. I spent more time wandering around looking at scenery as I did actually playing.

The 2nd one wasn't as good but still great. It has the graphics and atmosphere as the first and while the story isn't as engrossing as the first, its still good enough to make you want to continue.

Both are easily worth $40 IMHO.

Id give the first one an easy 85% and the second an 80%. For reference, the Playstation version of Final Doom gets a perfect 100% and Mass Effect 2 gets a 98% on my scale. ;)
someone wanna convince me on the bioshock games?

I remember hearing number 1 was pretty awesome...
The first Bioshock game is a must own IMO. One of the 10 greatest FPS of all time (again IMO). The sequel is pretty good, but no where near as good as the first. Bioshock is a game worth playing again every couple of years, Bioshock 2 is definitely worth playing through once.
All these people spooging over Bioshock probably didn't play System Shock 2. Bioshock was linear as hell, very little player choice, incredibly asinine story with the lamest final boss of all time, and very bad consolitis all over the game from interface to technical issues that have now been mostly fixed in patches -- however they shamelessly raped the corpse of SS2 with Bioshock while doing nothing new or unique and taking many steps backward in gameplay and character development, something old gamers like me won't ever forgive them for doing. However Bioshock did have an incredibly cool location for a game to take place in, solid graphics, and good voice acting. I'd give it a 7/10, a solid "play it once" type game. Easily worth 5 bucks. The second one... ehhh.... not so much.

edit: yeah, Mass Effect 2 98%? Yeah.... ok. I see why you'd marry Bioshock if it could cook. :eek:
All these people spooging over Bioshock probably didn't play System Shock 2.

Indeed. I played Bioshock... once. It was less than a shadow of system shock 2, let alone the original system shock. Though you certainly could do worse for $5. I haven't played the 2nd Bioshock, but it was not nearly as well reviewed, I'd only think about it if you loved the first one.

I think I played system shock 2 at least 5 times, it actually got better with age. When it first came out(in 1999) it had 30-120 second load times. 2-3 generations of hardware later and it was nearly instantaneous. And it's still playable these days, since it follows the basic modern FPS control conventions. Though it might need a little patching to get it up and running...

System shock 1, was even more mind blowing at release, unfortunately it predates quake, so it's UI conventions don't exactly line up with quake and later FPSes. Also it's renderer was software only, so it hasn't aged nearly as well. Though it has yet to be equaled, even by it's sequel.
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New Deals up

Defense Grid is fun if you like tower defense games. I'm going for Assassin's Creed Brotherhod and Dragon Age II, already have K&L2, and Tropico 3 from last 2 sales and I still haven't played them.
People will probably recommend torchlight, I thought it was the most repetitive crap in the world, every level was the SAME!

Tropico 3 is definitely fun.
Need a verdict on Tropico 3, I'm probably gonna pick it up along with Defense Grid, never bought or played either.
Looks like all the Assassin's Creed games are in a pack for $27.19, sold even though I already have the first 2 via retail.
Get the map packs for Defense Grid too if they are cheap. I baught them all about a month ago for about $2 each.

edit: If you have the summer camp tickets, you can get all 4 map packs.
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shud i get arma II or AC:B help me pls... i cant get both... my friggin check is still on hold :(
yea they are only 25 cents each for the DG map packs

THx Sobek, I think i'll pass on Tropico and only get Defense Grid today., unless someone changes my mind.
Need a verdict on Tropico 3, I'm probably gonna pick it up along with Defense Grid, never bought or played either.

If you like any sort of micromanagement or city building Tropico 3 is the best in the genre IMO. It kicks the crap out of any sim city game or Cities XL. You can actually see named individuals going to and from work and home, so the population is the real number of citizens you can see on your screen. Very good graphics, challenging, fun and rewarding.
shud i get arma II or AC:B help me pls... i cant get both... my friggin check is still on hold :(

If you are considering Arma 2, you better have more patience than any other game you have ever touched. Trust me.
Mmm... Dragon Age. Heard good things about that, it's over my per game limit, but I didn't buy anything yesterday... :)
Tropico 3 is pure awesome win, anyone that likes to build and rule, Epic Win. Torchlight for 3 bucks of course is a steal, but in that genre Titan Quest and Diablo II are much better. Defense Grid great little tower defense game, a steal at 2.50. I paid 5 and never regretted it.

ARMA II combined pack (the 22.50 one) is a good deal, I hate how they screw their existing customers over though... I already paid 20 for the original game, why must I pay another 20 for the expansion when new customers can pick both up for 22.50? You should reward existing customers, too, we helped you survive all the godawful reviews and endless bad press from your buggy unpolished mess. We're the reason you still exist... assholes. ,,|,,

K&L 2 is absolute total garbage spew. Anyone who buys that even for 5 dollars is going to regret it forever. It goes on sale for 5 bucks around 8-10 times a year and always catches a few people who think, "hey, for 5 bucks, how bad can it be?" VERY, VERY BAD.

Men of War is a good series if you like slow, tactical combat. I haven't played Assault Squad, I think its a multiplayer based expansion to the original game. I'll probably pick it up, I love the series.

Two Worlds II is not worth 17 bucks. 5 perhaps. Pass on it this time.

Anyone know the deal with AC 2 and AC:B DRM as it exists today, July 3, 2011? My wife is begging for the rest of the series but we both agreed to never purchase it as long as they had that godawful DRM in there.

edit: and of course, DAO Ultimate is a great deal at 10 bucks. A massive amount of gameplay and very polished, cinematic, high quality, great combat, a truly great PC RPG. I'm seriously pissed at EA for pulling multiple versions of Ultimate Edition on us gamers... I bought Ultimate edition for 50 fucking dollars x2 (for wife as well) and that was like 2 years ago before they added more DLC, repackaged it, resold as same "Ultimate Edition" for 25, then 10 bucks, and want me to pay MORE (when I already paid 50 per copy) for the missing DLC. Seriously, fuck you EA.
Need a verdict on Tropico 3, I'm probably gonna pick it up along with Defense Grid, never bought or played either.

Get it. You won't be disappointed. Great little game.

Get the map packs for Defense Grid too if they are cheap. I baught them all about a month ago for about $2 each.

This. Fair bit of warning though, the map pack levels are quite a bit more challenging than the rest of the game. Of course, that's part of the allure.
Bought Tropico 3

you guys have a good amount of persuasive skills.

My wallet hates you though.
Maybe I'll pick up Tropico 3 after all

you guys have a good amount of persuasive skills.

My wallet hates you though.

If it's any consolation, I'm going to buy it too, based on recommendations in the thread. :p
For Tropico 3 purchasers you must buy the pack with Absolute Power (Gold), it is essential. Don't skimp on a dollar and a quarter, you'll regret it later.
Been waiting on DA:O sale since I missed it last time it was on sale. Jumped all over it.
For Tropico 3 purchasers you must buy the pack with Absolute Power (Gold), it is essential. Don't skimp on a dollar and a quarter, you'll regret it later.

I picked the whole thing up at $4.99

it got a 76 at Metacritic, the game cant' be that bad for $5

so it'll be good more than likely.
What should I redeem 3 tickets for:

Portal 2 Goo Gear Snorkels
Zombie Driver Summer of Slaughter Map
Brutal Concussion levels for AAAAAAAA: Reckless Disregard for Gravity
Denial Campaign for Fate of the World (haven't tried this game yet)
Spacechem 63 Corvi DLC (haven't tried this game yet)
I picked the whole thing up at $4.99

it got a 76 at Metacritic, the game cant' be that bad for $5

so it'll be good more than likely.

I can't see how Tropico 3 got only a 76 at Metacritic. I must be in the minority when it comes to build & rule. Did you like Caesar III? Pharaoh? Simcity 3k/4? If so, then you'll love Tropico to death.

edit: I show 79 critic and 83 user, which is more realistic. Personal genre favouritism aside, there are certainly things you can critique about Tropico 3 and Absolute Power. But they're irrelevant considering how much gaming goodness is there.
Oh, and I'm going to pick up Fate of the World for sure before the sale ends. It's only 5 bucks and it looks like a real indie gem of a strategy game. I'm just hoping it goes on sale for 2 or 3 at some point... :)
I've been thinking about getting DA2 for a long time. Has it been patched to a decent state yet or is it still a buggy mess. I loved the first one not just because of the gameplay/tactics but also just reading the codex and reading up on the lore. Also, I loved finding mods a la Oblivion, does DA2 have a good mod community as well? From what I've heard it sounds like a $5-10 game
K&L 2 is absolute total garbage spew. Anyone who buys that even for 5 dollars is going to regret it forever. It goes on sale for 5 bucks around 8-10 times a year and always catches a few people who think, "hey, for 5 bucks, how bad can it be?" VERY, VERY BAD.

Anyone know the deal with AC 2 and AC:B DRM as it exists today, July 3, 2011? My wife is begging for the rest of the series but we both agreed to never purchase it as long as they had that godawful DRM in there.

Lol at K&L. It came in a game pack last year I got and I have no plans to install it. Remember the game reviewer who got fired for giving it a bad review cause ads for it were plastered all over the review sites front page?

AC2 has the DRM but I never had problems with being connected to the internet last year. It sucks though cause I can't play it when I am somewhere that doesn't have internet. AC:B doesn't list an active internet connection being required so I assume Ubisoft learned and didn't put that in there. A 360 Controller is a must for these games.
Fate of the World looks pretty good, just watched the ingame Steam trailer.
I've been thinking about getting DA2 for a long time. Has it been patched to a decent state yet or is it still a buggy mess. I loved the first one not just because of the gameplay/tactics but also just reading the codex and reading up on the lore. Also, I loved finding mods a la Oblivion, does DA2 have a good mod community as well? From what I've heard it sounds like a $5-10 game

DA2 is a bleak shell of a game. Console garbage, ugly graphics, poor story, very limited replayability, a total piece of crap when compared to DAO, and barely even a passable RPG when compared to the genre-at-large. I would pass on it, even for 5 bucks.
I've been thinking about getting DA2 for a long time. Has it been patched to a decent state yet or is it still a buggy mess. I loved the first one not just because of the gameplay/tactics but also just reading the codex and reading up on the lore. Also, I loved finding mods a la Oblivion, does DA2 have a good mod community as well? From what I've heard it sounds like a $5-10 game

I advise not buying it at all, at any price.
Another couple good ones I'm waiting on are Universal Sandbox and Frozen Synapse. Both quality, but a tad overpriced, especially in the case of Frozen Synapse. If it goes on sale for 10 bucks for two copies (they're sold in pairs, because of the coop/multiplayer) I'll pick it up for sure.
I was waiting for War for Cybertron to go on sale. I'm glad to see it up there for today's Daily Deals.
Well I guess I had better finally get torchlight. I've passed on it the last couple of years.