Steam Library Beta Coming Sept 17th


Fully [H]
Oct 25, 2004
Steam's long-awaited overhaul is coming on September 17th- bringing a more modern look to the Steam library, reorganizing game pages with larger artwork, a prominent space for updates, a new homepage that highlights what your friends are playing and more

Steam's best new Library feature is a smarter organizing tool called Collections, which replace the old Categories system...Collections are essentially Steam's version of a Gmail filter...the buzzword for Collections is dynamic—you can create a collection by choosing from a variety of tags, say "RPG" and "multiplayer" and "controller support," and Steam will automatically pull in all the games in your library...Steam will also add any future games you buy with those tags to the Collection, too...
Looks like shit. More utter garbage and a mobile like GUI. The current interface is fine. It is about as good as it gets. Looks like they're trying to knock off EGS/Bethsada/Uplay, which are big, clunky and have lots of worthless news and in Ubisoft's case political pandering.

All I see is more crap from random people that gets in the way of owned DLC, the workshop, screen shots and the few useful features of the library. And it looks like the "landing page" is another advertising page telling me that idiots are playing the PUGB/Fornite flavor of the year.

Great job Valve, ruin what you do right without fixing what you do wrong.
Steam is what you make of it right now. If you take the time to tinker with custom grid art, it looks pretty nice as-is. I just hope the new UI improves upon that rather than removing it.
Not sure if I like the look or not.

I really with GOG would just hurry it up with Galaxy 2.0 so that I don't have to concern myself with Steam's UI anymore.
nothing i see to get excited what's new these day's?
Opinions are obviously going to clash on this. I prefer simple and old school. Goes well with my graying beard.

Judging by the pictures .. it doesn't look like that drastic of a change.. I don't mind it. At least it still has a list of text on the left. If they forced me to browse through my entire library with large image icons I would go insane.

I do wish they would let us choose between old ui and new ui though, make everyone happy.
Great, more clutter. And I presume ads.

Decided to look up Gears 5 on Steam. Opened the store page and then a live stream from some random asshole pushes down all the useful info. You can collapse it, but it opens by default. I have no desire to see some random asshole's ugly face. If I wanted to watch gameplay there are plenty of other people on youtube who will upload gameplay without plastering their face over the damn screen.

And that is the store page, where they're already trying to sell you crap. I can't imagine how much they're going to screw up the library.
Well it's a beta... knowing Valve that means it could stay that way for years.

It could also mean that if they listen to feedback perhaps it becomes a decent update before they think about pushing it to live.

I am fine with the library layout as it is... but nothing wrong with a coat of paint as long as it doesn't make things slower / more confusing then need be. Like most people I like that steam mostly stays out of your way.
Looks better than Epic fail store.
You're doing it wrong. Epic's only problem that I can't live with is the exclusivity. I'll not be doing business with someone who decides to bribe developers to hurt consumers. For functionality uplay, origin, epic store are all the same to me and couldn't care less.
As long as it's optional I don't really care but it looks awful. I'm tired of UIs sacrificing functionality to simplify but adding clutter and clicks to push crap on me is much worse..
You're doing it wrong. Epic's only problem that I can't live with is the exclusivity.
Might be a long wait unless Valve caves and matches the revenue split with Epic. Assuming Valve has more overhead, good luck seeing exclusivity going away.
Might be a long wait unless Valve caves and matches the revenue split with Epic. Assuming Valve has more overhead, good luck seeing exclusivity going away.
As soon as they think they've done enough damage, it is epic who will adopt steam's revenue split, or worse.
Epic is not doing the exclusivity to force steam to adopt that split, they are doing it to get market share, nothing else.

It's easy to do that split when you have zero services and no library going back 17 years to maintain and support, plus fortnite/tencent money to pay the losses.
I don't think a 12/88 revenue split is feasible for steam.
the UI is .. whatever, as long as the list on the left hand side is there I'm happy.
If they remove it and create big ass images for us with 400 games library I'll be angry as hell :p !
Looks like shit. More utter garbage and a mobile like GUI. The current interface is fine. It is about as good as it gets. Looks like they're trying to knock off EGS/Bethsada/Uplay, which are big, clunky and have lots of worthless news and in Ubisoft's case political pandering.

All I see is more crap from random people that gets in the way of owned DLC, the workshop, screen shots and the few useful features of the library. And it looks like the "landing page" is another advertising page telling me that idiots are playing the PUGB/Fornite flavor of the year.

Great job Valve, ruin what you do right without fixing what you do wrong.

Looks the same to me with just a few things moved around. Long awaited overhaul? LOL! Mobile like GUI? Dude, the current interface is flat and has some icons, it is pretty much the same as the beta except the beta has some pictures of the same size, big whoop.
The UI is so old I don't think the can update it include proper scaling for higher rez monitors. Along with keeping all the Stesm store extras intact.
I like this new steam look
Those skins always crashed on me after steam did a major update so I no longer use them.
Those skins always crashed on me after steam did a major update so I no longer use them.
Not sure if I ever had one crash but it has been years since I used one.I am all for a new update to steam but I am also fine with the old one.
I just play games and have no less than six stores open at all times,they are all the same to me.Game launcher and nothing more.
I strip the library down to it's list. I maybe have the tiny icons on because it alters the layout or defaults to bigger icons, I think, otherwise it's just text. The pictures only useful if you're in Big Picture Mode with a controller.

I use steam to play games. I don't use steam to use steam. Be minimalist and put your energy elsewhere Steam.
I strip the library down to it's list. I maybe have the tiny icons on because it alters the layout or defaults to bigger icons, I think, otherwise it's just text. The pictures only useful if you're in Big Picture Mode with a controller.

I use steam to play games. I don't use steam to use steam. Be minimalist and put your energy elsewhere Steam.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ x89523704503947532%
You're doing it wrong. Epic's only problem that I can't live with is the exclusivity. I'll not be doing business with someone who decides to bribe developers to hurt consumers. For functionality uplay, origin, epic store are all the same to me and couldn't care less.

My problem with this statement is that Epic is not abusing customers any more than Valve is. My preferred storefront is and into the forseeable future will continue to be GOG. Before GOG there was Stardock Impulse (before they sold it). Both were, IMHO, superior to Steam and yet Steam was the default and frequently ONLY venue for new game releases. Epic is doing to Steam what Steam has been doing to everyone else all along, only more people are used to using Steam and fail to see the hypocrisy of their position.
My problem with this statement is that Epic is not abusing customers any more than Valve is. My preferred storefront is and into the forseeable future will continue to be GOG. Before GOG there was Stardock Impulse (before they sold it). Both were, IMHO, superior to Steam and yet Steam was the default and frequently ONLY venue for new game releases. Epic is doing to Steam what Steam has been doing to everyone else all along, only more people are used to using Steam and fail to see the hypocrisy of their position.

Epic is blatantly lacking features that Steam has had for a very long time. Not sure how they're even equivalent.
Epic is blatantly lacking features that Steam has had for a very long time. Not sure how they're even equivalent.

Since the only feature I use is "Buy Game" (and in the case of Steam, "Launch Game") they are perfectly equivalent for me.

Edit: It's kind of like those arguments about features in Microsoft Word vs LibreOffice. I'm sure Word has more of them, but does it matter if I never use them?
I'm so deep in with Steam I just hope they don't wreck the way they list the games. It's clean and efficient.
Well as long as you get an option to switch it back to classic i'm ok with them trying it out. I think. But overall if it ain't broke don't fix it.