Steam 2012 Christmas sale is here! runs from Dec 20- Jan 6

Vote for Mark of the Ninja for the community vote please! I missed it earlier in the sale and would like to pick it up since I've heard so many good things about it.
I'm on the fence for Alan Wake. The game was hyped to all hell but I'm not sold.

Do you like scary games? Survival horror? If so, Alan Wake is a solid buy. A lot of people were pissed when a PC release was expected but it came out on XBOX 360 only. Only later were PC gamers treated with a release. It's supposed to be a great game...if you like the genre then pick it up.
I just finished spec ops - the line.

that was worth $10. Fuck that was an awesome game and its a steal for that price. I would put it as a surprise for 2012, I really enjoyed it.
Do you like scary games? Survival horror? If so, Alan Wake is a solid buy. A lot of people were pissed when a PC release was expected but it came out on XBOX 360 only. Only later were PC gamers treated with a release. It's supposed to be a great game...if you like the genre then pick it up.
I liked Alan Wake quite a bit and the game played perfect from a technical standpoint too.
Hey guys, I'd love to get your opinion on Assassin's Creed 2. Back when it came out my friend let me borrow it on the Xbox 360 and I beat it. I had a lot of fun with it, but I don't remember much of it at all. Do you guys like the PC version of AC2? Is it fun to play with a keyboard and mouse? Also do you think a GTX 260 will be fast enough to max it out with some antialiasing at 1080p?

It's funny because I finished all 6 of the cathedrals and unlocked Altair's armor, then I gave the game back to my friend the next day. :D
if you already played on the 360 then why bother? I mean you probably have plenty of other games in your backlog so knock those out.

and I bought a controller for the AC games because the keyboard/mouse was just not a good setup for a game like this.

and I seriously doubt a gtx260 will run AC 2 maxed out with any AA at all. certainly not at 60fps. and I assume the rest of your system would be as old as the gtx260 which may also be a problem.
My CPU is an i5-750 and I think you're probably right cannondale, I have lots of other games to play. I'll skip this one.
Vote for Mark of the Ninja for the community vote please! I missed it earlier in the sale and would like to pick it up since I've heard so many good things about it.

Done. I think I got it during the last sale, it's fun.

Alan Wake looks interesting but I've got a couple of unplayed adventure games as it is... Wait, what year is this? ;)
[L]imey;1039458939 said:
BTW can we get a 75% off on Alice Madness Returns? I need to get a copy


Ask and you shall receive. Picked this up as well.
Sale was a dud this year, meh prices, no gifts, nothing...
Are you expecting to sign on and Steam gifted you free AAA titles without your having to lift a finger?

Honestly, every Steam sale is better than the last but people still complain. You have 48 hours to get games now, flash sales, AND user choice, with most items being in the 50-75% off range, yet people still find room to complain. If PC gaming ever dies, PC gamers will only have themselves to blame.

Just picked up Deadlight. :cool:
Are you expecting to sign on and Steam gifted you free AAA titles without your having to lift a finger?

Honestly, every Steam sale is better than the last but people still complain. You have 48 hours to get games now, flash sales, AND user choice, with most items being in the 50-75% off range, yet people still find room to complain. If PC gaming ever dies, PC gamers will only have themselves to blame.

Just picked up Deadlight. :cool:

Its not that, its that we've got into a routine..

if you pay attention you can tell exactly what a title will go on sale for..

take exampe Max Payne 3, it was 15$ at thanksgiving, it is 15$ at amazon, and then steam came and *suprise* the sale was for 15$.

its turned into the , raise the price to reduce it, kindof sale..

i can't think of one sale so far that came on that really suprised me..
Sale was a dud this year, meh prices, no gifts, nothing...

Unfortunately we can't have nice things without people ruining it. The last time we had that coal contest where the ultimate winner got all games on Steam, people were farming coal with multiple account, as well as abusing it to get free games for trading.:rolleyes:
Do you like scary games? Survival horror? If so, Alan Wake is a solid buy. A lot of people were pissed when a PC release was expected but it came out on XBOX 360 only. Only later were PC gamers treated with a release. It's supposed to be a great game...if you like the genre then pick it up.

I think I'll get it when it drops to $5 (and yes I know I might be waiting awhile).
I do like survival horror but my backlog is fierce. :D

Hey guys, I'd love to get your opinion on Assassin's Creed 2. Back when it came out my friend let me borrow it on the Xbox 360 and I beat it. I had a lot of fun with it, but I don't remember much of it at all. Do you guys like the PC version of AC2?

Uplay DRM.
Depending on your stance that's a really bad thing or not a big deal.
Me personally = that's a really bad thing, that's why I only own a few Ubisoft titles in Steam and refuse to buy any others until they get rid of the Uplay DRM.

re: sales
I'm hoping for FTL @ $5 (matching GOG last week), 50% on Mark of the Ninja in 20 minutes, and ≥50% on Triple Town. Other than those 3 I think I'm fairly done for this year unless there's a sudden 80%+ drop on something (like Sniper Ghost Warrior). The sales this year have been underwhelming but that's probably because I've blown plenty on previous sales. :D
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I think I'll get it when it drops to $5 (and yes I know I might be waiting awhile).
I do like survival horror but my backlog is fierce. :D

Uplay DRM.
Depending on your stance that's a really bad thing or not a big deal.
Me personally = that's a really bad thing, that's why I only own a few Ubisoft titles in Steam and refuse to buy any others until they get rid of the Uplay DRM.

Is Uplay like Origin where it's a totally different service, GFWL where it's an annoying client that can be buggy, or just an activation/deactivation thing you never seen except for those instances?
Is Uplay like Origin where it's a totally different service, GFWL where it's an annoying client that can be buggy, or just an activation/deactivation thing you never seen except for those instances?

I've never had to deal with Uplay so I can only go off what others have said about it....and that's mostly been crying, screaming, tantrum throwing. ;)

It sounds like it's activation based and requires a free account - not a bad thing.
Also requires an always-on internet connection - could be a bad thing.
I don't really have an issue with the requirements per se; these days it's fairly hard for an internet connection to up and drop out at the drop of a hat. However ~ my main gripe is that "it's DRM" and added on...and then there's reports like this that mention a possible rootkit and security holes.

I will say that titles like AC2 and on, the Splinter Cells, and From Dust all reportedly use and require Uplay....which is why none of those games are in my Steam library. If the Uplay is removed....I'll buy them the next time they're on sale.
I've never had to deal with Uplay so I can only go off what others have said about it....and that's mostly been crying, screaming, tantrum throwing. ;)

It sounds like it's activation based and requires a free account - not a bad thing.
Also requires an always-on internet connection - could be a bad thing.
I don't really have an issue with the requirements per se; these days it's fairly hard for an internet connection to up and drop out at the drop of a hat. However ~ my main gripe is that "it's DRM" and added on...and then there's reports like this that mention a possible rootkit and security holes.

I will say that titles like AC2 and on, the Splinter Cells, and From Dust all reportedly use and require Uplay....which is why none of those games are in my Steam library. If the Uplay is removed....I'll buy them the next time they're on sale.

Sounds like it falls in between GFWL and a typical activation client. For 5 dollars and having enjoyed AC1, I will give it a try myself.
Yea, Uplay, though redundant, is not as bad as origin, for example. PLaying games actually gains you point you can use to cash in for dumb stuff like wallpapers, to in-game equivalents of hats. It's never been buggy for me, at least, and I have to give them credit for incentivizing its use, as opposed to just forcing it on players without any kind of recognition of it's inconvenience.
PC people are spoiled. "Steam sale is aweful" "waaawwwwww"

I just recently got back to PC gaming after a few years break, console players do not get this crazy good deals, sure, you have to go buy games but they dont go that cheap, ever.

I just got rayman and spec ops for $10. 2 high quality games for 10 each, how is that not a good deal?
PC people are spoiled. "Steam sale is aweful" "waaawwwwww"

I love how you cannot criticize anything on the internet without being "spoiled," or "entitled," or a "fanboy."

I have bought zero things this sale. I bought a zillion things when they did the presents and the coal, and I didn't scam the thing (the only thing I got free was Freedom Force, which is still sitting in my inventory). I'm disappointed they did not bring that back. None of the sale prices have been so low to make me just roll the dice on some of these.
PC people are spoiled. "Steam sale is aweful" "waaawwwwww"

I just recently got back to PC gaming after a few years break, console players do not get this crazy good deals, sure, you have to go buy games but they dont go that cheap, ever.

I just got rayman and spec ops for $10. 2 high quality games for 10 each, how is that not a good deal?

because 99% of the people bitching already owned them, of course is not a good deal anymore! :rolleyes:
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Dear Gaben Claus,
Where is 75% off for Dirt 3? (Where is Dirt 3 complete version with all ten thousand pieces of DLC?)
I love how you cannot criticize anything on the internet without being "spoiled," or "entitled," or a "fanboy."

I have bought zero things this sale. I bought a zillion things when they did the presents and the coal, and I didn't scam the thing (the only thing I got free was Freedom Force, which is still sitting in my inventory). I'm disappointed they did not bring that back. None of the sale prices have been so low to make me just roll the dice on some of these.

Same here. Haven't bought a thing. Already own of a LOT of the older games and the sales on the newer games have been meh.
I've bought maybe two or three titles off Amazon earlier in the year for the same sale price Steam has run during their current sale, and I've only gotten three games during this sale... I still don't see it as a fail or a worse sale than the last one tho, I just recognize I went all out on previous ones and have less crap to buy now. There's also a ton of older titles with 20-50% discounts that are never listed on the front page.

So what if Amazon or GMG undercuts them occasionally? Half the time they do it on Steamworks games anyway so it's like everyone wins. I don't know that I'd go as far as generalizing PC gamers are spoiled, but there's no arguing the fact that these days you can get a lot more games for your money on a PC (and decent gaming PC's are cheaper than ever to build).
I haven't gotten any games with this sale yet, but it could happen. There's nothing I really want right now, so the price is going to have to be really awesome for me to pull the trigger.
Orcs Must Die 2 for less than $4 is a great deal.

I might bite on Sleeping Dogs, anyone know if it's been much lower than $17 elsewhere? What about the DLC? There's a pack of it for like $2 but I don't think it's all inclusive...

Has anyone played Thirty Flights of Loving? Seems to have gotten really good reviews, tho it wasn't on my radar. I've never played either of the Alice games either but it seems they go on sale during every sale so I guess I can pick that one up when the backlog lessens. Seems the second one wasn't as good tho?
Orcs Must Die 2 for less than $4 is a great deal.

I might bite on Sleeping Dogs, anyone know if it's been much lower than $17 elsewhere? What about the DLC? There's a pack of it for like $2 but I don't think it's all inclusive...

Has anyone played Thirty Flights of Loving? Seems to have gotten really good reviews, tho it wasn't on my radar. I've never played either of the Alice games either but it seems they go on sale during every sale so I guess I can pick that one up when the backlog lessens. Seems the second one wasn't as good tho?

I believe Sleeping Dogs was ~$11 in the past few weeks on either Amazon or GMG....I can't remember which.
Hmm, tried checking Camelcamel but for some reason it was only giving me third party Amazon price tracking history.
Orcs Must Die 2 for less than $4 is a great deal.

I might bite on Sleeping Dogs, anyone know if it's been much lower than $17 elsewhere? What about the DLC? There's a pack of it for like $2 but I don't think it's all inclusive...

Has anyone played Thirty Flights of Loving? Seems to have gotten really good reviews, tho it wasn't on my radar. I've never played either of the Alice games either but it seems they go on sale during every sale so I guess I can pick that one up when the backlog lessens. Seems the second one wasn't as good tho?
Greenmangaming had it for 12 a few days ago u miss out :(
There's also a ton of older titles with 20-50% discounts that are never listed on the front page.
Yep. Been buying older games I have or had boxed copies of and games I never bought. Heck, the Tomb Raider and Serious Sam collection packs were a steal.
FTL $4.99 *yoink*
I would be interested in Worms Revolution if they hadn't completely abandoned and DLC'd the hell out of Worms Reloaded. At this point, fuck Team17.
LA Noire worth it?

It's supposed to have a decent story but the game is locked at 30FPS due to the motion capture/face software (or something to that effect).

People are hoping for a PC patch that removes this lock but I don't think that's happened yet (or even been discussed by R*).
PC people are spoiled. "Steam sale is aweful" "waaawwwwww"

I just recently got back to PC gaming after a few years break, console players do not get this crazy good deals, sure, you have to go buy games but they dont go that cheap, ever.

I just got rayman and spec ops for $10. 2 high quality games for 10 each, how is that not a good deal?

These sales have sucked compared to other sales. Nothing spoiled about it.
Greenmangaming had it for 12 a few days ago u miss out :(

Meh, I'll just wait for the next sale wherever then, thanks tho.

Yep. Been buying older games I have or had boxed copies of and games I never bought. Heck, the Tomb Raider and Serious Sam collection packs were a steal.

Yeah, I bought several of those collections during the summer sale, including TR.

FTL $4.99 *yoink*
I would be interested in Worms Revolution if they hadn't completely abandoned and DLC'd the hell out of Worms Reloaded. At this point, fuck Team17.

Didn't even know they had a new one out... Aren't they just rehashing the same thing over and over? I've had Reloaded on my wishlist for a while, was probably gonna grab it at the end of this sale since even the DLC is pretty cheap right now. Been a while since I played any Worms, not sure which one to grab or wait for now, hrm.