Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

HTTP REQUEST FAILED on the big file :(

EDIT: No wait, downloading now, probably take about 50 mins at this download rate.
Buggies are not in for this build, btw. But the Cutlass is in, which surprised me.
I'm undoubtedly going to get this game (played all the old CR games and Privateer 2 is probably in my top 10, if not 5), though I'm still deciding what level I want to invest in this early, if any.

Though I do have concerns. #1 is about item/equipment/ship progression. I'm 99.9% sure that those (including a moderator) saying no ship is any better than another and things like combat will be determined 100% by player skill are simply fools. But, it does appear that they're pretty heavily invested in the philosophy that "upgrades" aren't really clear upgrades, they will have pros and cons that will enable you to tailor things to your playstyle, but won't necessarily really make your ship more objectively effective. I'm not really sure I'm on board with that philosophy. I don't need the ability to one shot noobs after playing for a few months, but I think a loadout that comes with playing for a long time should have a pretty hefty advantage over the cheapest/noobiest loadout imaginable. I just don't see my interest being that captivated long term by a game that doesn't have a fair amount of item progression. I also think it's fun to do things like spend a ton of money outfitting the cheapest ship there is and really surprising people that expect a sitting duck, and I'm not even really sure that's possible to the extent that I would like.

It's about skill, not who plays 24/7. There is no EpicGearL33TH4X0RneedTOgrind gear, but there is item progression

#2 is the pay to win aspect.

This is directly oposite to your #1. Anyhow, for the gazilionth time, it is NOT P2W.
I am worried that once I get roaming around my hanger I am going to be sad that my connie is all alone and open my wallet to buy her new friends :p
Just wait till they open up the option to invite ppl to other hangars. I have all 5 initial pledge ships + the Cutlass and my doors will be open to anyone wishing to join
Just wait till they open up the option to invite ppl to other hangars. I have all 5 initial pledge ships + the Cutlass and my doors will be open to anyone wishing to join

Can we have knife fights in multiplayer hangar?
went from 200 kb/s to 68 mb/s haha nice.

downloaded. will try it out later :)
I just got home.... I'm downloading it now..

Sadly it doesn't look like any specials are going on for other ships right now.. maybe hornet brochure..
lol I had 1.8Mb/s for the initial download, now its at 15kb/s. Guess I'll get it in about 2 days!

edit.... annnnnd it crashed.
So my bother and I started downloading at the same time from the same router. Some how he was getting 3.5mb/s and finished in like 15mins. I on the other hand am still downloading at 700kb/s with 20mins to go. :/
Incidentally, if you do get the the first "patch" downloaded, and get the "WEBGET REQUEST FAILED" error, just let it sit, it will start downloading again after about 5 minutes.
Resolution doesn't go up to 2560x1440. So stupid. 2560x1440 is 16x9, if it can do 1920x1080 then it should do 1440 no problem. What am I missing here?

Where's the brightness setting? It's sooo dark.

The camera sucks so much, and why does the menu backgrounds move; annoying.
Resolution doesn't go up to 2560x1440. So stupid. 2560x1440 is 16x9, if it can do 1920x1080 then it should do 1440 no problem. What am I missing here?

Where's the brightness setting? It's sooo dark.

The camera sucks so much, and why does the menu backgrounds move; annoying.

You've GOT to be kidding me. No 2560x1440?! That must be fixed by the time dogfighting rolls around.
WOOOOOOOO the cutlass is in the hangar?? aesome, downloading now at 1MB/s. looking forward to coming back when kids are asleep so i can explore it
Had a black screen after I hit the launch button. Restarted SC and it had to dl another patch. Now it is hanging up on the loading screen then getting a timed out message. Servers are getting hammered I guess, I wonder why?