Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

dang that was late last night... no hangar till way late im guessing.

that's what im hoping, so i don't have to sit at work while you guys are running around in the hanger taunting me with tantalizing posts and screen shots. :D
that's what im hoping, so i don't have to sit at work while you guys are running around in the hanger taunting me with tantalizing posts and screen shots. :D

speaking of screenshots. is there an NDA? im assuming yes since its such an early build..
No, your pledge did not come with an NDA to agree to, and more importantly how are you going to enforce it?
No, your pledge did not come with an NDA to agree to, and more importantly how are you going to enforce it?

? why would I enforce an NDA for a game I dont own or work on??

maybe you misunderstood..
? why would I enforce an NDA for a game I dont own or work on??

maybe you misunderstood..

I meant, how are they going to enforce it? Technically pledges are pre-purchases so they can't slap an NDA even if they wanted to.

Another tidbit of info. The variant of the Aurora that comes with the Digital Scout package is the Marque one, which is one step above the base ES model:
Download the full brochure here:

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I meant, how are they going to enforce it? Technically pledges are pre-purchases so they can't slap an NDA even if they wanted to.

idk haha i dont work at a game company.

im guessing the chances of them taking legal action against you are incredibly small. but if i sign an NDA im not gonna post shit just cause i think i can get away with it.

and i am sure the launcher and hangar module download will come with terms and conditions
There is no NDA and there will be no NDA, this was answered long ago in a WMH. Sorry for not making that clear from the start.
I'm ready! Took today off from work!

I got stuck with overtime yesterday, today and tomorrow. Total hours will be 58 hours this week. Mixed emotions... more money, but only straight time, and I did have plans for Saturday that I won't be able to do now.

I will remote into my home computer and get it downloaded when it's released, so I will be able to play around with it for an hour before bed tonight.
I got stuck with overtime yesterday, today and tomorrow. Total hours will be 58 hours this week. Mixed emotions... more money, but only straight time, and I did have plans for Saturday that I won't be able to do now.

I always look at it this way:

I would rather be at work knowing I would be able to play that evening, rather than taking the day off and not being able to play due to technical issues.

I'm looking at you Tuesday patch days.
I always look at it this way:

I would rather be at work knowing I would be able to play that evening, rather than taking the day off and not being able to play due to technical issues.

I'm looking at you Tuesday patch days.

Yeah, I never take days off work for anything like that. You never know when something will happen that won't let you enjoy it on that day anyway, in which case you just wasted a day. Then when you do finally finish work and get around to playing it, it's all the sweeter.
The way I see it, is Traffic was gonna suck today, and the hangar is coming out so I may as well do it.
i don't take days off for game releases. the closest thing to that i have done is have my wisdom teeth scheduled to be pulled at. 8am the day bf3 came out.
i don't take days off for game releases. the closest thing to that i have done is have my wisdom teeth scheduled to be pulled at. 8am the day bf3 came out.

Sucks for you. BF3 and you had your teeth pulled. Not sure which is worse. :p
Wingman had a live stream up a few minutes ago and he said Hangar is later today, and the Store would be going up tomorrow.
I'm undoubtedly going to get this game (played all the old CR games and Privateer 2 is probably in my top 10, if not 5), though I'm still deciding what level I want to invest in this early, if any.

Though I do have concerns. #1 is about item/equipment/ship progression. I'm 99.9% sure that those (including a moderator) saying no ship is any better than another and things like combat will be determined 100% by player skill are simply fools. But, it does appear that they're pretty heavily invested in the philosophy that "upgrades" aren't really clear upgrades, they will have pros and cons that will enable you to tailor things to your playstyle, but won't necessarily really make your ship more objectively effective. I'm not really sure I'm on board with that philosophy. I don't need the ability to one shot noobs after playing for a few months, but I think a loadout that comes with playing for a long time should have a pretty hefty advantage over the cheapest/noobiest loadout imaginable. I just don't see my interest being that captivated long term by a game that doesn't have a fair amount of item progression. I also think it's fun to do things like spend a ton of money outfitting the cheapest ship there is and really surprising people that expect a sitting duck, and I'm not even really sure that's possible to the extent that I would like.

#2 is the pay to win aspect. If EQ2 let you buy the best raid gear and a level 80 toon in the Marketplace, I probably wouldn't have ever played it. I just don't like it. I realize that this is probably fairly heavily ameloriated by the fact that this isn't like an MMO, where a naked level 80 can one shot a level 10, or a fully geared up level 10 can three shot a normally geared level 10, but I still don't like it.
Luckily, I just wasted almost all my money on a car... so I have none left to waste on Star Citizen, HAHA, take that Chris Roberts :p

LOL this game is sucking my wallet dry and begging for me.

yeah its easy to buy ships thats for sure. i am trying to see what else comes out before i make another purchase. ill likely buy a freelancer though.

hornet to kill
freelancer to explore
yeah its easy to buy ships thats for sure. i am trying to see what else comes out before i make another purchase. ill likely buy a freelancer though.

hornet to kill
freelancer to explore

Yeah I just traded my Freelancer in for the Constellation. Figured the connie would pretty much take over the same roles as the Freelancer.
Hey, Lorien - Where did you learn that Digital Scout LTI packages will be including the Aurora Marque by default instead of the base ES model ship? If this is the case I'll have to make an update on my thread - lots of happy backers! Do you know if the "Mercenary LTI" package will confer a different variant of the Aurora compared to the Digital Scout as well? Thanks!

Edit: Eager to see Cutlass possibly in the launch version of the Hangar module!
^^Ya I saw that pic and asked Ben myself for confirmation. Didn't ask about the merc package, if you are on chatroll just ask him i know he's busy right now doing a presentation and also bombarded with spam from chatroll but you might get through with luck

P.S: The giveaway also got a whole lot better :D
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Do we know what the crew requirements are for each ship? I mean, we know the max crew, but what about min crew?

Like for a Constellation, will I have to hire at least one NPC if I don't have a PC to help me, even just to fly around?

For the Freelancer, max crew is 2, pilot and a gunner for the turret?

For the Connie, max is 4, pilot and 2 gunners for the 2 turrets, and...?

Basically trying to decide if I'd really want the Connie or the Freelancer. Thinking that if the Connie can be manned by a single person (at greatly reduced combat effectiveness, of course) it'd be the way to go, because the 75% greater cargo capacity would be nice and I can forego the extra expense of NPC crewman (or trying to find groupmates) if I'm going to be sticking to the safer parts of space, and then spring for the NPCs or take the time to find other PCs if I'm heading to more dangerous areas.

Is there any wiki or compilation of the information that has been said about the ships, beyond what is contained in the Ship Specs spreadsheet on CIGs site?
Do we know what the crew requirements are for each ship? I mean, we know the max crew, but what about min crew?

Like for a Constellation, will I have to hire at least one NPC if I don't have a PC to help me, even just to fly around?

For the Freelancer, max crew is 2, pilot and a gunner for the turret?

For the Connie, max is 4, pilot and 2 gunners for the 2 turrets, and...?

Basically trying to decide if I'd really want the Connie or the Freelancer. Thinking that if the Connie can be manned by a single person (at greatly reduced combat effectiveness, of course) it'd be the way to go, because the 75% greater cargo capacity would be nice and I can forego the extra expense of NPC crewman (or trying to find groupmates) if I'm going to be sticking to the safer parts of space, and then spring for the NPCs or take the time to find other PCs if I'm heading to more dangerous areas.

Is there any wiki or compilation of the information that has been said about the ships, beyond what is contained in the Ship Specs spreadsheet on CIGs site?

I don't think anything has been said about minimum crew yet. On the Connie though the 4th crewman would be your P52 pilot.