Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

God damnit.. now I want a hornet... and a constellation.. or a freelancer.

What to choose?
God damnit.. now I want a hornet... and a constellation.. or a freelancer.

What to choose?

Can you buy the military version of the Hornet right now? Is it proposed that you can buy it ever? Seems like if you were going to use the Hornet as a pure dogfighter you wouldn't want to buy the C, you'd want to buy the A, but IIRC it didn't seem like A was a purchase option, and it could be possible they included the specs for it just so you could see the difference between what players would be flying (C) and what you flew in Squadron 42 or what the military flies in the PU (A).

Connie vs. Freelancer is a tough choice. Could be just a monetary decision, but also could be that the Freelancer has some significant advantages for exploration type activities.
You can't buy the military version right now though....

I like the rear hatch of the freelancer better.. but adjustable engines and size of the constellation.. freelancer is more like a firefly :p
I know, right? I'm loving the Connie, but I wonder if a freelancer would suit a solo player better...
connie should be fine for a solo player, higher some ai crew and you are good to go. but that might pose a monetary issue early on unless you can choose to pay crew after a run type of deal.

can anybody login? im getting an account login error..

we broke it.
ok freelancer is cool but it has absolutely no viability. other than that its the best looking ship in the hanger so far. and also has the coolest interior/cargo hold. I also noticed that it had two different types of missiles. it has 10 missiles and 2 bigger missiles, which look to be about 50% bigger.

the civilian version of the hornet has crap for armaments. still looks bad ass though.

the aurora looks awesome and has a great field of view.

the constellation... well i have never really liked the Stella but it has a decent field of view and a huge interior. unfortunately you cant open up the cargo area that the p52 is stored in right now.

the cutlass is NOT in the hanger. its only a model place holder but it still looks badass, and it will have one of the highest field of view cockpits in the game. I am thinking that the cutlass will be one of the main ships I will be flying once the game is released.

can anybody login? im getting an account login error..

after you have patched? ya that happened to me just keep trying.
I know, right? I'm loving the Connie, but I wonder if a freelancer would suit a solo player better...

Exact same dilemma here. Leaning towards Connie. But then I think maybe exploration will be more of a big deal initially and maybe the Freelancer exploration variant will be better at it. Anyone have more info on what exactly exploration entails?

It'd be nice if CIG released more info about the craft, especially since people are literally paying (cumulatively) millions of dollars for them. Specifics can and will change, but they could definitely release more detailed descriptions of their current intent with regards to each craft. Though maybe they have and I just haven't seen it.
The starting 10k credits that come with the Constellation might help the expense of hiring NPC crew.

Edit: Going offline for a bit, Frankie expect a pm in 10-15 min.
the civilian version of the hornet has crap for armaments. still looks bad ass though.

The Hornet C has the same armaments as the military version except it has a different wingtip weapon (which can be changed), no canard turret (but can be added), and a cargo add on for the top turret (which may be able to be replaced with a weapon?). If the F7C isn't the best dogfighter currently available, then what is?
Lorien.. if you feel like picking me up a hornet... :D

Unless you have some news on any special sales that may come up soon for the hornet/constellation?
i wonder if 2560x1440 will be supported when the dogfighting is out. hope so.

right now the game looks absolutely beautiful. insane the amount of detail.
Little sneak preview for the [H].

EDIT: OK, it cool to put this up.


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Really diggin' the freelancer though the interior kinda reminds be of an RV with how narrow it is.

Also has anyone figured out how to navigate the terminal menu? I can access the terminal but I can't figure out how to switch over to weapons.
So I got to go look at my Aurora! It was a cool little show...until I climbed the ladder and my ship was gone except for the

then I climbed down and the guns were gone. And it wasn't just like the image wasn't there..I could run and jump everywhere it once was lol...It was gone! :p I hope it comes back, I tried to login again but was getting the login error so I gave up. haha
So I got to go look at my Aurora! It was a cool little show...until I climbed the ladder and my ship was gone except for the

then I climbed down and the guns were gone. And it wasn't just like the image wasn't there..I could run and jump everywhere it once was lol...It was gone! :p I hope it comes back, I tried to login again but was getting the login error so I gave up. haha

Yeah, 'tis a bit buggy. I climbed in one side of my 325A and out the other side even though the door wasn't open. Also climbed up a ladder and got twisted around so my upper body was pointing one was and the lower body was pointing the other way.

But it's pre-alpha, so whatever, doesn't bother me. What kind of scares me is that it seemed to be a lot of work just to get out this hanger module, the depth of the game I think we're all expecting is orders of magnitude greater. So I'm hoping they actually deliver the quality, stability, scale, etc in a timely manner.
I managed to get on top of the Constellation lol, climb from the inside juncture of the lower nacelles then on top of the minigun and shift run + jump to the side of the ship. I forgot to take a screenshot but i'll do it again after I'm done helping Frankie get sorted out with his pledge.

Here is another trick. If you manage to load into the level, unplug your network cable. You'll get a pop up saying "Connection to server lost" and an ok button to click but you will not be kicked out of the level. So you'll have unlimited offline playtime. :D
That's why I said I was going offline for a bit lol.

P.S: And guys spam your pics lol, let's make this thread worthy of its title. :D
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Managed to long on again, and they seem to have nerfed jumping distance. I can only get on top of the lower nacelle but can't cross the gap from there to the top of the ship. Lame


Another trick: Climb into the cockpit of a Hornet and Right click your mouse, a holographic map will pop up

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LOL wtf. They took away my deluxe hanger and now my connie is sticking through the walls. :p

Edit: Fixed
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if you guys can take some SS of the constellation.. im on the fence of purchasing. freelancer too.

if you guys can take some SS of the constellation.. im on the fence of purchasing. freelancer too.


What specifics shots of the Connie do you want? I have two just a couple posts up but can do more.
Lorien.. if you feel like picking me up a hornet... :D

Unless you have some news on any special sales that may come up soon for the hornet/constellation?

I want a Hornet, but I'd rather have the military version than the civvie, so I guess I should wait and see what transpires?
I want a Hornet, but I'd rather have the military version than the civvie, so I guess I should wait and see what transpires?

I want both a constellation and a hornet. But I want to wait for a special or at least the variants.
You folks and all your fancy hangers :)

Got in once but couldn't get third person to work and fixing the FPS screwed up the resolution and game client so I took a few shots and after getting suck in my ship I logged out. Humerus warning sticker in the final picture.









YESS that's what I'm talking about. Full size screenshot all over this bitch

Here are some of mine




Mmmm, after wandering around my tiny 325A, I do kind of want a ship with a bigger cargo area now.
All I have is a crappy Aurora :(


At least it has a bed :)

I am thinking about getting a Freelancer, but don't know if I can justify the extra cost to myself.
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I am thinking about getting a Freelancer, but don't know if I can justify the extra cost to myself.

LOL this game is sucking my wallet dry. Between the wife and I, I have sunk $400 into this game and I am still wanting to get more.
Ok I figured out an alternate route to get on top of the Constellation. :D

Click for full size image

Hmmm I think the business class actually has the most work into it currently. I think I like it over the Deluxe hangers at least at this point.

Adding some Freelancer shots in a second for comparison to the Connie



