Star Citizen - media blowout, Chris Robert's new game

And likewise you can buy equipment to obfuscate your name.

There is going to be a HUGE market for that equipment because that's the only way pirates wanted by NPC authorities or anyone flying with a stolen ship will be able to enter UEE policed space. It'll be like people selling clean registrations for stolen cars.

Any part of the economy is only really exciting if there's a truly limited supply for some products.

If products can be mass produced then their price will fall below material cost because there are tons of people who don't understand opportunity cost. "I mined the ore to make this, so the ore was free, thus I can sell for cheap."

They're not regulating, limiting or restricting it in any way though. They'll let you do what you want, they just don't want to be seen as involved or responsible if people end up getting scammed or ripped off.

I am a big fan of assigning personal responsibility as opposed to nannying people through life. A car manufacturer isn't responsible if you buy a defective car of that make from a sleazy used cars salesman. People getting scammed is 100% user error.
If they can pull off that aspect of the game its going to create a really cool dynamic. also make for some really funny fake ID's

deeper scanners and will exist though so bounty hunters will be able to find you in policed space still :D
Dev said on the forums, that self destruct is not currently planned. haha lets hope they keep it that way.:D
That sucks, IMO it should be in the game, as an investment/module to buy for your ship if you want it (IE traders, etc).

Also there can be ways to counter it, alarms if the ship is set to self destruct and you're pulling it in/boarding it.

I mean think of all the awesome stories that can come from having a self destruct ability int eh game and ways people can use it.

Imagine a trader out in space all alone, he gets bum rushed by a huge pirate vessel and has no way to escape. So as a last resort he turns on the self destruct and jettison's himself out o f the ship.

The Pirates.......being well pirates, are focused on his ship and it's cargo, so they pull it into their ship only to hav eit explode, taking both ships with it.

That would be hilarious.

To me it seems like there are certain elements where tehy are cutting corners, instead of thinking "around" them and ways to counter them and balance it, they just "throw it out."

Like with boarding, I HAAAAAAAAATE that you have to first "disable" a ship in order to board it. That COMPLETELY takes away the element of surprise and the whole "cat and mouse" game that lone-wolf pirates could have. Now everytime you board a ship it has to be done through the docking collar after the fact that you've already disabled it, and thus everyone knows what's going on.

I was hoping (before it was detailed) that the whole boarding action would be actually in-depth. It'd allow all types of players to do it in different ways. From the docking collar to the more elusive "breaking" and entering style where the people on board don't know that someone has broken into the ship.

If anyone here watched firefly, the last episode is what kind of thing I'm talking about.

Where a lone outlaw rides up being Serenity in her engine wake (to mask his heat signature so he won't show on the scanners) and then he goes outside and jumps aboard the hull of the serenity and finds a hatch to break through and make his way inside the ship without them knowing it.

There are many ways you can balanc ethis, from having hull breach alarms, heat radars, heat maskers, etc.

Not to mention the fact that as one person he'd have (in the case of taking on bigger ships) to take out more then one person to take over the ship, thus he's at the disadvantage aside from the "surprise" of it.

However currently, the way boarding is,t hat is impossible, which is disappointing to me.
For those of you in Germany, Star Citizen is throwing a party during Gamescom! This is a highly desirable event that free to access for all Backers (Concierge, Golden Ticket, and Subscribers get to show up an hour earlier for some VIP status), but everyone must RSVP in order to get a spot! From what I hear, there is a thriving German Star Citizen fanbase, so I expect them to completely fill the venue! If you're going, they specifically mention for your to bring your Citizen cards and/or T-shirts, as they'll be used in some sort of raffle or other prizes.

There's also a new bit of info officially available: Trophies!

With this newspost, they confirm there will be in-world achievements/trophies and visible ways of displaying them. Trophy cases shipboard, dashboard icons, and things to hang in your hangar, etc... and lots more. They quote it as

" Eventually, your trophy case will include everything from hard-won battle wreckage to racing awards… but for now, it will be a great way to show how you’ve been active in the community! The Gamescom trophies will be available for purchase for $5 in the RSI store through the event… and after that, they’re gone forever! "

That's right, you can buy an exclusive Gamescom Trophy (which will show up in your hangar/account as "Gamescom 2943") for only $5, but it is only available until the end of Gamescom!

Edit: Stiler, bring those concerns and suggestion to the official forum! Things are not yet set in stone, and CIG has been responsive to the community. If enough of us feel that "stealth boarding" could be a viable game dynamic, mayhap they'll implement it. There's still a lot in the works!
Another idiotic post from the forums today questioning the dev process and CR replied with something I'd summarize as, "these guys probably know what they're doing, calm down".

I am happy to see feedback, whether positive OR negative because it shows people are invested, which is immensely gratifying when you're building a destination like Star Citizen. It would be far more depressing / annoying / disappointing that no one cared enough to comment one way or the other.

Having said that there are ways to voice negative feedback that increase its likelihood of being listened to. Personal attacks like calling someone that came up with a certain idea an idiot tend to put the hair up on people's back and reduce the chance of the feedback being listened to objectively. This isn't so much for me as I have pretty thick skin. You wouldn't have given your hard earned cash towards helping this game get made if you didn't rate my abilities as game designer, but Star Citizen is being made by a large team of talented developers and some of them are a lot more sensitive - what is worse it can make them fear that they may lose their jobs - its bad enough to be called out by you superior but having vocal fans baying for your blood - that's much worse. I don't mean this as a comment on anyone posting in this thread tact in voicing things they don't agree with as everyone (so far :) ) has been civilized - I mean it as a comment in general in how best to be heard on the forums.

The CIG team and myself regularly read the various forum threads - probably much more than you all realize - we just don't comment as that often pulls you into a discussion that in most cases we don't have time for (there's a little thing called the Hangar module we're all busily working on right now) but we're always scanning the forums and listening to chat to feel the pulse of the community, to see what issues are being brought up and collect any community ideas that may make the game better. So even though you many not get an official response likelihood is that your thoughts and opinions have registered on the development team.

This doesn't mean that every idea or complaint is actioned on - that's impossible - with such a large, growing community it is impossible to please everyone. I think this will be one of the biggest challenges with Star Citizen. Unlike the old way of making games, we are making the game in public, bringing all of you along the way as the world's biggest game development sounding board. I fully believe this will make a better game but I am not fooling myself thinking that everyone will be happy with the final result. Right now we have a huge community that love the big idea of the game but all have a slightly different idea of what the game will be like when finished - Wing Commander with much better graphics, Privateer but online, Freelancer with a dynamic economy, Eve with cockpits and so on.

I'm aiming to make a game that will hit the sweet spot between a lot of my past games, other space games that people love, do it in a way that adds new gameplay and isn't shackled to how other online games have handled the same problems.

Some people are bound to be unhappy with the final result as it wont be everything they've imagined in their head the game will be - but I hope that the game will have enough good things that even if it doesn't completely match up the game that they had in their mind they can have fun with it. And for that I would ask the community to have patience. I don't mind debate - in fact I find that useful - but before declaring that a mechanic wont work or is broken and they are "out" to actually wait and play the finished article (and by this I mean the final game not the early pre-alpha modules we're releasing) before passing judgment. If you have a concern please voice it - we listen to everyone's voice, and sometimes we agree and change direction.

For instance I really would like everyone that argues to death about PvP vs. PvE to just wait and play the game before making their mind up. I think they're going to pleasantly surprised about how Star Citizen feels. The same goes for the P2W argument - which never makes any sense to me as you could always make exactly the same points in subscription games that people would swear are not P2W as just starting a week later in a game like WoW would put you at a disadvantage to someone that started earlier and already had 40 hours of game play - not to mention there isn't a "win" in Star Citizen, nor even an end game - its a living universe - just like in life the definition of "win" or "lose" is up to you. Some people consider themselves winners by acquiring wealth, or by their prowess in an athletic pursuit, others by achieving great things, others measure their success by how much they make other people's lives better. I see the same dynamic being the case in Star Citizen - everyone will have different definitions of what they consider winning or their objective in the game. There is no one ring to rule them all so to speak!

So by all means speak up, voice your concerns, but don't crank up the volume because you feel like you're being ignored - you're not, just know that even if we don't acknowledge concerns or feedback that doesn't mean we are not listening and we won't adjust course on things that we think will make the game better. But like any huge project this process will be a slow moving one - people who complain no one is listening to them may not appreciate that a thread they started six months ago could affect a system we design next year - So be patient and also acknowledged that while your opinion is very important to you, it is just one of the many voices we listen to and we may not necessarily agree (but I promise we will ALWAYS listen)

Chris should have just ignored that asshole. baragoon is just pissed he cant scam people out of their money on the RSI forums any more. That guy is a grade A scum bag.
i believe he started charging people, and even if its not "scamming" per-say its sets a bad precedent on their forums and it could lead to legal action against RSI. which is why they no longer allow it on their site.
Well, I spent my money.
I find that all the RSI forum talk is speculation and lots of people making statements of how this or that will work when the info from the devs is very vague thus far.
I think lots of people are so personally invested in this game that they have this running fantasy in their head of how its going to turn out, and they use tidbits of actual information to validate these fantasies.
I read a thread that went on with hundreds of replies comparing specific ships ability dog fighting ability and it was madness. Same with the discussions on racing...the talk of people comparing the m50 to the 350r was mind-numbing with giant essays on handling and acceleration and shit like that when in reality, we dont have a frigging dogs-dick clue on how any of this is going to turn out. Its like Roberts makes on vage statement and thousands of people grab an idea and race to the top of conclusion mountain like its an episode of MXC or something. I saw one guy write more about the shields of the constellation vs the shields of the freelancer with huge in-depth analysis on penetrations and powerplants and shit and Im thinking to myself that this guy just wrote more on these shields without a shred of evidence then I put pen to paper in my entire post-secondary education.
I avoid the talk now. Speculation is growing faster then the US national debt and at this rate, with the huge amount of time to go before this games comes out, is going to go full retard.
Realistic expectations need to be expected, but at this rate, lots of people are spending lots of time building this perfect game in their heads and IMHO, the game we get on release is going to be basic functionality with much to be added in the years to fallow. Lots of people are going to manage the expectations poorly ill bet.
I generally try to stay away from the forums except for the dev section. since we know basically nothing about the game, even all the info that has been released is only a placeholder. I usually just hangout in chat since the devs pop on fairly often .

so all you get is people raging at each other about theoretical stuff. my favorite argument is the constant comparison of the connie and the retaliator. The retaliator of which we dont even have a picture!

Basically, for me, if the initial release is half the game they say it is now I will be more than happy.
by Chris Roberts: The same goes for the P2W argument - which never makes any sense to me as you could always make exactly the same points in subscription games that people would swear are not P2W as just starting a week later in a game like WoW would put you at a disadvantage to someone that started earlier and already had 40 hours of game play

This is, by far, the weakest and lamest argument about the game not being P2W that I have read anywhere.

When someone starts to play the game doesn't fit at all into the P2W discussion. Mindboggling response, truly mindboggling.
This is, by far, the weakest and lamest argument about the game not being P2W that I have read anywhere.

When someone starts to play the game doesn't fit at all into the P2W discussion. Mindboggling response, truly mindboggling.

I have to agree, he would have been better to go with what he said previously - every single thing available for real money during crowdfunding etc... will be available in-game, for in-game currency. The rest of his post made sense in many ways, but that sentence will add fuel to the fire he was trying to snuff out. I think we need to calmly and rationally explain our concerns and ask for hard clarification on some elements of the business plan, lest speculation spirals out of control. Things like

Will any in game items such as ships, components etc... be sold for real money post launch? The answer should be no, but confirming it would be nice.
The prevailing notion is that post-lauch players will be able to buy 2 categories of items for real currency - "convenience boosters" like credit doublers etc... and a limited amount of in-game currency. With regards to the limited purchasing power, how much game credit do you envision players purchasing per month if they were to purchase the maximum amount? WIill that be enough to purchase a medium-grade ship or better? Will it only be the kind of credits necessary for financial upkeep (hangar fees, insurance policies, etc...) of a modest enterprise? How many real-world dollars will this translate to? Less than $100? $50? $15?
As a "roleplayer" this is especially important to me - cosmetic items. Will cosmetic items be available for real money post launch, or only available for game credits? If they are available for real money, I'd like to see a guarantee that none of them will ONLY be available for real money, but instead be available in-game as well. I'm rather sick of MMOs expecting those who value the aesthetic/cosmetic content in a game to pay extra for it, and I really hope Star Citizen isn't going to end up that way. Its a clear bias against one play style over another, unfair, and exploitative. This is one reason I hate most "free to play" and some "buy to play" games, where they figure they can charge $10 for a set of avatar clothes, but they'd never consider charging that same $10 for a widget required for you to enter a dungeon or PVP arena, or unlock gear from those locations etc.. If I want to spend my gametime collecting every space-suit, dashboard icon, trophy, paint job etc... I shouldn't be financially penalized for enjoying that content. This is one reason I've always supported the "flat rate" subscription MMO model - you pay your entry fee, and you get the entire theme park and sandbox included in the price of admission; all content is equally open to you without surcharge. I hope that Star Citizen isn't lured to make the same mistakes I see within the industry.

I think as answers to these sort of elements emerge, players will be able to have a better understanding of the business model and if the community finds it to be "pay to win".
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This is, by far, the weakest and lamest argument about the game not being P2W that I have read anywhere.

When someone starts to play the game doesn't fit at all into the P2W discussion. Mindboggling response, truly mindboggling.

Well yes it is a bit weak, but again we know nothing of how the economy will work, how their store will work after release, and or if they are regulating goods/ currency in the game after launch.

so all this controversy over pay to win is ridiculous. it could be like eve which is pay to win but its not like paying actually gets you any where or makes you a better player. we have no idea.

In the final game I do believe there will be a " pay to win" mechanic in place, but less of a pay to win and more of a, "I dont have 40 hours to grind out 200k credits (or what ever) I will pay some money to get it a bit faster." It wont make people gods, it just gives a bit of accessibility to more casual players.

Then again since we know nothing I could be totally wrong. we will just have to wait and see. have a little faith this is CR we are talking about not Ubisoft, activision or EA.
Well yes it is a bit weak, but again we know nothing of how the economy will work, how their store will work after release, and or if they are regulating goods/ currency in the game after launch.

so all this controversy over pay to win is ridiculous. it could be like eve which is pay to win but its not like paying actually gets you any where or makes you a better player. we have no idea.

In the final game I do believe there will be a " pay to win" mechanic in place, but less of a pay to win and more of a, "I dont have 40 hours to grind out 200k credits (or what ever) I will pay some money to get it a bit faster." It wont make people gods, it just gives a bit of accessibility to more casual players.

Then again since we know nothing I could be totally wrong. we will just have to wait and see. have a little faith this is CR we are talking about not Ubisoft, activision or EA.

The other side of the coin is that if people could farm enough credit to get something like the Idris in a month, those who dropped $5000 to get one are going to be pissed beyond words.

When a company sets up a system that encourages people to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars 18 months before launch, it is impossible for the end result to please everyone.
The other side of the coin is that if people could farm enough credit to get something like the Idris in a month, those who dropped $5000 to get one are going to be pissed beyond words.

no they wont, everyone that pledges should know the monetary value of the ship is not 5k.

you are giving them money to help develop the game, the ships are just a thank you.

sure its going to save those people time. but they shouldnt be buying them with that intention in mind at least not at that monetary level.
no they wont, everyone that pledges should know the monetary value of the ship is not 5k.

you are giving them money to help develop the game, the ships are just a thank you.

sure its going to save those people time. but they shouldnt be buying them with that intention in mind at least not at that monetary level.

Do they really know that? I've read their forums, not everyone is being rational in their approach to things.
Do they really know that? I've read their forums, not everyone is being rational in their approach to things.

People are always going to complain, and stupid people are always going to be stupid. It doesn't change the fact that your are not buying the ships when you pledge, you are PLEDGING, the ships are just a perk.

Here's a question for you guys. Do you think that all these hotas/pedal setups are an actual advantage. sure they have more buttons and what not, and they are way more immersive/fun. but I just dont see the advantage in them. A joystick with a twist function has a much faster response time than pedals because range of motion is so much shorter. same goes with a joystick that has a built in throttle, you can flick it to what ever setting you want much faster than a hotas throttle.
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People are always going to complain, and stupid people are always going to be stupid. It doesn't change the fact that your are not buying the ships when you pledge, you are PLEDGING, the ships are just a perk.

On a unrelated issue I believe that the devs said you would be locked in to your ships in November/December or whenever the dogfight alpha starts. but there will not be any thing restricting us from swapping ships out during the hanger alpha right??

i haven't heard of any locks for the hangar phase
People are always going to complain, and stupid people are always going to be stupid. It doesn't change the fact that your are not buying the ships when you pledge, you are PLEDGING, the ships are just a perk.
You can't really blame people for thinking they are buying ships, especially when they renamed it to a "store" and you add them to a "shopping cart". I know it still says pledge, but I wouldn't blame people for not realising the implication of that.
This is, by far, the weakest and lamest argument about the game not being P2W that I have read anywhere.

When someone starts to play the game doesn't fit at all into the P2W discussion. Mindboggling response, truly mindboggling.

Meh, while I agree it's weak; I completely understand his point of view. He's just taking a very micro view of the advantage portion which is all he cares about. I wish I cared but I really don't. If it's too much on side of money buys advantage, I won't play it. It's just that simple. I'll be disappointed but that's about it. I won't be insulted, I won't be personally offended and I certainly won't blame anyone but myself for pledging.

The other side of the coin is that if people could farm enough credit to get something like the Idris in a month, those who dropped $5000 to get one are going to be pissed beyond words.

When a company sets up a system that encourages people to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars 18 months before launch, it is impossible for the end result to please everyone.

I won't be pissed and anyone that is more than annoyed and disappointed for a few minutes shouldn't have pledged that amount of money. It's like gambling money you can't afford to lose. Don't do that, it's fucking stupid and people that do it deserve to suffer for it because maybe, just maybe after one of the times; they'll learn their lesson.

People are always going to complain, and stupid people are always going to be stupid. It doesn't change the fact that your are not buying the ships when you pledge, you are PLEDGING, the ships are just a perk.


I guess I don't look at video game money the same way as a lot of other people. If I held video games to the high standards that some of these people are trying to, I would be pissed and disappointed all the time. That's no way for me to enjoy a hobby. I enjoy the ones and parts that I can and try not to sweat the ones I can't.
As far as the HOTAS setup is concerned, it likely depends on the flight dynamics. Overall, I think it is a benefit in both speed and ease of control. HOTAS setups put a ton of functions right at your fingertips. Provided the game controls at least as well as the old space sims, the X series, HAWX/AceCombat, Vendetta Online of today etc... having a Joystick can be a considerable benefit compared to keyboard and mouse because of the ease of making adjustments. More advanced maneuvers like cutting one of your engines, drifting yet spinning your ship around it axis so yo can fire at your attacker while moving backwards etc... could be easier to do with the sort of control options a joystick, especially HOTAS allows. For what it is worth, I have a Hori ACE EDGE which is a HOTAS-configured X360 controller and when I use it in flight sims, I perform much better than I do with a "normal" X360 controller if one is available (HAWX, HAWX2, Ace Combat etc).

Ultimately, the divide between joystick and other forms of control will be up to CIG. They have said they want to make the game accessible so I'm sure that keyboard and mouse piloting will be viable, as will Xbox360 controller piloting etc.... but they are also catering to the sim enthusiasts who have HOTAS, TrackIR etc...and everyone in between.
Someone threw a match into the haystack and now the whole Star Citizen community is mini-freaking out over a game that isn't even in a alpha state yet, and the majority of its design still sits on a white board. That is an impressive nerdtastic feat.
Someone threw a match into the haystack and now the whole Star Citizen community is mini-freaking out over a game that isn't even in a alpha state yet, and the majority of its design still sits on a white board. That is an impressive nerdtastic feat.

its only going to get worse as time goes on.
august is the first alpha with the hangar module. it will give them a good idea of minimum specs along with hardware compatibility issues.
Can't we all just be happy that it's actually going to be out in Alpha by the end of this year?

I think that that's happening now is part of the crowdfunding business reality. You cannot take the people's money and hope/expect that they will stay silent while there's essentially no product yet.

In traditional publishing gamers would rage about a game after release. In crowdfunding gamers paid years in advance and are essentially bored while the game is (hopefully) being created, so it's natural that rage and speculation is running rampant.
I think that that's happening now is part of the crowdfunding business reality. You cannot take the people's money and hope/expect that they will stay silent while there's essentially no product yet.

In traditional publishing gamers would rage about a game after release. In crowdfunding gamers paid years in advance and are essentially bored while the game is (hopefully) being created, so it's natural that rage and speculation is running rampant.

I guess I am to much of a well balanced human being to understand this. I pay my crowd fund, then wait for said product to be made. How is it natural to rage at every little detail during development? I am able to see every part of the development process right now. I have interviews, screenshots, whiteboard info, game modules coming, progress reports. I haven't read anywhere that they are not going to be able to fulfill a design goal. So I honestly don't understand the rage.
There are two reasons every one is freaking out right now.

1: SC for many of us, is something we have always dreamed about and hence care a lot about, well that and the shit load of money we are throwing at CR.

2: The SC forums are LOADED with trolls, and I mean LOADED.
I guess I am to much of a well balanced human being to understand this. I pay my crowd fund, then wait for said product to be made. How is it natural to rage at every little detail during development? I am able to see every part of the development process right now. I have interviews, screenshots, whiteboard info, game modules coming, progress reports. I haven't read anywhere that they are not going to be able to fulfill a design goal. So I honestly don't understand the rage.

And there is the problem. Most people today are not "well balanced" and not only expect, but demand instant gratification. Its sad really, a whole generation with no understanding of patience.
I guess I am to much of a well balanced human being to understand this. I pay my crowd fund, then wait for said product to be made. How is it natural to rage at every little detail during development? I am able to see every part of the development process right now. I have interviews, screenshots, whiteboard info, game modules coming, progress reports. I haven't read anywhere that they are not going to be able to fulfill a design goal. So I honestly don't understand the rage.

People become more invested in projects once they have money in them. Then they become even deeper invested when they think they are also part of the development process.
And there is the problem. Most people today are not "well balanced" and not only expect, but demand instant gratification. Its sad really, a whole generation with no understanding of patience.

I think it's just the nature of the hobby. I think most people who are backers of Star Citizen are probably around my age if not older, and I'm a pretty impatient gamer. That doesn't mean I'm impatient in everything else I do as well.
I think it's just the nature of the hobby. I think most people who are backers of Star Citizen are probably around my age if not older, and I'm a pretty impatient gamer. That doesn't mean I'm impatient in everything else I do as well.

Its the nature of the hobby to be raging asshats?

If you ordered a game online and it was being shipped via UPS and would arrive in 5 days, you even have a tracking number. with constant updates on its progress. Would you flip the f*ck out at UPS for 5 days trying to get more information and seeing if its on schedule/being handled properly?

I blame this crazy new hi speed internet. if we were still on 56k or 28k every one would be way more laid back. :D
Last week, I finished designing and building a web app that allows you to view, compare, sort, and filter all ships and their stats in a more tabular-like format (instead of having it dumped out as text on a page like the dev doc on the old site). Still some cross browser/version testing to do, but it's coming soon and will be included in the coming major build updates to the site, not to mention the stats themselves are still being finalized by our design team. :)
If you ordered a game online and it was being shipped via UPS and would arrive in 5 days, you even have a tracking number. with constant updates on its progress. Would you flip the f*ck out at UPS for 5 days trying to get more information and seeing if its on schedule/being handled properly?

I worked at Dell handling customer service escalations for a while. People definitely flip the fuck out when their package status doesn't get updated every 5 seconds on the UPS tracking page :p We had to call the police on a few people (for making threats over the phone), it gets pretty bad.
I worked at Dell handling customer service escalations for a while. People definitely flip the fuck out when their package status doesn't get updated every 5 seconds on the UPS tracking page :p We had to call the police on a few people (for making threats over the phone), it gets pretty bad.

i HATE Dell customer service.. i fucking hate it.
I worked at Dell handling customer service escalations for a while. People definitely flip the fuck out when their package status doesn't get updated every 5 seconds on the UPS tracking page :p We had to call the police on a few people (for making threats over the phone), it gets pretty bad.

Uhhg thats got to be one of the worst jobs ever.