Skyrim Modding Megathread

i actually havnt finished the main quest line yet and ive owned the game since it came out.

my highest level character was about 40 and the farthest i got in the main quest is the thalmor embassy lol

I haven't even completed ANY of the main quest lines :eek: LOL
What mods are you guys using to have those problems of having to start a new char? I am running 66 mods presently and have yet to ever have a problem with any of the chars I use. You running a lot of quest mods or environment/armor/clothes addons? I mostly run a couple custom homes, armor, clothes, some custom animations and such. A couple graphic improvements but not a whole lot.
It is a good idea to wait until the current mods are more finalized and for the larger mods to be released as Skyrim is very sensitive to mod updates/changes (plus official patches can cause problems with mods). I never thought I'd miss the days of how Oblivion worked with mods, but Skyrim is so damn finicky. For instance, unless I start a new game, I cannot play with that train mod as it just CTD when I enter Blackreach. A lot of quest mods do similar things to me. It's like if a mod conflicts ever so slightly, the game crashes. Of course, making a new game fixes this somehow but I hate making new characters in TES games. All that time finding/sorting my items and decorating my house...

So yeah, wait if you can.

I haven't tried any perk overhauls yet. I haven't tried a lot of mods that I would like to due to being scared of possible conflicts causing crashing.

I'm glad it's not just me. There's a lot of amazing mods and great work out there but I know to temper my excitement because Skyrim really is incredible finicky.
What mods are you guys using to have those problems of having to start a new char? I am running 66 mods presently and have yet to ever have a problem with any of the chars I use. You running a lot of quest mods or environment/armor/clothes addons? I mostly run a couple custom homes, armor, clothes, some custom animations and such. A couple graphic improvements but not a whole lot.

Nothing big so that's why I'm not sure why I get crashing with certain mods. And the crashing mainly occurs with certain quest mods, which, judging from the comments I've read on Nexus, is not uncommon. Even then, the crashing is sometimes in odd places.

An example is if I run any of thirteenoranges's quest mods I crash unless I deactivate WATER. After that, the game is fine except it crashes whenever I enter a Dwemer ruin. If I make a new game I can run his quest mod(s) with WATER active and have no crashing. So I figure that Skyrim saved something into my saved game that I will not be able to get rid of unless I start a new game. If I make a new game now, then I'm guessing the problem will simply repeat itself in the following month(s) so I'm just going to live with it until Skyrim matures more.
What mods are you guys using to have those problems of having to start a new char? I am running 66 mods presently and have yet to ever have a problem with any of the chars I use. You running a lot of quest mods or environment/armor/clothes addons? I mostly run a couple custom homes, armor, clothes, some custom animations and such. A couple graphic improvements but not a whole lot.

I restarted after i installed Deadly Dragons and wars in skyrim, and restarted when i installed PISE. I don't believe these 3 restarts were necessary due to crashes that would have occurred, but i viewed them as necessary because of how drastically they change the balance.

It was necessary to restart whenever you change the perks in the trees.

And yea, i killed the dragon... and many others. That first fight took like 10 minutes to beat, and I had to save-scum through it because i was tired of starting over after dying with the dragon at 1/2 hp lol
i dont have any game crashes atm.

like Cchockomonkey said, you install a new mod thst changes the game in some way. deep down it just makes me want to start a fresh character.
I wonder if they mean medieval style powerful but take ages to reload crossbows, or fast firing Chinese repeating crossbows which were comparitively weak.

both would be nice.

have powerful ones that could pin human size targets to walls and repeating ones that can pepper a target. both would be fun.
Boris has been working on a new update for ENB (v.109). It fixes the grass shadow and underwater DOF problems, and gives a performance boost. It is directed towards nVidia users but, from what I saw, some AMD users saw a FPS increase compared to v.102.

You should be able to keep your ENB preset files as I think only the injector files are needed for the update (works fine when I do it).

Download link:
Forum thread:
And now I CTD whenever I get close to Falkreath. Time to start a new character!
I had that issue a couple of days ago. Turned out to be the Warzones mod causing it.

I can't find what mod is causing my CTD. It not only happens in certain locations but also when I try to play some other mods. Making a new game fixes it all so I'm guessing some data was saved into my saved game.
I've been working on the daedric artifacts achievement and found that I did something wrong at the beginning of the "cannibal" quest (I either killed her or sent her away). Is there a way to restart it or do I need to create a new character and do all of them again?
Is there a mod to revamp everything? Whole new world? A crap load of new weapons? Is that even possible?

It's possible and likely in the works by multiple modders (attempting different overhauls), but this sort of thing takes so much work we won't see them in a long while.

As an example:

Oblivion was released in 2006.

Nehrim was released in 2010.
I don't know what Nehrim is. Was it a completely different world? Different weapons? etc?


SureAI (same people) are working on something for 2013 as is some other crew. That means at least two overhaul projects in the works already for next year.
Realistically I'd give it 3-4 years before Overhauls start showing up, and about the same for Morrowind/Cyrodiil content to be reasonably playable.
Nehrim sounds interesting. I played through on my X360, tempted to purchase for PC and go back.
Real life has been smacking me around for awhile so not only haven't I played in months but I didn't even have enough time to keep up with this thread.

When I was afk the inventory mod had just been released but it didn't sort barrels of chests, just what you had on you. Any progress on getting this to apply to everything? Personally I'd even settle for the exact same inventory system used in Oblivion which was so much better that I can't imagine them ditching it in favor or the "eventhing goes into one large sack without any way to sort it"

Any new "must have" mods for someone getting back into the game and just looking for something to make it look/play better while I complete the main and side quests?
dj_2004 has been keeping this thread alive with pretty regular updates. Lots of stuff he's posted isn't essential but would greatly increase the feeling of the world and what you can do. I'd do a search for all his posts and take the time to read the description he wrote. I believe all that inventory nonsense you wrote about has long since been sorted out. SkyUI is the deal you want. There's also a better favorites menu.
dj_2004 has been keeping this thread alive with pretty regular updates. Lots of stuff he's posted isn't essential but would greatly increase the feeling of the world and what you can do. I'd do a search for all his posts and take the time to read the description he wrote. I believe all that inventory nonsense you wrote about has long since been sorted out. SkyUI is the deal you want. There's also a better favorites menu.

Awesome, thanks.
I've had the perception for a while based on what I'm seeing in terms of a lot of these mods and sentiment out there that the technical difficulties that continue with both Skyrim and the Creation Engine have created a "stalled/stagnant/plateued out" situation on the mod community. True or false?
I've had the perception for a while based on what I'm seeing in terms of a lot of these mods and sentiment out there that the technical difficulties that continue with both Skyrim and the Creation Engine have created a "stalled/stagnant/plateued out" situation on the mod community. True or false?

I'd agree with that and would go as far as saying the bugs are why the CE kit was not available at launch.
^^ Right? Who knows, maybe the higher ups wanted some assurance for DLC sales :(

That, and maybe the whole thing is a grudge job about putting out the Creation Kit at all.

More likely, though, is that they simply have heaped too much on that buggy Gamebryo Engine and it was overdue to be retired anyways. They can call it the Creation Engine and it's nice for what it is but it's basically the skeleton Gamebryo Engine with a bunch of stuff strapped on to it and it obviously can't handle it.

I hope this is the last Gamebryo based game I ever see.
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