Skyrim Modding Megathread

I think old versions of ENB had the same SSAO problem. Besides, those lack the new features and optimizations, and it would be difficult to find an old ENB preset that is decent.

Is there a way to have SSIL active with SSAO deactivated?

Haha, no idea. That would be an answer better left to the professionals. I had always assumed you could though D:
I dont know anything about skyrim except that I have it. To avoid reading the entire thread and twisting my brain, can someone make suggestions on the must have mods for skyrim?
Lookiing through the screenshot thread, my game doesnt look anything like some of these.
I assume people use visual, gameplay and item mods?

I was impressed with:

Yeah, both of those are using quite a few mods. Most obviously notable is a "ENB" mod which alters the way the game handles lights, colors, and various other effects. (There are a million different ENBs though, so you just have to look and find one that works for you). Among other mods easily identified are various body changers (mods that actually change the way bodies are shaped, and in this case is responsible for the voluptuous ladies), and various other armor/weapon mods too. I believe both DJ and Unreal are using different versions of the same ENB, Beautiful Skyrim:

DJ just made a fairly robust list of "must-haves" a few posts back...lemme go find it...
Here is a list I made for another member:
& more stuff:
Enhanced Distant Terrain
83Willows 101BugsHD Butterfly Dragonfly Luna-Moth Torchbug
XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement
Skill Interface Retexture
And some large texture packs:
Skyrim HD - 2K
Skyrim Realistic Overhaul

And there are obviously more texture packs out there but I'm not going to track down and list every one.

Everyone around here is pretty awesome, so they'll steer you in the right direction for sure.
I dont know anything about skyrim except that I have it. To avoid reading the entire thread and twisting my brain, can someone make suggestions on the must have mods for skyrim?
Lookiing through the screenshot thread, my game doesnt look anything like some of these.
I assume people use visual, gameplay and item mods?

I was impressed with:

My pictures use Unreal Warfare's ENB preset. I use an earlier version that I've also tweaked a little. Like Neenja stated, you have to find a preset that you like as tweaking ENB settings is difficult since there are so many values and lines.

There are a ton of gameplay and item mods and those depend on what you want to change/add. Some item mods I very much enjoy:

Omegared99 - Armor Compilation

Cloaks of Skyrim

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks

JaySuS Swords

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Wearable Lanterns

A gameplay mod I like as it integrates itself seamlessly into the game:

People seem to like Skyrim Redone if you are looking for a modular gameplay changing mod:

Then there are other well done mods like:
Deadly Dragons

Burn Freeze Shock Effects


Real Wildlife (though Skytest might be a better choice as RW)

Hmm, I think I'll work on a new Skyrim mod thread to make things easier for newcomers.
3 days and counting trying to find the ENB thats right for me.

Problem one i ran into, i was using the newest 12.7 AMD drivers, which disagreed with skyrim and gave me loads of errors, went back to 12.4 and was getting horrible FPS, just with the HD 2k pack installed (3770k+ 7950 OC) , i knew something was wrong. Upgraded to 12.6 and got a huge performance boost....

Another issues........all this time my .ini would reset changing bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 back to =0 , so of course the effects never looked like the advertised screenshots lol.....

So frustrating...keep up the work ,still trying to find one that wont make me drop below 40FPS, i can tolerate that.
Skyrim is loading to the main menu but there are no selections to Continue, Start a New Game, etc. Anyone ever had this happen?
My pictures use Unreal Warfare's ENB preset. I use an earlier version that I've also tweaked a little. Like Neenja stated, you have to find a preset that you like as tweaking ENB settings is difficult since there are so many values and lines.

There are a ton of gameplay and item mods and those depend on what you want to change/add. Some item mods I very much enjoy:

Omegared99 - Armor Compilation

Cloaks of Skyrim

Winter Is Coming - Cloaks

JaySuS Swords

Bandolier - Bags and Pouches

Wearable Lanterns

A gameplay mod I like as it integrates itself seamlessly into the game:

People seem to like Skyrim Redone if you are looking for a modular gameplay changing mod:

Then there are other well done mods like:
Deadly Dragons

Burn Freeze Shock Effects


Real Wildlife (though Skytest might be a better choice as RW)

Hmm, I think I'll work on a new Skyrim mod thread to make things easier for newcomers.

will you upload your enbseries ini file so that i can just use your settings? going through it last night for like 3 hours was painful... and it just didnt look the way i wanted it to pretty sure it was missing a lot of features too :/

its also a little confusing when you say ENB etc..

ENB is the d3d9 file i installed... and then there are mods like unreals ENB that use that filtering to produce effects correct?

i installed the d3d9 from the ENB site because its not on nexusmods and then i have the beautiful skyrim enb (which i didnt really like the results)

the mod im getting from nexus is the preset im guessing?
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Skyrim is loading to the main menu but there are no selections to Continue, Start a New Game, etc. Anyone ever had this happen?

I've seen this before... ended up being an incompatible mod (i'm sorry i can't remember which one!!)
Some guidance from DJ has helped me out immensely . .

basically... ENB you install... you put d3d9 into your skyrim folder... then you get other peoples config files from nexus or enb forums or like me i got one from DJ ( thanks man ) and you copy that over the ENB files in your skyrim directory for the appropriate effects.

correct? :D
I've seen this before... ended up being an incompatible mod (i'm sorry i can't remember which one!!)

I've had that happen with new vegas. Yeah, could be a bad mod, an .esp file without it's master, or.... sometimes .esp files from other Bethseda games slip into that folder.
When you use the d3d9 file, back up Skyrim's original d3d9 file. At least, I think it has an original one. Personally, I prefer the injector for a few reasons:
1. Fully compatible with programs like Afterburner.
2. No replacing d3d9 (again, if one exists to begin with).
3. Doesn't affect how the CK's render screen looks.

Some configs come with extra files that may not come bundled with other configs. So when you replace those "large" configs, you probably want to delete the extra files even though the new "small" config should ignore them.
My screenshots don't look nearly as good as the pros on this forum, but after hours im making progress i guess.

Following this guide is time consuming.......very consuming.

I have the ENB tweaker, im gonna fine tune
My screenshots don't look nearly as good as the pros on this forum, but after hours im making progress i guess.

Following this guide is time consuming.......very consuming.

I have the ENB tweaker, im gonna fine tune

agreed it can be very confusing; i probably spent like 2 hours just trying to get enb set up properly... all other mods work pretty easily with nexus..

enb installation and then presets are confusing as shit. i think i got it now though... going to try it tonight and ill submit some screenshots
Just found it. Turned out to be a bugged version of The Dance of Death 3.0. Uninstalled it and installed the fixed version and all is good.
is there a reason why some of the landscape in this dungeon is transparent.. it actually makes my guy see through too.. really weird
Here is the new Skyrim modding thread:

Please use that instead of this one since I can keep the OP updated.

is there a reason why some of the landscape in this dungeon is transparent.. it actually makes my guy see through too.. really weird

Transparent in what way? Is it like a blue void? If so, then certain mods can cause that and it is led to believe that if the mod author used TESVSnip on their mod in a certain manner, then that can cause it.
Here is the new Skyrim modding thread:

Please use that instead of this one since I can keep the OP updated.

Transparent in what way? Is it like a blue void? If so, then certain mods can cause that and it is led to believe that if the mod author used TESVSnip on their mod in a certain manner, then that can cause it.

no its like i can see through walls and my character, it happens occasionally
no its like i can see through walls and my character, it happens occasionally

Likely ENB SSAO. When in proximity of a wall your character will become translucent. I forget if walls also become translucent.

If you can provide a picture then I'll be able to easily tell if it is ENB SSAO.
Likely ENB SSAO. When in proximity of a wall your character will become translucent. I forget if walls also become translucent.

If you can provide a picture then I'll be able to easily tell if it is ENB SSAO.

yeah i've had this. forget how i got rid of it. the symptom looks like shadows showing through textures in walls behind the current one. The pillars in dragonsearch are a good way to test it.
yeah i've had this. forget how i got rid of it. the symptom looks like shadows showing through textures in walls behind the current one. The pillars in dragonsearch are a good way to test it.

According to Boris, the only two ways are:
1. Disable ENB SSAO.
2. Use an older version of ENB (~.108?).

That's assuming it is the translucent player bug. Maybe you guys are describing something else.
Ever since I discovered ENB I have been tweaking more than playing :-(. It's addicring tying to get optimal quality.

So many of the presets are too dark at night. I think I'm honing in on the SuperB ENB preset with ambient light and exposure cranked up at night.

I still find corners and shadows at night a bit too dark but the color of this preset is best all around IMO

I also need to make the nights gloss and bloom more like the default settings do. The enb washes those out. I plate with bloom and object gloss but can't get it right. Re those the correct parameters to use? Ill post some comparison pics tonight

I finally found a good preset for me. It is basically leveraging only the SSAO & DOF capabilities of ENB and leaving all of the lighting and color adjustment to "realistic lighting with customization" using the 'default' darker option. it's crazy dark in dungeons but with the candle light toggle i like it. others may prefer the 'visibility' preset which will get you around without the need for torches or candlelight spells.

to make this change you need to edit the enbeffect.fx file in your skyrim folder.

Set "POSTPROCESS" to "0" and uncomment #define APPLYGAMECOLORCORRECTION.

This is what it should look like... note that you can't do this through the ENB Customizer tool...needs to be done in the file manually. hope this helps someone.

//post processing mode. Change value (could be 1, 2, 3, 4). Every mode have own internal parameters, look below
 #define POSTPROCESS	0

//use original game processing first, then mine