Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

just changed a few things around the room now

is that one of those expensive oled keyboards u got there? :D

Ha ha.. No. I wish though. It's a generic BenQ keyboard. I bought it because of it's low profile, and it has a key-action I can deal with. The colors that you see are stickers. They are all the shortcut key commands for the audio production software I use, Cubase 4.

Though, an OLED keyboard would be nice, I just don't have $1500 to drop on a keyboard. =P
ah a logitech man. :). i have a g15, g9, and quickcam orbit mp webcam :). but i have onkyo speakers :D
I'm guessing it going to his tv screen not his monitors, just has the controller there cause its in arms reach.
looked at the first page of this thread. someone in the ancient year of 2005 actually posted pics of his 4:3 setup like it was cool, lol.
Best thread on here.

Here's my set up. NEC LCD2690WUXI-BKSV on the left and the Dell 2709W on the right. The Dell serves as console and movie monitor while NEC is dedicated PC/gaming. I think at some point I want to get a background/accent light for the setup. Helps fancy things up on an admittedly "spartan" looking office. Coffee cup is optional :)


Without Flash:

Best thread on here.

Here's my set up. NEC LCD2690WUXI-BKSV on the left and the Dell 2709W on the right. The Dell serves as console and movie monitor while NEC is dedicated PC/gaming. I think at some point I want to get a background/accent light for the setup. Helps fancy things up on an admittedly "spartan" looking office. Coffee cup is optional :)[/omg]

Without Flash:

Mind if I ask for source of the photo on the Dell in that second pic?
Best thread on here.

Here's my set up. NEC LCD2690WUXI-BKSV on the left and the Dell 2709W on the right. The Dell serves as console and movie monitor while NEC is dedicated PC/gaming. I think at some point I want to get a background/accent light for the setup. Helps fancy things up on an admittedly "spartan" looking office. Coffee cup is optional :)

What keyboard is that?
^srsly, apple boy.

I was thinking about getting those speakers before I got my 5500's. Just for looks though... they match the dinovo and mx air much better with the black gloss and the orange lighting.
i was looking over all the posts ive made in this thread over the last few years and the different setups ive gone through was pretty interesting.

the earliest pic i posted was the one with stereo on the right and progresses to my current setup.


i like having one large monitor. lol at having two 15's and on 19' :eek:
lol, Steve Jobs I am not... I apologize for the n00bish question but, how are you guys linking the images so they show up?

I am using the image tags but, only the link seems to show up, thanks! ^_^
lol, Steve Jobs I am not... I apologize for the n00bish question but, how are you guys linking the images so they show up?

I am using the image tags but, only the link seems to show up, thanks! ^_^

put [ i m g ] link [ / i m g ] around the links witout the spaces

Minus the boxes/box under the iMac looks amazing. May I suggest the lamp go on the desk not below :) A question I understand why a laptop would benifit using leds but does your main led display look better than a lcd or (crt, like anyone uses those any more :-P)

Is that a cyber shot sony box on your floor I see?
hey grizzlybrett

yeah, sorry bout the boxes lol, i am actually looking for a white table right now to match my current white table, it is hard to find one i like though. once i get one though, those boxes will all disappear and the iMac will be properly set up, the box thing is just temporary lol

as for why the lamp is under the table, it doesn't look that great with lights on but at night when i turn off all my room lights, the underglow from the table is actually a very nice effect, it is hard to capture by camera...

lastly, i think the use of LED's is beneficial in any Mac, not just macbooks and macbook pros. LED's turn on instantly, there is no warm up or anything, the second i boot up my MBP, the LED display is bam on, full brightness. also, LED displays use less power which is great considering how large this display is.

comparing my new LED display to two other LCD"s i own, Dell Ultrasharp 2408 and a Samsung 2693HM, i can say this is by far my best display. granted, it cost more than both the Dell and Samsung put together lol, but the image quality is unparalleled, it truly is breathtaking

i took more pics with the Sony Cybershot you see there for my blog, check out the screen captures here if you want: