Rule the Seas

thats crazy talk. the day they start informing people about what they are doing is the day that RTS might actually start improving. so pretty much it will never happen
NOOOOOO ME NEED A CARRIBEAN CHAIN!! :D *sorry for shouting* :) oh well, I got 2million + exp for teh gang since nov 1 :D
uhh, Yeah. If there just Happens to be extra Carib. Chain money to go around. Well,
I'm sure I would be willing to accept anything that comes my way.

It's been kinda quiet around these parts, huh?:confused:
haha ya me too!!!! come to think of it hasnt happened to me for a while.

anyone have any idea about how many awakes and points it takes to take up the whole time of having training booster in use and constantly training?
I was wondering the same thing. I guess a 20 minute span of constantly training. Points are not the problem, its the awakes that cost a damn fortune. I would assume that you would need at least 80 awakes for that time period. That is $4b at todays prices. Plus the required boosters. Another $500m or so for 100% boost to any given stat (4 x moderate).

Sounds as though a good $7b or so will get you one stat levelled up.
I only use 35 - 40 awakes in the 20min im training and I have to refill after training 3 times. It takes me about 1400 points for 20 min as well.

The boosters are what cost so much now if you can even find them. They are anywhere from 750mill to 875mill each, times that by 5 and its 4.375bill. And thats IF you can find them and iF your only training one of your stats. :/

So the total for a intense training session (Training both strength/defense or strength /speed) is 11.41bill or more. At level 450 I gain about 10mill in each of the two stats that I train after one of theses sessions. I have done this twice and I plan on doing it again as soon as I can find someone who will sell me the boosters. :confused:

Hope that helps.
ya helps a lot thnx. even though i still have an assload of shit to buy haha
I only use 35 - 40 awakes in the 20min im training and I have to refill after training 3 times. It takes me about 1400 points for 20 min as well.

The boosters are what cost so much now if you can even find them. They are anywhere from 750mill to 875mill each, times that by 5 and its 4.375bill. And thats IF you can find them and iF your only training one of your stats. :/

So the total for a intense training session (Training both strength/defense or strength /speed) is 11.41bill or more. At level 450 I gain about 10mill in each of the two stats that I train after one of theses sessions. I have done this twice and I plan on doing it again as soon as I can find someone who will sell me the boosters. :confused:

Hope that helps.

Are these the boosters that the Arctic outpost offers? I want to do one of these training sessions. Don't want to wast my money on stuff I don't need.
No. The insane boosters you buy with real money or if you find someone who will sell them they go for 700mill or more and at a 69% boost each, stacking 5 will give you a 345% training boost.

The moderate ones you can get from the arctic outpost and offer a 25% boost each so stacking 5 will give you a 125% increase. If you use theses you should get a few mill in stats (depending on level) but the percentage is still much lower than the insane boosters, but you can also stack insane and moderate boosters if you cant afford/find all 5 insane boosters.
I was looking at these boosters yesterday and was thinking about the following:

If you get an insane, you pay $700m+ and get 69% bonus for 20 minutes.

If you get moderate, you pay $90m (ish depending on type) at a shop and get 25% bonus for 15 minutes.

Therefore, if you get $700m worth of moderates, say 7-8, you will get 175-200% bonus for 15 minutes. Why would you get a potent booster when you can buy the moderate at store prices and get more benefit when stacked?

What am I missing? (other than the logistics of activating heaps of moderates as opposed to a handful of potents)
Man that 50/50 can be harsh at time.

You lost your bet of $30,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:25am [delete]
You lost your bet of $99,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:25am [delete]
You lost your bet of $1,000,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:23am [delete]
You lost your bet of $400,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:21am [delete]
You lost your bet of $151,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:19am [delete]
You lost your bet of $200,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:18am [delete]
You lost your bet of $200,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:17am [delete]
You lost your bet of $179,365. 06 Nov 2007, 10:17am [delete]

I was looking at these boosters yesterday and was thinking about the following:

If you get an insane, you pay $700m+ and get 69% bonus for 20 minutes.

If you get moderate, you pay $90m (ish depending on type) at a shop and get 25% bonus for 15 minutes.

Therefore, if you get $700m worth of moderates, say 7-8, you will get 175-200% bonus for 15 minutes. Why would you get a potent booster when you can buy the moderate at store prices and get more benefit when stacked?

What am I missing? (other than the logistics of activating heaps of moderates as opposed to a handful of potents)

You can only stack 5 at a time so if you stack 5 potent boosters you get 345% boost for 20min. But if you get the moderate boosters and stack 5
the most you can get is a 125% boost and for only 15min.

So even if you by 10 moderate boosters you would have to do two training sessions wasting twice the amount of points and awakes and still not
get the same results and one insane training session.
Man that 50/50 can be harsh at time.

You lost your bet of $30,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:25am [delete]
You lost your bet of $99,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:25am [delete]
You lost your bet of $1,000,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:23am [delete]
You lost your bet of $400,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:21am [delete]
You lost your bet of $151,000,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:19am [delete]
You lost your bet of $200,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:18am [delete]
You lost your bet of $200,000. 06 Nov 2007, 10:17am [delete]
You lost your bet of $179,365. 06 Nov 2007, 10:17am [delete]


That sucks fezzy I have had days like that 2. Did you blow all your money?
You can only stack 5 at a time so if you stack 5 potent boosters you get 345% boost for 20min. But if you get the moderate boosters and stack 5
the most you can get is a 125% boost and for only 15min.

So even if you by 10 moderate boosters you would have to do two training sessions wasting twice the amount of points and awakes and still not
get the same results and one insane training session.

Ah. I did not know about the 5 stack limit. Very good point. On that note...anyone got some potents for sale (str or def)?
Just about. I kept thinking "ok this is it.. Im due for a win just look at all that money you just lost."

That sucks. I have never won. Played about a dozen times and lost every one, so hesitant to play any more. Based on your luck and mine, there must be some lucky son of a b***h that keeps making off with our cash. One would assume, that given it is 50/50, you would have a 50% chance of winning. This does not appear to hold true. Is there some higher power at play here or is it just me?
That sucks. I have never won. Played about a dozen times and lost every one, so hesitant to play any more. Based on your luck and mine, there must be some lucky son of a b***h that keeps making off with our cash. One would assume, that given it is 50/50, you would have a 50% chance of winning. This does not appear to hold true. Is there some higher power at play here or is it just me?

I win alot sometimes :)... but then when I bet higher money like $10million - $30million thats when I loose :(.... oh yea kennard when do you want me to send the $10million back that I loaned?
Well to be honest I was due for a big loss.

I won over 1 bill and that was like 7 wins in a row and for some reason I got greedy an thought I could double that. :eek:

I'm usually pretty good at determining when I'm due for a win. usually brake even or make a nice profit. I just don't know what happened this time. :confused:

From what I hear in the tavern EXA won my money and lost it again by trying to double it. :D
I win alot sometimes :)... but then when I bet higher money like $10million - $30million thats when I loose :(.... oh yea kennard when do you want me to send the $10million back that I loaned?

I am on-line randomly at the moment with 12-15 hour work days keeping me busy. Keep hold of it and send me a message if you ever see me on-line (I will do the same). I am in no hurry.
Best way to make money on 50/50 is to keep betting higher and higher amounts even if you loosing. That way even when you loose alot you should be able to get a big win and get your money back and hopefully go on a streak. You just need a shit load of money to start with to cover your initial losses.

I have won alot of money on 50/50 the last few weeks and have bought awakes with it so I can keep my daily interest coming in. It's one of the best ways of getting ahead in this game without spending shit loads of $.
I am on-line randomly at the moment with 12-15 hour work days keeping me busy. Keep hold of it and send me a message if you ever see me on-line (I will do the same). I am in no hurry.

ok will keep an eye out.
Best way to make money on 50/50 is to keep betting higher and higher amounts even if you loosing. That way even when you loose alot you should be able to get a big win and get your money back and hopefully go on a streak. You just need a shit load of money to start with to cover your initial losses.

I have won alot of money on 50/50 the last few weeks and have bought awakes with it so I can keep my daily interest coming in. It's one of the best ways of getting ahead in this game without spending shit loads of $.

yeah i used that trick myself... but i ended up getting on a bad streak and lost about 1.5 bil so now i only have about 500mil left and cant really do much
yeah i used that trick myself... but i ended up getting on a bad streak and lost about 1.5 bil so now i only have about 500mil left and cant really do much

That is what I don't want to happen as it puts you back so far. Although, you do have to be in to win and an additional $1.5b is always handy.
That is what I don't want to happen as it puts you back so far. Although, you do have to be in to win and an additional $1.5b is always handy.

yeah the idea is sound though... but i didnt have enough funds to risk trying to recoup my losses... it was a fun day though :)
I have over 600 awakes because of 50/50 lol. If you know anyone who wants awakes for boosters send them my way. :p

Oh and if you guys want some discounted awakes I can help you out with a gang discount. ;)
Mello - My current shopping list is about 60-80 awakes and a bunch of boosters. I will hit you up on-line.
I did the progressive 50/50 thing and I was almost ready to shit a brick.

You won your bet of $320,000,000. Your prize for winning is $576,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 12:49pm [delete]
You lost your bet of $160,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 11:43am [delete]
You lost your bet of $80,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 11:40am [delete]
You lost your bet of $40,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 11:37am [delete]
You lost your bet of $20,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 11:33am [delete]
You lost your bet of $10,000,000. 07 Nov 2007, 11:24am [delete]

It's like no matter how you do it, you end up breaking even (not counting the house vig and of course the odds are what they are too)
WOW! Needed cash bad so put up all my points to sell and went into the IW, 1 min before I got out I went over to remove my points and I guess my timer was off......:eek:

There goes most of my $$$ and points, friggin Pirates..

Nooch mugged you, they managed to steal $0 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
Nooch mugged you, they managed to steal $0 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
Nooch mugged you, they managed to steal $2,591,758 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $3,531,467 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $3,319,579 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $3,120,405 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $2,933,180 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $2,757,189 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $4,811,892 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $4,523,179 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $4,251,788 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $3,996,681 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $3,756,880 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $5,793,385 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $5,445,781 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $5,119,035 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $6,163,175 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $6,975,074 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $6,556,569 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $7,893,248 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $7,419,653 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $8,397,072 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $8,932,417 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
alobar mugged you, they managed to steal $9,502,571 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
£îⁿðε® mugged you, they managed to steal $10,754,381 from you. 08 Nov 2007, 12:08pm [delete]
ehhh sry about your luck there sgt.

yesterday i almost lost all my money on the 50/50 and made one last best and won over 1b, i would have cried if i lost that one though haha. its pretty risky but for the most part its a good way to get ahead
sgt - It is pretty insane how quickly you get mugged. Often I don't want to go to the IW for 20 minutes, so I open 1 tab to my bank and 1 tab to whatever I want to buy (e.g. awake). I align the cash to withdraw with the cost of the item. It will take me 3-4 seconds to withdraw, change tabs and then purchase the item. Many of the times I have done this I have been mugged mid transaction. That is kinda f**ked up.
How does my stats look as a level 8

Strength: 1,432
Defense: 1,200
Speed: 1,482
Seamanship: 826

What attributes should I be focusing on?
leave seamanship alone unless you plan on doing naval battles. And pick just 2 stats to train strength/speed or strength/defense.

I use strength/speed but more people go with strength/defense.
lol I just bought 2 booster packs and didn't get them so I contacted one of the GM's and he said to wait 30min to see if they would come so i waited and nothing, so he just sent them to me. Then 10min later I got everything I bought. lol

Hope he doesn't notice and I get to keep everything. :D
lol I just bought 2 booster packs and didn't get them so I contacted one of the GM's and he said to wait 30min to see if they would come so i waited and nothing, so he just sent them to me. Then 10min later I got everything I bought. lol

Hope he doesn't notice and I get to keep everything. :D

Potent booster or moderates from the shop?
:: School ::
Lesson Days Long Cost Action
Basic Strength 5 $500 [Take]
Basic Defense 5 $500 [Take]
Basic Speed 5 $500 [Take]
Basic Allrounder 10 $2,500 [Take]

Is it better to take them individually or buy the All Rounder.