RTX 3xxx performance speculation

Not really relevant. The point is we’re entering an upgrade cycle soon which will drive gaming revenue.

Sure it will drive increased gaming revenue, it just won't come close to their main business revenues. Especially if/when they finish buying ARM.
Yes indeed, read, that is all that is needed, just pop in RT and Tensor cores, throw them in the mix and no space will needed to hook them up, added buffers, caches, logic on other parts of the chip to make them work -> wow your so brilliant. (y)

As for wasted space, I would disagree and say well worth the die space especially for the tensor cores at this time.
Not really relevant. The point is we’re entering an upgrade cycle soon which will drive gaming revenue.
Let't put it this way. They have one core technology that they can sell into multiple markets. Kudos to them. Too bad AMD doesn't have the moxie/smarts/resources to do the same.
Let't put it this way. They have one core technology that they can sell into multiple markets. Kudos to them. Too bad AMD doesn't have the moxie/smarts/resources to do the same.
I wouldn't even call it a technology; technologically-speaking, GPU hardware isn't that complicated.

Building it at scale can be, but more so doing it with efficiency.

The real problem is the ecosystem, from board partners to firmware to drivers to third-party software validation to software development kits to plain marketing and evangelism to see that the hardware actually gets used. This is where AMD has fallen behind, well, since they bought ATi.
Let't put it this way. They have one core technology that they can sell into multiple markets. Kudos to them. Too bad AMD doesn't have the moxie/smarts/resources to do the same.
Don't forget that Nvidia acquired Mellanox.

"1400$, correction"


If you think Nvidia is a gaming company first and foremost, you really aren't paying attention to what they do. Gaming gpu's are simply a nice easy byproduct that they get to sell for nice margin these days.

You do realize gaming has been their top earner (>50% revenue) until the most recent quarter, right?
Looks like a photoshop fake to me.
It does indeed, absurdly large.

If, however, that is indeed the size of the 3090 then I sincerely hope the 3070/80 would be 2 slots and not so damn long lol
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Ugh.....Fermi all over again.....Damn. No matter I had 3 480's for Tri-Sli....Will be getting one of those for sure.
The previous "3080" Cooler leak was a smaller 2 slot card and there were a few different and consistent images, that weren't obviously photoshopped.

This has obvious photoshopping going on, and strikes me as a little questionable size for NV cooler.
The previous "3080" Cooler leak was a smaller 2 slot card and there were a few different and consistent images, that weren't obviously photoshopped.

This has obvious photoshopping going on, and strikes me as a little questionable size for NV cooler.
From what I have heard, I would suggest that is the real deal FE cooler.
uhg screw those prices, horrible, 400 dollars for a 60 series is insane

It's unpleasant, but I wouldn't say insane.

$50 more than 2060 was, which was $50 more than 1060 was.

But anyone tossing around 3060 pricing this soon, is almost certainly yanking our chain.
Not made for two cards unless you have a very unusual motherboard. Ugly can get nauseating, but super ugly can get very interesting like an Edsel, surely I hope this is not real. If so, I can't wait to see what folks will come up with :D.
Someone else pointed out that the 3090 appears larger than it actually is, since it's 3 slots and raised up closer to the camera.

Here is the pic with the pci-e connectors normalized for size:
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uhg screw those prices, horrible, 400 dollars for a 60 series is insane

How can you say that without knowing the performance, transistor count, ect? But mainly performance of course. What if it pushes Cyberpunk as well as a 2080?
How can you say that without knowing the performance, transistor count, ect? But mainly performance of course. What if it pushes Cyberpunk as well as a 2080?

It wont more then likely and 400 is beyond what most people looking in that class want to spend.

Of all those, the 3080 looks the best as it easily outpaces the 2080ti. $400 for the 3060 will be tough to swallow if it is a 6 GB card.

Dude said the 3090 is a Titan replacement, so maybe 24 GB. The 3080ti could come a little later, at closer to $1k and then maybe then rest of the 'ti' cards during a refresh next year. For example, a 3060ti that is slightly cut down 3070 for $400.

Just hope they never use 'Super' again.
Of all those, the 3080 looks the best as it easily outpaces the 2080ti. $400 for the 3060 will be tough to swallow if it is a 6 GB card.

Dude said the 3090 is a Titan replacement, so maybe 24 GB. The 3080ti could come a little later, at closer to $1k and then maybe then rest of the 'ti' cards during a refresh next year. For example, a 3060ti that is slightly cut down 3070 for $400.

Just hope they never use 'Super' again.

I agree if (a big if) those prices are correct then 3080 seems like a much better deal than 3090 - but I am sure I will somehow mentally justify 3090 on Sep 1
IMO pricing determines class, not the name. People will be looking for cards in their price range. Not cards with a certain number on them.

Agreed. Never understood why people say "if it is a xx60 it should be this price" or "if it is an i5 it should be this price".

What if that xx60 or i5 is performing better than last year's xx80 or i7??

I am sure the Nvidia will have stuff in the sub $300 range with good mid range performance as well.
Agreed. Never understood why people say "if it is a xx60 it should be this price" or "if it is an i5 it should be this price".

What if that xx60 or i5 is performing better than last year's xx80 or i7??

I am sure the Nvidia will have stuff in the sub $300 range with good mid range performance as well.

How is this difficult to understand, the branding has always indicated its place in the market. Maybe it's just what I'm used to, but it's going to be odd eventually have 60 + skus all be various forms of high end cards. 60 and 70 series cards have been traditionally mid range for generations now. Most line ups used to have 2 or 3 high end products (GTX 780, 780 ti and Titan for example). It was that way up through the 1070, but since the 2000 series things have changed. Even with AMD challenging, if they can subsist on higher prices, they will.
Someone else pointed out that the 3090 appears larger than it actually is, since it's 3 slots and raised up closer to the camera.

Here is the pic with the pci-e connectors normalized for size:

Still a monster, somewhere around 5"x12". Looks like a 120mm fan on both sides of the card on opposite ends. 400w tdp is my guess.
How is this difficult to understand, the branding has always indicated its place in the market. Maybe it's just what I'm used to, but it's going to be odd eventually have 60 + skus all be various forms of high end cards. 60 and 70 series cards have been traditionally mid range for generations now. Most line ups used to have 2 or 3 high end products (GTX 780, 780 ti and Titan for example). It was that way up through the 1070, but since the 2000 series things have changed. Even with AMD challenging, if they can subsist on higher prices, they will.

To most people, the model number is utterly meaningless. The might look at a couple of reviews when they buy something and pick one from the review and then promptly forget the largely irrelevant model number.

They aren't nerds who follows generations of videocards looking for a commonality of a couple of digits between then generation and then moaning when the those digits in the model cost more.

Maybe that was AMDs master naming plan. Keep changing names so the Model Number nerds can't figure out what they should be complaining about.

R9 Fury ->RX 580 -> Vega 64 -> Radeon VII -> RX 5700 How am I supposed to know if I should be complaining about price increases if they keep changing the naming scheme? ;)
I’m not even sure if this will fit in my case. Looks really big. You can never have enough surface area for a cooler though. I hope it is reasonably quiet.