Project C.A.R.S

I grabbed a few screenshots from the newest build. I was actually able to capture a couple of the LOD pop-ups, mostly with grass/vegetation.

Those shots are: 2012-08-20 21-28-26-01.jpg 2012-08-20 21-28-30-00.jpg 2012-08-20 21-27-05-34.jpg 2012-08-20 21-27-05-90.jpg

The first 7 screen captures are with FXAA on Med.

13 captures after that are with 4x MSAA.

Last shots are with SMAA maxed out completely...ran much better than i expected!

Everything else was maxed and HDR was set on Hable(halbic?) Filmic or whatever the F it is.
It's a good looking game but not a sim, and I don't think it'll become one.

Agreed, but they promised a hardcore sim, continue to promise it, and not only to promise it, but to viral/guerrilla market the game as such on all manner of forums, attacking anyone that offers legitimate criticism to the contrary. They made this trouble for themselves by aggressively marketing with misleading information, such as in this thread. If they had simply said from the beginning they were going to make Forza/GT for the PC then we wouldn't have any problems today, and everyone would be happy, even me, because I like Forza/GT just fine...

Oh, and having prominent team members and investors going around in public sim forums trolling and flaming people is just ridiculous. I can't think of any other way to describe it. Not just here, but in that 60 page epic at RD. Read the posts by Micas_WMD, one of the biggest investors in pcars and posting what he's posted there not as a private party but as a leading member of the CARS team. I can't fathom how he wasn't refunded his investment and shown the door. No company that I've ever worked in would tolerate that kind of behavior.

edit: and thank you haste for those screenshots, that is an accurate representation of the engine, both the good and the bad.
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, because I like Forza/GT just fine.

I think it has potential as a racing game, but I don't think it's possible to build large sims within their timeframe as the physics take too long, ie, modelling each car vs a vulgar all in one driving model.

At least we'll finally get a Shift that drives well, lol.
At least we'll finally get a Shift that drives well, lol.

That's one way to look at it, and you are certainly right about that. The current state of pcars is already way better than Shift ever was, so in that comparison CARS is godlike. :D
That's one way to look at it, and you are certainly right about that. The current state of pcars is already way better than Shift ever was, so in that comparison CARS is godlike. :D


One thing I'm curious about is investor drop off if the new tyre model/physics don't shape this game up a bit.
One thing pcars has in it's favour is that most of them are very ordinary drivers, and never make any serious entries on the leaderboards, so they might prefer simcade physics.
an independent kickstarted type project to the hardcore PC simracer crowd to get our money,

They need the money to pay for the various moderators they've got at NoGrip, VirtualR and where ever else, be reasonable!!!!
They need the money to pay for the various moderators they've got at NoGrip, VirtualR and where ever else, be reasonable!!!!

Going to need a lot of money to take the likes of Porsche to court as well. :p

Seriously though, lets try to leave the politics out as much as we can. There's already more than enough information in this and many other threads around the net, anything further we say is simply going to appear colored with haterade and frankly I don't hate CARS at all. It might be simcade, but it ain't that bad. Lets see how the next year of development and marketing plays out. Hopefully they will backtrack and be a bit more reasonable in their approach, and maybe even fulfill some of the promises they made at launch regarding the sim aspects. I want the game to succeed, because there's a lot of potential.
Picked it up last night - didn't have much time to fool with it, but they really need to do something about the draw distance. Is there a way to change it? I don't know if it was just the track I was on, but the textures went to shit about 5 feet in front of the car.
the textures went to shit about 5 feet in front of the car.

Welcome to CARS. Now you know why marketing almost never shows distance in screenshots. Obligatory "it's only pre-alpha!" apologism in 5....4....3....

edit: Ironically if the game was actually a sim the textures (and graphics quality in general) wouldn't matter much. In a sim you spend 99% of your in-game time in the cockpit close to the ground, where the only texture quality that matters is the cockpit and the immediate environment you are physically looking at as you race (props, buildings, signs, etc) and sim racers prefer accurate physics and content over graphics, but for a simcade game meant to attract graphics whores the presentation is essential, and in that respect CARS is very much lacking.
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Picked it up last night - didn't have much time to fool with it, but they really need to do something about the draw distance. Is there a way to change it? I don't know if it was just the track I was on, but the textures went to shit about 5 feet in front of the car.

I didn't really have a huge problem with draw distance so much as the textures in general were ugly. Have you checked all the LOD settings? There's quite a lot of options.
I didn't really have a huge problem with draw distance so much as the textures in general were ugly. Have you checked all the LOD settings? There's quite a lot of options.

I didn't spend a lot of time messing with it, but I didn't see much in the normal video options page (where I just maxed everything). Is there an advanced tab I missed, or are you talking console commands or something?
Maybe I'm mistaken, it's been a while since I've looked at the game, I could have sworn there was a tab somewhere in the options that listed LOD options with sliders for things... maybe I'm just imagining it :p
edit: and thank you haste for those screenshots, that is an accurate representation of the engine, both the good and the bad.

im glad someone noticed. thanks. :p

although i was drunk last night, the game had a good feel to me. im using a logitech g27
im glad someone noticed. thanks. :p

although i was drunk last night, the game had a good feel to me. im using a logitech g27

They do a good job of illustrating the whole "five feet off the track and we're back to 1990s graphics" also. The cars do look very nice however - unfortunately when racing I do a lot more looking at the track than I do at the other cars. I really need to dig into the graphics options.
How do you get in on the BETA or whatever so you can play what they currently have? That information doesn't seem to be very easily accessible.

Edit: Nevermind, I see it.

What does it mean by "Play Weekly builds" ... does that put a limit on how often I can play or does that mean each time a new version of the game is out, I can play it?
You can play as much as you want regardless of buy-in option. Weekly builds are released on Friday. Monthly builds are released (i think) every 4th friday or maybe on a certain day of the month, I really don't know since I have the weekly. The project isn't moving very fast in my opinion (very small fixes and additions every week, there haven't been major changes in a good while, and still no multi), so monthly is more than sufficient if you want to test. As I said above, you can always upgrade later.
When you upgrade, does the current tier's price get credited?
Im sorry but ive reported this thread and the moderators will see whats the best action in here, i wont participate any longer in this troll actions.
Banned. LMAO at the irony...reports a thread for trolling when he is the one trolling and shilling. Obviously the mods here have good heads on their shoulders.
Nice job requiem99. We don't need shills here misleading people, if the product is good it will sell.
The product is good, it's not a racing sim though, it's Shift3 without the swaying and floating.....that said, from memory, I think the handful of cars in Shift2 that drove well drive better than this, ie, better throttle control of the rear.
Weekly builds are irrelevant, you want to be higher up as some content is blocked on junior memberships.
It's been the same game for me for 3-4months.
I got the lowest account, and it looks like the only car that is restricted is the new Pagani and maybe a couple of tracks (I didn't really notice whether they were restricted, or just not implemented yet).
Banned. LMAO at the irony...reports a thread for trolling when he is the one trolling and shilling. Obviously the mods here have good heads on their shoulders.
Nice job requiem99. We don't need shills here misleading people, if the product is good it will sell.

I'm thankful for good moderation here, on many racing sim forums that SMS has control over I would have been flamed into eternity by SMS sycophants and shell accounts, summarily banned, and the entire thread (and the evidence it contains) deleted. As I said earlier, ugly viral/guerrilla marketing.

Skillz: you don't lose any important content from Junior membership though, it's not like a few extra cars and tracks makes the game fundamentally any better.
I wonder if it is really SMS people doing it or just over zealous fans/supporters of the game. It seems a shame. I don't blame them for the misrepresentative pictures, basically all games do this so it's nothing terribly exceptional. I can take pictures in almost any racing sim that either over or under represents the graphics... sadly most racing sims have very inconsistent graphics so you'll have some areas of high quality textures and good lighting and other areas of muddy textures and ugliness.
... sadly most racing sims have very inconsistent graphics so you'll have some areas of high quality textures and good lighting and other areas of muddy textures and ugliness.

Smaller budgets, however, hopefully Assetto Corso pays off so not only can we get more DLC, but Kunos can spend even more next time.
There was a time when racing sims, even good ones, pushed graphics. GTR2 was actually pretty good graphics in it's day, not the highest graphics around but certainly pushed some of the higher end systems and looked as good as other games of the time. Live for Speed never looked awesome, but it looked alright back when it was first released many moons ago, all it's had in those many years is just a couple of texture packs. After that it just seems every racing sim has been on a shoestring budget. Big money doesn't want to support the actual sims and at best goes after the semi-sim market.

That said, if Project CARS turns out to be Forza or GT but on PC and with better graphics I'll still be pretty happy with it, but they've got a hell of a long way to go before that.

There's some good looking games on the horizon though, we'll just have to see how they pan out. Assetto Corsa looks promising, but it's only a handful of Lotuses, BMW's and a few other cars on a few tracks.

I'm still waiting on the PC version of GT or Forza with better graphics and better physics... probably never gonna happen though :p
That said, if Project CARS turns out to be Forza or GT but on PC and with better graphics I'll still be pretty happy with it, but they've got a hell of a long way to go before that.

I would buy the 25k package if that was the case. Well, not really but I'd be thinking about it when I paypal 45. LOL :eek:

'm still waiting on the PC version of GT or Forza with better graphics and better physics... probably never gonna happen though :p

I've been dreaming of that happening for a long time. I bought a PS2 JUST to play GT3, then got GT4 where I was a little disappointed. Didn't really have as much new content as I had hoped, but it did add a few new features that I thought were pretty cool. I still felt like I wasted money buying it though.

GT5 Prolonged I played on a friends PS3 a couple times, but it never gave me the "i must have" impression, of course by this time I was more a PC fan and didn't own any consoles. I just didn't feel GT5 was worth buying the console + game like GT3 was. So I never got it.

Forza 2 was good and I've seriously debated buying a 360 + the game to play it, but I really don't want to have to buy a console. I want it on the PC. :(
I bought a 360 to play Forza 2 and Forza 3, bought Forza 3 Collector's Edition as well... but then I got into rFactor and Forza became irrelevant.
The thing I like about the GT and Forza series is not necessarily the physics of the game; but the fact that you have so many cars to choose from and multiple tracks to race. It seems all the PC games I've played are severely limited on the number of cars and tracks, plus modifications you can do to the cars.
There's some good looking games on the horizon though, we'll just have to see how they pan out. Assetto Corsa looks promising, but it's only a handful of Lotuses, BMW's and a few other cars on a few tracksp

AC is open to modding, and with the fuck up that's rf2, some modders might jump ship, plus anyone who knows sims knows Kunos, so this game could be huge in sim terms, and this should mean decent MP numbers.
I bought a 360 to play Forza 2 and Forza 3, bought Forza 3 Collector's Edition as well... but then I got into rFactor and Forza became irrelevant.

When someone gets the sim bug, most other racing games become quite forgettable, lol.
Do you have Game Stock Car 2012.....?
The thing I like about the GT and Forza series is not necessarily the physics of the game; but the fact that you have so many cars to choose from and multiple tracks to race. It seems all the PC games I've played are severely limited on the number of cars and tracks, plus modifications you can do to the cars.

rFactor. Hundreds upon hundreds of cars and tracks. Real simulator physics. 20 bucks. The F1 1979 mod alone has given me more gameplay than Forza 2 and 3 combined, and the feeling of driving Senna's 1985 Turbolotus? Indescribable. You have to be a total geek though... love working with and understanding the complex physics involved in vehicle setup dynamics, and it's a complicated game to properly configure for optimum play, but the payoff is totally worth it.

I haven't paid much attention to AC because it appears very primitive/early stage at this point, but we'll see. I have not played GSC yet either because it lacks the content that I require as I am primarily an open wheel driver. Also, nothing good can possibly come out of Brazil... huehuehue...

Seriously though I'm going to have a closer look at AC soon when they get a bit more content in. I don't think RF2 is unsalvageable, but there's a lot of work to be done, that's for sure. I've not bought it yet specifically because it has nothing to offer me over what I'm playing right now.

A typical example of a night of racing for me would be.... 1991 Ferrari 643 @ 1990 Monza, followed by a romp with the Renault RS12 @ 1979 Kyalami, followed by blasting around Interlagos 1988 with the 1985 Turbolotus, topped off with some DRM Revival, probably the Porsche 935, maybe at classic layouts of Rouen, Le Mans, or Fuji. Or maybe some other combination of cars and tracks. All rFactor of course -- my install of the game is 80gb. With realfeel properly configured, realheadmotion, enbseries, a bob earl racing seat with good quality wheel/pedals/shifter, track ir (which I don't even need, really), helmetcam, rfdynhud, etc... Nirvana has been achieved. lol :D

^^ and that video doesn't even do the game justice, it's merely showing the immersion from combining enb + helmetcam + realheadmotion.
Also, nothing good can possibly come out of Brazil... huehuehue...

WTF.....yo, seriously, I know it can be hard to believe, but consider this, the physics genius{and he is a genius} that made the Formula Amoroli for rfactor is the main dude behind GSC, and that's why RACEDEPARTMENT voted the older 2011 version as GOTY ahead of F1 2011 and Iracingv2, but they released a update and made it even better.

Inside Sim Racing called GSC 2012 "The Art of Simulation"....and I agree as the Camaro{the best tin top sim car ever} , the V8SC and the F1 are epic, btw, GSC has the F3, a modern F1, and senna's 88 mac, so 3 open wheelers.

The quality of the physics and FFB is hard to believe, the cars drive beautifully and are quite easy for a experienced sim racer, but once you get going, the physics and FFB bite and you'll know what the ISI engine maxed feels like.

For a lousy $30US, you get

SS Camaro{probably the best and most authentic V8 sounds in sim racing as well}
Modern Mini{out within a week or 2}
Senna 88
2010 F1
2012 V8 Stock car, 2 models

Plus, there's like 15-17 tracks all up, a couple are mods, but they're good.

GSC 2012 is the best driving simulator in a if you value the experience of controlling beautifully responsive sim cars against up 33 AI, this one's a must.

Look at the car control of the Camaro, and it's pumping some of the best FFB ever back to the driver.
It was a joke, hence "huehuehue... Seriously though"

I'll look into it further.
Games which have heaps of cars through mods just aren't the same as Forza or GT which has a great selection built in and an enjoyable career mode to progress you through the game. I really never got into the mod scene even though I really enjoyed sim racing, the only mods I really used were ones which did things like putting the GT Legends cars into GTR2 or GTR evo, because you still had the quality simbin cars. Modding race sims is like a little subculture of sim racing that I really never got into or enjoyed.

More realistic sims are fun and all but honestly I got bored of them after 1) they took a long time to advance and 2) I didn't have the time to invest in them and 3) Even the realistic sims lack the same joy as racing in real life. Unless you're some freak who is just awesomely good at sim racing you have to waste a lot of time on a particular car and a particular track to get competitive with the regulars even if you're already familiar with the game, and the people who aren't regulars are typically too shit to actually have fun races against.

That said, GT or Forza with PC sim physics and high quality PC graphics... I'd be all over that shit. It's not gonna happen though because it's such a huge investment of a game that I don't think anyone actually wants to support it.
I don't consider track time a waste, the simple act of driving classic race cars on classic race tracks is just pure sim heaven to me, but I guess I'm a freak. :)

It's true though, if you are into career mode and achievements/unlocks and that sort of thing then rfactor and pc race sims in general are not for you.
I don't consider track time a waste, the simple act of driving classic race cars on classic race tracks is just pure sim heaven to me, but I guess I'm a freak. :)

It's true though, if you are into career mode and achievements/unlocks and that sort of thing then rfactor and pc race sims in general are not for you.

Don't get me wrong, I spent hundreds and hundreds of hours in racing sims of different varieties and enjoyed it and spent plenty of time taming the 427 Cobra on Spa. But the fact is you do have to spend a lot of time on it if you want to get good at it and competitive against a real person, and when you can only spend a few hours a week on your hobby, whatever it may be, sim racing gets a bit boring. I enjoyed sim racing far more when I had 30 or 40 hours a week to spend on my various hobbies :p I raced through a full season in GTR1 (which was extremely unforgiving) and enjoyed it, but I wouldn't be able to get into it these days now I actually have a full time job and real life commitments.

Maybe it's because I live in an area that's quite nice to drive around and have spent too much time working on real life race cars I'm just too burnt out on cars to give a shit about a racing sim as well :p