Post your "rate my cables" here




Not really wasted, it was intentional. The CPU is a couple degrees cooler with the GTX260 further away from it. The card is still getting cooled very well by the fron intake, GPU temps are lower then I expected.

I don't plan on changing the cooler on the GTX260 anytime soon, and with the card in the lower slot I have room for an HR-05 SLI on the northbridge.

I'm gonna be putting thermalright heatsinks on the mosfets/memory/NB but the regular HR-05 won't fit with the Ultima-90 installed. It actually works out better with the HR-05 SLI because it will hang down and be right in the middle of the airflow from the front intake fan.

I run the system with the panel off for now and even during Prime95 @ 4GHz 1.4v I never hit higher then 57c on either I'm not to worried about the CPU temps.

I'm enjoying the low noise levels of the Silverstone 120mm fans and my low speed 95mm on the CPU, but I'm still used to more fan noise so I'm replacing all three fans and moving into the 30-35dBa range, which is what I'm more used to. Not onlt will this help my CPU/NB/case temps, but it'll also let me ramp up the GTX260's fan (to match the noise of the other fans) and get more of an OC out of it as well.

All in all I'm really excited to see how e erything turns out, and I've got a decent number of mods and a nice paintjob planned for the case as well, gonna be nice!

I just went from my 9800GTX SLI setup to one 260 216 last week, and what a card. There's a noticeable difference in game play in Crysis warhead.

The card at the bottom doesn't hurt any air flow to it. The fan sucks in air from the front right in front of your intake, so I'd think it'd be fine allowing you the HR-05 SLI. I was able to, so far, acheive 650 core and 2100 mem on my 260. I've left the fan set to 30% and auto enabled and haven't seen temps above 68*, while both GTXs would load in the upper 70s. BTW, looks good.
Sounds great...I can't wait to swap out my case fans for faster models and ramp up the GTX260's fan to match the noise, hopefully I'll be able to hit 650-700MHz without much issue.
I love how the paint turned out. I like the divider, and love the small form factor. Looks real Pro!
What, no optical drives? And those ATX/power cables can be hidden relatively well on the P180... :p
What, no optical drives? And those ATX/power cables can be hidden relatively well on the P180... :p

Personally (and no offense) I think that the case looks awful with the drive cages removed. Cooling may be improved as it is, but it just looks goofy.
u can smarten it up with a new coat of flashy paint + shoving a massive radiator in the front with cool fans flashing up a light show!

i would like 2 see , maybe, take out the bottom hdd cage and replace with some fancy hdd rack that passive cools ur drives . passive power?? i like :)
Pretty sure a lot people don't have any love for billboard lights and the like.

He's got the old P180 with crappy cable management.
Wow, this is great to see what a P180 looks like without the drive bays! Holy space Batman!

Keeping it simple is the perfect phrase to describe this!

Not worried how it performs, because there is so much opportunity to improve performance wherever it may be lacking. If the CPU runs hot, put the fan back in -- simple.

I think it's a bad idea to mod and use a very expensive Zalman for a fanless PC, instead of using a cheaper and better performing Ninja Rev.B/Ninja2, which is the king in fanless cooling..
Nup. One good reason to do so is that one already has a zalman and doesn't have a Ninja. Rather than spend extra money, mod what you got.

Having said that, I think the Zalman is very quiet with it's fan at low speeds. It would be drowned out by even the single 120mm exhaust fan. At it's lowest speed, it is damn near silent, and still cools good.

If already had that Zalman, could sell it and buy something else. I proposed Ninja, because is the best option for passive cooling.

I heard some models Zalman and I have felt not so silent even if they were at the lowest speed(CNPS 7500/8000/9700 for CPU and VF900 for VGA)
I even had VF-900CU LED before Accelero S1... It was the loudest component of the system​

I'll agree with you oxygen, I haven't found any of Zalmans coolers very quiet at all, even on low speed settings. I've owned the VF700 and VF900 GPU coolers and the CNPS7000, 7700 and 9500 CPU coolers, every single one was still audible in my system. They're quiet but I wouldn't go as far as to say to much about them.

I don't want to start an arguement or anything, some people just have different noise preferences and whatnot.

Another vote here for the Ninja, it'd look better as well IMO, I'm just not a fan of the uniquely shaped copper fin designs that Zalman and Thermaltake seem to be quite fond of.
my case is the old antec p180, as posted before it has very crappy cable management and i cannot route that black mamba through the back. the two case fans do a sufficient job in cooling the CPU as well as the fan in the front bringing in cool air. I'm currently running a s939 148 single core opteron lightly overclocked to 2.64GHz currently running at 36°c. I also don't want all those flashy alien lights, it reminds me of those ricers who mod their cars thinking they are 2fast 2furious with a stock SOHC engine.

As you can see my hardware is pretty dated, built this rig back in 2005. The fan started crapping out on the zalman so had two choices, mod the existing bracket to accommodate an 120mm or go fanless. seeing now the temps are exactly the same, a fan directly blowing on the heatsink seems unneeded.

thanks for all the comments and concerns p.s. optical drives are overrated
Already have a thread showing off this wire job but what here is the "before and after" of it all..

Here is all the stuff that was installed in this case at the beginning of the year (yes that's the phase chiller):

And here's what should last until the end:
Looking clean, but you should invest in newer lights that are more stealthy, ie. would yield more more appealing.
One last update.. probably gonna replace my A05b soon... Lian-Li scratches so easily it pisses me off, but I love their cases so much with the finish and everything... sigh.. there's no replacement, probably gonna grab another Lian-Li...

This picture really shows all the scratches :( Unlike the first time I posted.. and I wish the 4870x2 only used 1 pci-express connector too.

Before system was upgraded:



Lookin' good, but that 4870x2 has got a bit of a slant to it.

So does my GTX260 I guess, just more obvious when the card is out in the open like that.
Interesting... my P180 is also the older one, and I also built it in 2005, and it was also an Opteron. :D

Don't like to hear about the zalman fan dieing. I've only used one 9700, it's still fairly new and they are still pretty expensive -- I'd hate for it to die on me. I've been happy enough with it, and run it at about 50% speed. It's in an Antec 300 case, which isn't the quietest case on the market. All the fans are on a controller, and with the case fans at about 50% I simply turn down the zalman until I can no longer hear it -- almost dead nutz on 50%.

I can understand others feeling they are noisier than I do. Zalman case fans I have used are definately loud and need slowing down. I have a zalman 7000 (flower type ) in an HTPC case that runs very quiet -- again at low speed. The 7000 and 9700 are the only Zalman HSFs I've used, and to me they are quieter than anything else I have used -- but only when slowed down.

At full speed, it's a completely different story. I'd then say the 9700 is the loudest HSF I have other than the Panaflo (on an XP-120) that simply screams at full speed.

I tried putting my current rig in my P180, it couldn't handle the vid card temps well at all. Besides, the vid card was only temporary, replaced with a full size one that won't fit in SLI because it is blocked by the 3.5" bay. That's why I was so interested in how you cut everything away.

Basically, I out-grew the P180... something I didn't expect so soon when I first bought it in 2005. I guess three years is pretty good, but I expected more like five years. I may still use it, I put the s939 system back in (X2-3800 these days), and it subs as a spare work system in case my main rig is down for repairs or upgrades. Maybe, on some rainy day, I'll get the dremel out and butcher the fricken thing lol.

my case is the old antec p180, as posted before it has very crappy cable management and i cannot route that black mamba through the back. the two case fans do a sufficient job in cooling the CPU as well as the fan in the front bringing in cool air. I'm currently running a s939 148 single core opteron lightly overclocked to 2.64GHz currently running at 36°c. I also don't want all those flashy alien lights, it reminds me of those ricers who mod their cars thinking they are 2fast 2furious with a stock SOHC engine.

As you can see my hardware is pretty dated, built this rig back in 2005. The fan started crapping out on the zalman so had two choices, mod the existing bracket to accommodate an 120mm or go fanless. seeing now the temps are exactly the same, a fan directly blowing on the heatsink seems unneeded.

thanks for all the comments and concerns p.s. optical drives are overrated
Lookin' good, but that 4870x2 has got a bit of a slant to it.

So does my GTX260 I guess, just more obvious when the card is out in the open like that.

Hehe, the whole image is slanted, I was on my stomach taking this picture under my desk :D
what you need to do to help with the sag in the card is to put in the second screw and that should tighten things up a bit.
It's not as slanted as the picture shows because of the angle, maybe I should throw in that missing screw :D
Found a couple uses for the storage compartment on the top of the HAF case!


Damn thing wieghts a TON with all the HDs in the front section of it. Not sure who it is that got caught under it, I know it isn't the wife because she was just nagging at me from upstairs. :D


Had a ton of fun last night, after kids stopped coming to the door, played some Zombie Panic! Source and Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodlines with the room lights off and sound cranked. Ommm, BRAINS! Nom nom nom! :p

Gonna have to add some blue light for xmas...

So I thought I'd post my newest PC here so that the forum can bash my case choice and wire management all in one.

Some Pics:




The 9800GTX barely fits.
Well for the most part the management is not that bad cleanly secured and routed, but i always say the best cable is the non seen one. and that case does not look to bad, but i wouldnt spend my money on it;)