Post your "rate my cables" here

Here's my case, It actually doesn't look that bad by the videocards, the zip ties hold the cables out of view of my window mod.


And here's proof that a fan will look stopped at high speed (22mm focal, 1/60th sec shutter speed, Nikon D80)
Got a new case and watercooling stuff :D




I think I need black sata cables now :)

Other then that what you guys think?
those red sata cables suit your system need to get rid of them and get black ones...the red sata cables and red Ati logo color and cpu block look perfectly match.
It's a UV Blue cable.

My modified Dell, too cool for school :).




that is awesome. i should do the same with an old dell like that i have lying the basement unused. it would be pretty awesome for people to see the old dell case and it having be a beast inside.

i will do something like this but quick question how did you get the front panel headers to work?
Toobookoo, is that leather or something that i see in your case? On the graphics card plant thingy ontop the the heatink. On the metal inside. and various places?
that is awesome. i should do the same with an old dell like that i have lying the basement unused. it would be pretty awesome for people to see the old dell case and it having be a beast inside.

i will do something like this but quick question how did you get the front panel headers to work?
The configuration that the connections are in happens to be the same as the Gigabyte board that's in there. If they didn't match up, I had a bunch of extra 2-pin header connections that I could have chopped and soldered onto the original header set. HDD, Power Lights, Power Button, and USB ports work. Audio port was for a proprietary Creative card so I just chopped it, and the audio port doesn't work. Not that I needed it anywho.





Keep in mind that this is my first build and the cable management options in my case suck.

Edit: Sorry the pics are so big, I don't know how to resize pics in this forum.
I redid mine again yesterday. I'm very pleased. Again, this is without cutting anything. Still gotta figure out what to do with that sata power cable



Where are you guys getting PSU extension cables? I know that seems like a stupid question but I can't for the life of me find what I am looking for
No video... fan stayed at 100%... no idea past that. Had it for about three weeks after step-up. I've already got an advanced RMA pending through EVGA.

Using 8600GT for now... Sucks, I was going to buy FarCry 2 Friday.
No video... fan stayed at 100%... no idea past that. Had it for about three weeks after step-up. I've already got an advanced RMA pending through EVGA.

Using 8600GT for now... Sucks, I was going to buy FarCry 2 Friday.
It's okay, don't worry. Far cry 2 is horrible.
QFT. Its charms will wear off after 2 hours of gameplay.

10 minutes for me. I thought it was bad from the start and it would pick up, but after like 2 hours I just couldn't bear it...
What SATA cable did you sleeve to get that effect? I would like to try that!
@ OofC_S7v7N: I could get that effect easily with a Nikon D90. I'll post pictures soon.

It's actually one of these... it might be UV reactive as well, but I wouldn't know because I don't have any UV lighting in my rig. It's lights up on it own using a 12v connection. If you Google "lighted sata cable" you can find them in several colors.

Toobookoo, is that leather or something that i see in your case? On the graphics card plant thingy ontop the the heatink. On the metal inside. and various places?

It feels like leather, but goes on like an electrical tape would... I like the effect, but I might need to redo it a bit better.
My current gaming rig, pulled my two HD4870 (512mb) the other day, sold em and am currently waiting on a 4870x2.

While the box was open and the cards were out, I decided to yank the audio card as well and give cable management a go:


I dont use your little digital cameras.

All the foillowing pics were taken with a Canon 400D DSLR with 17-85mm F4 IS USM Lens and a 580EX II Flash

Machine was on

This one was taken with the flash pointing at the ceiling and a slower shutter speed:

Grimspoon, not bad, but please post pictures when the X2 is installed, you've done a pretty good job so far, but I'm sure you'll find things may go downhill and not look AS neat and orderly as they do now. ;)

Deimos, you've more or less demonstrated why I dislike overly large cases, unless you do some cutting to the inside of the case it's very difficult to get around having wires hanging out every which way. In all fairness, I'm much more intrigued/interested in the networking "box" you've got sitting next to the system, very cool idea.
All the foillowing pics were taken with a Canon 400D DSLR with 17-85mm F4 IS USM Lens and a 580EX II Flash

Machine was on

This one was taken with the flash pointing at the ceiling and a slower shutter speed:

In the first pic, are those two little PCI-E 1x SATA Controller Cards? They're damn tiny :D,
maybe having the flash on helps capture a fan stopped but on.?

Not necessarily, it largely depends on how much light is in the scene, obviously a flash will increase the amount of light in the scene, thats why you can increase the shutter speed.

Those photos were taken at 1/80 shutter speed (1 80th of a second), the fans in my server are 1200 RPM fans, this is about 20 revolutions per second, which means the fan would have moved a quater revolution in the time it took my camera to open and close the shutter to capture the image, obviously the flash has made it look like the fan is still because it certainly doesn't look like it has moved at all.

1/80 is actually a pretty slow shutter speed, if I use the high speed flash sync I can bring that all the way down to 1/4000, the fan would only move .5% of a revolution in that space of time, you would not be able to see it moving in the photo.

There are a number of ways you can increase the shutter speed, increasing the amount of light in the scene, increasing your ISO speed, opening the aperature etc etc so the flash is not the only deciding factor.
In the first pic, are those two little PCI-E 1x SATA Controller Cards? They're damn tiny :D,

Yeah, I got the PCI one and discovered that it was shit for a software RAID 5 (using win2k3) so decided to get a couple of PCI-E SATA-II cards (for NCQ support) and was lucky enough to find those.

If I ever manage to get enough money to upgrade I will probably change the mobo for PCI-E 4x and get a proper SAS HW Raid card
Deimos, you've more or less demonstrated why I dislike overly large cases, unless you do some cutting to the inside of the case it's very difficult to get around having wires hanging out every which way. In all fairness, I'm much more intrigued/interested in the networking "box" you've got sitting next to the system, very cool idea.

I absolutely love the large case, and in all fairness, this is a server, not something I'm willing to invest a lot of time modding a case that needs to be practical and easily upgradeable.

I spent nearly a week rebuilding my main gaming rig, making the cables tidy etc, but I'm seriously starting to rethink the serious amount of effort I put in to building a PC that will hardly ever be looked at apart from a one off glory shot when its completed. (see project phobos if you are wondering what it looks like)
Fair enough, I probably wouldn't put a lot of time into wiring a server either.

Wait a minute....yeah I would. :p :D