Post your "rate my cables" here

Only blatant cable there is the one coming off the video card, maybe you can run it parallel to it 'till it reaches the case edge (under the outer edge of the board so it shows less on pics) and zip tie it at the end so it stays in place, then take whatever route with it you're taking at the moment.
yeah, it would've been nice if MSI thought about the placement of that beforehand...oh well, i'll try that...thanks!
Circuitbreaker8 said:

Mine owns you all :D Its actually cleaner now...i just cant find the charger for my frickin cam. I'm gonna buy 2x white cothode lights ( or blue..cant decide ) and a Cooler Master door w/ window. The front bay is already hooked up ( has an aerogate II, CM drive covers )

go with white :D

for what i have no idea :p


well, when I get a new case i'll definitely clean up my management skills (if i have any :p)...i'm thinkin about the Chenming 601 in either black or silver, thoughts?

well, suggestions/comments/thoughts are welcome!
Here are some pics of my computer, sorry they're so small. Any comments are welcome.
Inside the computer through the window:

HHD Wiring:

Overall Interior:
Well guys, here it sick and tired of that temp case I had the computer installed in....and even though I'm not finished with this and i still have the Enermax PSU, here's my wiring so far:

Picture 028.jpg

I'm going to cut a "notch" in the 5.25" cage, so that the ATX cable can run straight out to the right from the motherboard, instead of having to arc down and under the cage. I'm also gonna cut a hole in the motherboard plate right under the IDE connections and use a regular ribbon to run right alongside the mobo, underneath it....behind the mobo tray, and up to the cdrom how the rounded is now....but you just won't see it.

I'll be back tonight with the updated pics.
Bugalaman said:
what the hell is that? a stock heatsink :eek:

lmao....HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!

why would commit such a cardinal sin? just....go...away....and leave me be in my UBERNESS :p

haha, u know, i see my WCing, and i'm like "sweet" and then i think about the good ole days of air :)p a week ago) and i think "wow" and just....dude....

lol, but, nice cable jobs, ppl, mine is more l33t than urs :D
Alright, I admit it it's a stock cooler.....I was getting completely fed up with how loud that Gigabyte 3D cooler was.....and the wiring was gonna be even worse by the time it got in there. Don't worry, it's only temporary, but I wanted to try and get things as clean and quiet as possible with my current setup.

I'm fixing a couple more things tonight that'll make the wiring even nicer.....bbl with new pics.

lol, but, nice cable jobs, ppl, mine is more l33t than urs

Hardly bro....but nice try. ;) Just wait till my interior is all black and teh cables are all sleeved black with black molex's too......yummy. :p
yea, cornelious0_0 I was just gonna say to sleeve or heatshrink... or hell just electrical tape a few of those wires. Specificly the power cable for the HSF... IT BURNS MY EYES :eek:

Also: How is ur 2.8 at 3.7 with stock HSF?! And wut ratio? I got mine to boot to 3.5Ghz in a 3:2 ratio but thats best I could manage.
n64man120 said:
yea, cornelious0_0 I was just gonna say to sleeve or heatshrink... or hell just electrical tape a few of those wires. Specificly the power cable for the HSF... IT BURNS MY EYES :eek:

Also: How is ur 2.8 at 3.7 with stock HSF?! And wut ratio? I got mine to boot to 3.5Ghz in a 3:2 ratio but thats best I could manage.

Sry bro, can't clock that high on the stock cooler, that was with the Gigabyte 3D Cooler...but I took it off, too damn loud. The clock was at 1:1 with 2.5-4-3-5 memory timings when I had it on the other cooler though.

I'm gonna be replacing my powersupply and sleeving that one....but for now I could just do this one up with electrical tape....just dont have any. :mad: Gonna see if I can grab some tonight though and fix it all up for ya. ;)
i dont see much wire management there.... is that a samsung serial ata HDD i see there? I have one to lol :D. No case either?
elite.mafia said:
i dont see much wire management there.... is that a samsung serial ata HDD i see there? I have one to lol :D. No case either?

Sure is a Samsung.....and man, that's one smudged up X-Connect....which is why I wouldn't want one. I hate finger smudges like that.
cornelious0_0 said:
Sure is a Samsung.....and man, that's one smudged up X-Connect....which is why I wouldn't want one. I hate finger smudges like that.

Yep, it's a Samsung. The PSU is smudged, can be cleaned easily with a piece of cloth, but I am lazy, :rolleyes:
Here it is guys, I'm done with the wiring for today.....


Picture 028.jpg


- pushed CPU HSF wire underneath the cooler
- cut a hole in the mobo plate for the 4pin P4 connector to come through, instead of routing it from the top hole
- cut an indent in the 5.25" drive cage so the ATX cable could go straight out (to the right) from the mobo
- cut a hole in the mobo plate for the IDE cable to pass beneath the board, and up through to top hole

Picture 037.jpg

After 2:

Picture 038.jpg

I find it pretty funny now that that last pic is of the messiest part of the case.....other then behind the mobo plate and drive cages that is. ;)

Don't worry about the burs around the edges of the hole up top.....the case is getting sanded down and painted, and you won't be able to see a thing.

It's nice now, but just imagine what it'll be like once all the interior is painted black and all the wires are sleeved black with black connections and heatshrink. I'll also be picking up a black IDE ribbon cable to use instead of the rounded UV in the next while to make it less obtuse....but I'd say it's decent enough for now. ;)

Ok I know it's not the cleanest wire management but it works for me! I could probably do better but I like to save these kind of little projects for when I'm totally bored and can't think of anything better to do.
Can't wait to see it painted... I bet it'll look much nicer indeed with the ribbon cables since the cut holes will seem to fit the cables much better (instead of a big square hole for a small round orange cable, tho obviously the hole has to be that large for the connector... re-wiring would just be messy and incovenient for upgrading otherwise).

Did you ever get a hold of some black ribbon cables? I'll only have one IDE drive on my next rig but the only black ribbon cable I've seen lately are the ones that come with ASUS' A8V board... The hole it'll be routed thru is square as well so it'd really look nice if I managed to find one (otherwise I'll have to stick with the red rounded that come with MSI's board, 'least it'll match the SATA cables in color).
Impulse said:
Can't wait to see it painted... I bet it'll look much nicer indeed with the ribbon cables since the cut holes will seem to fit the cables much better (instead of a big square hole for a small round orange cable, tho obviously the hole has to be that large for the connector... re-wiring would just be messy and incovenient for upgrading otherwise).

Did you ever get a hold of some black ribbon cables? I'll only have one IDE drive on my next rig but the only black ribbon cable I've seen lately are the ones that come with ASUS' A8V board... The hole it'll be routed thru is square as well so it'd really look nice if I managed to find one (otherwise I'll have to stick with the red rounded that come with MSI's board, 'least it'll match the SATA cables in color).

The reason that top hole is the size that it is, is because I also use it to pass the main ATX cable, and all other PSU leads behind the motherboard tray.....which REALLY cleaned up the inside of my case.

I don't have any black ribbon cables ATM.....but a friend of mine has a couple black IDE ribbon cables from his Asus A7N8X mobo that he was using until just recently. He really couldn't care less, and I'm simply giving him one of my ribbons as a swap. While I'm not harshly against the end "nub" of the rounded cable sticking out of the mobo like that, it will look MUCH nicer with the black ribbon folding tightly around and behind the motherboard. Basically it's going to come to the point that every wire is simply going to "blend in" with the black those wires that I can't hide 100% will be much harder to notice.

It's gonna be one hell of a nice looking interior when it's done, not to mention how nice the case itself is going to be with the automotive black paint job, and nice chrome case handles ontop. ;) :cool:
Impulse said:
(otherwise I'll have to stick with the red rounded that come with MSI's board, 'least it'll match the SATA cables in color)

i hate my red sata cable. has anyone painted theirs?
Black Label said:
i hate my red sata cable. has anyone painted theirs?

Naw, I was just lucky enough to hang onto a pair of dark grey SATA cables from awhile ago....I use 'em in everything now.....if only they were pure black. Hehe, might have to sleeve them when I sleeve everything else black, otherwise they're gonna stick out like a swor thumb. :p
you could paint it though right? i mean would it peel or anything? i really want to paint mine because it doesnt look good.
Black Label said:
you could paint it though right? i mean would it peel or anything? i really want to paint mine because it doesnt look good.

Depends what kinda of paint. I wonder if it'd be easier to just seal off/cover up the ends and get it died.....not sure how some different methods work on something flexible and malable like a cable.

Oh, and speaking of SATA...I finally got the simple idea to turn my hard drive around.....a bit cleaner around that bottom corner now......just gotta remember to sleeve that SATA cable and the case leads black.....cus they're really gonna stick out otherwise:

Picture 039.jpg

EDIT: Shit, do you guys think it'd look better to take the SATA cable straight down, route it under the mobo, and then to the right from behind the board.....or just leave it how it is? If I bring it straight down the cable will be perfeclty flat and perpendicular to the case, and it'll also look nicer when i take it behind teh drive I think.....hehe, brb...gotta go try it out now. ;)
cornelious0_0 said:
EDIT: Shit, do you guys think it'd look better to take the SATA cable straight down, route it under the mobo, and then to the right from behind the board.....or just leave it how it is? If I bring it straight down the cable will be perfeclty flat and perpendicular to the case, and it'll also look nicer when i take it behind teh drive I think.....hehe, brb...gotta go try it out now. ;)

yea run it straight down, might kinda stick out though running across those bright ide(?) plugs.

EDIT: and post a pick if your not to busy :)

EDIT: you have unmount your motherboard dont you? i hate having to do that, especially for such a small thing like that.....but if your bored its pretty fun
Well I dont completely take it out, I know these boards well enough to know what they can take and I just take out the bottom few screws in that corner and bend it up to get the cable past the biggie. Oh, I moved the cable down.....MUCH ya go, you wanted pics right? :p


Picture 039.jpg


Picture 040.jpg

I'm gonna take a bit more time tomorrow and get the cable under there more so that it folds perfectly along the mobo.....cus its the little things that get me, and that little folding angle is getting really irritating already. :p
IceWeasel said:
lol you are anal :D but good job

Haha, you haven't even seen the half of it. ;)

I'm gonan yank a regular ribbon cable out of my parents computer and give it into my rig right away here. It won't be black, but it'll fold right along the edge of the board, so I figure it'll still look nicer then the rounded cable for tidyness.

I'll be back in less then an hour with one final pic for this i'm starting to run out of things I can do before I get the sleeving/painting done. :p
Alright here she is. I swear this is the last time I'm posting up a pic before I get the case painted.....

Picture 041.jpg

Next time you see it the interior will be painted black, the cables will be sleeved, and I'll have that black ribbon cable.....but for now there she is. ;) :cool:

EDIT: In the next pic I'll also have my new PSU, so I'm gonna probly cut another hole under the mobo for the ATX cable to fold underneath the board like I did with the IDE ribbon. Everything will be painted the same black and the dual bayres will be covering up that notch I cut, so it's all good. :D
In my personal interest of not taking on new projects, I will have to ask you to not paint your case black. I fear it will look so amazing that i'll force myself to do the same :p
n64man120 said:
In my personal interest of not taking on new projects, I will have to ask you to not paint your case black. I fear it will look so amazing that i'll force myself to do the same :p

Haha, sorry's gonna happen this month. :D

Once the painting and sleeving are done I really do think it's going to be a sight to sorry in advance if it forces you to run out and "follow suite" with your box. ;)
Just thought you guys might want to actually SEE those motherboard plate cuts I did.

I'm actually VERY surprised at how much I was able to keep things in order in teh back.....all because of that top hole for the PSU wires to come thing I could have done with this case:

Picture 044.jpg

EDIT: Also, notice the curves in that silver braiding on the ATX and 4pin P4 cables.....that's about as much as I can flex that shit and have it hold its you can see why I want a new PSU so desperately. :(
cornelious0_0 said:

how come you dont move your hard drive up and take out that bottom hd cage, wont that make better airflow? also is it possible to put a second fan right below the one left of the cpu? i ask this because i want to buy a lian li pc-65b, which looks very similer to yours. :)

EDIT: o yea whats the deal with the stock heatsink? :confused:
for 2 exhaust fans? if so yea i will prolly be doing that this weekend

edit: hes going to be watercooling soon. :)
how come you dont move your hard drive up and take out that bottom hd cage, wont that make better airflow?

With the hole cut in my front bezel I get some very nice airflow coming into the bottom of the case as is.....there really isnt any restriction there. Plus, look at the last pic I took and how I'm hiding a great deal of my "mess" behind or under the hard drive cage. Overall the wiring woud not be NEARLY as neat as I've got in now when it comes to the hard drive and everything around it.....cus that cage is keeping my case conenctions very concealed too.

also is it possible to put a second fan right below the one left of the cpu?

Yes it is, and I have NO idea why they would position it like that and only put one in. if you hold an 80mm fan there's eXACTLY enough room for a second fan...and as soon as I can get to a friends place I'm cutting out the second fanhole with his holesaw.

EDIT: o yea whats the deal with the stock heatsink?

The Gigabyte 3D Cooler Pro I had on there did a decent job at cooling, but it was WAY to damn loud.....and it was driving me insane. That combined with the fact that the way you have to wire up the 3D Cooler Pro (would have made it way more messy up top) was enough for me to just put the stock cooler back on until my water cooling gets installed.

EDIT: I'm also getting a 3.2E SL7KC at the end of the month, so I'll be switching over to the stock cooler that comes with the Prescot, but still not using anything else until my TDX is ready to be bolted down. :cool:
*reserved* :p once i feel like taking pictures ill post some of my antec super lanboy, its awesome my wires are nicely hidden and i didnt even have to try oto0 hide anything
Homey D. Clown said:

Ok I know it's not the cleanest wire management but it works for me! I could probably do better but I like to save these kind of little projects for when I'm totally bored and can't think of anything better to do.

what is with some people that insist on having their fan pull out from their proc is a good idea. well not with thermalright... turn that bad boy around... sheeesh :eek:
OptPrime said:
what is with some people that insist on having their fan pull out from their proc is a good idea. well not with thermalright... turn that bad boy around... sheeesh :eek:

I honestly dont know why I didnt notice that. I know some ppl are still convinced rather easily by things they read.....but it has been proven a number of times that there IS a slight advantage with these monster Thermalright heatsinks to have the fan blowing ON the cooler.....not sucking off of, you're directly "depositing" the hot air into your case.....much more quickly then if you had the fan blowing on the cooler itself. I can gaurantee you that that little LED fan is NOT pushing enough air to eliminate any hot air being sucked off the heatsink right now.....and I wouldn't be surprised if both your case temps AND your cpu temps went down as a result of reversing the fan and doing it the "right" way. ;)
You know what I didn't even notice I had that thing on wrong till now. I switched it around but I haven't noticed any drops in temps. Thanks for pointing that out though. :D
Homey D. Clown said:
You know what I didn't even notice I had that thing on wrong till now. I switched it around but I haven't noticed any drops in temps. Thanks for pointing that out though. :D

As I said, you might not ever notice any direct drops in CPU temps, as both methods ARE viable solutions for the processor cooling.....I just think that pulling air OFF a heatsink like that with a processor running at like 40-50C might work against your case cooling just a touch.