Post your NFSU2 rides here

I unlocked all the cars i believe, the RX7 came after the GT for me and the RX7 is the fastest. I got up to 198.8 in drag when i only have mostly pro engine upgrades apart from 2 extremes
Dephcon said:
Here's my Corolla GTS. I fucking love this car so much.


nice car, its cool to see how everyones taste is different. Is the corolla quick?
tylerhskate said:
I unlocked all the cars i believe, the RX7 came after the GT for me and the RX7 is the fastest. I got up to 198.8 in drag when i only have mostly pro engine upgrades apart from 2 extremes
After the stang? weird I have the RX7 but no stang! dammit!
i wanna get underground but before i try and get it i have one quick question.
Is the AI in underground 2 improved over the first game? Is the AI still frustrating sometimes by having you repeat a race over and over again because they keep having the 'rubberband' effect and end up passing you during the last second of the race?
THat's a cool integra. I wonder how much it'll cost to build one of these cars in real life =p
I can FEEL the mustang!! (I think) I think I'm close, everytime i get a voicemail I haul ass to the garage. I just got the GTO, gotta love the sound of the V8. Does the mustang use the same sounds for its V8? or is it the real Mustang sounds?
notoriousformula said:
how did you guys un-lock Mazda RX-8 and new Mustang GT?


You unlock all the cars by winning the URL races in different levels. The levels are when you finish sponsorships and unlock other places in the city. I just unlocked the RX-8 and I think it's level 3.
i have 2 main cars.. and all my slots in the garage are filled. im 55% through the game

my race car:

the show car for stars:
omgz i gotz the carbon-fiberz!!!!!!!!!


i love this car. if in 20 years you see a car similar to this streaking by you, that'd be me. ;)
Corporal79 said:
nice car, its cool to see how everyones taste is different. Is the corolla quick?

Not in particular, i have level 3 ecu and engine and it tops off at 308, i think, might be higher. I have an RX7 which is faster then my RSX Evo7 but i dont like the feel of them as much. The corolla is the only car i have that feels right to me. I gues it all depends on how you drive. Also, i've always loved the 89-90 Corollas.

Yeah, it is kinda cool to see how people deign their cars. Personally i think most of the stuff is tacky but i pretty much have to put it on or else my car's rating takes a shit dive. With the white paint too, its kinda bare so i had to put something on.
Has anyone noticed that some of the stock car bodies looks VERY similar. Its kinda gay. I thought the cars were designed better in NFSU1
Dephcon said:
Has anyone noticed that some of the stock car bodies looks VERY similar. Its kinda gay. I thought the cars were designed better in NFSU1
your joking right?

but do you notice the glitch when you hit are in some races and it puts you outside of the race like you cant get back in so you have to restart
Dephcon said:
Yeah, it is kinda cool to see how people deign their cars. Personally i think most of the stuff is tacky but i pretty much have to put it on or else my car's rating takes a shit dive. With the white paint too, its kinda bare so i had to put something on.

Well even if the corolla isn't that fast it still looks nice and clean. I don't particularly like how you MUST do some of the stupid looking body kits and roof scoops to get a "10" car. A nice paint job, maybe some rims, tint and some xenons make a 10 car in me eyes. My stang (finally got it) looks really good stock I think. Put larger pipes on the back for looks and some paint and now its hot
ahh.. no bloody wonder I coudlnt buy anything.. I've only been going to the garage's on my GPS.. I didn't know there were ones you had to find yourself..

Once you find them do they stay in GPS? I dont wanna drive the city everytime I want a paint job.
SKiTLz said:
ahh.. no bloody wonder I coudlnt buy anything.. I've only been going to the garage's on my GPS.. I didn't know there were ones you had to find yourself..

Once you find them do they stay in GPS? I dont wanna drive the city everytime I want a paint job.
You find multiple body shops, car lots, etc. in each area so you won't have to drive far.

My Focus which I started with.


The one im currently driving...


I've been wondering, every other nfs game had police in it. Where are all the police at in the undergound games?! THat would make it that much harder/fun
I think i've unlocked most if not all the cars cept maybe a mustang.

Started out with this tonite.

Stopped off and got this instead.

Finally met my match for my skillz :D


After, green and purple sort of strange combination.
hmm... something else i wanted to ask/comment on...

are there any performance upgrades past level 3? perhaps some 'unique' upgrades like there were in the original nfsu? the reason i ask is because the skyline used in the training clips (clips that tell you how to play the different game types, mostly played near the beginning of the game) has a turbo that sounds alot beefier than anything i've found yet, and i have supposedly unlocked 100% of the available items.

which brings me to another point; the percentage of unlocked items doesn't seem accurate. it said 100% when i did not have the wide body kits unlocked.
yea mine has it set at 100% unlocked stuff, but i still cant get the widebody kits at 56%
i've read a bit on some various forums and apparently there are unique upgrades in this game as there were in nfsu. unlocking them has to do with what stage you are in and doing the outrun races. unfortunately, that's all i know :(
Check out the time difference between me and the last guy :D Computer level is set to medium


Top speed is212 and im doing.. well looky

DRJ1014 said:
Check out the time difference between me and the last guy :D Computer level is set to medium


Top speed is212 and im doing.. well looky

No offence but carbon fiber overload :eek: .
i needed to do that for the 10 star car inorder to move on in the races
DRJ1014 said:
i needed to do that for the 10 star car inorder to move on in the races

yeah, annoying ain't it? i stripped it down but still keep the 10 star rating. i have to play it in bunches now, the long races really wear on me. and there's too freaking many sharp corners and not enough highway sprints. :(
man i hate those mountain drifts so hard. the damn cars and the turns . you have 12k points then you turn the corner and hit a car. ugh

Theres no s2000 :( :(
the mountain drifts are awesome..... sometimes at the end i will have >350,000 points