Official Moola Invites Thread

Three Invites here, send me a PM with your email and ill send one over.
if anyone got some sweet invite they would like to share. oexpress42 at yahoo. c o m
Still have 3 invites. PM if you need one, dont reply in this thread because i dont check it.
I have 4 invites for MOOLA. PM if you want one, i wont check this thread for your email.
Invite available. PM me w/ your email address and I'll get em out to you ASAP. Will edit message when invites are gone =)
Sorry - All Gone

Some loser when and signed them all up with fake details
There are tons of peope looking for moola invites at as well. Just a heads up if some people need to get rid of some of their invites.
I just wanted to point out that they released a 3rd game. I'm not sure how recent this is, but I figured it was worth mentioning.