Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I was personally ruined from PvP from the first time I tried to play WoW. I got to darkwood or whatever its called, and for six days, there were level 50's there, three in the town, one in graveyard, one on bridge, etc, camping non stop. I essentially couldn't play for six days due to those guys, so I rerolled on a PvE server and never looked back...
I was personally ruined from PvP from the first time I tried to play WoW. I got to darkwood or whatever its called, and for six days, there were level 50's there, three in the town, one in graveyard, one on bridge, etc, camping non stop. I essentially couldn't play for six days due to those guys, so I rerolled on a PvE server and never looked back...

Ah good times, I loved dooing that. The guards were so low lvl they did basicaly no dmg so you could sit there all day long and grief people, not that I did that all the time, but it was fun every now and then.
I dont know, I never liked Darth Maul. He always had this face, which made me think that he had to take a dump really bad and the jedi were blocking his path to the bathroom.
I dont know, I never liked Darth Maul. He always had this face, which made me think that he had to take a dump really bad and the jedi were blocking his path to the bathroom.

He turned out to be a pussy considering the way he died, but without much back story he was a certified badass. I mean not Vaders level but aside from the books he is only in the movie for like 30 minutes. Half of the entire episodes 4-6 were based around Vader.
PVP servers were/are fine as long as you rolled Horde or Sith. Alliance/Republic? Forget about it...
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

I am like "Oh you SOB!!!"....then I either try to find him or find someone else that I can gank :p

I had one of those moments the other day when a Sith whateverhewas tried to gank me as I speeder biked past him on Alderaan. I out-leveled him by 6 or 7 levels at the time. It made me chuckle.

I think maybe he thought it was going to be like in Warzones where you get bolstered facing higher level players or something. That was not the case. Part of me wanted to sit and wait for him to respawn, but that's a dick move and I try to avoid doing that, even if it would have been funny.
And think of how perfect this game would have been for three factions? Take smuggler and BH out of the republic and imp sides and add an exiled jedi/sith class and BOOM! 3 classes per side, 3 sides and imagine the story possibilities on the neutral faction classes. Smugglers could work for both sides, BH could kill people from either side, exiled jedi/sith could run from both sides. Really is a shame that wasn't the path they took but I'm still happy with what we have.

I was totally disappointed that BH's were locked to the side of the Empire. That was all I wanted to play, but I didn't want to be Imperial. total bummer.

Commando is cool though, switching between the JK-Sentinel and Commando keeps it feeling fresh. No jet pack though.
Part of me wanted to sit and wait for him to respawn, but that's a dick move and I try to avoid doing that, even if it would have been funny.

A Sith would have waited for you to respawn and killed you again. That is what separates US from you.
That potentially cool decision was more than cancelled out by giving him approximately 2.5 lines in the entire movie, and then killing him off in lame-o fashion with only about 10 minutes of screen time total. Such a waste.

Yea but his double lightsaber awesomeness still lives on today.
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

I am like "Oh you SOB!!!"....then I either try to find him or find someone else that I can gank :p

Part of the allure of playing on a PvP server is the tension provided by the possibility of other players killing you. You feel it when you move into a zone where the two sides are likely to clash. It's WAY uncommon in SWTOR though. It's virtually impossible to encounter a person from the other faction until Tatooine. Even then, Republic and Empire start at complete opposite ends of the map and it only really comes together toward the end of the zone. Same thing on Alderaan.

Then you go to Balmorra or Taris, which are completely different instances of the planet for the two factions and I don't think you can actually encounter each other there. So many missed opportunities for tense world PvP while leveling.
I was cured from open world pvp servers by Age of Conan. It was "fun" to die, when you turned quests to quest givers, camping spawnpoints, gank squads roaming around. Yes, really "fun".

I prefer Eve/Pirates of Burning Sea ways of pvp - areas with different security settings, or ports,t hat could become warzones. But pvp anywhere? Ain't for me.
He turned out to be a pussy considering the way he died, but without much back story he was a certified badass. I mean not Vaders level but aside from the books he is only in the movie for like 30 minutes. Half of the entire episodes 4-6 were based around Vader.

The most intriguing characters, Maul and both Fetts were killed in ridiculous and degrading fashion. Theoretically, Lucas didn't have to tie in Jango with Boba in that way in the pre-quels. He also could have kept Maul as the bad guy through the series, but the lame clone story and Grampy Dooku and octopus droid with Asthma had to play filler cannon fodder for the other two movies. But thankfully Jar Jar was in all three :rolleyes:
According to canon, Fett didn't die. He was such a tough SOB, that he survived sarlacc, and is present in most of the books, even helped fight Yuuzhan Vong.
Novels actually started to suck before Vong... the "Dark Apprentice" trilogy by K.J Anderson was before Yuuzhan Vong. Actually.... the only books that do not suck are Karen Traviss, about clone troopers and Zahn's Thrawn trilogy :)
Novels actually started to suck before Vong... the "Dark Apprentice" trilogy by K.J Anderson was before Yuuzhan Vong. Actually.... the only books that do not suck are Karen Traviss, about clone troopers and Zahn's Thrawn trilogy :)

I enjoyed the Jedi Academy series, but it wasn't as good as Zahn's work.
Ah good times, I loved dooing that. The guards were so low lvl they did basicaly no dmg so you could sit there all day long and grief people, not that I did that all the time, but it was fun every now and then.

Exactly. It is a 2 sided story. I mean if you are on the receiving end of course it sucks for you. All I can say is that once you grief, you don't go back to PVE.
Which has become the equivalent of a glowing wiffle bat used by Sith Assassins in SWTOR now, yes.

Totally. Lightsabers should be dismembering and 1-shotting people. Or maybe armor in the days of the Old Republic was just MUCH stronger and more durable than what we saw in the movies. They had to seriously downgrade technology to cut back on cost. Obi Wan's robe was downgraded to plain ole Fruit of the Loom cotton. No synthweave for him :(
Have to say, I'm disappointed by ending of story for Imperial Agent. I won't spoil... but it was subpar compared to the excellent Acts 1 and 2.
Have to say, I'm disappointed by ending of story for Imperial Agent. I won't spoil... but it was subpar compared to the excellent Acts 1 and 2.

The Sith Warrior story line was pretty satisfying. As was the end to the Sith Inquisitors. (Which I saw as I was grouped with one alot.)
I was cured from open world pvp servers by Age of Conan. It was "fun" to die, when you turned quests to quest givers, camping spawnpoints, gank squads roaming around. Yes, really "fun".

I prefer Eve/Pirates of Burning Sea ways of pvp - areas with different security settings, or ports,t hat could become warzones. But pvp anywhere? Ain't for me.

That's never even come close to being a problem in SWTOR and rarely in WoW after the advent and rapid expansion of battlegrounds and arenas. Sometimes PvP gets in the way of questing, but that's part of the fun. It breaks up the monotony of killing hundreds of weak, unthreatening, AI controlled goobers and adds some spontaneity and thrill to the experience. It can also cause players to band together very easily when some douche level 50 is killing people in a level 25 zone.
I much prefer the PvE experience. You just do your single player questing and get into PvP when you venture into PvP zones, or you queue yourself up for a warzone / Huttball. This way I can experience single player, co-op play or PvP anytime I choose without being forced into the situation by some douche bag.
The last PvP I enjoyed was Ultima Online, yeah I am old. The pure brutality of going red in that game and the fact that you showed back up naked after getting all your gear looted off your dead ass was crazy.
The Sith Warrior story line was pretty satisfying. As was the end to the Sith Inquisitors. (Which I saw as I was grouped with one alot.)

I will say that the Sith Warrior story line was really good. Sith Inq had moments but it seemed a bit far fetched (grouped with one 1-50). Next on the plate is either roll some Republic characters or get a BH and IA up to 50.
I will say that the Sith Warrior story line was really good. Sith Inq had moments but it seemed a bit far fetched (grouped with one 1-50). Next on the plate is either roll some Republic characters or get a BH and IA up to 50.

Yeah, I agree the Sith Inquisitor's story line seemed a bit far fetched even for Star Wars. I won't spoil it but at the end the Inquisitor should be a very public figure with lots of responsibilities. Not someone who runs around the galaxy in warzones, etc. In contrast the Sith Warrior ends up being a nasty character to deal with for sure, and an important albeit unknown figure. Ultimately his or her role, while important from a story perspective is ultimately one which lacks any notoriety outside of very specific circles of individuals. It basically works well with the annonimity one feels playing an MMO. From your perspective, you are important and powerful. From the perspective of others, not so much.

Those of you who have seen the endings to both story lines probably understand what I'm getting at. :D On another note: Anyone else notice that the Emperor was voiced by Doug Bradley who is the voice of Pinhead in the Hellraiser films?
Totally. Lightsabers should be dismembering and 1-shotting people. Or maybe armor in the days of the Old Republic was just MUCH stronger and more durable than what we saw in the movies. They had to seriously downgrade technology to cut back on cost. Obi Wan's robe was downgraded to plain ole Fruit of the Loom cotton. No synthweave for him :(

While the material was nearly indestructible even to lightsabers, it was surprisingly
light. This was due not only to the natural properties of the metal, but also to Mandalorian
metallurgy. It was commonly folded multiple times to gain even greater strength. Though it
was nearly indestructible, there are instances where repeated strikes in the same area have
been able to penetrate the armor.

There you have it.

While the material was nearly indestructible even to lightsabers, it was surprisingly
light. This was due not only to the natural properties of the metal, but also to Mandalorian
metallurgy. It was commonly folded multiple times to gain even greater strength. Though it
was nearly indestructible, there are instances where repeated strikes in the same area have
been able to penetrate the armor.

There you have it.

Thank you for this. I can now resume playing the game with a better sense of realism assuming everyone in the game is wearing some kind of mandalorian iron armor. :p
Nah if you want the real reason ;)

Instead armor containing the cortosis weave would merely be resistant to lightsaber strikes

This effect made cortosis a useful material for anti-lightsaber melee weapons, though with repeated strikes, a lightsaber could still cut through it. Cortosis, due to its heat and energy resistant properties, was also resistant to blaster fire.

And to just make sure you know that is what is used in SWTOR;

Now all that should make the game just a little more believable...since the armor could actually have more "ore" in it, so that the armor could be stronger...(so when you go up in levels you get more ore in your armor that makes it more resistant...and why you don't die from a single lightsaber hit or blaster bolt...) :D
Have to say, I'm disappointed by ending of story for Imperial Agent. I won't spoil... but it was subpar compared to the excellent Acts 1 and 2.

You're the second person I've heard confirm the ending sucks. I'm just at little ways into act 2, but honestly, act 1 didn't really doing anything for me so I'm trying to continually lower my expectations after thoroughly enjoying my Sith Warrior storyline.
Totally. Lightsabers should be dismembering and 1-shotting people. Or maybe armor in the days of the Old Republic was just MUCH stronger and more durable than what we saw in the movies. They had to seriously downgrade technology to cut back on cost. Obi Wan's robe was downgraded to plain ole Fruit of the Loom cotton. No synthweave for him :(

I understand their dilemma... if you're going to have lightsabers be as common as they are, and not do something revolutionary from a combat gameplay perspective for an MMO, then you can't just have people getting 1-shot by having a lightsaber accidentally nick their aorta. With that said, it's still a disappointment to not have any greater sense of power when wielding a lightsaber vs. someone else (think smuggler/agent) puncturing your backside with a vibroknife. Oh, and dismemberments would make a world of difference too. Yeah yeah, gotta go for the lowest common denominator good ole' Lucas style and all, but even doing it without gore would make things WAAAY more fun.
That's never even come close to being a problem in SWTOR and rarely in WoW after the advent and rapid expansion of battlegrounds and arenas. Sometimes PvP gets in the way of questing, but that's part of the fun. It breaks up the monotony of killing hundreds of weak, unthreatening, AI controlled goobers and adds some spontaneity and thrill to the experience. It can also cause players to band together very easily when some douche level 50 is killing people in a level 25 zone.

... and you're even forgetting the best reason of all... that there wouldn't even be a WoW themed South Park episode if it wasn't for this. ;)
Imperial Agent has like 3-4 different endings. It depends on the decisions you made in earlier quests.