Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread


the ability delay and increased performance in populated areas are actually very good now.

gj BW
+2, I'm getting 60FPS+ even in a 100+ person station. BW is really nailing down the responsiveness. I'm liking this, glad I subbed.
Yeah I just got hit with my 6 month sub fee the other day. Just as I saw it post to my account I had a feeling of regret but I'm slowly moving away from that after reading about stuff like this recent patch
^ same for me too. In fact I didn't notice ANY flickering at all. My overall FPS seemed higher/smoother and the ability delay was reduced for me, when I wasn't lagging too bad.
The performance in the Fleet area is night-and-day better after the patch. I never really noticed ability delay since I have yet to pvp, but I definitely noticed the difference when I did a few fp's tonight. The game seemed much more responsive and fluid than before. So far I'm impressed at how quickly Bioware is responding to issues.

On a side note, damn my ISP for having maintance tonight. I had done a few dailies and hadnt turned them in since I was in the middle of my last one. My internet went down right as my group wiped to a boss (people probably I rage quit lol), and now all of my dailies will have to be turned in tomorrow. I guess that meqns i dont have to do them much exp down the drain....
I decided to purchase the game tonight....but I am already regretting it as I can't even download the game files via launcher. This should be fun to try and fix. :-/
I decided to purchase the game tonight....but I am already regretting it as I can't even download the game files via launcher. This should be fun to try and fix. :-/

sounds like a firewall or antivirus issue
sounds like a firewall or antivirus issue

I'm not sure as I had downloaded at least half the game before it fails to finish downloading a file (gives me a check network error). I've deleted the installation and now trying and download it all over again.
Someone posted saying you can help load times in windows 7 by making the .exe run in win xp compatibility mode and as administrator. Anyone try this? Is there any shred of truth to it?
Someone posted saying you can help load times in windows 7 by making the .exe run in win xp compatibility mode and as administrator. Anyone try this? Is there any shred of truth to it?

I haven't but it wouldn't be hard to try. I am not sure if I would be the best test since my HD is 8 years old and is slow regardless.
Someone posted saying you can help load times in windows 7 by making the .exe run in win xp compatibility mode and as administrator. Anyone try this? Is there any shred of truth to it?

You can help load times by installing the game on a SSD.
You can help load times by installing the game on a SSD.

There's still something goofy with the game though. I mean, my box with an SSD loads the game faster than my wife's laptop, but BF3 and, well, any other game I have installed, loads in a heartbeat compared to how long it takes to load a new planet in SWTOR.
You can help load times by installing the game on a SSD.

I'm using SRT with a 60GB SSD cache on my Z68 system and I'd say my load times are about twice as fast as my roomie who plays in the same room and is just using a standard HDD. It's still annoying though to see SOOO many loading screens. I really wish they'd get rid of the orbital stations altogether, there's already a shit ton of running around and loading screens to be seen in this game, no need for yet another every time you go to another planet/station.
There's still something goofy with the game though. I mean, my box with an SSD loads the game faster than my wife's laptop, but BF3 and, well, any other game I have installed, loads in a heartbeat compared to how long it takes to load a new planet in SWTOR.

My sentiments exactly.
So i've gotten a few pieces of good pvp gear now. And all I can say is that once everyone is geared, class balance is absolutely fine. If anything, healers and tanks are slightly OP, given how hard it becomes to kill them.
Gonna throw this out there to other Sentinel/Marauders because I'm curious. Are you guys macro'ing shit pretty heavy towards the end? I should hit cap on my Sent this weekend and as opposed to the other 3 30ish characters I have, we use way more abilities in our normal rotation. I went out and bought a Logitech G15 because I use my entire 2 bottom bars worth of abilities in any non-normal mob situation. I feel like PVP'ing is going to rely heavily on me being able to blast out all of these abilities as fast as possible. PVE thus far I've been using my top bar and then mouse clicking on the bottom row but it feels like that takes too much extra time, especially if I'm mobile in a fight.
There's still something goofy with the game though. I mean, my box with an SSD loads the game faster than my wife's laptop, but BF3 and, well, any other game I have installed, loads in a heartbeat compared to how long it takes to load a new planet in SWTOR.

Yeah TOR has been my first MMO experience on an SSD. Have you tried loading up another MMO in a large area to see what kind of time it takes? I dont think BF3 is the best comparison tool.
WoW load times are pretty much instant, comparing to SWTOR, both from Intel X25 80GB SSD.

In that case I'd say blame the server. Delay is potentially caused by retreiving the data from their end, not loading data from the disk itself.

That being said, I'm on an SSD and my brother is on a 7200rpm disk, and I load faster, just not as fast as I think I SHOULD be loading.
In that case I'd say blame the server. Delay is potentially caused by retreiving the data from their end, not loading data from the disk itself.

That being said, I'm on an SSD and my brother is on a 7200rpm disk, and I load faster, just not as fast as I think I SHOULD be loading.
I concur.. I load pretty fast.. but.. not nearly as fast as I do in other games.. from my new M$ 256.. some times.. it actually seems to stall even..

and as others have said..I dont get the stupid orbital substations.. I loath idiotic travel..and having like 5 different loads going from fleet to ship to orbital station to planet hangar... to planet station... what is accomplished by all that? doesnt make sense
I concur.. I load pretty fast.. but.. not nearly as fast as I do in other games.. from my new M$ 256.. some times.. it actually seems to stall even..

and as others have said..I dont get the stupid orbital substations.. I loath idiotic travel..and having like 5 different loads going from fleet to ship to orbital station to planet hangar... to planet station... what is accomplished by all that? doesnt make sense

You are paying good money to be in their game world (or at least staring at their loading screens) loooonger. That's what is accomplished.
and as others have said..I dont get the stupid orbital substations.. I loath idiotic travel..and having like 5 different loads going from fleet to ship to orbital station to planet hangar... to planet station... what is accomplished by all that? doesnt make sense

Maybe they had the UI team working on some of the levels??

Couldn't resist. :p

One rumor was that it was so they could load balance players in each instance and control the flow of people or something.

Only BW knows for sure, but I agree, friggin annoying.
Problem with putting SWTOR (or WoW) on an SSD is that they take up 25% or more of your drive space if you have a reasonably sized SSD. And what really steams my clams is most of the space is voice acting I don't even fucking listen to.
Problem with putting SWTOR (or WoW) on an SSD is that they take up 25% or more of your drive space if you have a reasonably sized SSD. And what really steams my clams is most of the space is voice acting I don't even fucking listen to.

Haha I wish I could get a SW:TOR "Lite" edition. I listen to the main story but that's it. Side quests that I know aren't related to my characters story progression I skip right through
Haha I wish I could get a SW:TOR "Lite" edition. I listen to the main story but that's it. Side quests that I know aren't related to my characters story progression I skip right through

Which basically means a huge junk of the voice acting was a huge waste of time and resources that could have been better well spent in other parts of the game.
Which basically means a huge junk of the voice acting was a huge waste of time and resources that could have been better well spent in other parts of the game.

Well's an MMO. Typically a large base of it's players are "competitive." It is an online game afterall. If it was single player I could take my time listening to all of the voice acting and stories NPC's had to share. But because it's an MMO and the majority of the quests have to be shared amongst all classes, I know it's not tailored to MY character's particular storyline, thus I could give 2 shits about what they are saying. I skip,skip,skip, pick a light side option if I get one and then hit M and see where my next objective is.
I tried the "fix" people talked about and it did nothing. My SSD is fast but it should be faster imo.

2.25 lvls til I get shoot first on my smuggler and the real fun begins in pvp.
I tried the "fix" people talked about and it did nothing. My SSD is fast but it should be faster imo.

2.25 lvls til I get shoot first on my smuggler and the real fun begins in pvp.

Unless you're joking, don't be so sure about that... I hit 50 on my first character with PvP as the end-game "goal" and before a week had passed I was leveling my second full time. Not that there isn't some fun to be had at 50, but don't expect it to be "all that" either.
it is still nice to not be racing to level.. I get the urge once in a while..then remind myself go easy. So..Im 37 having started playing around.. new years

ya.. zoning could be faster... oh well..and annoying travel is a pita..

Got new companion the other night.. 4th one.. Zenith.. a Twilek..does some Nice dps..may keep using him instead of qyzen at this point...

so now I have 4.. what 's the final tally of companions? more than this.. or is that it? wish I could use em all at once! for solo

c2-n2 or whatever..that bish annoys me though .. and his silly spam..
Well's an MMO. Typically a large base of it's players are "competitive." It is an online game afterall. If it was single player I could take my time listening to all of the voice acting and stories NPC's had to share. But because it's an MMO and the majority of the quests have to be shared amongst all classes, I know it's not tailored to MY character's particular storyline, thus I could give 2 shits about what they are saying. I skip,skip,skip, pick a light side option if I get one and then hit M and see where my next objective is.

I didn't do that. I went through and did all the side quests and class quests, listening to all the voice work and picking my choices. Now I won't necessarily do that with other characters in the same faction going forward. Once is enough. Though I will pay close attention to the class quests for each character.
it is still nice to not be racing to level.. I get the urge once in a while..then remind myself go easy. So..Im 37 having started playing around.. new years

ya.. zoning could be faster... oh well..and annoying travel is a pita..

Got new companion the other night.. 4th one.. Zenith.. a Twilek..does some Nice dps..may keep using him instead of qyzen at this point...

so now I have 4.. what 's the final tally of companions? more than this.. or is that it? wish I could use em all at once! for solo

c2-n2 or whatever..that bish annoys me though .. and his silly spam..

You end up with 5 companions in total.
I didn't do that. I went through and did all the side quests and class quests, listening to all the voice work and picking my choices. Now I won't necessarily do that with other characters in the same faction going forward. Once is enough. Though I will pay close attention to the class quests for each character.

I got sick of listening to side quests pretty quickly. I'll still listen to bits and pieces here and there, but really most of them have no more meaning to me than anything in any other MMO. These just happen to take longer to get through unless you hit spacebar repeatedly.

I really got a kick out of the epic Marauder class storyline though and was fully expecting to be pretty engaged with the class quests on my Agent as well, but I just finished act 1 and I'm not nearly as impressed with it. I leveled my Marauder alongside a friend who was playing a Sith Assassin and both of those storylines are about as epic as you could ever hope for. Agent? Not so much. I've actually ended up skipping through a lot of class convos. You just end up feeling like a weak little cog in comparison to playing as a badass Dark Lord... at least so far. Hopefully it picks up, but if anyone out there is planning to play multiple characters I'd suggest saving the force users for later since they just seem to have way more epic storylines.

and as others have said..I dont get the stupid orbital substations.. I loath idiotic travel..and having like 5 different loads going from fleet to ship to orbital station to planet hangar... to planet station... what is accomplished by all that? doesnt make sense

Time sink. I hate it too. And it takes my smuggler out of character. I find it odd that smugglers use proper channels and procedures to enter planets.
I didn't do that. I went through and did all the side quests and class quests, listening to all the voice work and picking my choices. Now I won't necessarily do that with other characters in the same faction going forward. Once is enough. Though I will pay close attention to the class quests for each character.
Same. I go through each conversation (sometimes two or three times just to see what the outcomes are), and listen to the story. I understand that some players aren't there for the story and skip over it, but that's their prerogative. You can't knock BW for providing awesome content that a lot of us enjoy.
Time sink. I hate it too. And it takes my smuggler out of character. I find it odd that smugglers use proper channels and procedures to enter planets.
A lot of times the orbital stations are there to lock down the planet for lower levels (i.e., all the starter planets). There are parts of the story where the smuggler is in character (think when entering Coruscant). In the end, BW is still juggling four different story lines (sometimes eight), while trying to maintain proper gameplay. There are mechanics there that have to work for everyone.

I find it humorous that in the same thread you can see people complaining that the game isn't "MMO" enough, while others complain that it isn't "single player" enough. It really shows what a task BW took on, and IMO did very well.
anyone in here play on a pvp server? how is it leveling up and such? I ended up on Space Slug (PvE) as that's where some of my friends had already started