Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

pvp was okay before the whole ilum fiasco - now all the level 50 imps are battlemaster geared out and bored. I made it to 40 and was on hoth with 5 50 imps all geared out standing outside of the base crushing anyone who dared come out to try and mish..lame. (hoth is a level 40=43ish planet). Most of the time on pvp territory here is what happens - you go to mish - it is 50/50 - 50 never see a opposite faction or 50% they are all over. Tatooine was bad, Hoth was okay - typcially here is how it goes for me lol, I buff up to get to ready to fight a mob, sheild my pet, sheild me - head in to mob halfway through the fight someone starts throwing lightning at you...a imp has stumbled upon you and kills you (half health fighting off four npcs)...most of the time when I am going from mish to mish I leave imp players alone - most of the time they don't leave me alone lol...
pvp was okay before the whole ilum fiasco - now all the level 50 imps are battlemaster geared out and bored. I made it to 40 and was on hoth with 5 50 imps all geared out standing outside of the base crushing anyone who dared come out to try and mish..lame. (hoth is a level 40=43ish planet). Most of the time on pvp territory here is what happens - you go to mish - it is 50/50 - 50 never see a opposite faction or 50% they are all over. Tatooine was bad, Hoth was okay - typcially here is how it goes for me lol, I buff up to get to ready to fight a mob, sheild my pet, sheild me - head in to mob halfway through the fight someone starts throwing lightning at you...a imp has stumbled upon you and kills you (half health fighting off four npcs)...most of the time when I am going from mish to mish I leave imp players alone - most of the time they don't leave me alone lol...

They need to do something about the faction imbalance, it's getting pretty bad.
pvp was okay before the whole ilum fiasco - now all the level 50 imps are battlemaster geared out and bored. I made it to 40 and was on hoth with 5 50 imps all geared out standing outside of the base crushing anyone who dared come out to try and mish..lame. (hoth is a level 40=43ish planet). Most of the time on pvp territory here is what happens - you go to mish - it is 50/50 - 50 never see a opposite faction or 50% they are all over. Tatooine was bad, Hoth was okay - typcially here is how it goes for me lol, I buff up to get to ready to fight a mob, sheild my pet, sheild me - head in to mob halfway through the fight someone starts throwing lightning at you...a imp has stumbled upon you and kills you (half health fighting off four npcs)...most of the time when I am going from mish to mish I leave imp players alone - most of the time they don't leave me alone lol...
That's why I don't play on PvP servers. Too many no-life neckbeards get in the way of my questing.

Also, anyone with a 7970, try playing with super sampling - it's great!
That's why I don't play on PvP servers. Too many no-life neckbeards get in the way of my questing.

Also, anyone with a 7970, try playing with super sampling - it's great!

Yeah, I don't play on PvP servers for the very same reason. As for super sampling, AA doesn't work at all with the in game options and forcing it produces all kinds of screwed up lighting conditions.
That's why I don't play on PvP servers. Too many no-life neckbeards get in the way of my questing.

Also, anyone with a 7970, try playing with super sampling - it's great!

Not many people see gankers as any more no-life neckbeards than someone that just wants to "quest."
They need to do something about the faction imbalance, it's getting pretty bad.

Every MMO has faction imbalances, look at WoW, their PVP servers are horrible and is a reason why they aren't too populated.
That's why I don't play on PvP servers. Too many no-life neckbeards get in the way of my questing.

Also, anyone with a 7970, try playing with super sampling - it's great!

AA was totally borked when I had my 7970, causing all kinds of flickering/vanishing textures and gates/etc. Plus a weird slow-down speed-up type effect while running around, like the game speed was uneven (I've sent it back and re-installed my 2x GTX 570 SLI with FXAA in drivers, looks much better now, works properly again). But yeah, that's indeed why I too don't play on a PVP server, it's not "pvp" it's "grief anything that moves". If I want real PVP I'll go into consensual areas like warzones, Ilum, Outlaw's Den, etc.
I was involved in an interesting clusterfuck the other day. We had a mixed levels Ops group that got started from some people in pub chat wanting to kill some of the lower level world bosses. Started out on Coruscant, where some other people from the pub chat got some 50's and went to kill it first, just to be dicks.

So we move on to Subject Alpha on Taris, no probs. Then it's on to Tatooine, where we warned people, "if any Sith run across us, this is going to degenerate into bullshit goulash in a hurry."

So, we're in the middle of killing Trapjaw, and some guy stumbles on us and starts taking potshots. he gets wrecked. Then we have 4 more show up. Wreck them. Meanwhile, Trapjaw has reset so we repull him, trying to get him down before more Imps show up. By the time it was done I think there were 20 Imps, with some 50's mixed in. Our highest level was 41, I'm 37 at the time. It didn't end well.

it was fun, although I wish we'd gotten Trapjaw done. Almost had him but we let him get too far from his spawn and he reset. Boo.
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

I am like "Oh you SOB!!!"....then I either try to find him or find someone else that I can gank :p
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

I am like "Oh you SOB!!!"....then I either try to find him or find someone else that I can gank :p

It depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm on a roll questing and I don't want PvP to get in the way. Other times, yeah, it makes it fun.
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

I am like "Oh you SOB!!!"....then I either try to find him or find someone else that I can gank :p

Thats the point of PVP servers, I loved it in WoW leveling up, being in area's where stupid high levels weren't roaming all the time and the only enemies you encountered were around your level.

I do not find being ganked by someone 10+ levels on me, with no reason to be in the zone other then to harp on the lower levels and continue to do so after revival to not be fun.

I remember in WoW getting ganked by a mage, rogue, shaman while I was on my hunter. Managed to kill all of them and died when a warrior showed up and I had 5% life. I have to tell you ... TIME OF MY LIFE.
Yeah, I don't play on PvP servers for the very same reason. As for super sampling, AA doesn't work at all with the in game options and forcing it produces all kinds of screwed up lighting conditions.
I'm forcing it as well, but my lighting is the exact same. The avatars look great and planets with lots of vegetation like Alderaan are noticeably improved as well. What drivers were you using?
Not many people see gankers as any more no-life neckbeards than someone that just wants to "quest."
How is someone who wants to just sign on when they can and play through some of the story for an hour only to be halted by a bunch of no-lifes camping the base on the same level? Just look at some of the other replies you've received.
AA was totally borked when I had my 7970, causing all kinds of flickering/vanishing textures and gates/etc. Plus a weird slow-down speed-up type effect while running around, like the game speed was uneven (I've sent it back and re-installed my 2x GTX 570 SLI with FXAA in drivers, looks much better now, works properly again).
I think MLAA and FXAA blur everything way too much, that's why I was psyched that I could get great framerates with SSAA enabled. What drivers were you using with the 7970?
But yeah, that's indeed why I too don't play on a PVP server, it's not "pvp" it's "grief anything that moves". If I want real PVP I'll go into consensual areas like warzones, Ilum, Outlaw's Den, etc.
Yep, me too. And even if you are looking for a fight, you can toggle PvP on anyway.
I think MLAA and FXAA blur everything way too much, that's why I was psyched that I could get great framerates with SSAA enabled. What drivers were you using with the 7970?
Yep, me too. And even if you are looking for a fight, you can toggle PvP on anyway.

I was using the ones from the AMD site, rather than the disc ones. FXAA isn't perfect, may try supersampling soon.

As far as the PVP, exactly... the only thing a "pvp server" brings is griefers and people who simply are there to annoy. You can always toggle PVP on in a normal pve server, or go to an area with danger to be attacked such as Ilum. Sometimes I want to be in danger, sometimes I want to just kick back and gather/craft/quest/etc. Having the choice to do either one, is a GOOD thing.
So far I haven't had too much difficulty with griefing on a PVP server, but I also levelled pretty fast which means the population for each planet was still fairly low so the odds of running into higher level players were still really small. At this point I could see it becoming a problem for those that are just now getting past the third planet.

PVP servers can be fun still. I love getting into situations where you have impromptu battles because of someone trying to take your resources you wanted to gather and then other people (friendly and enemy alike) jump into the fray... but of course there's always the threat of ganking.

Usually what I do in that situation is keep my geared up level 50 character logged out on the planet/area I'm questing in with my alt and log it in if I get ganked (although I realize that doesn't do much good if there's a gang of 10 level 50s going around)
When I play a game I try and immerse myself in it..

And if I can dance around a bad guy...jump all over him...and stuff...and he can't do anything..that just takes me out of it...

This game already is alot of single player...why would I want it to be even more?
Am I the only one that thinks if someone "ganks" actually fun?

For me, it depends completely on the 'fairness' of the fight. If they jump me when I'm at half health from fighting a mob, then it's lame. If they jump me and are 10 levels higher, then it's lame. I refuse to do that if the roles are reversed, because then I'm the one being an asshat.

If we're the same level, both start at full health and we're just competing for a questing area, then it's fun... but with all those conditions, it just makes more sense to join a PvE server and simply do tons of instanced PvP.
If you feel like pissing off the crowds, get a group of focus tree sentinels together... I don't need to tell you what happens afterwards ;)

Leap, stasis, sweep, dead.
I've been on PVP servers since I started playing MMOs. Lately we've been drifting towards RP-PVP as it seems the community is a tad more mature than straight up PVP servers. I just love the thrill of possibly being attacked at anytime, and attacking anyone else at anytime. I'd say most of the time I don't attack the opposite faction unless they start something with me, but there are times when I just want to straight up gank someone. I make exceptions for people who are grey to me though, I never lay a hand on them.

Some of my fondest memories of MMOs come from just questing and encountering world PVP. I would take world PVP over staged PVP like warzones any day.
When I play a game I try and immerse myself in it..

And if I can dance around a bad guy...jump all over him...and stuff...and he can't do anything..that just takes me out of it...

This game already is alot of single player...why would I want it to be even more?
You realize you can switch on PvP at any time in a PvE server, right? There's been multiple occasions where I've been questing, run into a Sith, and it's gone along the lines of:

Sith: Hello Jedi...
Me: Hello Sith...
... *both switch on PvP* ... FIGHT!

PvP servers are just for people who love to gank/be ganked, which is fine for them; I just find it annoying.
this is why daoc had it right. None of this switching on pvp. You had the closed realm where it was safe to level and the open realm where you could level and obtain objectives but the other two realms could as well. So if you went out there you knew what you were getting into.

Loved that system.
You realize you can switch on PvP at any time in a PvE server, right? There's been multiple occasions where I've been questing, run into a Sith, and it's gone along the lines of:

Sith: Hello Jedi...
Me: Hello Sith...
... *both switch on PvP* ... FIGHT!

PvP servers are just for people who love to gank/be ganked, which is fine for them; I just find it annoying.

And what happens when that Sith doesn't turn on PvP?

I just sit there and look at him and unable to do anything?...

Like I said not realistic at all....I understand nothing about this game is "realistic" since star wars isn't realistic...but I hope you understand what I mean.
And what happens when that Sith doesn't turn on PvP?

I just sit there and look at him and unable to do anything?...

Like I said not realistic at all....I understand nothing about this game is "realistic" since star wars isn't realistic...but I hope you understand what I mean.

Yeah. In real life I walk up to someone and just start beating the living hell out of them because they are of a different religion or have different belifs, morals, or lackthereof. It's stupid that on PvE you have to turn on PvP to actually fight someone!!!!

Jk...but yes I get what you mean.
A lot of people are. You can clearly tell this is evident by the server sizes of the PvP servers. Last I checked, Fatman is the only consistantly heavy PvP server I've seen every time I log in.

That might be because Fatman was overloaded at the start so people rerolled because of queue times.
anyone in here play on a pvp server? how is it leveling up and such? I ended up on Space Slug (PvE) as that's where some of my friends had already started

I am on one of the highest population PvP servers and I don't even need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of times I got into a duel while leveling 1-50. I'm on my second character now (lvl 36) and I don't think I've even got into one open world PvP fight with him.
this is why daoc had it right. None of this switching on pvp. You had the closed realm where it was safe to level and the open realm where you could level and obtain objectives but the other two realms could as well. So if you went out there you knew what you were getting into.

Loved that system.

Why can't anyone remake the 3 realm PVP system? I don't understand.
I am on one of the highest population PvP servers and I don't even need all the fingers on one hand to count the number of times I got into a duel while leveling 1-50. I'm on my second character now (lvl 36) and I don't think I've even got into one open world PvP fight with him.

Disclaimer: This is my first time on a PvP server, I joined the Fatman to be with the [H] guys. I'm a Sage and I suck at PvP. Of all the world encounters I've had, I have only survived once, I was about to kill an Agent (a fight that he initiated) but he stealthed and ran....only to come back later while I was attacking NPCs, to stab me in the back.

The worst time I've had was at Hoth. I was attempting to get to a class quest deep within a cave. The first time I tried was on a Friday night, my first mistake. I was killed 6 different times by 4 different Imps (well one was a group of two). I eventually logged for the night out of frustration. I tried again on Saturday with similar results, then I finally got a group to help...and of course no Imps show.

I've considered transferring to a PvE serve if/when BW makes that available.
Disclaimer: This is my first time on a PvP server, I joined the Fatman to be with the [H] guys. I'm a Sage and I suck at PvP. Of all the world encounters I've had, I have only survived once, I was about to kill an Agent (a fight that he initiated) but he stealthed and ran....only to come back later while I was attacking NPCs, to stab me in the back.

The worst time I've had was at Hoth. I was attempting to get to a class quest deep within a cave. The first time I tried was on a Friday night, my first mistake. I was killed 6 different times by 4 different Imps (well one was a group of two). I eventually logged for the night out of frustration. I tried again on Saturday with similar results, then I finally got a group to help...and of course no Imps show.

I've considered transferring to a PvE serve if/when BW makes that available.

I guess I should've given my disclaimer as well, and that is that I'm Imperial... and yes, we heavily outnumber the Rebels on our server as well.
And what happens when that Sith doesn't turn on PvP?

I just sit there and look at him and unable to do anything?...

Like I said not realistic at all....I understand nothing about this game is "realistic" since star wars isn't realistic...but I hope you understand what I mean.
Then he obviously didn't want to or didn't have time to fight? I mean, that actually requires more social interaction than just running in there and hitting him when he's down. Like I said, PvP is for people who want to gank or like to be ganked, and that's fine, just don't make it into something it's not. Personally I see no point in being a twerp and killing someone who isn't ready, I think it's cheap. Besides, that's how every fight starts in the game anyway... you walk in a room, have some words with whomever you're about to shank, then shank them. Seems pretty realistic to me. Anyway, I realize this just a difference of opinion concerning play styles and neither is wrong.
Disclaimer: This is my first time on a PvP server, I joined the Fatman to be with the [H] guys. I'm a Sage and I suck at PvP. Of all the world encounters I've had, I have only survived once, I was about to kill an Agent (a fight that he initiated) but he stealthed and ran....only to come back later while I was attacking NPCs, to stab me in the back.

The worst time I've had was at Hoth. I was attempting to get to a class quest deep within a cave. The first time I tried was on a Friday night, my first mistake. I was killed 6 different times by 4 different Imps (well one was a group of two). I eventually logged for the night out of frustration. I tried again on Saturday with similar results, then I finally got a group to help...and of course no Imps show.

I've considered transferring to a PvE serve if/when BW makes that available.
Exactly why I don't play on a PvP server. And you're paying $15 a month for that frustration, too.
Disclaimer: This is my first time on a PvP server, I joined the Fatman to be with the [H] guys. I'm a Sage and I suck at PvP. Of all the world encounters I've had, I have only survived once, I was about to kill an Agent (a fight that he initiated) but he stealthed and ran....only to come back later while I was attacking NPCs, to stab me in the back.

The worst time I've had was at Hoth. I was attempting to get to a class quest deep within a cave. The first time I tried was on a Friday night, my first mistake. I was killed 6 different times by 4 different Imps (well one was a group of two). I eventually logged for the night out of frustration. I tried again on Saturday with similar results, then I finally got a group to help...and of course no Imps show.

I've considered transferring to a PvE serve if/when BW makes that available.

Haha alt is a sage healer....and you know what I do when i get ganked? I do /getdown ... Lol I know I won't kill anyone...

And I know what cave you are talking about...that cave does suck...but it is the only one that I found in the game when I leveled my gunslinger...
Why can't anyone remake the 3 realm PVP system? I don't understand.

And think of how perfect this game would have been for three factions? Take smuggler and BH out of the republic and imp sides and add an exiled jedi/sith class and BOOM! 3 classes per side, 3 sides and imagine the story possibilities on the neutral faction classes. Smugglers could work for both sides, BH could kill people from either side, exiled jedi/sith could run from both sides. Really is a shame that wasn't the path they took but I'm still happy with what we have.
Friends and I have completed all but two flashpoints on Hard mode now, it's pretty fun. We probably aren't going to get into Operations, so I'm not sure what we'll do once we complete the last two, which could be tonight. Maybe run them again? Not quite sure yet.

Why can't anyone remake the 3 realm PVP system? I don't understand.

Guild Wars 2 is doing WvWvW. I would check out the Guild Wars 2 thread for some more info, specifically the link I posted to the MMO Champion megathread on it.
And think of how perfect this game would have been for three factions? Take smuggler and BH out of the republic and imp sides and add an exiled jedi/sith class and BOOM! 3 classes per side, 3 sides and imagine the story possibilities on the neutral faction classes. Smugglers could work for both sides, BH could kill people from either side, exiled jedi/sith could run from both sides. Really is a shame that wasn't the path they took but I'm still happy with what we have.

That would be awesome.
And think of how perfect this game would have been for three factions? Take smuggler and BH out of the republic and imp sides and add an exiled jedi/sith class and BOOM! 3 classes per side, 3 sides and imagine the story possibilities on the neutral faction classes. Smugglers could work for both sides, BH could kill people from either side, exiled jedi/sith could run from both sides. Really is a shame that wasn't the path they took but I'm still happy with what we have.

Me thinks Lucas and the license prevented any other scenario on how to set up factions in SWTOR from happening.
Me thinks Lucas and the license prevented any other scenario on how to set up factions in SWTOR from happening.

Wouldn't surprise me seeing how Lucas hasn't made a single good decision... for fans at least, in about 30 years.
I love ganking people. I mean, i just can't help myself. If i sit there looking at a red(red means dead), even if i try to resist the urge it just doesnt work. I don't care what level they are, they will die, or at least I'll die trying. Griefing is one of the high points of these pvp servers :)