Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

A Sith would have waited for you to respawn and killed you again. That is what separates US from you.

lol. I view that as more of a 'dick move' than a character alignment, but it would definitely be an in character thing for a sith to do, for sure
Am I the only one that's been playing since the game came out and only at level 37?

nah, I'm only at level 39, and just hit that last night with my Jedi Knight. Life, work, etc.

Although I do have a second character at Level 21, so make of that what you will. I have to say that leveling a trooper vs the Jk is easy mode comparatively. I have very little time played with that guy, and the combo of heavy armor plus the heavy companion really lets you mow through stuff.

I also skipped a ton of side quests on Coruscant, because I hate that planet.
I understand their dilemma... if you're going to have lightsabers be as common as they are, and not do something revolutionary from a combat gameplay perspective for an MMO, then you can't just have people getting 1-shot by having a lightsaber accidentally nick their aorta. With that said, it's still a disappointment to not have any greater sense of power when wielding a lightsaber vs. someone else (think smuggler/agent) puncturing your backside with a vibroknife. Oh, and dismemberments would make a world of difference too. Yeah yeah, gotta go for the lowest common denominator good ole' Lucas style and all, but even doing it without gore would make things WAAAY more fun.

To add to this, the lightsabers were the same way in KOTOR and KOTOR2. So they're sort of staying true to the series, but I agree with you they could have done more especially since KOTOR2 came out 7 years ago
nah, I'm only at level 39, and just hit that last night with my Jedi Knight. Life, work, etc.

Although I do have a second character at Level 21, so make of that what you will. I have to say that leveling a trooper vs the Jk is easy mode comparatively. I have very little time played with that guy, and the combo of heavy armor plus the heavy companion really lets you mow through stuff.

I also skipped a ton of side quests on Coruscant, because I hate that planet.

Good, glad i'm not the only one. My 37 is the only char I have and I've been wanting to do another char because my server seems to have lost a lot of people; but I don't want to start all over, at all... kinda shitty.
Good, glad i'm not the only one. My 37 is the only char I have and I've been wanting to do another char because my server seems to have lost a lot of people; but I don't want to start all over, at all... kinda shitty.

I can tell you that whatever class you've rolled before, ranged/melee, the opposite is a totally different play experience. It's a great change of pace to go from my JK main, to the trooper. It's less work to PvE with the commando, so I can just kind of fart around and do what I like. Whereas the Jedi Knight requires a ton of attention to what you're doing at same level encounters, or you die. Hell you can get dropped fairly easily against lower level strongs and elites if you aren't watching your procs.

ranged is a hell of a lot of fun in PvP as well. And, the alt is a healer, which is another dynamic beyond what my melee character offers. Keeping people up in the middle of a huge skirmish in PvP is a rewarding feeling. I like being the guy contributing to the "why won't this guy die!?" scenarios that result when somebody is in a 2-on-1 and you're enabling them to just mow through people they normally wouldn't be able to
I can tell you that whatever class you've rolled before, ranged/melee, the opposite is a totally different play experience. It's a great change of pace to go from my JK main, to the trooper. It's less work to PvE with the commando, so I can just kind of fart around and do what I like. Whereas the Jedi Knight requires a ton of attention to what you're doing at same level encounters, or you die. Hell you can get dropped fairly easily against lower level strongs and elites if you aren't watching your procs.

ranged is a hell of a lot of fun in PvP as well. And, the alt is a healer, which is another dynamic beyond what my melee character offers. Keeping people up in the middle of a huge skirmish in PvP is a rewarding feeling. I like being the guy contributing to the "why won't this guy die!?" scenarios that result when somebody is in a 2-on-1 and you're enabling them to just mow through people they normally wouldn't be able to

Yeah I'll agree on this in reference to the JK. Didn't try Trooper but I have a 30 BH and I feel the same way. My Watchman Sentinel can make pretty quick work of a solo elite, but 2 "hard" con regular mobs can kill him fast without Doc healing. And yes I have to pay strict attention to my rotation and use Overload Saber and Cauterize every single time they pop. I wish they'd honestly just make Overload Saber a proc off of something else so I had one less ability to use, because you have to apply it so often.
Yeah I'll agree on this in reference to the JK. Didn't try Trooper but I have a 30 BH and I feel the same way. My Watchman Sentinel can make pretty quick work of a solo elite, but 2 "hard" con regular mobs can kill him fast without Doc healing. And yes I have to pay strict attention to my rotation and use Overload Saber and Cauterize every single time they pop. I wish they'd honestly just make Overload Saber a proc off of something else so I had one less ability to use, because you have to apply it so often.

Make that 3 of us (though mine would be a Sith Warrior). The lack of long term CC means that you really have to work on what are trivial pulls for other classes. I've leveled a Sorcerer to 42 in about half the time it took on my warrior and I've died one time since level 10 (Khem decided to break CC on 2 hard hitting elites). I really thought my friends were joking when they said that they solo'd many of the H2's but now that I'm playing something different I know it's definitely possible.
To add to this, the lightsabers were the same way in KOTOR and KOTOR2. So they're sort of staying true to the series, but I agree with you they could have done more especially since KOTOR2 came out 7 years ago

Before the game came out I was really worried that the animations for lightsaber combat were going to be extremely lame... based on the Bioware "gameplay" trailers, it looked like it was going to be pure shit. Thankfully at least that part of the equation is fairly decent. Unfortunately though, that's about where the "good stuff" ends because as we've already established, the "though shalt not dismember" commandment is truly written on stone tablets when it comes to Bioware games.

To make matters worse, from what I've seen, the saber wielders aren't even the strongest melee classes in the game. I don't want to turn this into a Marauder bitchfest, but without much prior knowledge of the SWTOR classes I chose the Marauder based on the fact that you would be able to wield not one, but TWO lightsabers. To me that screamed "ultimate melee badass." I'll concede that the class may be a little more gear dependant because of this, but that shouldn't stop it from still pumping out some above average DPS (preferrably with some nice big numbers now and then) due to having, once again, not one, but two of the most lethal slicing sticks ever imagined... even if they aren't necessarily of "legendary" quality. What I quickly found out however was that most of the "big hitters," regardless of spec, weren't even saber attacks! Some of the biggest numbers you'll see as a marauder come from Force Scream and Force Pound The Ground (sorry I forget the actual name, but it's an AOE and you jump up in the air and then... pound... the ground). You also have a whole talent tree dedicated to... DOTS? So I'm a saber DOT damager... interesting... Am I supposed to be hacking limbs off one finger or toe at a time here...? I don't know. Last point I'll make... the weak ass rage building abilities... 2 of the 3 most used? That's right, saber attacks. All hail the fearless Marauder and his terrifying Wiffle-Sabers! ;)
I'm going to try to max my char and try to get the best gear before I make another.. but from what you guys are saying, I'll def make a ranged char.

Do any of you know what the legacy thing is and when it'll be available?
Legacy will be up and running, along with guildbanks and some other guild love in 1.2. So far it's dated on march, but we don't know yet, if it's early or late march.
Before the game came out I was really worried that the animations for lightsaber combat were going to be extremely lame... based on the Bioware "gameplay" trailers, it looked like it was going to be pure shit. Thankfully at least that part of the equation is fairly decent. Unfortunately though, that's about where the "good stuff" ends because as we've already established, the "though shalt not dismember" commandment is truly written on stone tablets when it comes to Bioware games.

To make matters worse, from what I've seen, the saber wielders aren't even the strongest melee classes in the game. I don't want to turn this into a Marauder bitchfest, but without much prior knowledge of the SWTOR classes I chose the Marauder based on the fact that you would be able to wield not one, but TWO lightsabers. To me that screamed "ultimate melee badass." I'll concede that the class may be a little more gear dependant because of this, but that shouldn't stop it from still pumping out some above average DPS (preferrably with some nice big numbers now and then) due to having, once again, not one, but two of the most lethal slicing sticks ever imagined... even if they aren't necessarily of "legendary" quality. What I quickly found out however was that most of the "big hitters," regardless of spec, weren't even saber attacks! Some of the biggest numbers you'll see as a marauder come from Force Scream and Force Pound The Ground (sorry I forget the actual name, but it's an AOE and you jump up in the air and then... pound... the ground). You also have a whole talent tree dedicated to... DOTS? So I'm a saber DOT damager... interesting... Am I supposed to be hacking limbs off one finger or toe at a time here...? I don't know. Last point I'll make... the weak ass rage building abilities... 2 of the 3 most used? That's right, saber attacks. All hail the fearless Marauder and his terrifying Wiffle-Sabers! ;)

Yeah its kind of sad that the "best" tree is really the DoT tree. Once you get to the end of it you are building focus/rage w/e pretty quickly because your bleeds/burns (Dots) have a 30% chance to grant 1 focus/rage per tick. That being said, yes, the damage is over time...which is hella lame. I was hoping for more of pure burst, kill someone so fast that didn't know what hit them. Having this kind of power usually comes with being quite squishy, which we ARE definitely, so at least they got half of the equation right........
Good, glad i'm not the only one. My 37 is the only char I have and I've been wanting to do another char because my server seems to have lost a lot of people; but I don't want to start all over, at all... kinda shitty.

Lol I don't know. I have made a few different chars so I have 3 that are 30 and above at this point, but I was in Balmorra on republic side last night (lvl 34-38) and there were like.....24 people in the zone, prime time EST. So I was thinking, "is everyone 50? or is everyone really low level?"
Lol I don't know. I have made a few different chars so I have 3 that are 30 and above at this point, but I was in Balmorra on republic side last night (lvl 34-38) and there were like.....24 people in the zone, prime time EST. So I was thinking, "is everyone 50? or is everyone really low level?"

Dude, it sucks. That's the only thing I don't like about this game at the moment... finding groups for heroic quests! It's so hard since most of the time there is only 30 people on the planet. I see in the 80's on the weekends but that's really it and I don't play too much on the weekends.
Dude, it sucks. That's the only thing I don't like about this game at the moment... finding groups for heroic quests! It's so hard since most of the time there is only 30 people on the planet. I see in the 80's on the weekends but that's really it and I don't play too much on the weekends.

Also to note, I play on Lord Adraas (RP PVE) and it's always listed as HEAVY during prime time hours. Why there are so few people in the upper 20s - mid 30's zones, no freakin clue. Luckily even if you have to miss a couple of heroic quests you can make up for the exp you didn't get in other areas. I was completely skipping the space missions until around 32 on my JK and I did all of the current green/blue/orange ones I had available and literally got almost half a levels worth of 20k exp per mission with additional bonus exp if you completed the bonuses. To anyone who isn't taking part in space missions, DO IT. Fastest exp you can get in the game.
Also to note, I play on Lord Adraas (RP PVE) and it's always listed as HEAVY during prime time hours. Why there are so few people in the upper 20s - mid 30's zones, no freakin clue.

My guess would be that a lot of the people in that range are still probably alts, which means more often than not they're going to have rested XP. My marauder is my main, but I'm still also only 37. I've been playing through rested since about level 15. Completely skipped Tatooine and Alderaan beyond the class quests. That whole 20-35 range is a bit congested with Balmorra, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and Alderaan. Really, if you're playing through rested, it only needs 2 planets + class quests on the others, as long as you periodically do some space missions to supplement.
On juyo it seems always crowded. I haven't seen any less than 100 per planet except on hoth and quesh... The fleet is usually so crowded its hard to move around. Getting groups isn't an issue either...
What I'd like to see more of these days is the ability to jump between realms. I remember playing some old MMOs which basically had a realm list, but you could choose which realm to jump on at any time with your characters. So you'd see the realm list of Full to Empty, and bounce around the realms looking for groups, trading, etc.

Once you'd found a group, you could all migrate to a currently fairly low pop realm and do your tasks there. If you wanted a more lively experience, you could mess around in a high pop realm. If a realm became Full, you'd wait in a queue to enter that realm. This way no one gets stuck on a dying realm or a realm that doesn't fit their playstyle, and you're open to play with everyone who plays the game. Hell, if a questing area is jam packed on your current realm, try another and you may find one that will allow you to more easily quest there. I remember it helping a lot during off-peak hours (being an Australian player), as players would slowly progress up the realm chain to keep a number of realms with a lively population at any time.

Even guilds existed cross-realm, where you'd simply see in the Guild page which realm players were currently on.
My server (gauntlet of kreesh) continues to be pretty dead at level 50, never seen the number of 50's go above 30 anytime, anyday of the week I happen to pop onto it.

I've since rerolled on Fatman and was shocked to find that I couldn't even list all of the 50 sorcerers currently online since there were more than 100 of them. Literally hundreds of 50's. Which I thought made for a much more interesting, lively playing environment especially when you log into the Fleet and see 290+ people running around.

Wish I could transfer my 50 sorcerer there but I instead started up a female Bounty Hunter and am currently pushing through the single story again... along with Mako she sure does look sexy in that level 20 pvp gear. Actually I've gotten whispers from people asking if I'm actually a female IRL. No, I'm not. :p
But what is legacy?

Quick look on the forums will get you as much info as there is atm.

A legacy name is a server-wide surname used by all (current & future) characters on your server
A legacy name is granted after you complete Act 1 (usually around level 30)
After you finish Act 1 a new window pane will open asking you to choose your legacy name
If you close this window, you can find it under the Skill Tree (K) and the Legacy tab along the bottom
Be careful with what you pick, for once you choose you can't change it in any way (so far)
You can use apostrophes (') and hyphen (-) symbols
You can't use a space
If you use a symbol, all letters after the symbol will be lower case, example: typing Lo'Saki would actually end up as Lo'saki
After you pick a name you may choose to display it differently, this can be done in the preferences menu under social and the legacy subheading
You can choose between one of three ways:
HIDDEN - The Legacy Name will be hidden to you and all other players
SURNAME - The Legacy Name will appear after your current name e.g. Goshee [legacyname]
TITLE - The Legacy Name will appear underneath your name The [legacyname] Legacy

Bioware have stated that the Legacy System will receive updates "soon"

To come:

Advance your legacy and unlock unique legacy powers
Advance your legacy and unlock legacy character creation options

Note: Any legacy levels earned now will go towards the new updates once they are released

Can also read this thread here for some more info.

At this point, don't even worry about it other than picking a last name for all your chars to share. Only BW knows what things will be available to get as you gain legacy levels at this point.
From the video they showed... there was someone runningMiralukan sith warrior... so maybe can even make pureblood Jedi Knight :) but that's sheer speculation so far ;)

BTW, Bioware, making extra maintenance on Saturday, and then extending it further in the afternoon till noone knows when, is just pure win. It's such "excellent" service only Funcom or SOE had. Adding to it complete lack of GMs in game and support that's only role is closing tickets and adding standard "we are too busy to talk to you, now get lost" response, is making you look really competent in eyes of even your "devoted defenders".

EDIT: Gross, the patch notes for today say "Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen". I doubt it's that much gamebreaking bug, especially as people were not bitching on forums about it, to take away half of the weekend day of gaming.
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From the video they showed... there was someone runningMiralukan sith warrior... so maybe can even make pureblood Jedi Knight :) but that's sheer speculation so far ;)

BTW, Bioware, making extra maintenance on Saturday, and then extending it further in the afternoon till noone knows when, is just pure win. It's such "excellent" service only Funcom or SOE had. Adding to it complete lack of GMs in game and support that's only role is closing tickets and adding standard "we are too busy to talk to you, now get lost" response, is making you look really competent in eyes of even your "devoted defenders".

EDIT: Gross, the patch notes for today say "Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen". I doubt it's that much gamebreaking bug, especially as people were not bitching on forums about it, to take away half of the weekend day of gaming.

Yeah, I hadn't heard any complaints in-game either... seems pretty silly :(.
Just started playing again after 2-3 weeks off. Seems things have improved a little bit. Can't really explain how or why but basically combat and general questing seems a little less choppy.
The Hutta trade market is separate from the Galactic trade market? Can somebody confirm this?
Just Hit 50 last night! Time to end game heal! On my Jedi Consular! Also raise all my professions and learn alot more about the game. I have done nothing but quest.
Just Hit 50 last night! Time to end game heal! On my Jedi Consular! Also raise all my professions and learn alot more about the game. I have done nothing but quest.

Grats! I think I am going to go end-game healing as well on my Commando.
Ok my IRL friends / WoW buddies want me to pick up this game. Is there a website or store that has the game at a discount? I only pay retail for a game on it's release date and I don't care if it is worth $60 i'll wait for this game to go on sale.
Ok my IRL friends / WoW buddies want me to pick up this game. Is there a website or store that has the game at a discount? I only pay retail for a game on it's release date and I don't care if it is worth $60 i'll wait for this game to go on sale.

It won't go on sale. I sold KOTOR 2 on the xbox 6 years later for 60 bucks. It was only 50 when it came out. The supply/demand for star wars games is there. People will gladly pay 60 bucks for this game for a while
I picked up SWTOR yesterday, spent the rest of the day installing and trying to update it. Still trying to update it tonight. The SWTOR updater is the biggest piece of shit I've ever seen in my life. The funny thing is I was invited to 3 beta weekends and actually got to participate in 2 because of this fucking installer. Nice to see they fixed it....
From the video they showed... there was someone runningMiralukan sith warrior... so maybe can even make pureblood Jedi Knight :) but that's sheer speculation so far ;)

BTW, Bioware, making extra maintenance on Saturday, and then extending it further in the afternoon till noone knows when, is just pure win. It's such "excellent" service only Funcom or SOE had. Adding to it complete lack of GMs in game and support that's only role is closing tickets and adding standard "we are too busy to talk to you, now get lost" response, is making you look really competent in eyes of even your "devoted defenders".

EDIT: Gross, the patch notes for today say "Improved service to reduce the number of player disconnections to the character selection screen". I doubt it's that much gamebreaking bug, especially as people were not bitching on forums about it, to take away half of the weekend day of gaming.

At least once or twice a day me and everyone at a warzone would crash to character selection screen, and then come back without sound or ability to interact with quest givers until quitting and restarting the game.
Just curious if anyone knew or seen a statement from Bioware on the max Legacy level?

I am level 20 legacy now...and since we will be getting a new legacy skill tree...well I want to know when I should stop leveling my legacy so I can work on an Alt.

I got a feeling in that legacy skill tree, we will get bonus's to help leveling alts, or exp bonus or something...

Well I can only hope.
well I want to know when I should stop leveling my legacy so I can work on an Alt.

Just start an alt now then, your legacy experience/level is shared across all your characters too. So starting an alt now, you would still get legacy experience from questing and whatnot.
I got a feeling in that legacy skill tree, we will get bonus's to help leveling alts, or exp bonus or something...

Well I can only hope.

I hope not. As it is this game levels to fast. I'm always 3-5 levels ahead of the planet I'm on. That is mainly just questing with the occasional pvp daily thrown in, no flashpoints no heroics. I'm not out grinding mobs just finish a quest and move on. If they add something to make leveling faster I hope it is a skill of some sort that I don't have to use.