Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

Been having a blast with this game, and it coincided with my weekend. I'm about to hit level 25 and get my speeder, so I'm pretty happy with that. A little worried with my server though. It's a PVP server and I don't want it to be too dead! On Taris at peak times there were 40 people on the planet, and in Nar Shaddaa there's only 19 or so. I figured with it being the only West PVP-RP server(Ajunta Pall) I would be safe. :/ I'm hoping it's just because I'm ahead of the crowd.
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Been having a blast with this game, and it coincided with my weekend. I'm about to hit level 25 and get my speeder, so I'm pretty happy with that. A little worried with my server though. It's a PVP server and I don't want it to be too dead! On Taris at peak times there were 40 people on the planet, and in Nar Shaddaa there's only 19 or so. I figured with it being the only West PVP-RP server(Ajunta Pall) I would be safe. :/ I'm hoping it's just because I'm ahead of the crowd.

Well damn, my PvE server had atleast 150 at all times last night, and i played from 5pm-12am.

I'm having a blast as well. Just learned my way around crafting at Level 15 (alitle late to the party), but the UI could use some major work.
Been having a blast with this game, and it coincided with my weekend. I'm about to hit level 25 and get my speeder, so I'm pretty happy with that. A little worried with my server though. It's a PVP server and I don't want it to be too dead! On Taris at peak times there were 40 people on the planet, and in Nar Shaddaa there's only 19 or so. I figured with it being the only West PVP-RP server(Ajunta Pall) I would be safe. :/ I'm hoping it's just because I'm ahead of the crowd.

It's probably due to being relatively ahead of the pack... on Tatooine even on my full server there weren't more than 8 people on there at one time... I'm 29 and moving to Alderaan shortly now :eek:. However, doing a /who search of levels 1-3, then 3-4, 5-6, 7-10, etc. turned up a hundred+ results each, and Coruscant had tons of people on it when I visited (counter read 140+). So, really it's just people taking awhile to level and getting into the game recently.
Uuhhgg, got my invite, today is going by so slow, its 11 and have yet to do any thing but post this message.:(
Last night it took maximus and I over an hour to get in.
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Ya if you picked a sever with with a name like fatman your kinda screwed. every server with a name thats funny/cool/easy to remember will be getting swamped right out of the gate.
aaah... finally got access to my account and I'm downloading this bitch.. hopefully by the time I get off work everything downloads and I'll be ready to go.. can't waaait.
Okay, my friend is having sound issues. He can hear cutscenes and stuff but can't hear the game. He said he has messed in the sound settings.
Incoming dumb question,

but playing on the pvp server I'm itching to where do I do that/Start it? i've looked in my codex (I remember very early, when you get on the fleet ship, a tooltip about it, I assumed it'd be saved in my codex...but it isn't).

googling for pvp is useless, turns out so many "pvp video this that " and all the SWTOR links are broken because of their forum change.
Incoming dumb question,

but playing on the pvp server I'm itching to where do I do that/Start it? i've looked in my codex (I remember very early, when you get on the fleet ship, a tooltip about it, I assumed it'd be saved in my codex...but it isn't).

googling for pvp is useless, turns out so many "pvp video this that " and all the SWTOR links are broken because of their forum change.

Bottom right of your minimap will have a warzone icon to queue :). There is gear/etc. + weapons on the fleet in the Combat Training area.
Ugh the queues! It's kind of the middle of the day and fatman has a 20 minute queue. If my guild hadn't been placed there I wouldn't have picked a heavily populated server. Hope they have guild server moves soon so people can balance themselves instead of having BW do it for us.
There is a rumor they will up the server population sizes a little while after the game launch, they just want to make sure the launch is smooth as possible right they are keeping it kinda low.
My personal ce came in... Damaged! So disappointed... Hoping ea will maybe replace it, I don't trust amazon to not take it back then say oops, outta stock! It was shipped this way since the outside shipping box was pristine :(.
There is a rumor they will up the server population sizes a little while after the game launch, they just want to make sure the launch is smooth as possible right they are keeping it kinda low.

Don't think it is unlikely, they did that during beta.
but playing on the pvp server I'm itching to where do I do that/Start it? i've looked in my codex (I remember very early, when you get on the fleet ship, a tooltip about it, I assumed it'd be saved in my codex...but it isn't).

If you mean open-world pvp, you need to wait a while. The first couple planets are safe areas, not until you get to Nar Shadaa and especially Tat will open pvp happen.
Fuck their security. If I enter my password correctly, why the hell does it ask my the stupid security questions? Why will it remain on the same question indefinitely. I've probably misspelled or typed something initially and now I can't get in.
Fuck their security. If I enter my password correctly, why the hell does it ask my the stupid security questions? Why will it remain on the same question indefinitely. I've probably misspelled or typed something initially and now I can't get in.

I know exactly what you mean. I get asked a security question EVERYTIME I log in. It's not just you. It's annoying as fuck

What I did, when I couldnt remember my security question and DIDNT clear my cache, was create a new forum ID, and when I got to the screen to put my security questions in, I pushed every letter in the alphabet on each line, and hopefully after the first letter, it will autofill
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Hmm after seeing all this craziness with queues and other various things, i think im gonna wait a month and see how this all pans out
Another 40 minute queue

I wish the server I rolled on had a queue... it's only listed as "Heavy", which has me VERY concerned about its long-term population health. I already made it to level 30 on my Sentinel, too :(. Most are on "Very Heavy", "Full", or full with a queue...
Anyone know how long it takes to timeout your spot? So if I leave and get in while I'm gone, how long until it kicks me?
I wish the server I rolled on had a queue... it's only listed as "Heavy", which has me VERY concerned about its long-term population health. I already made it to level 30 on my Sentinel, too :(.

Well, the game isn't even out yet, so I'm sure you'll be fine.
Anyone know how long it takes to timeout your spot? So if I leave and get in while I'm gone, how long until it kicks me?

Around 30 minutes including AFK-timer in-game and then afk-timer on character select once kicked (but still logged in).
Okay, my friend is having sound issues. He can hear cutscenes and stuff but can't hear the game. He said he has messed in the sound settings.

I have same issue. Support states they are working on it. Seems to be an issue with ASUS and Omega Striker sound cards. For now I just turned on subtitles.
We don't need no stinkin' grace period:

Ugh the queues! It's kind of the middle of the day and fatman has a 20 minute queue. If my guild hadn't been placed there I wouldn't have picked a heavily populated server. Hope they have guild server moves soon so people can balance themselves instead of having BW do it for us.

At 3:30pm, 600+ people, queue time of <45 mins. This is why I've got it set up to log in from work and keep the connection alive until I get home.

I think we'll be good on The Fatman, at least we won't have to worry about it feeling like a ghost town