Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

Haha, I know exactly what you mean, I work for the government too, State government.

Some of my work this morning is going to take me to the local jail, I have to interview some dumb ass in there. Hopefully that will keep me busy for a few hours at least.

Lol what a strange coincidence. Provincial government for me, except I'm a programmer so I don't get to go anywhere. Bonus is I also don't talk to dumb asses very often. Mostly I just sit in my cubicle.

To the guy who said he's playing now - Congratulations! Now stop wasting valuable game time posting about it and blast and/or cut something
Because when i pre-ordered it wasn't available and still isnt'. I got my email at 7am this morning. Got to log in and make my char and create guild before work.

If you chat with a CS and explain that you want to get RDD but wasn't able to, with enough explaining you can get one-day shipping for free.

BTW for anyone that ordered on AMazon, did your delivery estimate changed? I had one day shipping, it did say the 22nd delivery date, now it says the 20th! so it look slike amazon is getting things sorted out to make sure people get it in time.
If you chat with a CS and explain that you want to get RDD but wasn't able to, with enough explaining you can get one-day shipping for free.

BTW for anyone that ordered on AMazon, did your delivery estimate changed? I had one day shipping, it did say the 22nd delivery date, now it says the 20th! so it look slike amazon is getting things sorted out to make sure people get it in time.

Mine is still the 22nd. I also don't have the option to change it to release day shipping. Kinda odd with Skyrim I ordered I was able to change it to release day shipping several weeks later, not sure why it is different with swtor.

I don't mind if it doesn't get here release day tho. I have early access now and am taking tomorrow til Tuesday off work to play. So a two day break might be good for me :)
I can't post on the SWTOR forums since I haven't preordered, so I'll ask this just here.

I want to change my email adress since I'm currently using the one I've gotten from my ISP but since I will switch ISP's in january I wanted to change my current email adress to a gmail adress.

Now, everything goes fine, I change my email, I get an email from bioware telling me to click the link to validate the change BUT when I click the link I just get a page which says my changes could not be validated.

Anyone an idea?
I unfortunately don't know Shago, hopefully someone else will.

I got in on the first wave, got all my names reserved and am a Level 11 Sentinel working on more now :D. Been smooth sailing so far...
Because when i pre-ordered it wasn't available and still isnt'. I got my email at 7am this morning. Got to log in and make my char and create guild before work.

Thats weird. I checked mine as soon as you said something this morning, I've got RDD and it says to expect it on the 20th still. I would try and contact Amazon CS, there usually pretty good about this kind of stuff.
i think im gonna wait till after the first month of release, because 1 that whole noobie rush in a starting area can be a pain, also lag and queue times can occur. Also while i believe that this game will be big and popular i just worry that it will be another WAR(im not hoping for this at all i want to see it succeed.)
i think im gonna wait till after the first month of release, because 1 that whole noobie rush in a starting area can be a pain, also lag and queue times can occur. Also while i believe that this game will be big and popular i just worry that it will be another WAR(im not hoping for this at all i want to see it succeed.)

They are really controlling the flow of people. Right now it's less crowded in the noobie areas than it was in beta.
They also make many instances of the zones so it can accommodate a large population without having to resort to queues.
Lag for me is lower than in beta. Currently getting a latency of 53ms. My personal best in this game.
ooohh really Archer? hmm i might have to go and pick up a copy on the 20th possibly :)

Yep, i'm running around as a level 5 and have no problem killing what I need for my quests.

FPS is improved in this final build as well.
Bioware's costumer support is aweful.. it's so aweful they disconnected their support phone number... I'm really annoyed by this... I know I probably sound like a disgruntled person, but..

I am one of the people who got incorrect security question given to me by awesome bioware, a security question I didn't pick of course.. so, I tried calling last week to fix it but their phone was down, got busy for the rest of the week and didn't find the time to call them again..
Couldn't get in touch with them yesterday. I called today like every 5 freaking minutes only to hear this automated message tell me to call back later because volume of callers is huge.. Now it says that the number has been disconnected lol..

I can't login, I can't preload, I can't play.. and worst of all I can't get in touch with anybody from bioware.. Really makes me want to cancel my preorder, but of course I won't because I really want to play this game.

I'm not raging btw, I'm just annoyed :( but if I can't resolve this crap by the weekend, I'm definitely canceling... ok that's it for now, carry on guys.
They are really controlling the flow of people. Right now it's less crowded in the noobie areas than it was in beta.
They also make many instances of the zones so it can accommodate a large population without having to resort to queues.
Lag for me is lower than in beta. Currently getting a latency of 53ms. My personal best in this game.

Keep in mind, a lot of people (like myself) are currently working ;) So that lag will hit a major spike during 4-6pm cst.
I was going to play. Then I re-subbed to WoW. Feeling good about my decision (Not meant to be a flame-war-starter post).

I was in the beta for a while, and simply didn't really enjoy it all that much. The combat was ok I suppose, like every other game, though I don't expect innovation in the MMO genre, ever. Story was all single-player focused it seemed, with of course, people running around, in their own little phased section of the story at times. For a game, that to ME, feels like WoW way too much, I'd rather honestly just play WoW, and I am!

To everyone who pre-ordered and got into early access, enjoy! I'll be in WoW!
Bioware's costumer support is aweful.. it's so aweful they disconnected their support phone number... I'm really annoyed by this... I know I probably sound like a disgruntled person, but..

I am one of the people who got incorrect security question given to me by awesome bioware, a security question I didn't pick of course.. so, I tried calling last week to fix it but their phone was down, got busy for the rest of the week and didn't find the time to call them again..
Couldn't get in touch with them yesterday. I called today like every 5 freaking minutes only to hear this automated message tell me to call back later because volume of callers is huge.. Now it says that the number has been disconnected lol..

I can't login, I can't preload, I can't play.. and worst of all I can't get in touch with anybody from bioware.. Really makes me want to cancel my preorder, but of course I won't because I really want to play this game.

I'm not raging btw, I'm just annoyed :( but if I can't resolve this crap by the weekend, I'm definitely canceling... ok that's it for now, carry on guys.

I believe Origin is having issues right now as well. Have you tried their online support?
Bioware's costumer support is aweful.. it's so aweful they disconnected their support phone number... I'm really annoyed by this... I know I probably sound like a disgruntled person, but..

I am one of the people who got incorrect security question given to me by awesome bioware, a security question I didn't pick of course.. so, I tried calling last week to fix it but their phone was down, got busy for the rest of the week and didn't find the time to call them again..
Couldn't get in touch with them yesterday. I called today like every 5 freaking minutes only to hear this automated message tell me to call back later because volume of callers is huge.. Now it says that the number has been disconnected lol..

I can't login, I can't preload, I can't play.. and worst of all I can't get in touch with anybody from bioware.. Really makes me want to cancel my preorder, but of course I won't because I really want to play this game.

I'm not raging btw, I'm just annoyed :( but if I can't resolve this crap by the weekend, I'm definitely canceling... ok that's it for now, carry on guys.

You waited until today to try and log in?
If you chat with a CS and explain that you want to get RDD but wasn't able to, with enough explaining you can get one-day shipping for free.

BTW for anyone that ordered on AMazon, did your delivery estimate changed? I had one day shipping, it did say the 22nd delivery date, now it says the 20th! so it look slike amazon is getting things sorted out to make sure people get it in time.

So everyone that ordered on Amazon check your order status. I checked mine this morning and they changed my 1 day shipping to Release-Date Delivery.

Can't beat $.99
in the early start on "The Fatman" as a sith. Chiss Imperial Agent. My name in game is Pimm.
So everyone that ordered on Amazon check your order status. I checked mine this morning and they changed my 1 day shipping to Release-Date Delivery.

Can't beat $.99

You ordered a standard copy? I have a CE pre-ordered from Amazon and I have no such thing. My delivery date is 22nd for 1-day shipping according to the current status on Amazon.
Word....early access! Can't wait for work to be over :)

No idea what server to pick or what to play....going into this blind!
So far this game has been great! Latency of 23 and the areas aren't congested. Loving it! Made this first character on a RP server until my cheap ass nephew buys the game.
Dropped by gamestop today to pick up a gift for a friend, and decided to ask the cashier about SWTOR. Turns out, they have early access codes again. So I finally got one and put it in. Let's see how long/if I get in.
Well I went into my account today and it's telling me that I need to redeem a code for product registration when I goto do this it says my code was already redeemed. Anyone else? And I see on my code redemption it says that I redeemed the code maybe this is locked because I don't have early access yet?
Well I went into my account today and it's telling me that I need to redeem a code for product registration when I goto do this it says my code was already redeemed. Anyone else? And I see on my code redemption it says that I redeemed the code maybe this is locked because I don't have early access yet?

Sounds like you've already registered your pre-order key. The product registration code would be the one that comes with the game.
Logged in before work today. Looks like I was the first on Fatman to get into HardGaming Guild. It will automatically ask those who registered for the guild to join when you first log on. This is allowed for one char. Other chars have to be invited. Got my trooper to level 6 and now have to sit here and earn my keep before going home to play. My char is Kelby. :)
I'm glad I waited to preorder because I couldn't play until Thursday at the earliest. I just hope they have everyone in by Friday night.

You guys think that'll happen? I think it'd be a major bummer to not get folks in for the weekend.
Ha, duder who plays Lassiter on Psych voices one of the characters on Ord Mantell for the Trooper storyline.
I'm glad I waited to preorder because I couldn't play until Thursday at the earliest. I just hope they have everyone in by Friday night.

You guys think that'll happen? I think it'd be a major bummer to not get folks in for the weekend.

Preorder early access is from the 13-19th. So don't think they'll get everyone in by the weekend.