October Nexus Prime rumors

In my mind I see the "Nexus" series as the direct competitor to the iPhone, and wish Google would push it hard against it and market the heck out of it. But for some reason that's just not ever happened.

I think unfortunately that's counter-productive to their goal - they don't want to piss of their various partners that are producing other Android phones. Google doesn't care WHAT Android phone you buy, just as long as you own one and therefore are another person using Google apps/seeing Google ads. I do sometimes wonder why they don't do a general Android ad though, one that might say "look at all the cool android phones out there, and look at what they can do."

sigh...I've been getting a little disillusioned with the whole thing.
sigh...I've been getting a little disillusioned with the whole thing.
oh man, I hear ya! Google should also force no carrier exclusive periods with the Nexus phones too.

I need a new phone now! and it seems like I have to wait till February to even get the Galaxy Nexus on Sprint... by that time, Tegra 3 phones would be right around the corner...

I don't know how long my HTC Hero (which I got 2 weeks prior to the official release date) can hold out; my screen protector just ripped yesterday! (even though the screen protector has lifetime warranty, getting the replacement shipped to me costs more than just buying a new one from the store.) It's a shame that I cannot just take my Nexus S from work! Heck, I am not even allowed to take the Evo!

Ok, I'm just ranting!
This launch rumor shit is seriously getting old. Now we're seeing conflicting rumors coming out in the same day. Both of these published today :mad::

Galaxy Nexus delayed to December.

aaand.. Galaxy Nexus due this Friday the 18th.

Hate to say it, but I think I'll believe P3Droid over a random Reddit user. Who knows though, they're both complete rumor based on hearsay.

Haha, not just a random Reddit user, a random Reddit user's mom's student's mom.
"So one of my mom’s piano students’ mom works for Samsung and has a Galaxy Nexus (running on Verizon of course)."
Haha, not just a random Reddit user, a random Reddit user's mom's student's mom.
"So one of my mom’s piano students’ mom works for Samsung and has a Galaxy Nexus (running on Verizon of course)."

Lol, indeed. I thought that was worse than the 4Chan user talking about the Galaxy Nexus before it was announced. But from what I remember, he turned out to be pretty accurate in his description, so for all we know, bit may be true. But even given that, I'd still believe a major Android dev over anon ;)
Part of the problem is without info be can't decide if we're going to wait or not. If its out before black friday, it'll do fine. If verizon cant get it out of the door before x-mas it won't sell for shit. If its put on a verizon exclusive for a couple months the other carriers versions are going to sell like condoms at a church. The GalNexus can't compete against the HTC edge, etc.
In my mind I see the "Nexus" series as the direct competitor to the iPhone, and wish Google would push it hard against it and market the heck out of it. But for some reason that's just not ever happened.

That is not and has never been the goal of the Nexus line. Google's primary business is and always will be search, and subsequent advertising/information gathering. Android is merely Google's way of ensuring that they extend that reach into your pocket. Google doesn't need to directly sponsor an individual phone in order to do that, all they need to do is provide an operating system that will exist in as many peoples possession as possible. They have done that with Android.

The reason for the Nexus line to exist is so that Google is not entirely at the behest of the handset manufacturers. They do want to have some say on how the hardware develops in the future, specifically so they can further their ultimate goals for their product lines. The biggest example of this is the Nexus S initiating the push for NFC and Google Wallet. This is something that Google really wants to push, but without the Nexus lines to play chicken, there could be no egg, and it would be much harder for them to do so.

The Nexus line is there to showcase the operating system and to help nudge the industry in the direction that Google wants it to go to help their business. It is not meant to be a blockbuster product in and of itself. Google doesn't need to push the Nexus devices because they are ancillary to their primary motives. Google doesn't need to push Android because handset makers do that when they advertise their Android phones. It is not productive for Google to spend money on such advertising.
oh man, I hear ya! Google should also force no carrier exclusive periods with the Nexus phones too.

I need a new phone now! and it seems like I have to wait till February to even get the Galaxy Nexus on Sprint... by that time, Tegra 3 phones would be right around the corner...

I don't know how long my HTC Hero (which I got 2 weeks prior to the official release date) can hold out; my screen protector just ripped yesterday! (even though the screen protector has lifetime warranty, getting the replacement shipped to me costs more than just buying a new one from the store.) It's a shame that I cannot just take my Nexus S from work! Heck, I am not even allowed to take the Evo!

Ok, I'm just ranting!

They tried with the first Nexus One, but like Apple's attempt to keep the iPhone "2G" (remember it launching at 600usd or so?) off the carrier contracts, it failed :(. HW prices are just too high for us consumers to swallow down, especially if carriers are willing to lock us into something many of us already willingly pay monthly, and cut the price down to something around 200usd or so.
still torn between a Nexus ( for ICS although we still dont know for sure if it will be bloatware free or not..do we, and frustrated there is no SD card slot ) or I guess the Razr. Have thought about the Samsung Note as well, but not really interested in leaving VZW at this point and going to ATT.. so for now...seems Nexus or Razr are the 2 best VZW options for the next few months...

i've dropped the incredible probably 50 times. never broke. this time it just have hit concrete just right. the shatter pattern was impressive. it amazes me that the touchscreen works perfectly still.
Friend dropped her Incredible S into a pot of hot chicken soup. The only thing that died was just the capacitive button lights!
still torn between a Nexus ( for ICS although we still dont know for sure if it will be bloatware free or not..do we, and frustrated there is no SD card slot ) or I guess the Razr. Have thought about the Samsung Note as well, but not really interested in leaving VZW at this point and going to ATT.. so for now...seems Nexus or Razr are the 2 best VZW options for the next few months...

As you can see here (at 0:21 and 0:23 when they're showing the app tray), the only "bloatware" (though I wouldn't call it that since they're actually useful apps) the Nexus will have from Verizon is the "My Verizon" app and "Backup assistant". Both of which will be uninstallable or at least frozen since ICS lets you uninstall/freeze any app you want on the phone.

I think you would be crazy to get the RAZR over the Nexus right now. The only advantage I see for the RAZR is its aesthetics and removable storage, which are pretty low on the priority list for me anyways. I'd rather have a removable battery than removable storage since I haven't once taken the SD card out of my Droid in my 2 years of owning it, but I've swapped the battery out countless times. Let's lay the no Gorilla Glass fears to rest too :).
Thanks for the response T4rd... Yea...actually..I guess Im pointing at Windmills.. because I have never changed out my SD card on DX in 1.5 years

Are you saying the nexus doesn't have a removable battery either? Ya, now that, I have changed out..or pulled..
Thanks for the response T4rd... Yea...actually..I guess Im pointing at Windmills.. because I have never changed out my SD card on DX in 1.5 years

Are you saying the nexus doesn't have a removable battery either? Ya, now that, I have changed out..or pulled..

No prob :). No, I wasn't saying that the Nexus doesn't have a removable battery (because it does have a removable battery). I was just pointing out the trade-off between the RAZR's removable storage and the Nexus' removable battery (since the RAZR doesn't have a removable battery). ;)
Forgive my ignorance, but if you're outside of a 4G area, only receiving a 3G signal, would the larger battery lend to longer battery life? ...or is the LTE hardware always active, regardless of what type of connection is available, rendering the same battery life everywhere?
Forgive my ignorance, but if you're outside of a 4G area, only receiving a 3G signal, would the larger battery lend to longer battery life? ...or is the LTE hardware always active, regardless of what type of connection is available, rendering the same battery life everywhere?
MOST LTE devices have the ability of turning off LTE as desired, defaulting to 3G

and thanks again T4rd
They tried with the first Nexus One, but like Apple's attempt to keep the iPhone "2G" (remember it launching at 600usd or so?) off the carrier contracts, it failed :(. HW prices are just too high for us consumers to swallow down, especially if carriers are willing to lock us into something many of us already willingly pay monthly, and cut the price down to something around 200usd or so.

This is a problem in North America mainly. The mindset of getting uber devices for dirt cheap upfront has let manufacturers charge whatever they want because the carrier is going to make major profit throughout the life of the contract anyway as the total cost of ownership is obscene compared to the hardware being subsidized.

In other words, the carrier doesn't care much about reducing the subsidy and negotiating the lowest rates possible in the same way a consumer would make value judgements at a retail store. They will take any phone that they think will get them subs and force existing customers to extend their contracts.

These phones do NOT cost $500 to make, they don't even cost $200 to make in most cases. Throw in $20-30 R&D/marketing/distribution cost on top of each device and a healthy profit margin and I still don't think they should sell for more than $350 full price (or the cost of a low end notebook). And mind you, this is for flagship devices at launch. The Nexus S can be had for $300 now and it's not even a year old.

Google screwed up with the Nexus One online push by not giving away the things at slightly above cost. Instead HTC got the usual manufacturer profits they would through a carrier and nobody won out. And sadly, I don't see them trying this again because Android adoption and penetration is ridiculous compared to what it was two years ago, they have no more incentive.

One can only hope that more penta-band unlocked phones like this will find themselves in brick & mortar stores on launch day.
Thing is a fucking BEAST

Sammy and Google really pushed android into a whole new realm of awesome

Waiting to see what the battery life is like..

Recently made the switch to a 4s and am enjoying it very much -- but I'm fucking stoked beyond belief that google finally has a fucking BALLER android phone out on verizon.

I can finally recommend an android phone on verizon to friends!
Bummer about the camera, and the fact that it's still plastic. Really looked like metal at a glance, but closeups tell the truth.

I'm still waiting for a proper hardware review, this one seemed to focus on software that many other phones will have.
Bummer about the camera, and the fact that it's still plastic. Really looked like metal at a glance, but closeups tell the truth.

I'm still waiting for a proper hardware review, this one seemed to focus on software that many other phones will have.

Plastic is better than metal.
Plastic is better than metal.

Indeed. I don't like using cases (unless they work with the stock car dock) and having a metal/glass exterior would make the phone way too fragile, IMO. Aesthetics are not a priority for me, I'm definitely a function > form type of guy. :)
Indeed. I don't like using cases (unless they work with the stock car dock) and having a metal/glass exterior would make the phone way too fragile, IMO. Aesthetics are not a priority for me, I'm definitely a function > form type of guy. :)

How is plastic stronger than metal again?
Recently I have to stop myself every couple days from smashing my og droid. This mofo better come out next week or I am going postal on it.
How is plastic stronger than metal again?

Better != stronger ;).

I guess it depends on what you mean by "stronger" though. The plastic doesn't dent or shatter. That make sense..? My Droid has a nice gouge (exposing bare metal) on the corner from where I dropped it once. If it was plastic, it wouldn't be there or be nearly as noticeable.
Better != stronger ;).

I guess it depends on what you mean by "stronger" though. The plastic doesn't dent or shatter. That make sense..? My Droid has a nice gouge (exposing bare metal) on the corner from where I dropped it once. If it was plastic, it wouldn't be there or be nearly as noticeable.

One of the reasons I went with the Atrix.
Recently I have to stop myself every couple days from smashing my og droid. This mofo better come out next week or I am going postal on it.

Ah yes, it seems you are in the same boat as me. I've been forcing myself to keep my Droid 1 for far too long now waiting for this GN to come out. At this point, between the touchscreen constantly messing up, the random restarts, and the 2 hours of battery life, I just want to throw it out the window lol.
I'm glad to see the GSM versions being reviewed (gives me hope for finding non-Verizon carriers in the US), but still not friggin information on when we can get it.
Ah yes, it seems you are in the same boat as me. I've been forcing myself to keep my Droid 1 for far too long now waiting for this GN to come out. At this point, between the touchscreen constantly messing up, the random restarts, and the 2 hours of battery life, I just want to throw it out the window lol.

I thought about sliding out the keyboard and snapping it in half, the other day. I was trying to get directions, so I began with googling the name. When I tried to open up the location in maps, it started with the location pinned but the camera zoomed out to the entire fucking continental US. After zooming in one level, Maps would freeze and quit.

256mb of ram is just infuriating.
Recently I have to stop myself every couple days from smashing my og droid. This mofo better come out next week or I am going postal on it.

Ah yes, it seems you are in the same boat as me. I've been forcing myself to keep my Droid 1 for far too long now waiting for this GN to come out. At this point, between the touchscreen constantly messing up, the random restarts, and the 2 hours of battery life, I just want to throw it out the window lol.

Lol, thirded. I loved my Droid until I started trying to use all the 2.3+ ROMs. All Gingerbread ROMs on the Droid run like complete ass due to its anemic 256 MBs RAM even with all of the memory tweaks (supercharger scripts, compcache, etc.). If you're running a GB ROM, then revert back to 2.2 or even the stock ROM. After putting up with Simply Stunning 5.4 and Petes GB ROMs for 5-6 months, I reverted back to stock and my Droid has been exponentially faster and more reliable. I'm still running a 1.1 GHz LV kernel though. It still lags occasionally, but not nearly as bad as 2.3 does 5 mins after a reboot.