October Nexus Prime rumors

In all seriousness, why in the world would you need a quad-core phone? I understand this is [H], and I love me some hardware as much as the next guy on here. However, I really doubt you would see any real-word performance gain from a quad. Hell, the GS2 runs gingerbread buttery smooth even with Samsung's UI on top of it, and it's way more than enough to handle any app out there. Performance should only get better with ICS due to hardware acceleration too. Unless you just care about a arbitrary number that a benchmark spits out, waiting for a quad-core phone probably isn't worth it IMO. If anything, combining a quad with an LTE radio sounds like a recipe for terrible battery life to me.

I suppose I'm probably in the minority here, but real-word performance (along with battery life) is what I'm most concerned with for my next phone.
That HTC Edge design doesn't do it for me. I used to like theirs the best but now they just release the same variation over and over.

As for specs, doesn't Kal-El have a 5th companion core, which is a downclocked A8 or A9? Still, I agree in that I'd rather have two A15 cores clocked at 2.5ghz or something ludicrous on 32nm or better process.
the point of having 4 cores is to minimize power use while optimizing performance. The Apps are evened out on 4 cores so its more efficient
Memo to HTC - Why the hell do you have physical buttons when ICS is the future?
At least they didn't cripple this phone with a 1650mah battery.
$300 is the normal price for a flagship LTE phone.

That's sort of what I expected, but it doesn't thrill me. Is it just me or has the price of smartphones been trending upward over time? I won't even get any benefit from 4g since the nearest verizon 4g area is about 120 miles away. Idk. Granted, phones are getting to be better and better all the time, but still. I could buy a laptop for $300. Hell, Walmart has a 42" LED 1080P westinghouse tv for $340 right now. A tv is clearly not a phone, but something in me balks at paying the same amount for a cellphone as a tv.

This^. A little ridiculous if you ask me. I was hoping for $200-$250. I don't think I'm willing to drop 300 bones on this one. You can get an iPhone 4S for $199 with contract, and that's an Apple product for cryin' out loud.

In other words, what happened to carriers subsidizing the cost of our phones as an incentive to agree to a 2 year contract? Are they still subsidizing? I mean, you figure that most smartphones cost sub $200 in terms of parts. What are the carriers paying the manufacturers for these phones? I guess I had been under the impression that capitalism would keep me from having to pay more over time (by which I mean recent years, not cellphones from their invention to the present).

I believe they are still "subsidizing" the cost of the phone. The only problem is that even if you're only paying $20/mo of your bill towards the phone, with a 2 year contract, that's $480... combine that with your $300 purchase price and you've now spent $780, or likely more than the total cost of the phone.

non-subsidized pricing for top-end smartphones is $500-$700.

Agreed. Very shocking, although I have heard from multiple sources (unfortunately, can't cite any of them) that these devices really do cost more than you would think to produce. Mark ups are usually fair.

Considering Verizon does not have their bloatware on this phone and is making less money per unit than a RAZR or Rezound, I would not expect any special deals or a price drop anytime before those handsets receive one.

You'd be more likely to find a deal on Amazon Wireless or somewhere else a month or two after release, if they carry it. I would not expect BOGOs ever or discounts at Verizon stores anytime soon.

Sad. But I see your point.

Really..........................? I mean, are you sure that those are non-subsidized prices? Or are those just jacked up prices to punish you for not signing up for a 2 year contract? That's why I asked what companies like att and verizon actually pay the manufacturer for each phone.

I guess what I am trying to say is that it seems more likely that the carriers are just refusing to give customers better prices for signing up for a contract because we have no power of negotiation than that the carriers are actually paying $700 per phone and giving us a $400 discount.

I hate to jump on the anti-wireless company bandwagon, but it really does seem like they're nickel-and-diming us consumers. It's not a matter of charging us for what it's worth, it's a matter of charging us what we'll pay. Frustrating to say the least.
In all seriousness, why in the world would you need a quad-core phone? I understand this is [H], and I love me some hardware as much as the next guy on here. However, I really doubt you would see any real-word performance gain from a quad. Hell, the GS2 runs gingerbread buttery smooth even with Samsung's UI on top of it, and it's way more than enough to handle any app out there. Performance should only get better with ICS due to hardware acceleration too. Unless you just care about a arbitrary number that a benchmark spits out, waiting for a quad-core phone probably isn't worth it IMO. If anything, combining a quad with an LTE radio sounds like a recipe for terrible battery life to me.

I suppose I'm probably in the minority here, but real-word performance (along with battery life) is what I'm most concerned with for my next phone.

FYI Tegra3 isn't expected to be that fast. Its a cheap solution many companies will be using for tablets to compete against the Tab and iPad. If you want the best graphics and speed it is rumored to still be more worth while to stay with snapdragon.
the htc quad core with that small battery going to be 2 hours of usable phone use lol
That HTC Edge design doesn't do it for me. I used to like theirs the best but now they just release the same variation over and over.

As for specs, doesn't Kal-El have a 5th companion core, which is a downclocked A8 or A9? Still, I agree in that I'd rather have two A15 cores clocked at 2.5ghz or something ludicrous on 32nm or better process.

Kal-El does have a companion core. It is tuned with a different manufacturing process for lower power consumption in addition to its lower power design. The companion core is highly suited to video rendering, capable of 1080p all by itself. It is 60% more efficient than the Tegra 2 at rendering video. Pretty neat stuff.

the point of having 4 cores is to minimize power use while optimizing performance. The Apps are evened out on 4 cores so its more efficient

No, that is not how processors work at all.
FYI Tegra3 isn't expected to be that fast. Its a cheap solution many companies will be using for tablets to compete against the Tab and iPad. If you want the best graphics and speed it is rumored to still be more worth while to stay with snapdragon.

What are you talking about, snapdragon has shit graphics...
Means nothing. In this business there will always be something bigger and better around the corner. Whatever you buy it will be old news in as little as 6 months.

So why are people waiting for the GN? It means plenty if its release is not far off.
the htc quad core with that small battery going to be 2 hours of usable phone use lol
Right... and you must be an expert in electrical engineering.

The Tegra 3 is more efficient than the Tegra 2 due to die shrink and the 5th companion core.

Go troll elsewhere.
So why are people waiting for the GN? It means plenty if its release is not far off.

Galaxy Nexus will ship with *real* android, not some abortion version of it that some shithead thinks is an improvement.

on top of that, the Nexus phones have *the* best community developer support, *on top* of the generally excellent official google support.

Basically, Nexus phones are some of the only Android phones you can buy feeling confident that you'll be able to reasonably keep the phone for 2 years without it being outdated....
Right... and you must be an expert in electrical engineering.

The Tegra 3 is more efficient than the Tegra 2 due to die shrink and the 5th companion core.

Go troll elsewhere.

There is some hyperbole in his comment, but it's not quite trollish. I have a dual-core Evo 3D and the battery life is pretty bad- I leave at around 7AM and by 4PM the battery is dead- and this is with very minimal usage. When I actually use the phone for web, etc, the battery is shot in just a few hours- it's terrible. I purchased an extended battery for the phone, but was unhappy with the added girth it added. After this experience, battery life certainly is on my list of things to check out- i'll keep an open mind about Tegra 3 and eagerly await battery stats from a phone (not a tablet with a 20+ Whr battery), but i'm not going to hold my breath. The companion core sounds fantastic for standby processes, but the other 4 cores sound like a way to such down precious battery even faster when you fire up a web browser.
So why are people waiting for the GN? It means plenty if its release is not far off.

Mostly for ICS and further guaranteed Android updates. The Nexus line's main enticement has never been its hardware (although it's been hanging with other high-end phones around its launch window), but its software. As in lack of bloat/skins, guaranteed updates directly from Google so you don't have to wait for the carrier/manufacturer to approve the update and take 6+ months to do it.
I disagree with the above statement, since for me it's about the hardware. I couldn't care less about the software that comes with it because the same software can be put on other devices.

And overall I'm not very excited about it, since the internals are worse than a phone released in Q12011. Preliminary benchmarks shows it competes with SGS2 but that's probably due to software optimizations. I want to see how it does against the SGS 2 with ICS on it.
Small batteries make no sense at all. If there's a new SoC which uses 1/2 the power, that doesn't mean a smaller battery is ok. Most users want longer battery life.
I disagree with the above statement, since for me it's about the hardware. I couldn't care less about the software that comes with it because the same software can be put on other devices.

And overall I'm not very excited about it, since the internals are worse than a phone released in Q12011. Preliminary benchmarks shows it competes with SGS2 but that's probably due to software optimizations. I want to see how it does against the SGS 2 with ICS on it.

You can only put what software you want on the phone if the dev community for that phone supports it. Even then, it's not going to be 100% functional/stable though (I'm sure some will argue this, but I've been ROMing my Droid for almost 2 years and have yet to see a ROM that had less bugs/issues than the stock one). With the Nexus, you don't have to rely on the dev community to port half-baked OS updates to the phone just so you can have the newest OS version and the new features that come with it.

The only phone that was released in Q1 that comes remotely close to the Galaxy Nexus is the Atrix. But Tegra 2 has been outperformed by far by the Exynos and OMAP 44x0/SGX based phones, not to mention that the Nexus has the SGX 540 running at ~30% faster clock than previous phones and its CPU is rated at 1.5 GHz, they just underclocked it to 1.2 GHz because I'm sure the real-world performance was negligible between the speeds. I wouldn't be surprised to see LV kernels putting the phone close to 2 GHz stable with the same battery life as stock soon after launch.

If you want an accurate representation of how the Galaxy Nexus hardware would run without "software optimizations" (that every manufacturer should be doing regardless), then check out the Droid RAZR running the same OS version as the GS2 (2.3.5) with essentially the same hardware (OMAP 4430 vs 4460 on Nexus - 4460 just has a higher clocked GPU and the CPU can clock higher) as the Galaxy Nexus. Here's a couple I found with a quick Google ;):



These are from Laptop mag:




Keep in mind on the graphics benches; the GS2 is running at a lower WVGA (800x480) resolutions whereas the RAZR is running at qHD (960x540), so it has to push more pixels and can't directly compare to the GS2 or phones running different resolutions.
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I think I'm going to give VZW about one more week to give us a date for the GN. If we still don't know anything by then, I'm probably just going to go up the the store and get a RAZR. I've been sitting on a 1/2 functioning Droid 1 for far too long at this point, and I really just need a new phone. Sure, I won't have ICS immediately, but just having a working phone would more than make up for that. The only thing that concerns me is that I wonder how the capacitive buttons on phones designed for older Android versions will work for ICS. Worst case scenario is that they become useless, but I doubt that happens. My guess is that the companies' UIs will probably have to cover for the change somehow.
It is November 9th, and can not believe Verizon still has not given an official release date yet for the Nexus. That is un fucking believable, why so top secret ? What the heck is really going on ?

I hate Apple, but have to give them major credit on how to launch a new phone. Google's way is how not to release the newest top of the lone next gen device.
I think it's Verizon more so than anyone else. Verizon has got plenty of other androids to sell before the GNex hits. They just frigging launched the Moto Razr, and the HTC Rezound is next week. I predict next wednesday for the release date.
@ t4rd

I get what you're saying, but if you're looking at hardware only, then whatever the top dog is will be at least a marginally popular handset. Specifically, the SGS 2 still has the fastest SoC/GPU combo outside of iPhone and even if you don't want to go the custom rom route it's getting an official ICS update.

I've also seen the benchies you are showing here before, and you make the point that already concerns me the most - the performance is roughly equivalent across the board (plus here, minus there) but it has far more pixels to push. A PowerVR 540 with the near-400mhz overclock would be competitive with existing alternatives at the same resolution. At 720p they are basically throwing 3D gaming under the bus in order to satisfy having OMAP as their launch partner.

Next - why does a Tegra 2 clocked at 1ghz on Galaxy Tab 8.9 get such high scores? Because Android 3.1. The Motorola Droid 3 has the same SoC as the RAZR only clocked at 1ghz and you can see where it is on the chart. I expect the Nexus Prime to be on par with SGS 2 in hardware but significantly ahead on the performance benchmarks due to software. Once SGS 2 gets an update, you're back to equal ground again and that's where you have the following tradeoffs:

+long term official software updates (negated somewhat due to official ICS update being confirmed)
+larger res screen (remains to be tested, but I'll put it down as a major plus)

-camera (could end up being neutral, if the IQ reaches SGS2 levels which is one of the best; probably going to be slightly worse)
-microsd (lousy outcome any way you look at it)

?sound (could end up being neutral or a plus, since the Yamaha DAC in SGS2 is ass)
?price (SGS2 is $500-550 full and <$100 on contract, Nexus is likely going to be higher)

I will probably still get one, depending on camera and sound quality reviews and barring any nasty surprises. However, I don't think I'm going to be pleased with the graphics performance and I will most likely sell it and upgrade to the first phone that gets Exynos 5250
Right... and you must be an expert in electrical engineering.

The Tegra 3 is more efficient than the Tegra 2 due to die shrink and the 5th companion core.

Go troll elsewhere.

you ever even used an android phone in heavy use don't kid yourself
just dropped my htc incredible and shattered the screen :(. It still works so I am hoping I can hold out until the nexus comes out. really wish they would announce a firm date!
just dropped my htc incredible and shattered the screen :(. It still works so I am hoping I can hold out until the nexus comes out. really wish they would announce a firm date!

I hear ya. The screen on my Droid Eris isn't shattered, but there's a dead spot... I can't dial the number 7, which means I have to email myself phone numbers to dial them (keyboard numbers are in a different position than number pad), and I can't delete any messages in my voicemail box, so it's been full for a couple months. So can't wait to ditch this POS...

I went to a Verizon store this weekend to see when my upgrade was eligible. Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask about the Galaxy Nexus, but alas they wouldn't reveal anything. Back to waiting and reading the news I suppose.
I just want a review of the camera, thats the only question I still have. I would really like a decent camera (which the RAZR apparently doesnt have).
I hear ya. The screen on my Droid Eris isn't shattered, but there's a dead spot... I can't dial the number 7, which means I have to email myself phone numbers to dial them (keyboard numbers are in a different position than number pad), and I can't delete any messages in my voicemail box, so it's been full for a couple months. So can't wait to ditch this POS...

I went to a Verizon store this weekend to see when my upgrade was eligible. Thought it wouldn't hurt to ask about the Galaxy Nexus, but alas they wouldn't reveal anything. Back to waiting and reading the news I suppose.

Have you tried using an alternate dialer?
just dropped my htc incredible and shattered the screen :(. It still works so I am hoping I can hold out until the nexus comes out. really wish they would announce a firm date!

That sucks man.

With the HTC Rezound having dropped today so shortly after the RAZR on Friday, I think the 17th is possible, but next week is more likely.

Unfortunately I also think it's possible we may see a GN release with no pre-orders.
That sucks man.

With the HTC Rezound having dropped today so shortly after the RAZR on Friday, I think the 17th is possible, but next week is more likely.

Unfortunately I also think it's possible we may see a GN release with no pre-orders.

Yeah, I'll bet it launches next Monday (21st). Verizon is having a hard enough time promoting the RAZR and Rezound within a few days of each other, I'd say they want to sell as many of them as possible before advertising/launching the Nexus. I don't blame them. But if I don't have this phone next week (like the rest of the world will), I'ma be raging :p.
That sucks man.

With the HTC Rezound having dropped today so shortly after the RAZR on Friday, I think the 17th is possible, but next week is more likely.

Unfortunately I also think it's possible we may see a GN release with no pre-orders.

i've dropped the incredible probably 50 times. never broke. this time it just have hit concrete just right. the shatter pattern was impressive. it amazes me that the touchscreen works perfectly still.
Verizon needs to get things into gear... i'm currently with Sprint and am willing to switch to VZW given their current double-data promo, but if that promo dies before the Nexus launches- no way am I spending that kind of money for data (on top of my Sprint ETF). Seriously Verizon- you've given me a reason to switch, now just give me the phone.
I think Verizon finds itself in a very unfortunenty situation right now where they have 3 different Halo devices from 3 good partners all launching within 2 weeks of each other. They seem to simply be trying to allow the RAZR and REZOUND to get some sales in before the Nexus goes to stores.

Thats what I think anyway.
I think Verizon finds itself in a very unfortunenty situation right now where they have 3 different Halo devices from 3 good partners all launching within 2 weeks of each other. They seem to simply be trying to allow the RAZR and REZOUND to get some sales in before the Nexus goes to stores.

Thats what I think anyway.

That's been my exact theory too. I'm sure they don't what to step on any toes by having the Nexus overshadow HTCs and Moto's flagship phones that launched days within each other. But still, I wish the rumors would at least stay consistent as they were with the Rezound/RAZR. That's another thing I thought was funny though; they never did officially announce the Rezound before it launched today (at least from what I've seen/heard). They just let it pop up on their site without saying a damn thing about it beforehand (Verizon, I mean.. HTC announced it at the November 3rd event, but no release date as I recall). WTF would they do that for? Just to keep the RAZR in the spotlight? I wonder if HTC cares about that? I really wouldn't think they would allow the same thing to happen to the Nexus though considering it's the Android phone. That would just be a bad PR move as a whole.
Hate to say it, but I think I'll believe P3Droid over a random Reddit user. Who knows though, they're both complete rumor based on hearsay.

Why? P3Droid is wrong a *lot*, especially about the Galaxy Nexus so far. He is clearly quite far removed from the actual information.
I wonder what the agreements are between carriers and oem's. I would imagine carriers have the final word on announcing dates, but if I were HTC/Samsung I would not be happy at the way Rezound/Nexus are being ignored. After all, it affects their bottom line just as much as Verizon's.
In my opinion there's something up. I can come up with a few guesses:

- The NG was never pegged to sell many units, particularly given the Galaxy S II's success. The launch was merely to hype Ice Cream Sandwich, and actual units sold are not a priority for Samsung.

- ICS needs more time for polishing and bug squashing.

- The hardware itself or production has issues.

No matter how you look at it, this isn't a normal product launch.
In my opinion there's something up. I can come up with a few guesses:

- The NG was never pegged to sell many units, particularly given the Galaxy S II's success. The launch was merely to hype Ice Cream Sandwich, and actual units sold are not a priority for Samsung.

- ICS needs more time for polishing and bug squashing.

- The hardware itself or production has issues.

No matter how you look at it, this isn't a normal product launch.

I agree. The Nexus line was never a big seller, only us [H]are geeks are foaming for it, and we make up 1% of the Android buying base. The big money is in the Droids, Galaxy's, EVO's, etc...

Verizon will sell way more Razr's, because that's where the marketing is going.

In my mind I see the "Nexus" series as the direct competitor to the iPhone, and wish Google would push it hard against it and market the heck out of it. But for some reason that's just not ever happened.
In my opinion there's something up. .....

- The hardware itself or production has issues.....

I still think it has something to do with the LTE version. It kinda bugged me a little that they didn't have one to show off at the launch....