Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

Hyping a touch screen controller would make some sense. But wth, why hype a regular controller? I mean, if the Revolution was backwards compatible with all Nintendo's old games, and if they could all be played by a changeable controller, that'd be pretty neat. But c'mon, I hope they present something good after this.
JethroXP said:
So apparently the Revolution is so cool, they simply can't tell us about it.

Sorry, I don't buy it. If Nintendo had something to say, or better yet something to show, they would have done it buy now. Waiting until the end of the show, or next week buys them nothing. With these types of events you go in big and you go in early. It's the only way to assure that you get noticed.

Nintendo seems to be more in damage control mode, waving their arms wildly saying "Look at me, look at me" but when we do, all we see is some guy waving and shouting. I don't doubt that they will have the Revolution ready at some point, but right now it really looks like they've lost their edge. They can't even give people anything to look forward to at this point.

I'm glad to see that there are other level-minded realists on this's refreshing.

Sony/Microsoft couldn't possibly steal an idea and implement into their upcoming hardware generation. There isn't enough time for that. R&D takes years. The PS2 has been out since March of 2000 in Japan and they're just now getting to the point where they can show us some of what the PS3 has to you Nintendo fans honestly think that they could copy and integrate something that took years to develop into a system that is scheduled to be out in the Spring of next year?
have to agree with WickedAngel on that one... there is no time at all for that to happen. Absolutely when the next consoles after 360 an PS3 but no time at all for what is in store next.
maybe what ever Nintendo came with got smashed after they saw the spec's for the Xbox360 and PS3
maybe what ever Nintendo came with got smashed after they saw the spec's for the Xbox360 and PS3

I doubt that. As people have said, R&D takes years, they can't just scrap what they have.
You can't exactly blame the Big N for being as cautious as they are. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't have force feedback, analog sticks, d-pads, shoulder buttons, or GOOD wireless controllers. Sure they didn't invent any of that technology (except maybe the D-pad?) but they certainly found a way to make it work in a console. And then everyone else made it work in theirs. Sure, they are waaaay too paranoid about it, but you can't blame 'em.
one thing that i heard there planing to have a feature where u can make your own games and d/l it to the revolution. In nintendos press release they said : "Freedom of design: A dynamic development architecture equally accommodates both big-budget, high-profile game “masterpieces” as well as indie games conceived by individual developers equipped with only a big idea." so who knows that would be realy cool.

another thing i noticed in that nintendo ON video they showed the "brain" part of the console then a outine of the gamecube and a slim "console" with a question mark hinting at backwards compability with gc and maybe the revolution? i know the vid was fake but still...maybe the "on" is the revolution controller?? ;)
I just looked at that "fake" video of the Nintendo Revolution that was "leaked" last week. Did anyone noticed that when they show the helmet device, there are two arrows pointing to a LCD monitor and a TV set?

The next scene is of two arrows pointing to the "helmet" a drawing of the Gamecube and a drawing of a slightly retangular object that is horizontal.

I was thinking since the Revolution from the press release on Tuesday stated that the Revolution can play Gamecube game, perhaps the representation is that the Gamecube and Revolution hooks up to the "helmet"?

Nintendo only showed the 1 piece but the most important is the helmet?

Also, supposedly according to the IGN thread:

"These patents were filed a long time ago, but they all just showed up on the US Patent site on the 17th, Tuesday:

U.S. Patent link

1, 2, 4, and 5 were submitted by Nintendo.

3 was submitted by Immersion Co., but had to have come up relating to Nintendo because 'Nintendo' was in the search...

...that patent sites these references, some of which sound VERY interesting:

"Force-Feedback Cursor Control,"
"Commercially Viable Force Feedback Controller for Individuals w/Neuromotor Disabilities,"
"Evaluation of a Force Feedback (Haptic) Computer pointing Device in Zero Gravity,"
"Implementation of Stiff Virtual Walls in Force-Reflecting Interfaces,"
"Perceptual Design of a Virtual Rigid Surface Contact,"
"The use of force feedback to enhance graphical user interfaces,"
"Application Areas for a Force-Feedback Joystick,"

So what kind of patents are these for?
Everything you mentioned below would deffinitely fall in line with Nintendo's recent statements of "feeling is better". I can't hold out for anything more on the Rev this E3, but interesting to think what they have planned for the interface device.

Maybe some of them have to do with simple tweaks to existing tech, like a force feedback analoge, that will literally fight back against your input. I dunno. Didn't read the patents thoroughly but I'm just throwing out an idea. :D Also, I know the above idea does exist in PC joysticks. Like I said, just an idea since it hasn't been applied to consoles.
I dunno what revolution will be or whats revolutionary but Im going to buy it anyways cause it's 100% backward capatible with gamecube games, you can download all the old classics on it.
It will have a updated Super Smash Brothers, New Zelda game, and something new about the controller, but I have no clue what it will be, I just hope I'll be surprised and it won't be something dumb. Ah and it will prolly sell for 200$ compared to 465$ for PS3 and 300+ for Xbox 360.
At that price range, online play and free games, ok. If it all pans out. I was going to get it anyway. I'd be lying if I said I'm not going to get all 3, but at least at that price I can pick up a couple of more games to go with it.

Unless the games are like $75 a piece like with the N64. Oh yeah, I haven't forgotten that nintendo.
Tommyxx516 said:
nintendo has already stated that the Revolution will be 3x more powerful than the Gamecube. This doesn't make it THAT much better than the Xbox or PS2

Nintendo doesn't have a large e-penis. They don't overhype specs.
pr0pensity said:
Nintendo doesn't have a large e-penis. They don't overhype specs.

Lol, apparently they don't have any specs to hype:

In regard to the power of the Nintendo Revolution versus, say, the Xbox 360, we're looking at making a small, quiet, affordable console. If you look at trying to incorporate all that, of course we might not have the horsepower that some other companies have, but if you look at the numbers that they're throwing out, are those numbers going to be used in-game? I mean, those are just numbers that somebody just crunched up on a calculator. We could throw out a bunch of numbers, too, but what we're going to do is wait until our chips are done and we're going to find out how everything in the game is running, what its peak performance is, and those are the numbers that we're going to release because those are the numbers that really count.

They have nothing. They can't provide specs because they don't have specs yet. And somehow people are sold on this becasuse it will only be $130???? How can anybody be excited about paying only $130 for something that Nintendo themselves don't even know what it will be? If you are that eager to part with your money, send it to me, and I'll give you some old BX motherboards, at least you'll know what you are getting.
I said that someone reworded the interview. lol. i better just remove the fake. So you guys won't get confused. :)

He said it would be resonable prices for everyone to afford.
JethroXP said:
Lol, apparently they don't have any specs to hype:

They have nothing. They can't provide specs because they don't have specs yet. And somehow people are sold on this becasuse it will only be $130???? How can anybody be excited about paying only $130 for something that Nintendo themselves don't even know what it will be? If you are that eager to part with your money, send it to me, and I'll give you some old BX motherboards, at least you'll know what you are getting.

i agree, many ppl think sony and microsoft are blinding ppl with specs and graphics, when so many can't see the fact that nintendo just had nothing...for the time being anyway
i don't agree that they have nothing. What they have is certainly not as powerful as the other two and so they elect not to flash the specs around in fear of being laughed out the building. However, it's not all about specs and it'll be just as easy to develop for as the GC was.... can't say that about the PS3 or 360.
sn2op said:
i don't agree that they have nothing. What they have is certainly not as powerful as the other two and so they elect not to flash the specs around in fear of being laughed out the building. However, it's not all about specs and it'll be just as easy to develop for as the GC was.... can't say that about the PS3 or 360.

why not? where does it say that it is hard to develop for the xbox? i heard quite the opposite
Optimizing for the X360's processor architecture will be much more difficult than the current Xbox, just making that clear.
bench261 said:
why not? where does it say that it is hard to develop for the xbox? i heard quite the opposite

The xbox was essentially a typical single core x86 PC in a black/green box. Never said THAT was hard to develop for.

It's obviously developers will have some legwork learning these new systems/architectures.
I heard nintendo is waiting to patient and copyright the revolution's revolutionary ideas before they show it. So sony won't steal their ideas like the mini joystick they invented on the n64 and the rumble pack they invented. I think it's a good thing they are doing that so they can't steal their idea. :)

I also heard that ign doesn't have revolution section since it's not the official name since revolution is a codename for the console and not the real name. Not sure yet if it's official.
sn2op said:
The xbox was essentially a typical single core x86 PC in a black/green box. Never said THAT was hard to develop for.

It's obviously developers will have some legwork learning these new systems/architectures.

rare said it took them only 6 weeks to convert something to the 360 so it's not that hard, google it and u'll see it's not hard to develop for the 360 since microsoft made an effort to make it easy for developers
Conker said:
I heard nintendo is waiting to patient and copyright the revolution's revolutionary ideas before they show it. So sony won't steal their ideas like the mini joystick they invented on the n64 and the rumble pack they invented. I think it's a good thing they are doing that so they can't steal their idea. :)

I also heard that ign doesn't have revolution section since it's not the official name since revolution is a codename for the console and not the real name. Not sure yet if it's official.

then why claim sumthin big and show absolutley nothing? if they had that in mind, why didnt they think of it in advance as e3 show something atleast? they just thought of that the last minute?
it's either they are not ready..or they just didnt want to compete directly in this spec war since they might be outgunned..
i'm only basing that on the news tht they r tryin to make it affordable and miyamoto downplaying specs, saying its not everything
Nintendo influences microsoft about the deal with graphics now after the demonatration of ps3.

Microsoft downplay graphics for Xbox 360 , Playstation 3 ( PS3 ) , Nintendo Revolution
20 | May

At an interview at E3, Microsoft's J Allard expressed the direction of the industry.

J Allard, "We can't get all hung up as an industry and say it's all about graphic fidelity," Allard commented. "I kind of put the 'does it look better?' secondarily. Not because it's not important, not because I don't think we're not going to have a system to do it, but because we're almost good enough."

"We're almost at the point now visually where we're like, in videogames, do we need better visuals than what we saw on Monday night?" he continued. "A little bit. It's not the thing that's going to sell to the next 100 million people. The thing that's going to sell to the next 100 million people is creativity; creativity for labouring, creativity from a designer's point of view and so a hard drive can provide those tools."

Forget about that HDTV stuff since it looks like they won't be running at HD.
Conker said:
The hd resolutions are like 1920p not 720 or 640x480.

i think u are grossly misinformed...last i heard 720p is HD and where does it say anything about hd from the shady site u linked?
Newsflash to some people: They downplayed the specs of the Gamecube in the SAME way. They were just as secretive.

Sony (and especially Microsoft) took advantage of it when they released "real world" specs, remember? The X-Box can push 100m polygons, the PS2 can do 70 mil, and the gamecube a measly 11mil? Remember that ad campaign?

The other 2 companies were talking theoretical specs, without any real world bearing. Nintendo mentioned its spec which included everything IN-GAME. They got slammed for it.

In reality, the Gamecube is MUCH more powerful than the PS2, and almost as powerful as the X-box (as you can clearly see by some of the cross-platform ports). I don't think Nintendo would be dumb enough to release something that doesn't even come close to competing visually with the other systems. Maybe not the PS3, since that has a huge amount of power (and price), but certainly they may set out to match or beat the visual power of the X360. They just won't say so. Nintendo has always, always downplayed specs. That doesn't mean they have nothing to show, just means they want to remain tight-lipped about it. They don't want the "2 teraflops vs 1 teraflop vs 0.12 teraflops" spec-war to come up in this generation.
Conker said:
The hd resolutions are like 1920p not 720 or 640x480.

SDTV = 480i and 480p (not considered HDTV even tho it is the native resolution of many DVDs

HDTV = 720i 720p 1080i 1080p
steviep said:
In reality, the Gamecube is MUCH more powerful than the PS2, and almost as powerful as the X-box


steviep said:
I don't think Nintendo would be dumb enough to release something that doesn't even come close to competing visually with the other systems..

but they would be dumb enough to claim big news with nothing to show right?
bonkrowave said:
SDTV = 480i and 480p (not considered HDTV even tho it is the native resolution of many DVDs

HDTV = 720i 720p 1080i 1080p

Coldn't think of the resolutions off the top of my head at the time. What i am trying to say was that microsoft is going nintendos route and trying to find something that will sale their machine other than graphics.