Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

Bench... list me the article that claimed Nintendo SAID "At E3, we have big news"

I think you're mistaking it with regular joes like us speculating about "big news", along with that mysterious blog poster "Aries" that got a LOT of things right, but 'big news on the 19th' wrong.
So are we getting the shaft as far as getting more info on Revolution? I haven't heard shit. Makes me mad that lots of people were mislead.
Conker said:
Coldn't think of the resolutions off the top of my head at the time. What i am trying to say was that microsoft is going nintendos route and trying to find something that will sale their machine other than graphics.

The HDTV resolutions are a little misleading anyway. Technicaly 480p/i resolutions are not HDTV ... but when you think about it, how can they not ... since that is the native rez of DVDs. Also there are so many resolution workarounds like some TVs saying they support 1080i and infact they just 720i/p and then upscale it.

Hopefully the developers that Microsoft has signed on will do more then ride on there companys names and will produce some nice old fashioned games. And when I say old fashioned I mean, original story driven ideas.
There's still time to show something, however I don't think they will. If you read the Miyamoto interview on IGN, he says that more will be shown when they are ready to show it, they are not in a rush. I think it also had something to do with Sony and MS locking their designs so that they can't rebut whatever this 'revolution' is, as cheesy as that sounds... I don't blame 'em. They've made a lot of things mainstream, where everyone else went and copied it.

I think we'll have a Spaceworld this year, though... Which would only be a couple months away. I can wait :D
Conker said:
Coldn't think of the resolutions off the top of my head at the time. What i am trying to say was that microsoft is going nintendos route and trying to find something that will sale their machine other than graphics.

then what did that have to do with hd resolutions and claiming there wasn't going to be any?
Someone from nintendo forums
Nintendo, well actually Shiggy Himself, said that one of the biggest reasons they were not showing off the Revolution Controller just yet because they were frightened it would be stolen.They offered examples of the Analog stick, Shoulder Buttons, and 3D, saying that they showed them off too early, and then they were snapped up by other consoles, even though they weren't included originally.. *looks at Playstation o_O*. However, the DS, was revolutionary, but they showed it off early, because they weren't afraid that it would get stolen (much). So, it makes you think that whatever this "Revolution" turns out to be, it is going to be something which all the other companies are going to want later on, or so they think...

Thought that was a really reasonable reasons why nintendo didn't want their idea stolen. I also heard nintendo went to patient a few things that no one knows yet. I think it is going to be something the others want just like the rumble packs and stuff nintendo made.

HD thing: All the systems are super hyped about numbers and stuff in the graphs. We'll probably see hd stuff right now but most resolutions will drop over time. I think they will use more of their anti-aliasing more than the high resolutions since they said anti-aliasing takes less than a hit than resolutions with their new achitecture in the nvidia gpu with caching..
Conker said:
Someone from nintendo forums

HD thing: All the systems are super hyped about numbers and stuff in the graphs. We'll probably see hd stuff right now but most resolutions will drop over time. I think they will use more of their anti-aliasing more than the high resolutions since they said anti-aliasing takes less than a hit than resolutions with their new achitecture in the nvidia gpu with caching..

what u "think" and what there will be are 2 different things....u didnt even know what hd resolutions was
xbox was able to run some high resolutions which was standard on just about every game... it would be put to waste all that overkill cpu and gpu power if it wasn't high res..and microsoft already said they were gunna have hd and 5.1 sound

btw at higer resolutions u dont have to use as much aa
bench261 said:
what u "think" and what there will be are 2 different things....u didnt even know what hd resolutions was
xbox was able to run some high resolutions which was standard on just about every game... it would be put to waste all that overkill cpu and gpu power if it wasn't high res..and microsoft already said they were gunna have hd and 5.1 sound

I already knew what the origina xbox was gonna run at. 5.1 is most likely going to be in all the systems. I didn't say they would have HD resolutions at launch. I meant that little later they will use the anti aliasing more than the resolutions since it takes less of a performance hit than highering the res they said. Just like on a computer where games over time get more advanced and if you want the high resolutions on a really advanced game then you have to sacrifice detail and thats why i said lowering a notch down and crank the anti-aliasing up to 4x. This won't happen until games for another year and half most likely. I never said it was going to happen at launch. lol that would be rediculous.

Anti-Aliasing helps big time on big screen tvs even when the resolution is lower. Its like have a big monitor and you have to turn the resolution higher in order to not see jaggies. Same thing here since tvs are way bigger than monitors. You would see more of a difference with anti aliasing on a 64inch tv.
Conker said:
I already knew what the origina xbox was gonna run at. 5.1 is most likely going to be in all the systems. I didn't say they would have HD resolutions at launch. I meant that little later they will use the anti aliasing more than the resolutions since it takes less of a performance hit than highering the res they said. Just like on a computer where games over time get more advanced and if you want the high resolutions on a really advanced game then you have to sacrifice detail and thats why i said lowering a notch down and crank the anti-aliasing up to 4x. This won't happen until games for another year and half most likely. I never said it was going to happen at launch. lol that would be rediculous.

well that is a reasonable opinion or theory, but the hardware that is going into is is 2x or more powerful than the current generation of ati addition to having multi processors and developers programming SPECIFICALLY for it. on top of that its not like they will have it running at 100+ fps as long as it is smooth. HD is pretty much standard for these new consoles so why create a game from the beginning knowing it can't be ran at hd resolutions

btw these arent pc games with varying specs..the developers will try to utilize all the power it can...not go over it
Conker said:
Anti-Aliasing helps big time on big screen tvs even when the resolution is lower. Its like have a big monitor and you have to turn the resolution higher in order to not see jaggies. Same thing here since tvs are way bigger than monitors. You would see more of a difference with anti aliasing on a 64inch tv.

do u have any idea of the things u say?

u SEE less of a difference on a tv regardless it's size. the reason u see a difference on a monitor because it's normal resolutions are so much higher than a tv's
bench261 said:
do u have any idea of the things u say?

u SEE less of a difference on a tv regardless it's size. the reason u see a difference on a monitor because it's normal resolutions are so much higher than a tv's

He is actually correct. On my 46" Widescreen in 720p or 1080i jaggies become much more evident. Anti-aliasing is almost a necessaty because the screen is much bigger, small screens do a good job of hiding jaggies, but just bump it up to widescreen and they become painfully obvious.

And HDTVs can display resolutions on par with monitors. I know I play HL2 and 1920x1080 ... that is the resolution of 1080i.

Although Doom 3 on XBOX has better widescreen visuals then on the PC. I know it sounds wrong but its true. To my horror when I booted up Doom 3 to test it on my widescreen I found that 16:9 resolutions are not an option. You can put a line in your doom 3 config to do this, but in reality it just uses the 4:3 resolution which is closest and then stretches it. XBOX On the other hand allows you to play Doom 3 with a widescreen aspect ratio. :mad:
bonkrowave said:
He is actually correct. On my 46" Widescreen in 720p or 1080i jaggies become much more evident. Anti-aliasing is almost a necessaty because the screen is much bigger, small screens do a good job of hiding jaggies, but just bump it up to widescreen and they become painfully obvious.

And HDTVs can display resolutions on par with monitors. I know I play HL2 and 1920x1080 ... that is the resolution of 1080i.

upon rereading it yes...i was confused with the analogy he was trying to make...i thought it was playing a game in 480i on the tv vs playing 480i on a monitor because this was in reference to HD not being on the later games
bench261 said:
rare said it took them only 6 weeks to convert something to the 360 so it's not that hard, google it and u'll see it's not hard to develop for the 360 since microsoft made an effort to make it easy for developers
rare?? its been 5 years and they havent had one thing fot the xbox. what about perfect dark? or conker reloaded? i wouldnt trust rare too much.
ryanrule said:
rare?? its been 5 years and they havent had one thing fot the xbox. what about perfect dark? or conker reloaded? i wouldnt trust rare too much.

MS only got Rare like 2 years ago
to be frank.. screw rare. Donkey Kong, StarFox, and Perfect Dark are cool.. but that was YEARS ago..What have they done within the past couple years? nothing.. oh yea.. they release the Kameo game or something but that sucked ass..
StinkyMojo said:
to be frank.. screw rare. Donkey Kong, StarFox, and Perfect Dark are cool.. but that was YEARS ago..What have they done within the past couple years? nothing.. oh yea.. they release the Kameo game or something but that sucked ass..

Donkey Kong was never that good (IMO). Really the only games I've enjoyed from rare are the first Starfox and Goldeneye (classic of classics). Perfect Dark IMO was crap.
yea perfect dark was OK, but its really one of their best on their company resume =/
Goldeneye will be the first game I will download on the revy if it is available :)
Skrying said:
Donkey Kong was never that good (IMO). Really the only games I've enjoyed from rare are the first Starfox and Goldeneye (classic of classics). Perfect Dark IMO was crap.

What about battletoads ? That was a great game. A version of battletoads for a next gen system would do very well.
ryanrule said:
rare?? its been 5 years and they havent had one thing fot the xbox. what about perfect dark? or conker reloaded? i wouldnt trust rare too much.

i said they converted something..i didnt say a completed game. i forgot rare is a sensitive subject with nintendo fanatics....i'll never mention them again :eek:
bonkrowave said:
What about battletoads ? That was a great game. A version of battletoads for a next gen system would do very well.

yeah the one for nes took real skills, back when u needed them for games. i'd prefer it in 2-d though, i wonder how long 2-d games will stick around for next gen
bonkrowave said:
What about battletoads ? That was a great game. A version of battletoads for a next gen system would do very well.

Which battletoads had that one near impossible level with some sort of jetski-type mobile?

I remember the one for SNES too, pretty fun times!
retardedchicken said:
Which battletoads had that one near impossible level with some sort of jetski-type mobile?

I remember the one for SNES too, pretty fun times!

nes, it also had the surfing level and a level where u hang onto a giant wheel and some off-road vehicle..oh yeah a rocket vehicle too
bench261 said:
i said they converted something..i didnt say a completed game. i forgot rare is a sensitive subject with nintendo fanatics....i'll never mention them again :eek:

No, really the only Rare game I've enjoyed for a long period of time was Goldeneye, but no doubt that is one of the best games of all time for MP. All the rest have been blah to me.
Goldeneye 007. I hope they update the graphics on that game when they put it in the catalog. That game is going to own if they made it online. :)

Maybe the revolutionary idea also is that they might make the older games also online.
nah.. don't think THATS the revolutionary idea.. considering you could do that now with the current systems via modding :p
No emulator can play goldeneye007 online yet. They all lag in that game as of right now when playing online. :)
true.. but i just dont think that playing older games will be the main revolutionary part.. well.. I hope not :)

That has to be a slap in the face to anyone who thinks Nintendo is not making tons of money.
What the writer fails to realize is marketing. I don't think anyone will doubt that Gameboy SP, Gameboy DS, Gameboy SP dominate the hand held system, and I will agree that Nintendos hand held systems clearly sell more units then the PS2 and XBox. But, comparing Gameboy sales to XBox and PS2 sales is foolish, they are COMPLETELY different markets. You can NOT compare the Gameboy SP to the XBox and say Nintendo is clearly Number one, you HAVE to go by market share in individual market.

Nintendo has lost the battle between Microsoft and Sony for dominace of the console market, but it is going strong in hand held sales.
EQTakeOffense said:
What the writer fails to realize is marketing. I don't think anyone will doubt that Gameboy SP, Gameboy DS, Gameboy SP dominate the hand held system, and I will agree that Nintendos hand held systems clearly sell more units then the PS2 and XBox. But, comparing Gameboy sales to XBox and PS2 sales is foolish, they are COMPLETELY different markets. You can NOT compare the Gameboy SP to the XBox and say Nintendo is clearly Number one, you HAVE to go by market share in individual market.

Nintendo has lost the battle between Microsoft and Sony for dominace of the console market, but it is going strong in hand held sales.

It's a video game market. That's what it is and then theres sub sections like consoles and handhelds. They won the battle between who owned the market more. Nintendo is making more money on everything combined. Nintendo isn't dieing at all.
Well, I disagree in how you look at the market. I don't think you can look at a broad strech and say 'we're winning', I think you have to look at specific areas. Even comparing who is winning in America is different then who is winning in Japan, or Europe.

The point being: Nintendo will NOT stay in the console buisness if it can't make money. I'm not denying they're sales are strong in hand held systems, what I am saying is that nintendo needs to change it's market stragey, or go the way of Sega. Yes, it's making money, but it's makeing alot more money with it's hand held systems, not its consoles. There IS a difference.
It really doesnt matter if the Nintendo is revolutionary or not because im getting one anyway, for 2 reasons:

1.) I dont show any real brand loyalty to anything, if one company has a better product then another, I'l buy it, Nintendo however, is another matter, Im buying the next nintendo system, I dont fucking care

2.) The back catalogue of games, I sadly sold my SNES and NES a long time ago, now I can have them back again! :D
G4Tv's E3 2005 Reggie Fils-Aime Int. (05/20/2005)

Watch that, he gives a hint on what the controller will be. He also said it's going to be more than just the controller.

Going to incorporate all the controllers into 1 and then some.
I don't know. There's nothing truely exciting here for me. I mean, ok, I can play all the Nintendo Games EVER made. Ok, and I get to play it on a very unique controller. Ok, but, is that it? I mean... That's great and all, and I'll probably get it for Goldeneye 64, but I don't see that as a revolution, just a kick ass gimick to get me to buy the Revolution.
EQTakeOffense said:
I don't know. There's nothing truely exciting here for me. I mean, ok, I can play all the Nintendo Games EVER made. Ok, and I get to play it on a very unique controller. Ok, but, is that it? I mean... That's great and all, and I'll probably get it for Goldeneye 64, but I don't see that as a revolution, just a kick ass gimick to get me to buy the Revolution.

Lol he never even said anything else so there's nothing to go against. It is just an extra feature. A gimmich is when something else is attatched and you have to pay for something or it is a fake. It has been confimed and everything so it is true.
Then, I'm really let down. I mean, I see no revoultion in that. IMHO, there is NOTHING revolutionary about it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'll probably be buying all 3 consoles if money can afford, but.... I just feel let down....