Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

You never know though... he said "trust us" when talking about revealing more information kind of suspiciously
maaaaybe they are announcing that they have discovered a way to change lead into gold!!!!!!! and that its implimented in their console.!>! an entire gold edition of the console for 299! omg!!!!1ONE
Then Sony or MS will just release a console that turns gold into something else which consiquently becomes more valuable, like lead.
Conker said:
Heard the news to, that kinda sucks but i understand where they are coming from. It would suck if sony or microsoft stole their revolutionary idea. Sounds like it's gonna be big one.

They also said they are working really hard getting 3rd party support from all the top guys and they support the poeple that have good ideas but no money to put them into the games and stuff.

Microsoft and Sony aren't staffed by magicians; Nintendo is copping out. Microsoft and Sony couldn't possibly implement a drastically new peripheral into their systems at this point in the game. It takes years and years to bring a console from conception to reality. Nintendo is just copping out instead of saying "We really don't have anything interesting to show at this time".

This is the time they have to make an impression and they're not doing it. They're using the same conservative practices that have gotten them into this situation to begin with.
WickedAngel said:
Microsoft and Sony aren't staffed by magicians; Nintendo is copping out. Microsoft and Sony couldn't possibly implement a drastically new peripheral into their systems at this point in the game. It takes years and years to bring a console from conception to reality. Nintendo is just copping out instead of saying "We really don't have anything interesting to show at this time".

This is the time they have to make an impression and they're not doing it. They're using the same conservative practices that have gotten them into this situation to begin with.

word.....funny how he said xbox was a dissapointment for not showing much
:rolleyes: while they had nothing to show at he gave the runaround with the 3rd parties...looks like same old from the kings of innovation
Hate_Bot said:
Isnt there a press confrence today? When is it?

It already took place. Nothing new was said. I've been informing everyone of this; in fact, you just flamed me in the other thread where I mentioned it.

WickedAngel said:
It already took place. Nothing new was said. I've been informing everyone of this; in fact, you just flamed me in the other thread where I mentioned it.


That great, doesnt mean you had to be a troll

saying "Dissapointing nothing was said" would be fine, saying "Haha STUPID FAN BOIZ! GO BACK TO UR CRIBS NINTDOPE LUVERZ!!!!!!!!"
Hate_Bot said:
That great, doesnt mean you had to be a troll

saying "Dissapointing nothing was said" would be fine, saying "Haha STUPID FAN BOIZ! GO BACK TO UR CRIBS NINTDOPE LUVERZ!!!!!!!!"

Please show me where I said anything resembling that.
Blah blah blah boring live feed. I liked it better when the guy was just walking around and showing the booths. 20 minutes of talk on one game is too much haha!
WickedAngel said:
... to make a hologram, you would have to make light suddenly stop in a position in order to make a shape. ...

Huh? That's not how holography works...

As an aside, does anyone else remember that holographic arcade game from many years back? "1991 - Time Traveler released, the worlds first holographic arcade game, suffered from horrible reliability problems."
Meh, playing that was its own form of suffering, reliability be damned. It was ugly, quarter hungry, and, worst of all, not fun.
Holographs would be fantastic if you could directly interact with them. Using a gamepad/control stick to manipulate holographs is just a gimick. Reaching out and "picking up" a non-existant object to throw at the monster charging at you, now that's fun!
Kiggles said:
Holographs would be fantastic if you could directly interact with them. Using a gamepad/control stick to manipulate holographs is just a gimick. Reaching out and "picking up" a non-existant object to throw at the monster charging at you, now that's fun!

Ha, what monster will be anything other than pissed off when you do that.

Not to mention I'm a firm believer in "if it's something you wouldn't do in the room with a hot girl because you're embarrased, than it's not worth doing" when it comes to technology. I really don't want to "fake box" or something like that while wearing some cheesy headset.

Holodeck's in Star Trek, ok FINE if it get's like that, I'll be the first that dials up NBA Finals and World Series games to see if I can hit the last shot/homerun, to win the game.
Similar comparison to a girl who laughs when you give her a dutch oven, if she laughs when you holo-box, buy her a ring. :)
So there was no big surprise after all... :( ...I'm so disappointed... I really, really wanted the rumors to be true. Damn...
Not to be the !!!!!! of !!!!!!z, but the day isn't over. I don't think any of us should expect anymore news out of N from this E3, but again, it is still only 3, and there is another day left.

Still pretty disappointing. I was hoping there was some function to the whole conspiracy.
jesus guys.. just wait.. its still early.. so what if a couple days past without them saying anything, doesn't mean they don't have something up their sleeves.. this is Nintendo we're talking about ;)
Everything pointed to today, however. Like I said, it isn't over, but it is disappointing. Maybe all still a part of their 'game', assuming there is one.
And the announcement is ...Virtual Boy is back! This time with 2x the migraines! W00t!!!
Kinda irritating that this conspiracy business ended up showing nothing. But then again, it is only 3 there.
Perhaps Nintendo will show it at the end of E3 today? So tomorrow everyone will be talking about it.

Don't know, but I find it odd that they name the next generation console Revolution and it doesn't seem so revolutionary to me?
tronmaster said:
Perhaps Nintendo will show it at the end of E3 today? So tomorrow everyone will be talking about it.

Don't know, but I find it odd that they name the next generation console Revolution and it doesn't seem so revolutionary to me?
cause NOTHING has been said yet about anything.. we'll just have to wait.. :eek:
i didnt click on it, but I'm assuming thats the old video about the "Nintendo ON"
its almost a week old, its also fake.. unfortunatly.. i hope nintendo proves us wrong in the next couple days :D
They are not gonna release revolution info at this e3, all hope is lost. It may not even be until E3 2k6. BTw if you haven't seen this yet

Of course. It's set in stone. It has been determined. I'd love to show it to you. I'd love to be able to show you the features of the Revolution controller and tell you about them. However, unfortunately if we do that too early those ideas would be stolen. We know that from past history. Analog stick. Boom - gone. Rumble Pak. We bring it out and everybody has to have rumble. We got the wireless out first and now there's wireless everywhere. So we have to keep it under wraps.
rogue3092 said:
Wait, so the "Revolutionary" thing is the actual controller? Wow, amazing :rolleyes:

Its suppose to be gyroscopic, meaning you move it and the system will track its location basically. So you can lean around a corner by actually leaning in a sense. Also its pressure sensitive, so you apply pressure to it and you could say speed up in a racing game or go from a walk to a run in other types of games.
So apparently the Revolution is so cool, they simply can't tell us about it.

Sorry, I don't buy it. If Nintendo had something to say, or better yet something to show, they would have done it buy now. Waiting until the end of the show, or next week buys them nothing. With these types of events you go in big and you go in early. It's the only way to assure that you get noticed.

Nintendo seems to be more in damage control mode, waving their arms wildly saying "Look at me, look at me" but when we do, all we see is some guy waving and shouting. I don't doubt that they will have the Revolution ready at some point, but right now it really looks like they've lost their edge. They can't even give people anything to look forward to at this point.
Skrying said:
Its suppose to be gyroscopic, meaning you move it and the system will track its location basically. So you can lean around a corner by actually leaning in a sense. Also its pressure sensitive, so you apply pressure to it and you could say speed up in a racing game or go from a walk to a run in other types of games.

OMGZ N0!! Now Sony and Microsoft are teh STEAlz0rz it!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I like the excuse where E3 is a 'trade show' and thus they want to 'concentrate on their business this year.' Mmmhmm, good think MS and Sony abstained from showing XBOX360/PS3 inf... err, wait, damn.
Drakensoul said:
OMGZ N0!! Now Sony and Microsoft are teh STEAlz0rz it!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Haha, you're funny. It is a true fact though that things Nintendo has brought in for their console has been accepted by the other two. You simply just dont notice these "smalls" things.

Also, Sony showed nothing but pre renders to wow everyone. They showed no in game footage to my knowledge, and they certainlly werent letting people play the console.

Xbox 360 had the most to show, and it really didnt besides shouting out specs and showing a few games, that looked rather bad at the show since they dont even have a final console yet to show. :rolleyes:
JethroXP said:
So apparently the Revolution is so cool, they simply can't tell us about it.

Sorry, I don't buy it. If Nintendo had something to say, or better yet something to show, they would have done it buy now. Waiting until the end of the show, or next week buys them nothing. With these types of events you go in big and you go in early. It's the only way to assure that you get noticed.

Nintendo seems to be more in damage control mode, waving their arms wildly saying "Look at me, look at me" but when we do, all we see is some guy waving and shouting. I don't doubt that they will have the Revolution ready at some point, but right now it really looks like they've lost their edge. They can't even give people anything to look forward to at this point.
Aside form all of their current gen games. I don't think I saw anything from MS or Sony camp to indicate the next 6 months will be cool.
JethroXP said:
Sorry, I don't buy it. If Nintendo had something to say, or better yet something to show, they would have done it buy now. Waiting until the end of the show, or next week buys them nothing. With these types of events you go in big and you go in early. It's the only way to assure that you get noticed.

nah.. usually I would agree but regarding nintendo? no. They don't reveal a lot of information.. they try not to be attention whores... ever since they withdrew from SpaceWorld expos in japan a couple years back they have been hush hush about a lot of things... the ds was revealed at e3 last year... only reason why you heard of it before that time was because of the leaked specs.. so yea.. I still have faith in em
I don't want to get everyone's hopes up, but take a look at what I found on the Gamespot forums. Aries posted something again:

Don’t listen to these fakes. If you look at my post you can find something in them that shows that i’am the real Aries.

About the Revolution. It will be revealed today.I told you don’t discredit me right away. Be patient and wait. If you been paying attention to the nintendo news during this E3 the clues are there. The system has been shown behind closed doors today and has the exclusive rights for revealing the system. If IGN does not launch the Revolution site tonight then that’s on them. I figured they will post all the new info tonight. The reason nintendo did not show the revolution during their press conference was because it is a system better to be experienced rather than seen. People who see it will pass it off as a gimmick but people who play it will fall in love with it. Wait for IGN to show the world the Revolution. If they don’t tonight then i don’t know what to tell you, beleive me or not. This is my last post. Here is my last hint to what the revolution is since IGN won’t even know yet. It is not VR or holograms but it does bring your eyes into a new world like never seen before. check google.


I'm not going to let myself believe it, but I thought it was interesting enough to show to all of you anyway.

I can't prove it's the real Aries but judging by his writing style it seems to be him.

Edit: Here's the link: