Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

Ign has just posted like 10 new articles in 10 minutes, i think they are trying to prepare us for it, also one post was the name might not be revolution, could it be that its ON instead??
Maybe there is a reason that IGN has not made a Revolution section, maybe they know the real name wont be Revolution. Wasnt Revolution at the very start just a code name for it? Also, it makes no sense for IGN to just keep putting the Revolution articles in the Gamecube section.

There's 7 hours of the day left in California, that's plenty of time for something big. Maybe I'm just getting my hopes up, maybe not. We'll see, I just know there's something else to this all, maybe not this year it will be said, but there is going to be something else before launch of the Revolution.
so did anything happen yet?

edit: ah nvm, just read the above post. still time for somthing to happen :)
SWEET, game cube controller ports!!!! NICE, I CAN STILL USE MY BONGOS!!!!! Sorry for yelling, but that makes me extremely happy!
Guy just said to think about how a controller can possibly work with all the games (NES, SNES, N64, GAmecube, Revolution) the Revolution will be able to play since all the different systems have different controllers. Appereantly if you figure that out you can figure out whats revolutionary about it.
The controller's made out of auto-sensing plastic that changes its shape and button configuration based on the console you're currently playing? Truly revolutionary! :p

I still wish it were the naked blonde chick that would cater to your every desire. :p
BillLeeLee said:
The controller's made out of auto-sensing plastic that changes its shape and button configuration based on the console you're currently playing? Truly revolutionary! :p

I still wish it were the naked blonde chick that would cater to your every desire. :p

Getting a BJ and fighting Bowser at the same time... :eek:
So any more updates? How is this things suppose to change I just picture something like:
[______] <- then the buttons change on the screen.
If nintendo makes me wear a helmet to play games again, i'm going to be pissed. :p
odoe said:
If nintendo makes me wear a helmet to play games again, i'm going to be pissed. :p
If they make me wear a techy jockstrap, and if I could see hot asian women in said helmet I am all for it. Virtual nintendo asian sechs haha
Still waiting for something to happen. The only thing that looks promising is the large number of Revolution articles being posted on IGN.
Glow said:
If they make me wear a techy jockstrap, and if I could see hot asian women in said helmet I am all for it. Virtual nintendo asian sechs haha


I guess we have to wait untill tomarrow to hear what the controller is like, and see how "revolutionary" it is.
Isaacav2 said:
guess we have to wait untill tomarrow to hear what the controller is like, and see how "revolutionary" it is.

Hopefully you're right, I have a sinking feeling in my stomach that we may get nothing else about the Revolution at E3.
nintendo has already stated that the Revolution will be 3x more powerful than the Gamecube. This doesn't make it THAT much better than the Xbox or PS2
Tommyxx516 said:
nintendo has already stated that the Revolution will be 3x more powerful than the Gamecube. This doesn't make it THAT much better than the Xbox or PS2

The Gamecube was already more powerful than the PS2 easily and just as powerful as the Xbox, but I'm guessing you didnt know this.

Secondly, Nintendo is modest about their hardware. They always down play it to the games or the new invention they are trying to show. Seeing as that their 3x more powerful remark could be a "real world" saying. As that the specs may make you think the new Xbox 360 is 20x more powerful but in real world its only about 3 to 5 times more powerful at most.
everyone was talking about a conference at 10:10 what if it wasn't 10:10 in the morning, and theres still something going to happen at 10:10 tonight?
Tommyxx516 said:
nintendo has already stated that the Revolution will be 3x more powerful than the Gamecube. This doesn't make it THAT much better than the Xbox or PS2

Does more "power" equal better?
Someone at SA claims there are folks playing games on [edit]a random video stream[/edit]
I can't get any streaming video running. :( Thought I'd share, however.

EDIT: Removing the link temporarily.
It's thier controller. I was just watching an interview with some head Nintendo guys and they are hyping up the controller a great deal.
Kiggles said:
Someone at SA claims there are folks playing games on Gamespot's stream.
I can't get any streaming video running. :( Thought I'd share, however.

I just poste this, look back in the thread
Anyone know where the press confrenece is? I have a media pass, I just need to know where the news confence is.
Whoops. Don't know how I got the idea that was game-spot. I editted my post after checking back. Probably should slash my quote, if it matters.
Just search google for Revolution +Controller and you'll get lots of hits. Sorry for the double post, but this thread seems to be adding posts fast, and didn't want people to miss it.
There's gotta be more then just a change in controller... coem on... look at what a head Nintendo guy said, "allow users to experience games in ways that nobody has yet imagined." Maybe its just me but that sounds a whole lot better then a change in controller. :p
I wonder if there is any truth to the rumor that the Gamecube mini will be able to be used as a controlelr for the revolution.

If indeed it is, coupled w/ the supposed touch screen controller, the ON, and the entire Nintendo library we could be seeing a huge thing from Nintendo.
Ok, this is the jest of it...

Nintendo is going mainstream, it has lost the hardcore gamer market to Sony and Microsoft and it needs a way to break out again. So, they're going to make games simple, easy to understand, and cheap. To do this, they're having the 'Revolution' use the same API as the GameCube to cut costs. The controller is (from some EA leaks) going to feature NO buttons. The controller will be nothing but a touch screen in which devlopers can program their own user interfaces on, or the users can choose from buttons already on. This would make sense as the DS could be a controller for Revolution. If you read the above GameSpot article I posted, basically Nintendo wants a game easy to use, and easy to play. You push a button and something happens, none of the press 16 butons in a percise combination and you did a super move. Simple games, simple controlls and mainstream market is where Nintendo is heading.
so say something happens at 10:10... we still got another 2 hours cuz of LA time? Damn those time zones
EQTakeOffense said:
Ok, this is the jest of it...

Nintendo is going mainstream, it has lost the hardcore gamer market to Sony and Microsoft and it needs a way to break out again. So, they're going to make games simple, easy to understand, and cheap. To do this, they're having the 'Revolution' use the same API as the GameCube to cut costs. The controller is (from some EA leaks) going to feature NO buttons. The controller will be nothing but a touch screen in which devlopers can program their own user interfaces on, or the users can choose from buttons already on. This would make sense as the DS could be a controller for Revolution. If you read the above GameSpot article I posted, basically Nintendo wants a game easy to use, and easy to play. You push a button and something happens, none of the press 16 butons in a percise combination and you did a super move. Simple games, simple controlls and mainstream market is where Nintendo is heading.

I like the feel of actually pressing a button... I wonder how it'd feel to have to push virtual buttons on a touch screen...

edit: not to mention if each developer can actually move the layout of the buttons. then it'd suck because you'd have to adjust to new button locations and whatnot each time you play a different game
EQTakeOffense said:
Ok, this is the jest of it...

Nintendo is going mainstream, it has lost the hardcore gamer market to Sony and Microsoft and it needs a way to break out again. So, they're going to make games simple, easy to understand, and cheap. To do this, they're having the 'Revolution' use the same API as the GameCube to cut costs. The controller is (from some EA leaks) going to feature NO buttons. The controller will be nothing but a touch screen in which devlopers can program their own user interfaces on, or the users can choose from buttons already on. This would make sense as the DS could be a controller for Revolution. If you read the above GameSpot article I posted, basically Nintendo wants a game easy to use, and easy to play. You push a button and something happens, none of the press 16 butons in a percise combination and you did a super move. Simple games, simple controlls and mainstream market is where Nintendo is heading.
Well, that's the thing, it's going to totally turn off hardcore gamers. But, for me, everything Nintendo has been doing has been leading up to this point. I personally like the feel of pushing buttons as well, but I'm sure there are millions of people who feel intimidated of controllers with all those buttons, and would rather have some kind of touch screen. I mean, how many buttons do you need to play pac-man?
I believe nintendo has gone on the record to state that there would be no touch screen on the rev controller. Can't quote any sources, but there are just too many rumors for us to really discuss one way or the other about anything at this point.
Touchscreeens.... Where!

All I want is a keyboard that is flat like startrek and is all touch screen like.... <3 startrek