Nintendo to pull out something HUGE tomorrow (Thurs)?

peacetilence said:


Is that some kind of hologram?
Looks like a gamecube title. What's so special about it, other than the fact that it resides on Nintendo's servers?
I think that ON on the screen is just the word NINTENDO looping in a marquee style across teh screens... and it is at teh end O and the begining N... cuz you can see the I next to the N
LOL... this thread is hysterical.

Everyone is acting as if Nintendo is going to release a product capable of creating human body parts using nothing more then a simple water and baking soda solution.

Nothing they release will be anymore "revolutionary" then the Xbox 360 of PS3. It's just going to be another Nintendo console but with much better graphics and a few wireless and online features.
This is just fucked. lol
I think we're all looking into it too much, though... So far, STILL nothing :(
steviep said:
This is just fucked. lol
I think we're all looking into it too much, though... So far, STILL nothing :(

I can't ignore the excitement of the possibility, but hell... they're probably just going to announce their new system will become even smaller then it was the day before and will continue to shrink until eventually you can't see it without the use of an electron microscope.

That or another Yoshi puzzle game. :D
for fucks sakes, they better pull something good off soon...its already almost noon.
steviep said:
This is just fucked. lol
I think we're all looking into it too much, though... So far, STILL nothing :(

What time is it in LA?

Plus, I doubt (if they are releasing anything)they would release anything until later
Hate_Bot said:
What time is it in LA?

Plus, I doubt (if they are releasing anything)they would release anything until later

They're sitting at 11:44am right now.
Grafiz, I beg to differ. Out of all the gaming companies, Nintendo has the most vision. And they most certainly have SOMETHING up their sleeves that seperate them from the power struggle that is Sony vs MS ("MY PENIS IS BIGGER!! NO MINE!!!"). I'm quite certain that something will differentiate them from the stagnant competition, question is.. WHAT?! lol

12 more minutes till "12 LA time"
LA is 2 hours behind Dallas. I hear they are having the 'real' press conference at noon, which would be 2pm here. something did happen at 10am, but i believe that was behind closed doors or something.



Jesus? are you here? whoa
Anyone have a link to free streaming of the whole thing? I can't seem to find one.
yawn....i hope this secrecy will be worth it for u guys with high expectations, imo they are tyrin too hard will all this plus the name revolution
bench261 said:
yawn....i hope this secrecy will be worth it for u guys with high expectations, imo they are tyrin too hard will all this plus the name revolution
I don't care so much anymore. At this point, I just would like to see what game (if) they have planned for Rev.
I don't think holograms are possible with technology make a hologram, you would have to make light suddenly stop in a position in order to make a shape.

I'm intrigued, though. I want to know what Nintendo is doing to earn their self-proclaimed status as the lead innovators.

My inside source tells me the big news is that Nintendo is currently working on a female version of Mario called Maria.

They want to release a game that will appeal to the female gamers more then Mario did.

Whoa...this is big!

Gamespot doesn't have streaming live coverage of this reggie stuff for people who don't pay.
GRAFiZ said:
My inside source tells me the big news is that Nintendo is currently working on a female version of Mario called Maria.

Great, Mario pr0n in HD, just what we need ;)
GRAFiZ said:

My inside source tells me the big news is that Nintendo is currently working on a female version of Mario called Maria.

They want to release a game that will appeal to the female gamers more then Mario did.

Whoa...this is big!


yeah thats some real big news....revolutionary
JethroXP said:
Great, Mario pr0n in HD, just what we need ;)

Nail on the head my good fellow.

Nintendo has decided it's time to capture the adult marketplace... and how better to do that then through p0rn. :D
alright that does it, my head is going to explode.

Media Blackout time. Screw you guys, Im going to take a crap.
go here


its some guy
Dam, thats the only source we have right now. :)

Edit: Excellent work with the link :D
Dammit. I need another streaming media player. WMP is the most worthless piece of trash I have ever utilized.
AAARGH they aren't sharing any information on the controller still :mad:

Reggie said they are waiting until Sony and MS lock down on their hardware a little more....
I like this reggie guy, hes the only CEO type guy ive seen whos not aloud to talk abit shit about other porducers
they r just gunna drag it thru the day to create more hype..btw he was mad vague with the 3rd party support
Nightfall84 said:
AAARGH they aren't sharing any information on the controller still :mad:

Reggie said they are waiting until Sony and MS lock down on their hardware a little more....

Heard the news to, that kinda sucks but i understand where they are coming from. It would suck if sony or microsoft stole their revolutionary idea. Sounds like it's gonna be big one.

They also said they are working really hard getting 3rd party support from all the top guys and they support the poeple that have good ideas but no money to put them into the games and stuff.