Monster Hunter Rise - Switch Thread


Zero Cool
Sep 2, 2004
I couldn't find a thread for the Switch release, the only one is in PC gaming for the later PC release, so it made sense to create one here.

4 days! I am hyped. Got the collector's edition on pre-order, hoping it actually shows up on Friday.

Feel free to post Switch friend codes if anyone wants to join up and hunt together. Mine is SW-4831-5782-1704
I'll add ya. Got my capture card today and I'm planning on spending the next few days figuring out how to get a Switch Stream working.

I have the digital edition of the game, and have the controller and amiibo pre-ordered, my wife has the deluxe edition pre-ordered at gamestop. We didn't go all out and get the system but we're basically spending that much money anyway.

So fucking hyped!

My code is SW-7676-6177-3983
Did anyone actually beat Magnamalo during the demo? I feel like you were severely undergeared for that fight.
Did anyone actually beat Magnamalo during the demo? I feel like you were severely undergeared for that fight.

No, it was designed to be overly hard. Underpowered gear, oppressive time limit and the monster being beefed up. I tried a few times, most people would triple-cart but one time we just ran out of time. Given how close we are to the full game, I just spent more of my time checking out weapons and trying to get used to the wirebug moves.
Can we talk about how ridiculous the Hunting Horn is now? I almost want to try maining it in Rise just because of how seemingly powerful and easy to use it is now. It was far easier than previous games in World, and I did play around with it a bit in HR, but it just seems even better now.
I absolutely love it. Definitely going into my weapon rotation.
If the rumors about weapons requiring less mats to craft are true then I'm gonna be trying to play with more variety than I did in World where I was mostly Switch-Axe and Long Sword with a little bit of Dual Blade.

Also I'm sure I'm gonna wanna try all those new Switch Skills out, I heard there's a bunch.
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Yeah, for sure. I am thinking Charge Blade, Light Bowgun and maybe HH as some starter ones. Previously I had done mostly Bow, Lance and LS. Might also go into Gunlance a bit.
Never attempted any long range hunting before. Maybe I will...

...probably not.
Never attempted any long range hunting before. Maybe I will...

...probably not.
The bow was (is) ridiculous in World, especially elemental bow. Not sure how it will be balanced in Rise but I used it quite a bit during the demo and it still feels great.

I used LBG a bit in World for specific monsters (was really good for Kulve runs) so I'm a bit familiar with it, but it feels really good in Rise.
Played it at 1AM launch till about 4:30 when lack of sleep got to me. I hate the opening missions of monster hunter. Luckily, this game makes moving around faster and more varied than any previous monster hunter by far, so even the damn "collect 8 mushrooms" mission was pretty cool because I had to scale a mountain and found a relic in the meantime.

I've only beaten a few large monsters so far - nothing exciting, though Lagombi had a few surprises. Can't wait to play more.
Played it at 1AM launch till about 4:30 when lack of sleep got to me. I hate the opening missions of monster hunter. Luckily, this game makes moving around faster and more varied than any previous monster hunter by far, so even the damn "collect 8 mushrooms" mission was pretty cool because I had to scale a mountain and found a relic in the meantime.

I've only beaten a few large monsters so far - nothing exciting, though Lagombi had a few surprises. Can't wait to play more.
Yeah, the movement and traversal is fun in this one, especially with the Palamute, makes it a lot quicker. I love that you can gather/mine from on the Palamute as well.
Played more before work. So far mostly playing with Hunting Horn, toot toot! Beat Tetranodon on multiplayer and Aksonam on single player.
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I haven't gotten to play much, only a couple of gathering quests. Hoping to dig in more tonight and this weekend. There is a LOT to find in the environments due to the verticality, but I can see having problems remembering exactly where stuff is. I still barely got the hang of the Forest in MH:W and I played that game for like 600+ hours.
The first 2 environments are actually pretty easy to get around. I kinda hope there's never anything as convoluted as the World environments again. They were gorgeous but without the scout flies I'd never know my way around. I also played 600+ hours.

I'm amazed with how good this game looks, but the Switch can't keep up with 4 players + 4 pets + multiple monsters without some massive framerate drops. I'm curious how Rampages are gonna perform.

I also really want to know what that dragon was in the opening cutscene but I'm succeeding in avoiding spoilers for now.
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Yeah, after playing World on PC, the framerate is...rough. Still having fun just casually gathering and hunting the low rank monsters so far.
Beat Magnamalo!
That was way sooner than I expected, but there's a whole hell of a lot of game to go!
I'm still in LR 4-star, I don't have a lot of time to play these days. :(
Just beat Magnamalo in LR here as well. Not too terrible, I think I've only carted twice overall so far in LR, and none were to Magnamalo. He does like to go apeshit, though. I've noticed a lot of monsters, including returning ones from World/etc., really like to try to wombo-combo you in this game. Presumably this is to encourage use of Wirefall, but I think the times I carted were when I got one-two punched and didn't have any Wirebugs available.
The urgent quest for HR5 in the hub is a fucking Jyuratodus and I laughed the entire fucking mission.
A fucking Jyuratodus, for high rank only, as an urgent quest. 🤣

That poor thing never had a sliver of a chance.
I've put 5-6 hours so far today and so far it's been an awesome experience so far. I'm not the most seasoned player of the Monster Hunter series but I like how they've opened up the game a bit more for those who don't have the experience playing past Monster Hunter games. This to me is quite welcome and it has made mastering the gameplay forms of using various weapons easier to learn and therefore making the experience a little more enjoyable. The addition of Wirebugs and Palamutes plus the ability to load an entire hunting map seamlessly with no loading screens between sections are great as they make getting around maps easier and are great quality of life improvements for the series. I'm enjoying it so far and will be playing more. Thanks and until next time I am out!
The urgent quest for HR5 in the hub is a fucking Jyuratodus and I laughed the entire fucking mission.
A fucking Jyuratodus, for high rank only, as an urgent quest. 🤣

That poor thing never had a sliver of a chance.
Yeah, it was an odd choice to put a bunch of the low-tier monsters from World as higher-tier monsters in Rise. I guess they do have some new moves and can be pretty deadly, but still, being mid-game and just now having to fight a Pukei-Pukei is weird. I still haven't made it to Jyuratodus, but I had to do that damn Apex Arzuros rampage fight in LR armor.
Yeah, that apex fight was a bit rough. Luckily I had a good party for it.
I keep hearing that the HR6 urgent quest is the hardest wall in the game, it's apparently when things actually turn difficult and you need to build to the weaknesses of the monster.
Yeah, that apex fight was a bit rough. Luckily I had a good party for it.
I keep hearing that the HR6 urgent quest is the hardest wall in the game, it's apparently when things actually turn difficult and you need to build to the weaknesses of the monster.
I have been doing solo so far, I think for the rampage fights it is a lot harder solo. Not sure if the enemy HPs scale or not but just the fact that you can't cover several areas at once with a human person makes it way more difficult. I barely cleared the Apex fight solo.
Having multiple people man multiple points makes it *way* easier.

Also two of us were hunting horns so we had constant buffs and healing going. The basic Magnamalo hunting horn is crazy powerful for when you get it.
Having multiple people man multiple points makes it *way* easier.

Also two of us were hunting horns so we had constant buffs and healing going. The basic Magnamalo hunting horn is crazy powerful for when you get it.
Nice, I have mostly been using Bow lately, the Magnamalo bow is nice, though it is Spread shot so it's somewhat situational. The blast element build is crazy though, it will often proc like half a dozen times in a fight.

I've been trying to upgrade it but I need a Magna plate which is proving to be annoyingly difficult to obtain.
The urgent quests definitely seem like a wall in terms of difficulty - HR Mizitsune was kicking my ass, even with fully upgraded HR armor (that I had access to, anyway). I did manage to finish but with 2 carts. But once you get that done, you can access the Lava Caverns expedition and get basically unlimited money from the mining upsurges. Got well over 400k my first run.
As for me and weapons I've experimented with 4 different weapons in-game early on. Here's how they stack up by how I enjoyed using exact order:

1. Sword & Shield
2. Bow
3. Dual Blades
4. Long Sword

The Long Sword tends to be a little more unwieldy than the other 3 because of 1 big problem: when you start striking at an enemy it's pretty hard to turn your Hunter's direction towards the monster again to keep striking it. In other words, if you're facing a monster with even average agility, you'll have a bit of a time hitting it consistently. Best way, to strike at something with the weapon is to hit it from a side flank and when the monster moves off that flank, stop attacking, dodge (if necessary) turn attack direction to its side flank again and continue striking. I will admit though, the Long Sword (especially if you charge up its Spirit Gauge) hits quite hard (even early on). Dual Blades are also nice. I had better striking control with them but Demon Mode will devour your stamina rapidly so bring a bunch of Well Done Steaks with you if you choose to use them. The Bow once I learned how to 1. After releasing the next shot after hitting ZR for the charged shot hit A to hit successive shots after the 1st shot. 2. Use ZR/A to fire your aerial volley for healing/crit increase or Brace (prevents knockdown) turned into an exciting weapon. It seems though to be more a support weapon for an MP party than a SP weapon you use for soloing monsters. Pro tip: Once your bow puts a monster on the ground at range, get up close and use the Melee attack as long as it's on the ground. It's a little slow but does good damage per hit and can quicken fights. Finally the Sword & Shield I like the most because it hits somewhat good and is the most versatile. There's my thoughts on weapons and until next time I am out!
You can definitely switch directions with the long sword, inbetween strikes you can reposition a tiny bit and with certain moves you can even dodge to reposition. Not to mention the new silkbind counter that's crazy simple to pull off. The wide sweeping attacks and fade slash (X+A this game I'd think?) kinda make repositioning for anything other than dodging mostly irrelevant anyway. The range on the spirit gauge builder is absolutely ridiculous - more annoying to your allies than your foes!

Sounds like you prefer the faster moving weapons, so you might want to try the insect glaive. Absolutely avoid the great sword or the lances if you think the long sword is a bit unweildy. lol.

Charge Blade, Switch Axe and Hunting Horn are weird middle grounds that require a bit more knowledge of how to build them up to play adequately. I'm still maining hunting horn this game, absolutely loving it.

Switch Axe was my main throughout Iceborne (with Long Sword in second)
Long Sword was my main in Generations, 4u and 3u. Though I did use Dual Blades quite a bit more in 3u.
I still love the Lance, even without Guard it is still totally playable. It's nice to be up in the monster's face the whole time and getting those sweet, sweet counters.
Solo'd the actual final boss tonight, just barely. Kind of a neat fight, though forcing you to use the wirebug in really time-limited situations, while attacks are flying at you, was frustrating. It seems like doing it with more people might be a lot easier, if they know what to expect.
Yeah, beat the final boss last night myself. Kinda disappointed with a lot of the current end-game gear selection tbh and it seems that most of the future grind is gonna be about talisman RNG. Gonna finish up getting all the switch skills and also play around with a few other weapons and I think i can call it good till the first title update hits.

I'm at about 50 hours.
Yeah I am not impressed with the defense levels on armor - the "rarest" armor is for the most part garbage (other than the Rajang legs) and everything else has me getting hit pretty hard by stuff still. I feel like in World getting high-end HR armor made you way more durable against enemies.

I've been farming trying to get each elemental bow, and a bow set. Doing the Rajang arena quest for Ace Coins was not a lot of fun.

Rampages are fun, they are infinitely better online with 4 players, even randoms. I've never failed one, I think it's pretty hard to lose if you are even halfways paying attention.
Interesting about the armor sets MavericK. Did the protection improve any if you spent Armor Spheres to upgrade the armor sets from level 1 to 5? I myself am not sweating it too much being that DLC will give us a few more monster types to fight. Perhaps the armor sets possibly made from them will be better than what's already available. Out!