Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

Good deal. I'll check with RJ and Steve and see what we can get figured out. I hope to post more info today or tomorrow.
What time do you start? If we start at noon or 11:00, maybe you'd have time for a little fragging?

I work Midnight to 12:30 PM (Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Midnight being th ebeginning of the day) so...Sleep is required in there somewhere :(
Doesnt help that I Live an Hour from work.
Due to scheduling conflicts, we're now thinking the beginning of September. Either the 1st or the 8th. Please let me know if you have a preference... ;)
Either one would work for me, hopefully we've all beaten bioshock by then ;P

Looking forward
Heh, haven't even picked up Bioshock yet, though I did just dl the demo. Hope to hear from a few others before we decide which weekend to have the LAN...
The 8th would work much better for me now, I forgot I'm moving into a new house at the end of august.
Sweet! Both me and my friend will be able to make it this time. Please PM me the address, I dont think I still have it.
Send out the newsletter, I'm bringing a friend this time too whom I met on supcom. Should be a good turnout
Did you guys get the email from RJ? He was supposed to send it out last night. If not, let me know and I'll remind him... :cool:
Okay, just got in touch with RJ and he forgot to send out the invitation last night. He'll send it out tonight. If you don't get it, please let me know and I'll email you with the details.
PM me or email me with your email address (I have it I think, but I want to verify). Same for anyone else who didn't get the invitation who would like to attend.
heh, interesting, this is the lanparty I almost went to back in June, but then my friends backed out and wanted to play at his house. But I should be there this time. :)
Sounds good dude. We always have a great time and it's just that much better the more people we have attend. Should be a lot of fun... :D

Oh, wanted to say that I'm planning to have the October LAN party at my place again. Start thinking of what date you all might prefer.
any weekend in Oct except the weekend of 6th will work for me, I got two exams that following week. :(

October 13th would be good, that's a 3-day weekend for me.
We had a great LAN party yesterday. Glad everyone who showed up could make it. We had 12 - 13 people playing, which made it one of our biggest turnouts. Hopefully we can keep growing!

Okay, so I'm planning to hold the October LAN at my place next month. October 13th sounds like a plan, if it works for everyone else. Let me know. Also, I have a friend coming up from Indiana the first weekend in November, so I'd like to tentatively set our November LAN for the 3rd of that month. Let me know if you can make that one as well. Not sure if that'll be at my place or Steve's place, but we'll figure that out as we get closer to the date.
had a good time thanks guys! Also I have the games ready now so I can jump right in next time, 6 gigs can take a while even on lan! My gf was wondering what a lan looks like, can anyone send me pics?
had a good time thanks guys! Also I have the games ready now so I can jump right in next time, 6 gigs can take a while even on lan! My gf was wondering what a lan looks like, can anyone send me pics?

Sent you pics from the last LAN and a couple from May when we held it in my garage. That was a lot of fun as well. When we have the Oct. LAN it should be in my garage, weather permitting. If anyone else wants pics let me know. I have a couple shots from the last 3 or 4 LAN's.
Another update. I already sent out the invitation, but haven't heard from you GEN3RIC, or Standpoint or Forealz. Come on guys, let me know if the 13th works. Awktrix and huxley have both confirmed they'll be there, plus RJ, his brother Ryan and his Dad budda. Still waiting to hear from Steve, Barbarian and a few others.

Also, I'm wanting to have one on November 3rd as well. A buddy of mine from Indiana is coming for a visit (see previous post). He used to go to the LAN parties I used to hold when I lived in Indy and is looking forward to gaming with us. He's even going to make sure he brings his rig to play on. I'd like to have an even bigger showing that weekend, but would love to get 10 - 12 or more players for both... :D
Still not sure if I can make it or not on the 13th. I am hoping too, but my wife has some work obligations and I may be stuck at home that weekend. I'll let you know as soon as I can.
Check your calendar for the 3rd as well. Hopefully you can make both, but if not, hope you can make at least one of them... ;)
Another update. I already sent out the invitation, but haven't heard from you GEN3RIC, or Standpoint or Forealz. Come on guys, let me know if the 13th works. Awktrix and huxley have both confirmed they'll be there, plus RJ, his brother Ryan and his Dad budda. Still waiting to hear from Steve, Barbarian and a few others.

Also, I'm wanting to have one on November 3rd as well. A buddy of mine from Indiana is coming for a visit (see previous post). He used to go to the LAN parties I used to hold when I lived in Indy and is looking forward to gaming with us. He's even going to make sure he brings his rig to play on. I'd like to have an even bigger showing that weekend, but would love to get 10 - 12 or more players for both... :D

No dice this time.. the woman cracked the whip. :mad:
I am thinking that I will be able to make it for a few hours, but not the whole event. My wife will be working that evening and I have to stay home w/ the little ones.
November 3rd at Steve's place. I'll be sending out an invitation (or RJ will) about a week ahead of time. More UT3, FEAR and ET:QW. Maybe more will have TF2 as well so we can try that out... :D
Okay, bit of a change, we'll be having the LAN party at my house on the 3rd (next Saturday). It'll be in the house this time instead of the garage, due to the weather. A friend of mine is up from Indy and is really looking forward to a LAN party. Hope everyone can make it! :D

I'll send out the invitations tonight or tomorrow.
Well I missed the last LAN so I am making up for it. The Friday after Thanksgiving (Black Friday) a coworker of mine is hosting a LAN at our work Tempworks Software, in Eagan.

TempWorks Software, Inc.
3140 Neil Armstrong Blvd.
Suite 205
Eagan, MN 55121

Nov 23th, around 6pm (or whenever u wanna show up), casual.
Nov 24th, all day, Tournament.

If you are coming, PM me your Top Picks for games (RANKED please) and which dates you will be attending..

Here is a copy of the email
Hello All,
I am looking to organize a LAN for the weekend after thanksgiving.
I will be inviting our (hopefully) Guest of Honor, Kevin “Prowler”, who just today got home from active duty in Iraq/Kuwait.
All TempWorks Gamers will be invited, I’ll also be inviting some of my old school friends.
If anyone has a gamer friend or two that might be interested let me know.
Pete Arnold (Alisha’s hubby, Contract TempWorks employee, and organizer of “PETE-CON” LANs) may also be attending, and bringing some PETE-CON regulars.

I would like everyone to RSVP to me with your Top 1 game pick, the highest ranking games will be selected and we’ll try to preload them. The Top game pick we will have a tournament for.
We will get setup Friday after work, and may start some casual play Friday evening.
The All day LAN on Saturday, including a Top Pick Tournament. (Prize maybe).
Final teardown and Cleanup on Sunday Morning.
Of course if you can only attend for a shortened time, sometime Saturday will be recommended.

I will be working on Costs, I would like to be able to provide food and drink for the event, so there may be a 5-10$ per head for this, but I will be getting us the best frag for the buck.
Please include with your RSVP if you would be willing to pay a 5-10 entry cost, this would be for things like food, drink, and a tourney prize.
I’ll be putting together a dedicated server for all the game picks, so get your RSVP’s in so I can work on the server, and tournament setup.
Also, I’ll be putting up a TeamSpeak server since we will be spread out between a few rooms, so we can keep the team play tight. So plan on bringing a headset.
Dang, it sounds great, but I'm not sure if I can go. I'm on call with my new job that entire week. I'll talk with my wife and see if I can attend at least the Friday portion. If I'm reading this right, is Friday night more or less just open fragging? I'm not sure how interested I am in tournament style fragging, but if my wife doesn't mind me spending a few hours there Friday night, I'd be interested in playing some UT2004 or FEAR combat... :D

Let me know if Friday is open fragging or what and I'll see if I can make it... ;)
Dang, it sounds great, but I'm not sure if I can go. I'm on call with my new job that entire week. I'll talk with my wife and see if I can attend at least the Friday portion. If I'm reading this right, is Friday night more or less just open fragging? I'm not sure how interested I am in tournament style fragging, but if my wife doesn't mind me spending a few hours there Friday night, I'd be interested in playing some UT2004 or FEAR combat... :D

Let me know if Friday is open fragging or what and I'll see if I can make it... ;)

Friday night is open night, but I am not sure that Saturday wont be fun... I am not even 100% sure on what sort of 'tournament' there'll be but theres a good chance a lot of ppl will just want to frag and separate off. Both days will be good to come.

And Tom, no UT3? How about COD4? :)
Heh, have the UT3 and COD4 demos, but not sure I'll have the real thing by next weekend for either. Well, maybe UT3... :D