Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

I don't think I'll ever have the chance to go to one of these..
btw.. is alcohol allowed? :D

edit: can I just show up and watch for a bit.. and get smashed while screaming at how much someone sucks because they missed a headshot or something...

mmm.. drunken mini-lan parties with my friends were so fun.
Danith said:
I don't think I'll ever have the chance to go to one of these..
btw.. is alcohol allowed? :D

edit: can I just show up and watch for a bit.. and get smashed while screaming at how much someone sucks because they missed a headshot or something...

mmm.. drunken mini-lan parties with my friends were so fun.

Alcohol IS allowed... We just can't get too carried away :( . You can show up if you want... You can bowl a game or two if you want (seeing as it is a Private bowling alley). PM me your info if you'd like to go.
pnut55040 said:
Alcohol IS allowed... We just can't get too carried away :( . You can show up if you want... You can bowl a game or two if you want (seeing as it is a Private bowling alley). PM me your info if you'd like to go.

Actually you should have it.. but the last "invite" I got was that bowling alley a couple weeks ago.. I wouldn't be apposed to showing up for a couple hrs (sans computer) and meeting all of you.. lemme know if you want the info again..

(maybe I can drag along a friend but we'll see.. St. Paul is kinda a.. "bleh I don't wanna do it" drive when you live in Golden Valley :p )
Don't forget about me. I'm another one of the frigid north who actually plays on these crazy new-age computer-boxes. If anyone's ever throwing a big LAN, send me a PM.
Pnut's LAN's a smaller (around 10 - 12) but lots of fun. If you have question, shoot him a PM... ;)
Wow, no posts on this thread for almost 2 months now!

Pnut and his group had another LAN party this past weekend and it was a lot of fun. Only 7 of us total I believe, but it was a blast nonetheless... ;)
Hmm, any website or mailing list where we could stay updated on what's planned? I'm curious what games you guys are playing. Games where it really helps to be in the same room would be sweet, like a WC3 4v4, BF2 squading. Of course ultimate commander will be freaking awsome for a lan game whenever they finally finish it!
The games we play at our LAN parties lately have been UT2004 IG CTF and FEAR Combat DM. We also have played BF2, but I think we're going to be switching to BF2142 as all of us have been playing it lately.
I'm from stillwater but am finishing up school in NY. if you guys get together during the summer months I'm definitely down for lan and know a few other cool ppl who would be down as well for friendly gaming.

i don't really enjoy the big lancenters but am always up for smaller gatherings.
I'm from stillwater but am finishing up school in NY. if you guys get together during the summer months I'm definitely down for lan and know a few other cool ppl who would be down as well for friendly gaming.

i don't really enjoy the big lancenters but am always up for smaller gatherings.

Well, our LAN's can be as small as 6 and we've had them as large as 12 I think. Enough for a lot of fun, no matter what we play. I'll definitely be having a LAN at my house during the summer at least once, so let me know when you'll be here. What do you normally play? As mentioned above, we usually play FEAR Combat, UT2004 and BF2142. I'd like to get a large enough group together we can have some good teams for BF2142.
Well, our LAN's can be as small as 6 and we've had them as large as 12 I think. Enough for a lot of fun, no matter what we play. I'll definitely be having a LAN at my house during the summer at least once, so let me know when you'll be here. What do you normally play? As mentioned above, we usually play FEAR Combat, UT2004 and BF2142. I'd like to get a large enough group together we can have some good teams for BF2142.

I would be down for that :)

Shakopee Representing!

I will also be home for spring break next week :)
I don't think we'll have anything setup by next week, but definitely watch here for posts about future LAN's... ;)
Another one here, 25yr old live off of grand ave in st. paul. Love lan's but havent gone in many years. I like rts's like rome total war and fps and would be down for lanning.
Another one here, 25yr old live off of grand ave in st. paul. Love lan's but havent gone in many years. I like rts's like rome total war and fps and would be down for lanning.

Keep watching this thread. We may be having something on the 24th of this month...
Went to one with my bro in law up near Brainerd, it was at max about 8-9 simultaneous players. Ive done some bigger parties, at about 15-25 players but this was a while ago. I'm in the process of building a new PC and after a few weeks with it I'd like to get to a LAN party. I love games like Battlefield 2 / 2142, Call of Duty 2, Americas Army (Ive logged 900 hours in the map SF Hospital, but cant ever find anybody who plays this at LAN parties...).

I'm in WOODBURY area, which makes just about anything west side about 30mins-1hr away which is more than do-able for me. Keep me in mind.
Went to one with my bro in law up near Brainerd, it was at max about 8-9 simultaneous players. Ive done some bigger parties, at about 15-25 players but this was a while ago. I'm in the process of building a new PC and after a few weeks with it I'd like to get to a LAN party. I love games like Battlefield 2 / 2142, Call of Duty 2, Americas Army (Ive logged 900 hours in the map SF Hospital, but cant ever find anybody who plays this at LAN parties...).

I'm in WOODBURY area, which makes just about anything west side about 30mins-1hr away which is more than do-able for me. Keep me in mind.

Sweet, I would love to get one going, I am in Shakopee now, used to live in Oakdale though

Shoot me a PM if you are thinking about getting a LAN going i would love to go to one, been A LONG time since i have gotten to one...
I will be back in the Twin cities this weekend and next, then for good after the 13th of May

edit: and oh, BTW SF kicks ass
Another one here, 25yr old live off of grand ave in st. paul. Love lan's but havent gone in many years. I like rts's like rome total war and fps and would be down for lanning.

Ah you are in STP now? I'm in Downtown STP.
Sweet, I would love to get one going, I am in Shakopee now, used to live in Oakdale though

Shoot me a PM if you are thinking about getting a LAN going i would love to go to one, been A LONG time since i have gotten to one...
I will be back in the Twin cities this weekend and next, then for good after the 13th of May

edit: and oh, BTW SF kicks ass

I am not so sure about me personally getting one going - I have no idea for a venue and I was kind of hoping this TCExtreme club was going to get something going.

However if anybody is interested in meeting up in Teamspeak or something and simply playing online I'd do that until a LAN Party date and venue is introduced...

Right now I've got nothign to play on since I literally fried my computer at the last LAN party.. but maybe in a few weeks I guess.
Another one here, 25yr old live off of grand ave in st. paul. Love lan's but havent gone in many years. I like rts's like rome total war and fps and would be down for lanning.

Weird, I almost rented out a place on Grand Ave a few weeks ago but decided to stay in Woodbury. I work in St Paul off of snelling, by the fairgrounds actually - but I go to school in Eagan and it would have been a hassle to get their traffic-wise so I opted out..
Weird, I almost rented out a place on Grand Ave a few weeks ago but decided to stay in Woodbury. I work in St Paul off of snelling, by the fairgrounds actually - but I go to school in Eagan and it would have been a hassle to get their traffic-wise so I opted out..

i work in eagan and grew up in cottage grove lol
We should be having another LAN soon (like in a week or two). Keep your eyes on this thread and I'll make sure info is posted... ;)
Well then, last time you said that you never updated the thread. Perhaps you meant April 24th, not March 24th... I was looking forward to an update :)

BTW just ordered an E6600 and 2x1GB GeIL DDR2-800 to go with my ASUS Commando. Yet to pick a case and brand of 8800GTS 640.... pumped :D
We should be having another LAN soon (like in a week or two). Keep your eyes on this thread and I'll make sure info is posted... ;)

I forgot to ask - where is the venue? Renting a place? Know a guy with a big basement? Ya know...
My bad, forgot to update the thread. We had to cancel the party on the 24th due to too many people not being available. I'm not the organizer, so I'm not sure what the date of the next party is, but I would imagine we'll have something in the next couple weeks. We usually just play at one of our houses, or sometimes we play at a small church bowling alley in St. Paul. Either way, our parties are usually around 8 - 12 players, so a few more would be cool. We play UT2004 IG CTF, FEAR Combat and BF2142. If you're honestly interested in attending one of our small LAN parties in the next couple of weeks (we'll hold it somewhere in St. Paul or nearby), just post here and we'll update to make sure everyone knows when it'll be. I'll personally be having one of these at my house sometime this summer. I have a large 2 car garage we'll use one weekend when the weather is nice and can grill out on the back deck... ;)
BTW just ordered an E6600 and 2x1GB GeIL DDR2-800 to go with my ASUS Commando. Yet to pick a case and brand of 8800GTS 640.... pumped :D

I'd suggest the Antec P180, mine has been working great. awesome airflow and pretty quiet too
I'd suggest the Antec P180, mine has been working great. awesome airflow and pretty quiet too
That is a decent case - but I don't like silver and t he black one is $420 because of the liquid cooling... whoa! I think a Lian-Li PC-7b Plus II will suit me well.

My bad, forgot to update the thread. We had to cancel the party on the 24th due to too many people not being available. I'm not the organizer, so I'm not sure what the date of the next party is, but I would imagine we'll have something in the next couple weeks. We usually just play at one of our houses, or sometimes we play at a small church bowling alley in St. Paul. Either way, our parties are usually around 8 - 12 players, so a few more would be cool. We play UT2004 IG CTF, FEAR Combat and BF2142. If you're honestly interested in attending one of our small LAN parties in the next couple of weeks (we'll hold it somewhere in St. Paul or nearby), just post here and we'll update to make sure everyone knows when it'll be. I'll personally be having one of these at my house sometime this summer. I have a large 2 car garage we'll use one weekend when the weather is nice and can grill out on the back deck... ;)

I'm interested, and I know at least 1 person who is also interested as well.
That is a decent case - but I don't like silver and t he black one is $420 because of the liquid cooling... whoa! I think a Lian-Li PC-7b Plus II will suit me well.

I'm interested, and I know at least 1 person who is also interested as well.

How quickly will you have a new rig?
How quickly will you have a new rig?

Parts I have: motherboard, RAM, CPU

Parts I can reuse: PSU, Case, monitor, mouse/keyboard, optical

Parts I need to order: HDD, 8800GTS 640

Projection: next weekend the 14th/15th.. hopefully
Parts I have: motherboard, RAM, CPU

Parts I can reuse: PSU, Case, monitor, mouse/keyboard, optical

Parts I need to order: HDD, 8800GTS 640

Projection: next weekend the 14th/15th.. hopefully

Sounds good. Like I said, when I know the date I'll post it. Those interested will have the time and place PM'd to them... :cool:
So it'll be posted or PM'd? I ask because I know that it'd be better to post the date and approximate location in this thread. For anonymity, PM exact locale.

Sorry if that's what you said, I skimmed your post..ha
Hi All,

We will be having a Lan Party on the 21st of this month. Its the one wtburnette is talking about. PM me with your email address and I will make sure you get all the info. It should be fun. I hope to get a bunch of people. Hope to see everyone there.