Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

Hey I'm down for some LP's!! I live in Coon Rapids and would love to play some games, since most of my friends quit the fun LP games and went to D2 and WoW Q_Q. I play cs and cs:s, but not into the BF stuff. I don't have any COD stuff, but I could download them ;)

Send me a pm if you have a LP going down sometime!
Hey I'm down for some LP's!! I live in Coon Rapids and would love to play some games, since most of my friends quit the fun LP games and went to D2 and WoW Q_Q. I play cs and cs:s, but not into the BF stuff. I don't have any COD stuff, but I could download them ;)

Send me a pm if you have a LP going down sometime!

So you are coming? :D

As far as games, you're not obligated to play anything or NOT play anything. If anything it'll be a great atmosphere to play.

UT3 should be out I think.. and COD4 we can disperse if we play on a LAN.
I can always download COD4 if we play on a LAN.

I'm normally a spur of the moment guy, and don't know what I'm doing each day until about 5 minutes before I do it, but I can give you an answer later tonight. Also, if you know of any LPs going on tonight, please lemme know! hehehe
Took a while to respond, but I wont be able to go to any LAN's this weekend. Girlfriend is comin into town. Sorry guys but she > gaming lol
Took a while to respond, but I wont be able to go to any LAN's this weekend. Girlfriend is comin into town. Sorry guys but she > gaming lol

Fair enough!

Can everybody confirm if they are coming or not? If you don't confirm with me soon I can't guarantee there'll be a spot. Lots of employees are planning on doing it so a lot of space will be taken up by them. Reply in thread :)
I'm not gonna be able to make it dude, sorry. I'd love to, but I'm on call and with it being a holiday I don't want to take the chance. Hope you guys have a blast though... :D
I'm not gonna be able to make it dude, sorry. I'd love to, but I'm on call and with it being a holiday I don't want to take the chance. Hope you guys have a blast though... :D

No prob - just thought I'd throw it out there. DIdnt expect much due to its close proximity to Thanksgiving! Next time.
I have a nice huge party room in my new apartment downtown st. paul, would be good for a lan, only problem is i dont have folding tables and chairs :(
I have a nice huge party room in my new apartment downtown st. paul, would be good for a lan, only problem is i dont have folding tables and chairs :(

Well, if you really want to hold a LAN at your place, we could probably bring tables and chairs if needed. I know Steve and RJ bought all the tables and chairs we use at their LAN parties and I used them at the couple parties I had at my place.

Just an FYI, but we'll be having a LAN party at Steve's place on the 19th of this month. Please pick up a copy of UT3, as we would like to play that at the party. We'll be sending out invitations to everyone on our list within the next couple of days with more details. Time to get your game on... :D
Well, if you really want to hold a LAN at your place, we could probably bring tables and chairs if needed. I know Steve and RJ bought all the tables and chairs we use at their LAN parties and I used them at the couple parties I had at my place.

Just an FYI, but we'll be having a LAN party at Steve's place on the 19th of this month. Please pick up a copy of UT3, as we would like to play that at the party. We'll be sending out invitations to everyone on our list within the next couple of days with more details. Time to get your game on... :D
ok kewl ^^, yeah what brings it to mind is i was walking to my apartment yesterday and there was a big group of guys setting up a lan. I left for work at 8am this morning and they were still in there gamin! I didnt know there was one on the 19th but sign me up hmm does UT3 have that fun capture the pod and get 3/5 pods you win stuff?
So, who all is going? Aside from me, RJ, Awktrix and huxley? I know Steve is having it at his place so we can count on him. I'm also bringing a buddy of mine I work with. That's only 6 people. I really hope we're gonna have more... :p
how was it guys? It was way to friggin cold for me to lug all my gear 2 blocks away to the parking ramp, hope u understand. Did you guys cancel it because of the cold or gamed away?
Oh heck no, we gamed anyway... :D

It was a great time. We played CoD4, FEAR and UT3. It was a lot of fun. Hopefully next LAN the weather will be a bit nicer though... ;)
ok so i should prob buy ut3 and cod4 if i want to be having a good time right? Always put me on the list regardless!
aww, I actually have another lanparty to attend that day. It's an all RTS lanparty that I haven't had in awhile, so I must go. I'm up for next month's though!
ok so i should prob buy ut3 and cod4 if i want to be having a good time right? Always put me on the list regardless!

You should get UT3 for sure. I believe you're on the mailing list, but if not, it'll be at Steve's around noon.

aww, I actually have another lanparty to attend that day. It's an all RTS lanparty that I haven't had in awhile, so I must go. I'm up for next month's though!

Sorry to hear that dude, but I understand. Hope to see you at the next one!
Sorry, no LAN for me. I will be out w/ my son to a Polar Bear camp that weekend.

Too bad too, as I just bought my rig upgrade. Specs in sig.
Sorry to hear you won't be there dude, but have fun at the polar camp. My son and I went a couple years ago to the one in Canon Falls and it was a blast! :D

Upgraded rig looks sweet. You should be playing nice and smooth the next time you get to one of the LAN parties... ;)
Okay, new LAN party coming up, a week from tomorrow. The Ides of March LAN party... :D

March 15th for anyone who didn't get the reference... ;)
Anybody up for this weekend? We already have about 8 of us planning to be there. The more the merrier... :cool:
Going to check with the wifey to make sure I can come to this, I'll let you know over the next day or so.
Okay folks, I'm gonna need to know today whether you plan to attend this Saturday or not. RJ had to cancel, so that takes him and his Dad out. If a couple of the [H] members can make it, we can probably still have the LAN, but I want to have at least 8 players or it's not worth the effort... ;)
Myself and Mike plan on attending. I still need to work out a babysitter, but other than than were in.

This will also be the last one Mike will be attending for a while, as he will be travelling abroad for a few months.

Hope its on, let me know.
I just sent an email to Steve to see if he's still interested. With you and Mike, that would make 6 - 7 players. Otherwise, if he's not interested, we could have it at my place, but there'd likely only be 5 or 6 of us. I'll keep you guys posted.
Okay, it's official. We're definitely on for this Saturday, the 15th at 11:00. Kelly, if you or Mike end up not being able to make it, let me know. Otherwise, if anyone else wants to attend, post here or PM me.
Ok, I think I can actually make it for once, I have a 3 day weekend, temp is warming up, count me in. Will you send a location email?
I'll definitely be coming, but probably a little late. I got called in to work until about noon, and then I'll head straight there.