Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

yep I am still planning on coming, I actually cancelled a group halo thing tonight because I didnt want to get sick of fps before the lan. I am just hoping it doesnt freezing rain tomorrow like they say cuz that would be a problem
I am going to be packing things up pretty soon, see you guys in a bit
it was fun, at least I have fear all setup to go for next time ^^
I'm a transplant from SD who has recently moved here. I currently live in Apple Valley, but will be moving to Lakeville soon. What games do you usually play?

In SD we would either have smaller LAN parties at someone's home, or rent a bigger venue such as a hotel conference/business room for some of the 20+ people parties I attended.

As for games, I currently have: CS 1.6, CS:S (love the deathmatch and gungame mods), Quake3 (and team arena), FEAR (no expansions), FarCry, HL2DM, TeamFortress 2, UT2004, and CoD2. Feel free to write or PM.
Hey dude, you're more then welcome to attend one of our parties. We usually have smaller venues, typically just at someone's house. Our parties generally consist of 8 - 12 players. We're hoping to attract more people, but that seems to be what is normal for us. We just had a LAN this past Saturday (as you probably read) and should have another one in April, as we try for one a month. The games we've been playing lately are FEAR Combat, CoD4 and UT3. We also occasionally play BF2/BF2142, but the three listed previously are what we play the most. I always post in this thread when we figure out a date, so keep checking it regularly to see when we'll be holding the next one... :D
What does everyone think of April 19th as the next LAN party date? Let me know what you all think.
So, no one is interested in the 19th of April? We have a few people already lined up to play, so if you're interested, please let me know... ;)
Anyone know if they're going to be able to make the LAN on the 26th? Anyone, anyone, Bueller?
I just started training at my new job this week, I won't know my work schedule for another week or so. I'll let you know if I can make it as soon as I get my schedule.

Really looking forward to some more COD4.
Well, RJ will be there this time, so you know we'll play less FEAR and more COD4... :p

Let me know when you know your schedule. Hope you can make it!
So Standpoint, you hear anything yet? Anyone else gonna be able to make it next weekend? Feels like I've been abandoned here... :(
Im planning on it, but I have to work out a babysitter first. Don't have to work, though, so that makes it easier for me.

Mike is coming home early from his vacation, so he may be able to make it too.

I'll let you know as soon as I can.
I just stumbled upon this thread and am interested. I moved back to MN in August after a few plus years in the Navy. I don't really play as many games as I used to but would easily get into it in a lanparty. I really enjoy computer hardware and overclocking too so if you guys are into that at all I'd be happy to share.

Anymore info on what's going on would be great.
I'm still around just so ya guys know, been really busy with school. I'll be ready to game for sure in May.
I'm still around just so ya guys know, been really busy with school. I'll be ready to game for sure in May.

Sounds good dude. Sorry you won't be able to make it this Saturday, but look forward to seeing you next month.

testing my Sig!

Ironically, we have very similar parts now... :p

How's it running for you? I finally got all my new parts moved out of my spare case and into my normal case. So far everything seems to be running well.

i should be up for some gaming soon, I'm out of coon rapids

Sounds good, let me know when you can make it. Watch this thread as I alway post upcoming events. One of the other guys comes from Coon Rapids as well.
Sounds good dude. Sorry you won't be able to make it this Saturday, but look forward to seeing you next month.

Ironically, we have very similar parts now... :p

How's it running for you? I finally got all my new parts moved out of my spare case and into my normal case. So far everything seems to be running well.

Heh, kinda crappy actually, my rig can run Supreme Commander and Warcraft 3 just fine, but cannot run any Valve games at factory clock (it's a superclocked card - 672mhz core from factory). Haven't tried CoD4 or UT3 on it yet. It just lags really bad at main menu and can't start up a game. Seems to run ok when I clock it down to 500mhz core and 800mhz mem. Could it be my psu not giving enough power to my videocard? I'm using a PC Power&Cooling 470watt with 26amps on 12V rail.
I was lazy when I built this system and didn't swap out the psu with the new PC P&C 610watt I have now in my second rig. I had a 8800GTS 320Mb that was running fine with the 470watt, that's why I kept it in there.
I would think that 26amps on the 12V rail would be sufficient, but perhaps not. I guess that would be the easiest way to test it, just swap power supplies.

I know what you mean about being lazy. When my new parts came in, I stuck them into my spare computer and built the new rig without any downtime to my old system. Then yesterday I swapped everything over to my regular case and PSU and it was a PITA. Had to take the HSF off and orient it differently as it wouldn't fit into the case the way I had it. Not a big deal, but I get to the point nowadays where it's not as much fun swapping things around as it used to be. I still have my wife's computer to upgrade with my old parts and my spare rig to put back together and can't seem to find the enthusiasm to do either... ;)
I would think that 26amps on the 12V rail would be sufficient, but perhaps not. I guess that would be the easiest way to test it, just swap power supplies.

I know what you mean about being lazy. When my new parts came in, I stuck them into my spare computer and built the new rig without any downtime to my old system. Then yesterday I swapped everything over to my regular case and PSU and it was a PITA. Had to take the HSF off and orient it differently as it wouldn't fit into the case the way I had it. Not a big deal, but I get to the point nowadays where it's not as much fun swapping things around as it used to be. I still have my wife's computer to upgrade with my old parts and my spare rig to put back together and can't seem to find the enthusiasm to do either... ;)

Heh, I'm gonna have plenty of things to do in the summer with my rigs. I'm gonna re-test all the defective motherboards and harddrives I have laying around and recycle any dead ones. Then I have to figure out how I should get rid of the 5 or 6 CRT monitors I have sitting in stacks (15" and bunch of 17").
I hear you on the CRT's! I have a 15", 17", 19" and a 22" all that need to be gotten rid of. We had a computer gear recycle thing a couple weekends ago, but it was so packed after a couple hours they were turning people away. *sigh* Guess they'll stay on the closets until I stop being lazy and figure something out.
Looks like I'll be able to make it. Could you PM me with the address please. Should I bring a table and folding chair or anything else I can provide? Does everyone usually take their whole setup or should my good gaming laptop suffice? Headset needed? I have one, but just want to make sure. Anything else I should bring just let me know, I like to come prepared and pretty much have everything.
I'll send you a PM. All you need to do is bring whatever you want to game on, headhphones and $10 to chip in for food and pop. That's it. Look forward to meeting ya! :D
good to see we have a good enthusiast community in minnesota. I live in Plymouth (nearby suburban area). I hope I can meet up with some of you guys in the summer once I'm done with school and get my gaming rig :D
Look forward to having you there WhiteGuardian. We have a LAN every month, or at least as close to that as we can. Keep watching this thread and you'll know when each event will be. Just give me a heads up prior to whichever LAN you want to attend and I'll PM you with the address and other info... ;)
Okay, so we haven't even had tomorrow's LAN party yet and I'm already planning for the next one...lol! What does everyone think about the 17th of May? If you can make it, please post and let me know.
yah, I think I'm down for the 17th. I think I have a concert to go to on the 18th, but that's all I can remember atm.

oh yea, BTW Tom, I think I finally solved my videocard issues with just a simple update of my drivers to Nvidia's 174.93 beta drivers. I could launch all Valve games just fine and 3dMark06 even runs all the way now without crashing. I got like 12k something for a score. Now on to install and testing CoD4 and UT3 to be ready for your next LAN. :D
Nooo! The garble came back when I ran UT3, I had to underclock my videocard again to get it to work right. Back to the thinking board and message boards....
I'd swap the PSU as soon as you can and test the power first. If you still have an issue you may want to RMA the video card. Good luck with it!
Wow, great time today folks... :D

Hope we can have as big a showing next time (May 17th) or even better! Mark your calendars... ;)
Almost forgot, if I don't have your email address (anyone) please PM me with it so I can get you on the monthly invitation list.