Minnesota/Twin Citie Gamers?

We're thinking of holding another LAN this month on the 26th. It will be weather permitting as it will be out in my garage and we'll grill brats and such on the back deck for munchies. If it rains, we'll switch to the church bowling alley in St. Paul. Times will be 1pm to 9pm if at my place, or 3:30 to 9:30 or so if at the bowling alley. How many think they'd be interested? Post here or PM me.
granted i don't have to work i should be there
It is unsure when some parts for a locomotive will be in....
Just let me know a week in advance or so. I just want to make sure we have enough munchies and space for everyone who wants to attend... :D
I'm down. I might be able to bring two other guys, too.

I am pumped to show off my new Lian-Li case and Zalman 9700 HSF. :)

I dont care where we do it, as long as we have some good airflow and enough space!
I'm down. I might be able to bring two other guys, too.

I am pumped to show off my new Lian-Li case and Zalman 9700 HSF. :)

I dont care where we do it, as long as we have some good airflow and enough space!

Good deal dude! I look forward to seeing your case and HSF! :D

BTW, we're looking at possibly switching the date to next weekend (the 12th). Is that cool with you and the two you were gonna bring? Let me know as soon as you can. As long as it's nice, we're holding it in my garage. If it's not nice, we'll have it at Steve's place again.
Hmm. Well my bro in law from Brainerd loves LAN parties but he generally works weekends and I am fairly positive he will be working the 12th. I believe so.. he is coming down this weekend because they said he was not working.

If that is the case I will probably come alone but oh well at least I'm coming :eek: I don't care where it's at :p
It'll be at my place. If it rains we'll just close the garage door and have pizza instead of brats and burgers. We'll be sending out the invite soon.
I need a count of anyone who's coming this Saturday. Send me a PM so I can add your email to our distribution list with the details. I need to know how many people are coming so I know we have enough space and so we can buy enough hamburgers, brats, buns and such.
Okay, the LAN is fast approaching. If anyone else is interested, let me know. So far we have around 9 - 10 people coming. We were hoping to get more like 12 - 18, so we still have plenty of room available. This weekend the 12th is the LAN, so if ya wanna meet some other local gamers, here's your chance... :D
Yo, the gf works this upcoming weekend so this will probably work for me. So put huxley down on the list and hmmm give me an addy and starting time ;0
Hey I'm a gamer in the twin cities area, just upgraded my comp too. Lan time gogo, finals are over soon
I don't think i will be able to make it, looks like i will be working on a load box in southern MN... w00t.......not really..... but its monies....
Well, maybe next time then. We have about 10 people signed up so far, so it should be a pretty decent LAN. Not as many as I was hoping for, but enough to have some fun. Good thing is, there are 5 - 6 new players coming who haven't played at our LAN's before, so that's more to add to upcoming LAN's we'll have. :D
I am still hoping to come, I have a wedding on saturday that I forgot about and the gf will want to go but since this is in the evening till the whee hours of the morning (rite?) I dont see a problem!
A what box?
a load box, I have to install a digital Ammeter on it, now you have to use the one in the locomotive which could be bad...

You can hook a rail road locomotive up to it, and its a HUGE bank of resistors (capable of dissipating 1500 amps+ at 600 volts) and a fan to keep it all "cool"

Basically used to test and troubleshoot a locomotive and verify you are getting the correct HP from it
I am still hoping to come, I have a wedding on saturday that I forgot about and the gf will want to go but since this is in the evening till the whee hours of the morning (rite?) I dont see a problem!

The wedding is in the evening? What time will you have to leave by (out of curiosity)?
Nono the lan is in the evening isnt it? The wedding is just during the day.
a load box, I have to install a digital Ammeter on it, now you have to use the one in the locomotive which could be bad...

You can hook a rail road locomotive up to it, and its a HUGE bank of resistors (capable of dissipating 1500 amps+ at 600 volts) and a fan to keep it all "cool"

Basically used to test and troubleshoot a locomotive and verify you are getting the correct HP from it

Man that sounds like an interesting job... pretty cool..

Nono the lan is in the evening isnt it? The wedding is just during the day.

Last time it went from something like 2pm until 1030 when most of us got too tired to go on. Sore butts :p
Man that sounds like an interesting job... pretty cool..

I enjoy working on trains, to a point, not sure if i would like it 40 hours a week, but on the weekends after pretty much killing myself on school crap all week, i don't mind going out and getting my self BLACK from head to toe being a grease monkey
and working on a engine that each cylinder displaces more than your entire car (567 cubic inches) and having 16 of them.... it makes it fun..
DOH! Didn't realize the email from RJ didn't have the times included. Sorry Huxley! If you can make it part of the time, come on out. Otherwise, watch this thread for details of the next LAN. ;)
If it starts at 1, I'm going to leave around 12:30 to meet up with my buddy then make it over there hopefully right on time. Thankfully it is supposed to be 70 and sunny ALL day now! It was supposed to storm.. they changed their minds :cool: Now we can do it out in the garage where we'll get good airflow.
Ended up being a great time. We had around 10 people total and played some FEAR Combat (both CTF and DM), UT2004 IG CTF (assault and onslaught as well), plus some BF2. We had a small group of us that also played BF2142. I grilled up some brats and burgers and we all ate well. Good gaming to those who made it and hopefully we'll have even more next time. Keep your eye on this thread for more info on upcoming LANs.
I was bummed, wedding went from 2pm past 10pm sorry guys i REALLY wanted to lan as I love it but my gf would have my ass if i skipped the weddin
I was bummed, wedding went from 2pm past 10pm sorry guys i REALLY wanted to lan as I love it but my gf would have my ass if i skipped the weddin

Understandable dude. No problem, we'll have another in a month or so. You're on the invitation list, so hopefully you'll be able to come to the next one... :D
Hey Burnette, I left a 30' ethernet cable at your place, I won't need it until the next lan anyway though. Just letting you know, looking forward to the next party.

P.S. to everyone: bring your game on, giving me a month to practice these games will be scary mwahahaha
Sounds good dude. Pnut must have gotten your cable, cause only mine was left over by the time I broke down. No worries, we'll have a replacement either way next LAN. See ya then... ;)
let this thread rise from the dead ... any day but 6/9 :) german car fest in rice park and there's nothing better than hearing an M6 V10.. except maybe a Mercedes-Benz McLaren SLR .. well, actually a Porsche Carrera GT V10 would be best :D

1 vote for tom's garage again..that was excellent!
Glad you had a good time dude... :D

This time it looks like it will be at Steve's place again, possibly on the 23rd. Steve and RJ are getting together to figure it out. Once they do either myself or RJ will post the info here. Get ready to rock! :cool:
23rd should work I hope. Thats finals for me - I have a massive joint-project for Software Engineering and Database Programming II due about 2 days from then so I REALLY hope I get that done prior to this or else I might have to wait til next time.

Can't wait!
Get ready to rumble, we have a new date!

Saturday, June 23rd at 12:00 noon at Steve's place. Invitations should go out tonight, so if you were on the invitation list, you should get it. If you haven't been to one of our LAN parties before, just PM me and I'll give you the info. If you can make it, please either post here or PM me.
Who is up for a LAN party next month? Please post here or PM me if you're interested, we're trying to figure out what day everyone will be available. :D
Ah yes since I have missed the last two sadly due to weddings I hope to not miss another under the same circumstances. August 11th I havea wedding but the other weekends I can make work
I wonder if the 4th is too soon for everyone? I was thinking the 11th, since I'm out of town the 18th and 25th. Everyone post dates you're available and we'll get it all figured out... :cool:
I missed the last few also, so I'm really looking forwad to the next one.

For me the 4th and the 11th would work out fine.
I've been checking this thread on and off for quite some time and have always wanted to try and make it. Shoot me a PM and hopefully the dates will work out for the next one.