Mass Effect: Andromeda

First game takes me 15-20 hours. Second game is the longest for me at 30-40 hours (Vanguard on the short end, Engineer on the long end). Third comes in at 25-30 hours, but I've actually yet to play through it with all the single player DLC. I stopped my LE run around 2/3 of the way through ME2 and haven't come back to it yet.
First and second game didn't take me long, but the third game took me more than the first two combined. I probably spent 30-40 hours on the arena combat alone. Legendary also has all the DLC and I did literally everything you could do on top of 100% achievements.

Andromeda's pretty bad about handing you out a sidequest that could have easily been randomly generated. Talk to person, go to this system then go to this point on the map, open container, return item to person. Do that a few hundred times and you've padded lots of meaningless hours into the game.
First game takes me 15-20 hours. Second game is the longest for me at 30-40 hours (Vanguard on the short end, Engineer on the long end). Third comes in at 25-30 hours, but I've actually yet to play through it with all the single player DLC. I stopped my LE run around 2/3 of the way through ME2 and haven't come back to it yet.
I never finished the first one in less than 20, and by finish I mean all the exploration and optional content, including bring down the sky. That reminds me why I quit LE, I lost hours of progress because for some reason it didn't autosave, and so I rage quit and never went back to it. This happened over 2 years ago too.
I never finished the first one in less than 20, and by finish I mean all the exploration and optional content, including bring down the sky. That reminds me why I quit LE, I lost hours of progress because for some reason it didn't autosave, and so I rage quit and never went back to it. This happened over 2 years ago too.
That free dlc was the best side quest in mass effect 1 - what was it called - bring down the sky. That was just about the only planetary side quest that i enjoyed. Now if they had done all of them like that it would have been a great game.
That free dlc was the best side quest in mass effect 1 - what was it called - bring down the sky. That was just about the only planetary side quest that i enjoyed. Now if they had done all of them like that it would have been a great game.
It was great, but broke the storyline or universe, depending on your take. loved the mission, got to the end and ... WAIT A MINUTE!?
That free dlc was the best side quest in mass effect 1 - what was it called - bring down the sky. That was just about the only planetary side quest that i enjoyed. Now if they had done all of them like that it would have been a great game.
It was a dollar on Xbox 360.
Mass Effect Andromeda was just a mind-numbingly shallow game compared to the first 3, and I had no affection at all to any of the characters, just cringeworthy disgust at how pathetic they all were. I don't really consider it part of the series to be honest. It's like the free to play tablet tie-in game sharing the name only.

I've no intention of replaying it, ever, and looking back, I'm not 100% sure I even finished it the first time, was just glad it was finally fucking over.

And I had *no beef* whatsoever with ME3's original ending. I was actually impressed how they swapped the renegade/paragon options around showing how YOU the player was now indoctrinated. I had to stop and think, and was like, wow, that's kinda cool. There's swirly dark patches washing all around the screen the whole time which made me realise it was intentional. Is this considered a theory? It was pretty damn obvious. Didn't need a 3rd option, Mass Effect was always about HARD choices.
Mass Effect Andromeda was just a mind-numbingly shallow game compared to the first 3, and I had no affection at all to any of the characters, just cringeworthy disgust at how pathetic they all were. I don't really consider it part of the series to be honest. It's like the free to play tablet tie-in game sharing the name only.

I've no intention of replaying it, ever, and looking back, I'm not 100% sure I even finished it the first time, was just glad it was finally fucking over.

And I had *no beef* whatsoever with ME3's original ending. I was actually impressed how they swapped the renegade/paragon options around showing how YOU the player was now indoctrinated. I had to stop and think, and was like, wow, that's kinda cool. There's swirly dark patches washing all around the screen the whole time which made me realise it was intentional. Is this considered a theory? It was pretty damn obvious. Didn't need a 3rd option, Mass Effect was always about HARD choices.
It's a shame because who knows if we will get another ME game. Supposedly there is one in pre-production but who the hell knows what EA will do, not like they have a good track record.
It's a shame because who knows if we will get another ME game. Supposedly there is one in pre-production but who the hell knows what EA will do, not like they have a good track record.
I think it's more we need game writers to have the freedom to create intellectually challenging themes and storylines with well developed and believable characters. Andromeda sees a bunch of teenagers sent alone to a distant galaxy and they're all worried about is their gender identity etc. STFU, give me the sci-fi, not the shallow teenage drama. You could completely remove the space and spaceships out of Andromeda and it wouldn't affect the story at all.
I think it's more we need game writers to have the freedom to create intellectually challenging themes and storylines with well developed and believable characters. Andromeda sees a bunch of teenagers sent alone to a distant galaxy and they're all worried about is their gender identity etc. STFU, give me the sci-fi, not the shallow teenage drama. You could completely remove the space and spaceships out of Andromeda and it wouldn't affect the story at all.
That's not how I remember it all. The writing was just terrible. I have been meaning to go back to it and finish it some day, though.
I don't think we played the same game.
I've beaten it 3 times and enjoyed it every time. Is it as good as the OG trilogy? No, but it's not the woke shitfest that you claim it to be either.
Meh, perhaps my memory has jaded alot over the years since playing it, maybe I should give it another shot. I just remember at the time thinking I couldn't possibly get drunk enough to make this good enough.
Meh, perhaps my memory has jaded alot over the years since playing it, maybe I should give it another shot. I just remember at the time thinking I couldn't possibly get drunk enough to make this good enough.
Give it a shot, you could only prove me right. :D
Give it a shot, you could only prove me right. :D
I do hope you ARE right! ;)
Just downloaded it again, looks like I haven't touched it since 2017!

It's all coming back to me now, I remember being initially less than impressed as it brought my Titan X to it's knees; the first game that made me actually have to use anything other than just max ultra settings in whatever game. Whereas with ME1,2,3 I was choosing between 4x or 8x MSAA and it looked amazing, this comes along and makes my PC look like shit. So a sour taste from the getgo, but I played on and got through it (I think, 101 hours played apparently). Then a few months later I upgraded to a 4K TV and I guess I never touched it after that knowing it would be a total slideshow. The 20XX series was a no go for me, and so years later when I finally got a card that could play it at 4K (3080ti) I'd long moved on from it.

Well, something to play over the bank holiday weekend now then, wish me luck... :cool:
I do hope you ARE right! ;)
Just downloaded it again, looks like I haven't touched it since 2017!

It's all coming back to me now, I remember being initially less than impressed as it brought my Titan X to it's knees; the first game that made me actually have to use anything other than just max ultra settings in whatever game. Whereas with ME1,2,3 I was choosing between 4x or 8x MSAA and it looked amazing, this comes along and makes my PC look like shit. So a sour taste from the getgo, but I played on and got through it (I think, 101 hours played apparently). Then a few months later I upgraded to a 4K TV and I guess I never touched it after that knowing it would be a total slideshow. The 20XX series was a no go for me, and so years later when I finally got a card that could play it at 4K (3080ti) I'd long moved on from it.

Well, something to play over the bank holiday weekend now then, wish me luck... :cool:
ME:A has native Dolby Vision support if your TV has it. It's one of the few games on PC to ship with it.
The story wasn't that bad when compared to the average game. Compared to the original 3, the story was bad. The antagonist was lame, and there was still some stuff left to clarify. The problem is they cut the DLC and any sequel. The new Mass Effect they're working on seems to drop the story started in ME:A.
The new Mass Effect they're working on seems to drop the story started in ME:A.
The teasers indicate that there’s some sort of distress signal that originates from the Andromeda galaxy, and is possibly being answered from somewhere in the Milky Way. The year of the transmission is listed as redacted.

The story wasn't that bad when compared to the average game. Compared to the original 3, the story was bad. The antagonist was lame, and there was still some stuff left to clarify. The problem is they cut the DLC and any sequel. The new Mass Effect they're working on seems to drop the story started in ME:A.
That's probably part of the issue is that we learn what a given franchise is supposed to give us, and we want it, and then if it doesn't we aren't going to be happy. Mass Effect established that this was a story-driven world. That was the shining jewel of the first game. Like there were plenty of other good aspects, but a good narrative was usually what you'd rant to your friends about to get them to play. Even 3 with it's disaster of an emo deus ex machina ending, still was heavily driven with story.

Then you get a game that isn't nearly as much. It is more of an action-adventure type of game. Story is there, but much more shallow and generic. Probably wouldn't be an issue for people if it was some new property and they didn't know what to expect and said "Oh, ok, actiony adventure type loot n' shoot with an OK story, I can get into that." But it wasn't what they wanted for a Mass Effect game.

Being a buggy mess didn't help either, of course.
That's probably part of the issue is that we learn what a given franchise is supposed to give us, and we want it, and then if it doesn't we aren't going to be happy. Mass Effect established that this was a story-driven world. That was the shining jewel of the first game. Like there were plenty of other good aspects, but a good narrative was usually what you'd rant to your friends about to get them to play. Even 3 with it's disaster of an emo deus ex machina ending, still was heavily driven with story.

Then you get a game that isn't nearly as much. It is more of an action-adventure type of game. Story is there, but much more shallow and generic. Probably wouldn't be an issue for people if it was some new property and they didn't know what to expect and said "Oh, ok, actiony adventure type loot n' shoot with an OK story, I can get into that." But it wasn't what they wanted for a Mass Effect game.

Being a buggy mess didn't help either, of course.

Exactly my thoughts. I understand they wanted to open the world up for more exploration, which is something they tried with ME1 but wasn't that detailed. But I don't think that is quite necessary. Smaller, ME1 style secondary planets to explore would be nice. They just need a little more detail and slightly better mini stories. Not reusing the same building over and over again would help. ME:A they added a much larger exploration area and some of it was interesting to see but there was not much of substance. I feel like any future game will essentially be Assassin's Creed in space. I don't want that. I want the RPG aspects to come from the story and choice making, rather than running around hundreds of repeating mini games/quests and chasing question marks.