Love your socket 754?

Well, what is the best ram that I can get. I want 300 with loose timings and 3.1v for under $100 1gb.
im sorry but thats just not gonna happen. 300mhz and under 100 bucks, not unless you find some hella good ram. you odnt need to oc ram on a64, it doesnt need the bandwidth. thats why dividers dont hurt it.
What kind of performance hit are we talking from 300 to 250?

So, let me rephrase my question. What is the best ram I can get for under $100 that will do 260 with fairly tight timings and 3.1v.

I am assuming 1T also. BTW, can I just buy a 1gb stick instead of 2x512 if s754 are single channel.
Blinkme323 said:
BTW, can I just buy a 1gb stick instead of 2x512 if s754 are single channel.
yes, but it won't overclock nearly as well as 2x512mb

i'd go with twinmosSP if you can find any..
crucial value is another option, but 260mhz might be pushing it
id say go for the crucial stuff, thats your best bet for good memory. Id put a new PSU a bit higher on that list of things to buy, maybe up around 2nd. cause the Antec PSU you have, it wont hold out for much more of a load, and the 12v rail looks kinda weak with only 23 amps.

I ran a mobile 3000 at 2.4GHz, 512MB ram, a 6800, opt. drive, hd, and about 5x 120mm fans off of a 350watt 16a antec...

I would go with crucial value.
sabrewolf732 said:
I would go with crucial value.


crucial value is gonna be the way to go. you might also check out Kingston Value Ram if you have a Circuit City near you. they have KVR for 18 bucks for 512mb. and you could get -5b G on it, you just gotta go instore and read the numbers off it.
I was reading up on robber and eclipse's memory guides. Is the difference between 200 and 250mhz really only 1-5%. Maybe, I should try for 200 and insane timings. Or, 200 with good timings and a cheaper price.

I know Eclipse always recommends Crucial, but what is so great about it really. I am not to impressed with the results I saw.

A higher voltage memory would be better in my situation since my DFI can do 3.1v. I see that Newegg only has regular twinmos. Is that the same stuff as Twinmos SP.
Get some OCZ VX. I think i'm going to end up getting 512 of Gold VX when I order my rig.
Blinkme323 said:
I know Eclipse always recommends Crucial, but what is so great about it really. I am not to impressed with the results I saw.

Alright, remeber OCZ's PC3700 EB, or enhanced bandwidth stuff. what was special about that? it would do 2-2-2 or 2.5-2-2 or 3-2-2. no ic's other then crucial can do 2.5-2-2 or 3-2-2, they simply cant. those X-2-2's add bandwidth to ram. thats why (cf)eclipse reccommends them, they are cheap, and are very vesratile. They can do 230 1.5-2-2 or 250 2.5-2-2 depending on the voltage you wanna give it.
Blinkme323 said:
I was reading up on robber and eclipse's memory guides. Is the difference between 200 and 250mhz really only 1-5%. Maybe, I should try for 200 and insane timings. Or, 200 with good timings and a cheaper price.

I know Eclipse always recommends Crucial, but what is so great about it really. I am not to impressed with the results I saw.

A higher voltage memory would be better in my situation since my DFI can do 3.1v. I see that Newegg only has regular twinmos. Is that the same stuff as Twinmos SP.

5bg is good for tight timings (2.5-2-2) with 3.1v 240-265MHz. With loose timings it can hit 270s. They aren't like utt where you need to give them voltage to get performance, they aren't like tccd where you need loose timings to get performance. They can go either way. IMO, it is the best ram available now
sabrewolf732 said:
5bg is good for tight timings (2.5-2-2) with 3.1v 240-265MHz. With loose timings it can hit 270s. They aren't like utt where you need to give them voltage to get performance, they aren't like tccd where you need loose timings to get performance. They can go either way. IMO, it is the best ram available now

yay! for once we agree. Its like a hybrid UTT and TCCD mix, you get the good speeds, with legit latencys, not as low as UTT timings wise, not as high as TCCD speed wise, but a happy medium. they are the most vesitile ram these days, they dont take loads of voltage to do legit stuff, like UTT and they dont need horrible latencies to do legit stuff, like TCCD. they are the perfect combo.
I have no problem giving it a lot volts since I have a DFI. It looks like Crucial is the answer though.
sabrewolf732 said:
5bg is good for tight timings (2.5-2-2) with 3.1v 240-265MHz. With loose timings it can hit 270s. They aren't like utt where you need to give them voltage to get performance, they aren't like tccd where you need loose timings to get performance. They can go either way. IMO, it is the best ram available now

-5B D is a little bit better since it doesnt come in that puny low density package ;)
so yea, lets start a new contest. something good that will last awhile, that a person with the best system wont dominate, and someone with the slowest system wont be destroyed in.
CF will win with his clawhammer and water. hell give that thing 2.0v without thinking about it, cause its the worst ocing chip EVER. someone with a DTR claw might win, those can take up to 1.9v on water adn be happy about it.
Blinkme323 said:
...And that Eclipse isn't allowed in.
why exactly? ;)

and yeah, i think i would get a 2v screen off on the claw. fortunately it's in right now so it'll only take 5 min if we do that.
after about 2 months of getting my first watercooling stuff, im finally setting up. ive been lazy as shit, and since its a rainy day, no skating can occur, so i will compute today. ill take lots of pics of my stuff! lets get some more questions in this thread. its too big to let die.

blue antifreeze and distilled water. 11/89.


what do you guys think?

That looks awesome CCU. I need to get a setup like that some day.
thnaks for all the comments guys. one thing though as a word of caution. LET YOUR SYSTEM BLEED! ill take another picture right now showing how much air was bleed outta my loop last night.


compair that to the 1st picture taken at approx 8:30 pm and the 2nd taken at approximately 8:00 am.

and some blue!

i killed a 6600gt, so now i hafta get a new GPU, meaning im gonan get a 6200 that i can unlock to a 6600. does anyone over here have one they'd be willing to sell? i dont wanna buy one and have it be a dud.
A regualar 6600 is like $10 more than a 6200. Plus, I have seen 6600GT's for $110. I am getting a used 6800gt for $95. Crappy Asus one though. It is 16 pipes, 256bit, but 700mhz memory.
the 6200s oc better then the 6600s. and im only willing to put like 80 bucks into this rig now. im not gonna put any more. if the 6200 dosnt unlock, then im selling this rig.
Who the hell said that 6200's overclock better? No reason to get them imo. $80 is a little tight, even for a 6200. I could sell you my 9800 Pro for $100. I just got it back from RMA.
the refurb leadteks are 80 bucks, and the brand new PNY 6200's are 73 bucks. and the 6200s do oc better, they can hit 700 mem and 600 core, which is better then most 6600's can do.
I see an average of 575/675 from 6600's. If you want to risk it for an extra 25mhz, by all means do it. :p

Just don't buy a refurb. People return them if they can't unlock.
There's a way to speed-bleed your loop. Takes about 2 hours, and you get rid of almost all the air in the process.
ohh ohh! tell me! im thinking of redoing my tubing/loop before my 6200 comes in. as some parts are too long, and some parts are ungood where they are. stuff like that. im just gonna do some cuts and stuff like that
ohh ohh! tell me! im thinking of redoing my tubing/loop before my 6200 comes in. as some parts are too long, and some parts are ungood where they are. stuff like that. im just gonna do some cuts and stuff like that
You have a t-line, right?