Love your socket 754?

sabrewolf732 said:
wow you really lack common sense don't you? As I have pointed out a VENICE is CHEAPER, OVERCLOCKS farther, and has a BETTER upgrade path. If you want AGP 939, you can get agp 939. There is no point in going 754 unless you only want to spend $70 on a processor.

I think its YOU that lacks the common sense. If you get AGP 939, your losing the main benefit and upgrade path of 939 (PCI-Express). The point of getting 754 is that for cheap money you can get CPU's that perform just as well as 939, and you get to keep your video card. Also, AFAIK the 939+AGP boards are kinda unstable, I know that the DFI NF3 939 AGP board has stability/BIOS issues.
Peach said:
I think its YOU that lacks the common sense. If you get AGP 939, your losing the main benefit and upgrade path of 939 (PCI-Express). The point of getting 754 is that for cheap money you can get CPU's that perform just as well as 939, and you get to keep your video card. Also, AFAIK the 939+AGP boards are kinda unstable, I know that the DFI NF3 939 AGP board has stability/BIOS issues.

Theres gonna hafta be a global RMA for the DFI NF3 939 board. theres something wrong with it, thats not fixable through a bios.
Peach said:
I think its YOU that lacks the common sense. If you get AGP 939, your losing the main benefit and upgrade path of 939 (PCI-Express). The point of getting 754 is that for cheap money you can get CPU's that perform just as well as 939, and you get to keep your video card. Also, AFAIK the 939+AGP boards are kinda unstable, I know that the DFI NF3 939 AGP board has stability/BIOS issues.

wow you really are a genius aren't you?? A VENICE IS CHEAPER THAN A DTR GENIUS. Once I stated that your only argument was if someone wanted to keep their agp card, I pointed out once could get a 939 agp board. Because a dfi 939 agp board is unstable, every other one is too? ROFL.Also, pcie isn't the main benefit as one can go pcie on a 754........ Every argument you have made for 754 I have proved to be wrong. Face the facts.
Is the majority of people buying venice going to buy from there? I highly doubt it. What do you gain from buying 939 + AGP? You lose the ability to upgrade to dual core, you lose PCI-Express, and, you lose half the cache on the CPU unless you buy a SD.
alright lets put this out on the table, right here right now. The main reason to go s939 is to avoid a "Dead end" socket in s754. Thats the reason. Theres pci-e for s754, which makes it just as good as s939 in that department, we can combat the lack of dual channel with a 1mb cached DTR chip, so that takes away the dual channel threat. If you wanna go s939 with AGP, its a bad choice, as theres no GREAT ocing board like there is with s754. s754 has hands down the best A64 AGP board out there. the DFI lanparty UT 250GB, perhaps the best board EVER. Venice overclocks better huh? then why have i seen some only do 2.5ghz, and others do 2.8ghz? its still a crapshoot, unlike the DTR's which all constantly hit 2.7-2.8ghz. and as far as better upgrade path goes, they both die the same day, so dont even get started with that.
Listen, i have a s939 A64 that does 2.5ghz on 1.62v. I would definately trade it for a DTR S754 setup.
but if you look at the picture of the AP, it says AR. go with the AR anyways, just cause it is the CG revision and CG > CO, which the AP is


these newarks just wanna self destruct, first conrads then yours trying to fry itself with water. Jeeze, i hope someone at DD gets fired for that blunder.
Yay, I am finally joining the s754 club. Someone has a DTR 3000 and DFI they just got a few weeks ago. He is upgrading to a dual core next week. He said he doesn't like to babysit for sale threads and we worked out a deal at an insanely low price. His setup does 2.8ghz stable. Here is an older screenshot from when he first got the system and didn't tweak it all the way.

Now I can sell my s939 system. I'll pair that DTR with some Crucial value ram and I'll be set.
very nice! you wont be dissapointed. 2.8ghz will kill what your Winchester does, hell even my 2800+ at 2.5ghz will kill it. WAIT! i know who that is! is his user name DEATHSTAR13?? cause thats his screenshot! well, i guess he wasnt really happy with the 2.8ghz he was getting.
these newarks just wanna self destruct, first conrads then yours trying to fry itself with water. Jeeze, i hope someone at DD gets fired for that blunder.
haha.. for real :rolleyes: :p
alright lets put this out on the table, right here right now. The main reason to go s939 is to avoid a "Dead end" socket in s754. Thats the reason. Theres pci-e for s754, which makes it just as good as s939 in that department, we can combat the lack of dual channel with a 1mb cached DTR chip, so that takes away the dual channel threat. If you wanna go s939 with AGP, its a bad choice, as theres no GREAT ocing board like there is with s754. s754 has hands down the best A64 AGP board out there. the DFI lanparty UT 250GB, perhaps the best board EVER. Venice overclocks better huh? then why have i seen some only do 2.5ghz, and others do 2.8ghz? its still a crapshoot, unlike the DTR's which all constantly hit 2.7-2.8ghz. and as far as better upgrade path goes, they both die the same day, so dont even get started with that.

uhh you can upgrade 939 alot farther than 754 will go.
Beakerman said:
Is it too late to join? ;)

nah your still good to join in. its never too late!

sabrewolf732 said:
uhh you can upgrade 939 alot farther than 754 will go.

Good answer, care to explain? the only thing you can upgrade is to Dual Core. thats not ALOT further, thats just one step further.
Lol CCUABIDExORxDIE, right on the money again. Do you really know why he is selling it at such a low price to me. Do you think I will be happy with it? I plan on getting the Crucial ram Eclipse recommended, what do you recommend?
I saw the screenie and was like WTF! i just saw this over at Ocforums, where im an active member. I knew it was his cause of the 1.1vcore reading in CPU-z. im kinda bummed, he has been a good s754 guy for awhile. defending its honor.

yea, i would recommend either the crucial value ram, or some OCZ gold's or some Twinmos SP's if you can find BH dies. on a side note. i made a great discovery!

You know how 1.65vcore is accpetable for 130nm and how its high for 90nm. The same thing applies to ram ic's. all this SUDS, Sudden UTT Death Syndrome, has occured because most of the ram is CH dies, which is .13nm. people give it volts thta BH-5 dies use, and BH dies are .175nm. so its like giving 2.0v to a 130nm CPU, it kills it after awhile. so in short, DONT get ch-died UTT, get the BH died stuff, it will last longer and take higher voltage.
Well don't try to discourage him. I am getting the deal of my life lol. I am romano3490 there btw. It just occured to me that the DFI can do more than 2.9v like my Neo2. So I may have to rethink my decision.

I will probably run at 300x9 1.52v everyday. So that means I would either run 200, 249, or 300 memory. Is there anything in the $100 range that will do 300 with loose timings and high volts.

If not, I will just shoot for the cheapest stuff that can run 200 2-2-2-6 1T I guess.
im not gonna discourage him, thats quite the good deal you got though. that board can do up to 3.1v, or 4.0v if your 3.3v rail is moddable. your gonna want the 249 ram, cause if you read his thread, it wont oc on the 133 divider, which would give you 200 for the ram. you can also do like 230, cause DFI gives all sorts of divider options.
Lol, I was joking about discouraging him. Nice post though on OCforums. ;) Since he established that I have dibs, I'll lay the deal out. DTR 3000 @2.8ghz, DFI LP UT, Heatpipe heatsink with stock fan (not sure which brand heatpipe). For under $180 shipped.

I am a nub when it comes to ram, so just tell me what you recommend. The cheaper the better.
that is a good deal indeed. so for ram, id say probably some Twinmos SP's or Crucial Value ram or some OCZ golds. your gonna want a new PSU though, look for a Fortron Blue Storm, or the Fortron 530w psu, the adjustable pots will let you give that ram up to 4.0v
nah your still good to join in. its never too late!

Good answer, care to explain? the only thing you can upgrade is to Dual Core. thats not ALOT further, thats just one step further.

you can go to a fx57... 400MHz faster than a 3700+ and dual channel . Also, Dual Core is ALOT farther. I would rather have dual 2GHz proc than a single 2.6
Sorry CCUABIDExORxDIE, but a new PSU is way down on my priority list. I'd get new hard drives first. With that being said, which ram do you recommend?

And, his thread is a little confusing. It seems he fixed the divider issue with an older bios.
sabrewolf732 said:
you can go to a fx57... 400MHz faster than a 3700+ and dual channel . Also, Dual Core is ALOT farther. I would rather have dual 2GHz proc than a single 2.6

yea, you can go for an fx57, or 3x3700+, almost 4x3700+. and dual core is a big step, but its still expensive. the cheapest chip is something like 400 bucks. yea its worth it, but really, who utilizes dual core?
Blinkme323 said:
Sorry CCUABIDExORxDIE, but a new PSU is way down on my priority list. I'd get new hard drives first. With that being said, which ram do you recommend?

And, his thread is a little confusing. It seems he fixed the divider issue with an older bios.

id say go for the crucial stuff, thats your best bet for good memory. Id put a new PSU a bit higher on that list of things to buy, maybe up around 2nd. cause the Antec PSU you have, it wont hold out for much more of a load, and the 12v rail looks kinda weak with only 23 amps.
I have been recommended Twinmos SP. Is that any good. Supposedly people are running 1.5-2-2-0 273 in their DFI's. And, they said it can be had for $80 new.

And, the guy won't sell till August 3. I guess I have some waiting to do.
Blinkme323 said:
I have been recommended Twinmos SP. Is that any good. Supposedly people are running 1.5-2-2-0 273 in their DFI's. And, they said it can be had for $80 new.
you tell me if 273mhz at 1.5-2-2 is good :p
the one catch, it takes 3.2-3.4v to really fly... also, last time it was at the egg, it's $48 per 512mb stick
Well my DFI can handle those volts right? Do you have the links. I don't see it on Newegg. And, what the hell is 1.5-2-2-0. Will it do 300 at 2-3-3-7?

Eclipse, how come you always recommend Crucial and never this.
NO ram can do 300 2-3-3-7, and the numbers you want are X-2-2, latency means really nothing, the X-2-2's are the things you want. they add extra latency, the Crucial stuff because of its chip can do the X-2-2, whether it be 2-2-2 2.5-2-2 or 3-2-2. and (cf) you are wrong about the voltage it takes, it can take up to like 3.7v to get BH-died UTT to hit 260, or as low as 3.4v to get CH-died UTT to hit 260, and STAY away from CH died UTT, it has SUDS, Sudden UTT Death Syndrome.
Blinkme323 said:
Well my DFI can handle those volts right? Do you have the links. I don't see it on Newegg. And, what the hell is 1.5-2-2-0. Will it do 300 at 2-3-3-7?

Eclipse, how come you always recommend Crucial and never this.

also. cas 1.5 is really LOW and only achieveable with some TCCD, UTT/BH-5/CH-5 or other winbond IC's, most boards dont have it as a stock option, you need A64 tweaker to do that, and the 0, that number really means nothing at all, its really negliable.
also. cas 1.5 is really LOW and only achieveable with UTT/BH-5/CH-5 or other winbond IC's, most boards dont have it as a stock option, you need A64 tweaker to do that, and the 0, that number really means nothing at all, its really negliable.

TCCD can do CAS 1.5

STAY away from CH died UTT, it has SUDS, Sudden UTT Death Syndrome.

That's due to the instability of the Ultra-D's voltage management. On better boards like the nF3 250GB, this problem is nonexistant.