Love your socket 754?

Look, I gotta admit - one more added around here.

My system runs 939 but I just upgraded my wife's - we first had a sempron with as pc chips mobo - crap. Kept getting critical errors. Just crap. Also had RAM compatibility issues it shouldn't have.

Then, we switched to an Intel proc and board I had sitting around - but there were stability issues with that as well. Mainly due to heat - it's not the greatest case and just had stock HSF. Too freakin hot.

So, went to Fry's - picked up an AbitKV8 Pro and a 754 2800+ - AMAZING! This was the smoothest install I've ever had. OC'd it to 2.0 GHz with no problems. RAM is stable and the processor has handled a great deal of photo editing, DVD burning, and surfing the net at the same time with not a single hiccup.

System runs amazingly and all of my headaches were erased. And it was pretty cheap to do, too.

Can't believe how nice and stable this thing is - color me impressed! And my wife is very grateful. The reason I went with the 754 was because of all the feedback on this specific thread.

Thanks from me and thank on behalf of my wife.
Okay - just wanted to follow up on a couple of things regarding this mobo/proc setup.

Last night I went to a buddy's house to install World of Warcraft so he could give it a shot on a ten-day trial. So we loaded it on his rig:

Intel P4 2.4 GHz Northwood
512 MB RAM (don't know what brand)
Intel 865pe
ATI AIW Radeon 9600 Pro

Played okay - and WoW isn't terribly demanding. But I had to turn some of the effects down and drop resolution to get it to play tolerably well and there was still evident strain on the system. (And I'm thinking there's still something amiss in his rig since the game should've played much better than it did - oh well - if he'd have gotten an AMD64 he wouldn't have to worry about itanyway).

So, I started freaking out. After all, I just built my wife's rig so that my brother and I could play WoW this weekend when he came by and my specs aren't that much greater than my buddy's. And here are the specs for my wife's rig:

AMD64 2800+
Abit KV8 Pro
ATI AIW 9000 Pro

So I was kinda concerned about playing with settings turned down so low and to see any choking.

Well - let me just say - amazing! No problems whatsoever. All of the effects are turned up and the resolution is at more than a merely playable level.

I'm telling you - I'm getting more and more enamored with my wife's setup each passing moment.

Thanks again for the recommendation :)
drxploder said:
I was wondering if any has any experience running a sempron with dual sided dimms. I currently have 1 DS and 1 SS dimm. I need to replace the DS dimm with faster ram (the SS dimm overclocked much more than expected 200 to 265mhz).

I currently am looking at the GEIL ULTRA PLATINUM DDR500 2X256MB DC kit. I am unsure if it will work well or not (1:1 200mhz 1t). Thanks in advance

yes I ran a dual sided dimm, pc4000, and it did its rated timings and speed, but no more.
I could not run 3 double sided simms in my Chaintech nf3 250 - wont boot with post code.

if you have to run 3 simms, you gotta do a pair of single sided in slots 2 and 3. Double sided in slot 1 is ok no matter what.

Somewhat pissed I got a stick of ram here I cant use. I wanted the extra RAM for BF2. :mad:

nothing about this at Newegg.
Selecter said:
I could not run 3 double sided simms in my Chaintech nf3 250 - wont boot with post code.
with two stick in, go into the bios and set the command rate to 2T, then try again
anyone have any mobile socket 754 CPUs? what's it like putting a heatsink like xp-120 on a CPU with No heatspreader? :confused:
perplex said:
anyone have any mobile socket 754 CPUs?
i do

for the xp-120, simply sand down the little stubs on the bottom of the retaining bracket a bit less than 1/2 way
that's odd cause i'm fairly certain my clawhammer works with one DS and two SS in my k8n neo platinum.. though i don't think i was smart enough at the time to check to see if the bios overrode my 1T setting
yea, nearly every ram thats 256mb is single sided, just look online at pics, if you see 8 chips on one side, then its single sided. that only applies for 256mb sticks.
Dammit dammit dammit! I got my stuff from Newegg today, and the packaging inside my CPU box was obviously broken by someone and sorta repaired. The box was still sealed with AMD stickers, though, so I'm inclined to think it was some fuckwit at AMD that did it. Oh, well. Another few days without my computer won't be that bad, right?
I got my Shempron 3100+ stable at 2.5 Ghz ( 312.5 X 8 ) = 2500 with 1.5 on the core. Not going to keep it there tho, need a better cooler first.

Thats a *700*mhz OC! Chaintech & AMD are da shiznazlety booble.

:D :cool: :)
YAY i got my new 754 system up!!! CLawhammer 3400+ on an Asus K8V SE Delux!! Just one problem, im getting idle temps ranging from 46-51C . . .I haven't checked load temps yet.
Selecter said:
I got my Shempron 3100+ stable at 2.5 Ghz ( 312.5 X 8 ) = 2500 with 1.5 on the core. Not going to keep it there tho, need a better cooler first.

Thats a *700*mhz OC! Chaintech & AMD are da shiznazlety booble.

:D :cool: :)

you could probably pull off like 289x9 for 2.6ghz and probably use the same, if not a tiny bit more vcore.

700mhz ocs on s754 are really common, i dont understand why they arent popular anymore.
you could probably pull off like 289x9 for 2.6ghz and probably use the same, if not a tiny bit more vcore.

700mhz ocs on s754 are really common, i dont understand why they arent popular anymore.

Because with a venice 3000+ a 900MHz-1GHz oc is common ;) :p
you can't go wrong with a s754 3000+ DTR clawhammer for 140. Whereas the venice 3000+ is 150 and has half the cache.
Desides, a clawhammer sounds cooler. A clawhammer could be used to brutally beat something.
EricNS said:
Desides, a clawhammer sounds cooler. A clawhammer could be used to brutally beat something.
sledgehammer definitly owns all though :D
that aside... newark is.. well, for people in NJ, newark is interesting ;)
Peach said:
you can't go wrong with a s754 3000+ DTR clawhammer for 140. Whereas the venice 3000+ is 150 and has half the cache.

a venice is $117, the venice also has dual channel and 754 is a dead socket...
sabrewolf732 said:
a venice is $117, the venice also has dual channel and 754 is a dead socket...

Where can you get a brand new 3000+ venice for 117? And, the lack of Dual Channel is a 1-10% loss at best whereas Intel takes a much higher hit. Also, s939 is a dead Socket also because of M2.
Peach said:
Where can you get a brand new 3000+ venice for 117? And, the lack of Dual Channel is a 1-10% loss at best whereas Intel takes a much higher hit. Also, s939 is a dead Socket also because of M2.

Look in the hot deals section. Reccomending a dtr over a venice when the venice is cheaper and has better upgradability is just ignorance and !!!!!!ism. (I have a 754....)
With venice comes a new graphics card. You get 754 if you want to keep your AGP. And if you buy a 939 AGP board, your running a 754 chipset anyway so you might as well just save the money that you would spend on venice and buy a faster 754.
the key is the midrange a64's.. who in their right mind would not overclock and not go with a 3400+ newcastle? ;)
Peach said:
With venice comes a new graphics card. You get 754 if you want to keep your AGP. And if you buy a 939 AGP board, your running a 754 chipset anyway so you might as well just save the money that you would spend on venice and buy a faster 754.

wow you really lack common sense don't you? As I have pointed out a VENICE is CHEAPER, OVERCLOCKS farther, and has a BETTER upgrade path. If you want AGP 939, you can get agp 939. There is no point in going 754 unless you only want to spend $70 on a processor.
sabrewolf732 said:
wow you really lack common sense don't you? As I have pointed out a VENICE is CHEAPER, OVERCLOCKS farther, and has a BETTER upgrade path. If you want AGP 939, you can get agp 939. There is no point in going 754 unless you only want to spend $70 on a processor.

754 has one good part for an enthusiast: a CPU that's about $340 that OC's like an FX chip. Other than that yeah, less future.