Leave it On or Off

On or Off

  • On

    Votes: 170 61.8%
  • Off

    Votes: 105 38.2%

  • Total voters


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2003
Do you leave your computer running constantly or do you turn it off when not in use?
Off, I don't see any reason to leave it on so why kill more baby rabbits by leaving it on?
At 250+ watts drawn with the monitor on standby and my speakers turned off just sitting idle at the Windows' desktop, I don't see any reason to raise my electricity bill any more than it already is.
I turn it off at nights, and if I'm going to be away from it for more than about an hour. Other than distributed computing projects, I can't fathom a reason for a home computer that's used for office stuff/games by most users to be left running. Rendering/programming/other kinds of things, sure, but for most of us (even on these boards), why would you?
Too many lightning storms come though here... Rather turn it off than have my equipment zapped..
I turn it off at nights, if im home during the day, ill leave it on. But if im at work all day, it stays off til i get home..
I leave mine on most the time. Folding@Home sucks me in

I’m big on the environment to, call me a hypocrite if you want. I promise I will change :p
Off my room gets to hot to leave it on when I'm not using it
Off at night, too many bright lights from my 900 :D, and off during the day when I'm at work, why leave it on if I'm not folding :p .
On, cause I'm a server guy and I don't shut those down at night. I have ran my systems 24x7 at home for the past 10-12 years. Plus I RDP to my system from work, run Vmware which hosts my site, etc. At my work we encourage all users to leave their systems on. We have seen better reliability with leaving the hardware running versus turning it on and off each day.

I do put my SFF Media system into sleep mode if it does not have anything to record during the night as it will wake itself if something comes along requiring it to record.
I've got several computers in my home and the only one I leave on is my server. It serves as my DNS, Domain Controller, file and print server so turning it off isn't practical. All of my workstations however get turned off when they won't be in use for an extended period of time. Every once in a while when I've got torrents running or something, I will leave that workstation running.
The media PC is the only always-up comp for me, since it needs to record at funny hours. It's a cheap little Sempron with cheap parts, so it runs cheap. Plus it runs bittorrent, for 16/7 availability (not during evenings). As for the other computers, saving power == saving money.
I leave it off always during the summer and sometimes leave it on during winter.
I turn off at night (heat) and if I'm going to be away from it for several hours or more. The room is pretty hot as it is (2nd floor), and the computer running only adds to it.

It's healthier for your computer to keep running. Fans wear more evenly, power cycles are more consistent (instead of turning on/off frequently), etc.

In college it was always running, mostly so AIM was up. :D
Off. I don't run any programs when away from the computer.
It keeps the electricity usage and the heat down.
On! Way too many videos to encode and folding to be done to leave a perfectly good computer wasting space in my house.

I keep my machines running pretty close to 24/7.
Unless i'm going to be away from them for a few days.

I do shut my notebook off every few days though
No wonder the planets falling apart with all these PCs left on!

But seriously for all those in techy jobs, I know you need the PCs left on, I mean how else can you remotely manage them. But you should ask the users to turn the monitors off before they go home - I don't mean standby thats still burning power.

I sound like a tree hugger now :)
Home desktop: on
Home laptop: off
Work desktop: on during the week, off during weekends
All monitors off when I'm away for more than an hour
I hate people who turn off LCD's constantly its 30 FUCKING WATT you will spend more on wear and tear than on electricity.

The opposite is true for CRT.
On 24/7 unless I go on a trip or something. I like to have it ready to go at all times. Its more healthy for the computer. Bad stuff happens more often when the computer is on and off, on and off all the time.
in general, booting is the MOST stressful time for a pc, so I generally leave the desktops on. laptops? different story. they dont like the heat. they go off when not in use.
I leave my work machine on 24/7 because I some times remote desktop to it. My home machines is usually on, but I'll turn it off if I'm not dling over night or its not doing anything.

I turn my LCD's off because the Westy 37w3 uses about 200w's plus my second monitor 21" WS Samsung uses about 100watts.
If i leave mine on (ussually on accident when I'm drunk) I'll wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I'm in a Brazilian rain forest. :p
Usually leave mine on for no real reason but i like my rig to be ready to go when I'am. Maybe now with the X2 i can turn it off and it be fast enough to not take to long to boot.
At home, parents paying electricity bill: On until they got the second electricity bill. Then off.

In college and not paying electricity bill: On

Now: Off when I'm at work unless my wife is using it. At home, I don't play many games cause my comp sucks so bad, so I have it off unless I'm listening to baseball games (streaming audio), music, or surfing.

October: Every hour that I'm not at work, it will be on. Crysis here I come :D
media server on 24/7 but cn'q enabled...

desktop off when not using... it heats up my room too much

laptop... sleep when not using

HTPC.... sleep when not using