Leave it On or Off

On or Off

  • On

    Votes: 170 61.8%
  • Off

    Votes: 105 38.2%

  • Total voters
I leave my server on 24/7. My main comp I use the vista sleep mode after an hour of non use. It comes up real fast from that. :)

The kids turn theirs off at night(most of the time). hehe
Server: 24/7 On
Desktop(s): 24/7 On
Laptop(s): 24/7 On

I never turn them off and I seldom restart my computers. Uptime's mostly a month or more. Electric bill is around $100/month.
No wonder the planets falling apart with all these PCs left on!

But seriously for all those in techy jobs, I know you need the PCs left on, I mean how else can you remotely manage them. But you should ask the users to turn the monitors off before they go home - I don't mean standby thats still burning power.

I sound like a tree hugger now :)

Vpro will let you manage a fleet of computers regardless of power state.
very very powerful tool.
I leave all 4 of my PCs on but this may change when I convert one of them into a server (still researching if I should wait for Windows Home Server or just use Linux). Utilities are expensive in Germany but Uncle Sam pays for it anyway so... why not?
turn mine off when not in use, it's a waste of energy to leave it on plus theres no reason to other than lazyness, unless you have an ftp server, run backups, or have something else going on, but if it's on all the time with no sleep mode enabled doing nothing, it's just a waste of money
Well... Hmmm..... I don't turn mine off most of the time. But I will sometimes... If a storm comes(Often this time of the year, big ones) I'll usually turn it off and unplug it. Sometimes I'll turn it off and leave it for days. And other times I might just not use it for days. x.x

I'm really inconsistent... I'd use sleep mode but it doesn't work well in Linux on this computer, and I don't have Windows. >.<
I have nine computers running at home that run 24/7. Why?

I fold. I fold for Team 33: Harc OCP. I fold for the cure. Won't you join us?
Computer on... folding, monitor / speakers off. Turn off my work computer but home is on 24/7.

ooo, just passed 100k =)
On with monitors and speakers off ...because I fold.

If your answer is "On" then visit the Distributed Computing Forum and join us.

I have nine computers running at home that run 24/7. Why?

I fold. I fold for Team 33: Harc OCP. I fold for the cure. Won't you join us?

6 dual cores here running 24/7 for the cure. When you consider power costs vs replacement costs for drives and fans and PSUs I’d just as soon let them run and do something useful, like folding.

If your machines are running that hot you need more up to date power supplies, heat is just wasted electricity.;)

I turn it off at nights, if im home during the day, ill leave it on. But if im at work all day, it stays off til i get home..

Unplug it if you are worried about it getting zapped. I've seen plenty of computers get nailed when they were off, it's a common myth that if you turn it off it deters lightning. Unplug your network cable as well, I've seen a few get hit through their DSL line. :)

As for the poll, why not turn it off? If you're folding, or have a server, or download I can see leaving it on, but why waste power and 1) hurt the environment, 2) raise your bills ?
mine is generally always on. Like others I work in IT so I always have to jump on it at all crazy hours. Plus I'm too lazy to reload a lot of my apps. Like the 7 irc servers and channels (yes a relize I could set this up to do it for me, but laziness comes into effect again) so I just leave it on.

The 24" LCD and speakers go off though. Plus I generally turn the 4 external HDD's off too. I used to boinc but during the summer it just gets too hot, winter is fine, lol
Usually turn it off. Occasionally I download a Linux Dist or something over torrent and leave the computer on overnight. Other than that off all night and off while I'm at work.
All my computers is on 24/7 for the reason displayed below :)

I leave it on all the time, because of course, I can't be bothered to switch it on and off all the time. Actually, I'm a very keen folder, but not for [H].
Never not in use, so they're on 24/7. I may not be a huge contributor to F@H, but I do what I can.
Until this thread, I didn't even know you COULD turn one off. Man, you learn something every day.

Both. I fold (for a different team, sorry guys. :p) most of the time, but my room just gets so HOT! So what I do is fold on both my PC and Mac when I'm using it, and when I go to bed I shut the PC off and let the Mac fold all night.
I moved in a city where there are nasty power outages that ruined a stick of RAM on three seperate occasions. Eh, that's 3 damaged sticks of RAM in total. Of course, I did the dishonest thing and RMA'd the damn RAM (two dual channel kits). I have a Tripp-Lite UPS now so that won't happen.

But, an Uninterruptible Power System will only run your machine for a limited time. So, if I'm going to sleep, there's no way I'm going to leave my machine on. That's too bad because I've never narrowed the problem. I keep on thinking my Seasonic S-12 has a function that cuts off the electricity too much when there is a loss of power.

Whatever the problem is, it's got me paranoid. So, I can't leave my machine on. Would be fun to do file sharing :(
I turn it off cuz I sleep pretty much next to the thing and its pretty loud at night. That and we've been getting a lot of thunderstorms around here lately.
I used to leave my system and monitor on when not in use.

Due to the consciousness raising regarding conservation and the environment, I shut down now when not int use (i.e. leave house and sleep).
As of today, there are 106 who have voted in this poll as "On."
A good portion of us are folding for the [H]orde :) ,
and some are folding for other teams :) and :confused: ,
and it seems that there are others who leave it on but are not folding :( .

Fold: Save the cheerleader, save the world!

I used to leave it on all the time, but I recently started having it go into standby after 1 hour of not being used.
main pc:
usually turn it off when i go to work since im usually gone for a good 10-11hrs and it usualy gets hot during the day time. i leave it on when im sleeping though cuz i usually have music playing while i sleeep and virus check usually runs around that time.

file server:
i leave it on 24/7..too much of pain to turn off and on with all the mapped network drives and such. plus its only a dual p3 machine.

edit: i voted on anyways. there should be a 3rd option! hehe
You mean you check for viruses ever night? :rolleyes:

Network drives shouldn't need reconecting if you switch you server off.
3 boxes on 24/7 folding away. When we find the cure, all you non-folders can give me a dollar towards my electric bill :p

I log into mine from work, so on. No way to wake on incoming mstsc, sadly :(