Leave it On or Off

On or Off

  • On

    Votes: 170 61.8%
  • Off

    Votes: 105 38.2%

  • Total voters
On, always. I move in/out every 3 months for school (co-op), and my linux desktop (C2D, etc) basically is settled in, turned on, and turned off 3 months later. Nearly the same with my laptop, its either running off AC in its dock, or I pop in the battery and take it around, returning it to its dock. Only time its off when its traveling really. Haven't noticed any ill-effects; upgraded/cleaned out cooling on the laptop, and the desktop is WC'd.

Yeah, I'm not helping the carbon issue. I am, however, doing my best to kill the beast.

I try to remember to put Vista onto sleep mode whenever I go to bed, and then go to work.

Just a single desktop, so no need to have it up all the time
! What a waste of electricity to run it 24/7

Used to be in the old days it was better to leave it on....., no longer true

But this is the 21st century for Christs sake!

Turn it off if you don't need to..... please, just takes a second
Mine stays off unless I'm using it. Even my Windows Home Server beta box stays off unless I plan on tapping in to it for some reason. I'll leave both on overnight once in a while for the PC backup to run.

My three folders stay on 24/7/365
I leave 3 at home on 24/7 except for storms for folding, plus they keep my basement office warm.

I leave em on 24-7 baby all for the [H]orde and the fight against evil diseases and the people that have lost the battle.

Folding Stats under: enigma1983
I leave my server on 24/7, but my main rig is off when I'm not using it now. Crappy job done with the central air, so my room sees next to no cooling. F@H on the server uses about 20 watts versus idle, so why not. When I start paying the electric bill I might start running all my systems again.
My computer is always running. It's really loud, and I love the white noise it creates. :D It makes me sleep better at night. I usually download during the night or run some kind of utility with long duration. Sometimes I run a server. Leaving the computer on also makes it last longer as the components aren't heating and cooling constantly causing them to expand and constrict.

I'll definitely look into Folding@home.

I always turn off my CRT.
I turn my main rig off at night since it is basically a light show and I wont be able to sleep with the LEDs on lol. I keep my server on for folding/torrenting etc all night. No LEDs in that computer :p
on, not because it's doing anything, but because it takes so bloody long to reboot :( 4 year old midrange PC with no reformatting ftl.