Kepler has taken to long, are you still waiting?

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Yep, it's a definite, obvious pattern. I already answered the question myself, just adding this.

A single 7970 won't be enough, and it's anything but quiet unless you keep it stock with fan on minimum. It gets annoyingly loud at around 38-40% fan, and hairdryer at 60, leafblower at 80.

Seeing as you don't have a 7970 in your sig, may i ask where you are getting this hair dryer at 60 and leaf blower at 80 noise numbers from?

mine OC's to 1075/1500 with 20% power tune and no increase in noise.
A single 7970 won't be enough, and it's anything but quiet unless you keep it stock with fan on minimum. It gets annoyingly loud at around 38-40% fan, and hairdryer at 60, leafblower at 80.

Not only am I experiencing the exact oposite but im willing to take a video to prove it. The thing sits silently at 30% fan for me and ramps up to 40 at the max. Also in terms of performance what resolution are you speaking of?
At 1920x1200 and 2560 I feel the 7970 handles most games without issue. Besides no single card will ever be enough for most people. People that want power are going to buy two of the best no matter what the performance. In honesty though I dont have a single game that my 7970 cant handle.
I got a sapphire 7970 and its not as noisy as yours. I cherrypicked mine out of returns and picked the best ocer :D
Not only am I experiencing the exact oposite but im willing to take a video to prove it. The thing sits silently at 30% fan for me and ramps up to 40 at the max. Also in terms of performance what resolution are you speaking of?
At 1920x1200 and 2560 I feel the 7970 handles most games without issue. Besides no single card will ever be enough for most people. People that want power are going to buy two of the best no matter what the performance. In honesty though I dont have a single game that my 7970 cant handle.

Crossfire support is pretty glitchy from what I hear... I run 2560x1600 and that's a dealbreaker. As far as fan speed, mine sat at 30% idle and would ramp to 46-48% with mild oc's (1120core) when left on auto. At stock it hit around 41-42%. At $550 the package just didn't impress me very much, performance was good, drivers were glitchy even in single-card for me, card was NOISY!
This is the way it has always been done here. its also a very large company so no one cares.

"Oh, it's done allll the time, it's not immoral." :rolleyes: It'll have NO effect on ANYTHING... /sarcasm.
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This is the way it has always been done here. its also a very large company so no one cares.

Personality test time!

How do you think repeatedly returning opened stock "to get the best one" affects prices?

a) They stay the same. :(
b) They drop! :D
c) They go higher! :mad:

Now how do you think it affects the returns policy?

a) Nothing! :(
b) They will make it 60 days! They like it when people play the system! :D
c) They will get rid of it or shorten it to stop this kind of thing! :mad:

Now how did you score!
Mostly a: You are hopeful, but might be delusional!
Mostly b: You are delusional!
Mostly c: You are a realist!

Next week: People who return hardware they have fried through user error for RMA!

when they hand me the best I take it

its the stinking rich bosses and owners that don't care.

You act like you never heard this before

when they hand me the best I take it

its the stinking rich bosses and owners that don't care.

You act like you never heard this before

Oh, it's nothing new, slimeballs tend to do it all the time, but the rest of us pay for it with poor return policies and higher prices. What you're doing is still wrong, sir ;).
you guys don't get it lol

we are where the returns go lol

So, you're still taking returns that should be properly tested and sorted, voiding their warranties, using them, then cherry-picking good overclockers to screw over people who would then buy them "open-box" with heavily-used cards. So classy!
Just bought Alan Wake, tried it on my laptop with Nvidia graphics, all kinds of weird tree and foliage flickering, glad I have AMD on my desktop. I really wish Nvidia had decent drivers.
So, you're still taking returns that should be properly tested and sorted, voiding their warranties, using them, then cherry-picking good overclockers to screw over people who would then buy them "open-box" with heavily-used cards. So classy!


Theses are the returns from all you stupid fucks that buy new cards on release just to try them out and then return them a day before they expire. They are perfectly good cards that half to go through the ringer thanks to the selfish shitholes that fuck it up for everyone

you all know who you are

Theses are the returns from all you stupid fucks that buy new cards on release just to try them out and then return them a day before they expire. They are perfectly good cards that half to go through the ringer thanks to the selfish shitholes that fuck it up for everyone

Rofl, I don't think too many people (myself certainly not) use several-hundred-dollar purchases for "rentals", you get banned at many retailers if you return excessively. People returning for legitimate issues (driver problems, broken, not as expected, etc.) are not "stupid fucks", they're normal consumers.
This whole thread is troll bait whether the OP intended it or not.
Move along.

Of course that's how it was intended. It starts off presenting the false dilemma of "You are either waiting for Kepler or you should buy the 7900s RIGHT NOW!" It's an AMD fan who wants to pump up AMD/hate on nVidia. He's one of the people who needs to feel "correct" in his purchase choices and pushing others to make the same choice is how he does that.

To answer the original troll question: No, I'm not getting a 7900 now. When the new nVidia series come out I might get one or the other, but more likely I'll just hang on to my 570. It does great for everything, I don't feel the need for something new. I might get something anyhow, depending on price because new toys are always fun, but I'm in no rush.
This whole thread is troll bait whether the OP intended it or not.
Move along.

Yeah, as another user noted, if you take a look at his post history it is a lot of troll bait like this, and he was even temp banned for it after it got really out of hand. Now he's at it again... :rolleyes:
I'll probably sell my SLI 570's and upgrade to the Kepler x80-equivalent. SLI is just too hot for my motherboard. Because of this Revodrive, I can't position the GPUs apart from each other. One of the GPU's runs too hot.
Yes, I'm still waiting, if only because I'm not budging from eVGA for the forseeable future. Though I'll admit, my interest in GPUs has faded considerably since I got my GTX580, since well... it works.
Though I'll admit, my interest in GPUs has faded considerably since I got my GTX580, since well... it works.

I feel the same way. I really want a new card because, well, they're new, but it's hard to justify $200-300 just to upgrade to a 7970. If the GK110 is really kick-ass, maybe, but even then it'll be hard to justify. Might have to "accidentally" knock my monitor off the desk and be forced to replace it with a 30".
The gk110 will not come out for a long time and it will have go up against the 8970 nvidia is getting a little behind in the game
The gk110 will not come out for a long time and it will have go up against the 8970 nvidia is getting a little behind in the game

Even if GK110 doesn't come out until August, it is hard to believe that AMD will be ready with another new card by then. Maybe a refreshed 7970, but I doubt it'll be an 8970. How long has it been since the 6970 was released? Nobody is on a 6 month schedule any longer.
I just gave out more infractions in this thread then I have so far all month long. Some of you need to remember that off-topic and insulting posts are absolutely not welcome here, even if you think the person they're directed at is some sort of shill fanboy troll. If you have a problem with something that's posted on this forum, report it and let us deal with it instead of trying to call out the troll on your own.

That's exactly the kind of behavior trolls want and if I were someone who started this thread just to wind people up, I'd be pretty damn entertained right now.
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